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19103678 No.19103678 [Reply] [Original]

Online Casinos as a source of income?

I dont mean gambling, because youre guaranteed to lose. Im talking about hedging bets, martingale systems and other tricks you can do to minimize losses.

Through that I've learned that to maximize winnings, you have to minimize it aswell. Let me explain

I made most of my money through roullettes, which has roughly 47% chance of winning everything you make an outside bet (Black/Red or Even/Odds). This is one of the best odds you're gonna get, its pretty much a coin toss. But you're not guaranteed to win in the long run because its all mathematically calculated to make you lose if you play long enough.

So I modified the martingale system a bit, so that it nullifies the house edge that will take all your money. Its very simple. Consider the following: In a 47% chance of winning game, what are your chances of winning $1? You will always attain that dollar, even if your first 5 bets lose, because the martingale system regains your losses. The problem is, you keep playing long enough and you'll eventually just keep losing.

So heres the idea: Put a hard limit on your earnings. 100$ a day maximum is very attainable. All you need to do is stop playing before the odds turn in the houses' favor. I've been putting this to the best and its been really effective. From one online casino site I make 100$ a day for 700 a week from my initial deposit of 1000$. Yes its pittance, but nothing is stopping you from doing this to 4 online casinos lets say.

of course you'd have to be a neet to do this, which is perfect for me right now with the corona lockdowns and shit.

It really IS that easy.

Id be more than happy to answer any questions below. I highly recommend roulette for this system. Especially live casinos, which are less likely to be rigged

>> No.19103746

>stop playing before the odds turn in the houses' favor
The odds are in their favor starting from the first bet.
Enjoy losing all your winnings on some day coming up in your future.

>> No.19103795

is this real

>> No.19103815

Yes, the house doesn't magically put themselves at a loss at the first couple rounds unless the wheel isn't really random

>> No.19103827

If you are a starting capital of 1000 and bet 5$ everytime, what are the chances you can get to 50$ a day with the martingale system?

I have been doing this for weeks, and have consistently taken home 100$ a day.

The only true weakness of the modified martingale betting is that you need a large capital to start with to minimize your losses.

It works like this:

initial bet: 5

If you win, bet 5 again until you lose.

Then you double that bet. If you lose you double it. Double it until you win. You will eventually win and get your money back.

Unless some freak event happens where it lands on black 13 times in a row, you'll always get your money back.

But the important thing is the large capital. With 2000 I was happilly betting 10$ per go. At some point I lost seven times in a row:


but because I had 2k, the ball eventually landed on black (as 47% of the time it will, at the very least) ad got my money back with profit

>> No.19103840


>> No.19103846

No you nigger I type like this so its easier to read

nigger. Stay poor

>> No.19104154

Based anon ive been doing this aswell just not on a consistent level

>> No.19104323

You always get wrecked eventually. Martingale is garbage there are better systems. I’ve personally experienced a 43 black streak, thankgood I didn’t martingale. But house edge always wins.

>> No.19104330

Learn statistics brainlet. Martingale works out to be the same probability as just betting the same amount & losing to the house edge over time. It just makes you feel better until you finally hit that inevitable losing streak & blow your bankroll. I actually use it deliberately if I'm at the casino & want to go do something else because it speeds up the process of either winning or losing - but the odds are the exact same & it's gambling, not investing.

>> No.19104352

I would usually call you a degenerate gambler but I've been playing crash recently and am up 1.4 ETH off of a £25 deposit.

>> No.19104369


Ive been doing this for 6 weeks straight have have netted 2.5k in the first week and 700 the following weeks consistently.

You're looking at it from theoretical, numbers only perspective, when in reality, theres always something that makes it work.

Did you know math still cant explain how bicycles stay upright while using it? Look it up.

Real world isnt always like math

>> No.19104414

This is retarded. You mean physics not maths, and yes it can

>> No.19104418

>Unless some freak event happens where it lands on black 13 times in a row
The numbers you give are 10 starting bet and 2000 capital. Your story doesn't even make sense: you claim that you lost seven times in a row, paying 10+20+40+80+160+320+640=1270. That would leave you with 730 left of your initial 2000, not enough to place another bet.
But let's imagine you're not larping and just "forgot" some detail. You can't afford to place an 8th bet, so you will lose your 1270 after 7 misses. At the beginning of each run starting with a bet of 10, there is a (.53)^7=1.2% chance of losing. Your claim of 100 per day means you make 10 runs per day. Your chance of 10 runs being successful is (1-(.53)^7)^10=88.9%. About 9 in 10. 9 out of 10 times, you win 100. 1 out of 10 times, you lose 1270. Does this sound like a good idea to you?
You didn't invent the Martingale system. Do you think casinos would exist if it was this easy to take money from them?

>> No.19104466

They literally cant. Theres theories but no actual definite answer.

Your odds reset for every new day. I know you want to show off your epic math knowledge, but im just a simple hustler. I can tell you what works for me and this does.

You're looking at food, theorizing how it tastes, postulating whether or not it would be savory, creamy and you're breaking it down to the amino acids and then saying you wouldnt like how it tastes

when you could just reach out and taste it.

I will post my casino history if you really want me to

>> No.19104483
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>Your odds reset for every new day

>> No.19104493

They steer into the fall thus stopping it. It is not complicated.

>> No.19104500

>You're looking at food, theorizing how it tastes, postulating whether or not it would be savory, creamy and you're breaking it down to the amino acids and then saying you wouldnt like how it tastes
And you're failing at adding 7 numbers for a larp
>I will post my casino history if you really want me to
Please do

>> No.19104515

OP is just a larping fag....

>> No.19104568

yeah for all I know he can be an online's casino employee shilling a retard method so people just subscribes and give out all their money.

>> No.19104588


Im not larping. Will post when I get home for lunch

>> No.19104638

I wanted to believe but then you say this shit when you also claimed you were in lockdown so fuck you glownigger

>> No.19104658

What casino sites are legit? I’ve been looking into this heavily, also looking for a real cash option but I’ve only found ones to transfer into btc. Not that I would be opposed, but real cash would be nice

>> No.19104683

Do you think 6 weeks of consistent gains is any guarantee your system is working....?

I feel bad for gamblers. There is this guy on youtube who does blackjack and card counting. He has to drive his cars for hours to find casino with a shoe that he can play on while counting. And at the end he's still a miserable faggot with no money

>> No.19104692

In the meantime, you avoided answering how casinos exist at all if it's this easy to take their money. If the math doesn't matter at all because "real world isn't always like math", how do they protect themselves against bankruptcy whenever a "simple hustler" like yourself discovers a ritualistic betting strategy like yours that allows for the extraction of unbounded sums of money? When their balance sheets come out in the negative, can they tell the banks that "real world isn't always like math" and they "can tell you what business strategies work for them and this does"?

>> No.19104729

I tried this once. I was playing dollar hands all day doubling every hand I lost. After a few hrs I was up a couple hundred bucks. Then it took 15 minutes for me to lose 2k. It takes 11 bad hands to lose 2k. Seems kind of stupid when you're just trying to win $1 hand at a time.

>> No.19104788

>throwing 5 bucks at a time for 47% rate
>get fucked every game at 53% rate just to recoup losses
based idiot

>> No.19104789

If you read the terms and service they can ban you at anytime. They can take your funds and say that you were using a system or cheating or manipulating or abusing or whatever words they want to say. If anyone was crushing a online casino at minimum they would just freeze/ban you from whatever game your playing

>> No.19104818


jfc im trying to figure out how to capture several thousand reports of casino earnings you niggers calm down

gyazo only records short clips


>> No.19104829


>> No.19104841

ok does anyone know an app like gyazo but records longer

>> No.19104870

Lol copypasta from blackhatforum, you forgot your casino refelink

>> No.19104911

Martingale is the eternal brainlet magnet. Every couple weeks another biztard falls for it.

>> No.19104916

nah suck my cock you dumb nigger


manycam flipped the recording for some retarded reason. Unflip it and play as your own pace to see its not bullshit.

I started recording at the 900 euro mark because my laptop was slowing down from loading an infinite page. I started with 200 and worked my way up to 2500. I took out several hudnreds a long the way thats why the bankroll didnt change even though i kept winning.


>> No.19104930

Infinite martingale is retarded because you dont have infinite capital.

Therefore, a martingale with a hard limit is the way to maximize your wins. This isnt a hard concept to understand.

>> No.19104940

I´m impressed. OP took retardedness to a whole new level.

>> No.19104945

>>2.5k in 3 days
>waaaw ur so retarded OP

stay poor

>> No.19104952

wtf its literally just a guy jerking off, dont click it

>> No.19105011

martingale is a meme

>> No.19105052

You have been lucky, that's what gambling is. You very well could have had a streak that destroyed you on your very first run of it could be your next, you have just been lucky to win so far.

>> No.19105092

where do you think you are?

>> No.19105124

More power to you anon if your winning, but don't think your system is the reason, it's luck.

>> No.19105208

you're retarded
there's no way to profit long term in dumb games like roulette or slots

if you create a model for sports betting you could profit, but it's very very very hard to beat the odds and house juice (7%) since the odds are like a stock market they adjust based on the market

>> No.19105261

based and empiricistpilled

>> No.19105281
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You don't understand math, probability, or statistics

>> No.19105332

You dont understand gambling. It seems to me you all made up your mind before you even attempted to begin.

Meanwhile im here reaping the rewards and buying more prostitutes for the night

>> No.19105545
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>buying prostitutes
Anon you could be making a grand a night and you’ve still lost

>> No.19105631
File: 14 KB, 255x247, pepe-loser-forehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make my living from gambling on online casinos and I will never tell you pajeets how

>> No.19105677

>I made most of my money through roullettes, which has roughly 47% chance of winning everything you make an outside bet (Black/Red or Even/Odds). This is one of the best odds you're gonna get
WTF. I work at a casino, You have a better chance of winning playing perfect basic strategy blackjack than roulette, and that's without even counting cards.

>> No.19105709

Get the fuck out off this board then.

>> No.19106119

Actually, the best odds at the casino is after the come out roll on the don’t pass line. The house edge is about 0.02% and gives the player true odds for any amount laid behind the don’t pass line.