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19094805 No.19094805 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder, you have no excuse not to own at least 10k of these

>> No.19094853

still can't believe biz woke up to UBT at 30 cents kek

>> No.19094947

They still havent

>> No.19094975

bought 1k today
what am I in for?

>> No.19095038
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being mad at yourself for not buying more

>> No.19095405

no interesting breadcrumbs,
no explanation of the usecases
who's in the team? what have they done in the past?
who are they partnered with?

Don't make threads just telling people to buy shit. They'll just think it's a pnd.

>> No.19095431

Anyways.. I'm not holding any although I had 8k ubt and sold it. It's a legit project and very undervalued.

>> No.19095440

How long until you dump? I'm feeling an hour or two tops. You pajeets will run out of money at 35 cents a share?


>> No.19095524

I only have like 6k ._. but I also want to have at least 10k

>> No.19095529

pointless token

>> No.19095590

I had 50k and sold 40k of it around 15c
buyin was 4c so I'm not that mad but still...

>> No.19095599

sure buddy see you in 2h

>> No.19095646

what exchange? how the fuck are you supposed to find exchanges on coinmarketcap now? cant find it anymore. how do i buy in burgerland?

>> No.19095665


>> No.19095905

idex. on CMC exchanges are listed under Market Pairs, the button is right above the chart

>> No.19096827

I'm new to crypto.

Why is this something worth investing in compared to something like HEX which has a similar growth rate?

>> No.19096864

i dont give a fuck if you think its a pnd, is this your first time on this board you low iq currynigger?

>> No.19096898

Look up the EEA, thats enough spoonfeeding for today

>> No.19096911

Burgers can't buy on KYC'd Idex.

How does a dex get KYC'd anyway? Absolute bollocks. I know it's not give-ID-level, but still IP bans and requiring staff approval is mega fucking queer

>> No.19097540

>growth rate
read up or lose money

>> No.19097709

The only token I feel bad missing out on. Chico let me know when this was 1 cent and I thought it was a shitcoin

>> No.19097770
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At least you listened to him about HEX though, Poodar.

>> No.19097880

I’m going to tell you what my supposedly crypto-expert friends told me when I first got into crypto: “buy cardano and Aion!”

I went all in on those two. It was May of 2018. I got absolutely fucked. After that I figured shit out for myself and now they’re holding bags and I’m loaded.

My point: First you gotta get fucked and then learn to think for yourself. Then you can make it like us.

>> No.19098219
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>Reminder, you have no excuse not to own at least 10k of these
You're prob right anon... I feel ashamed.
I just can't resist swing trading.

>> No.19098335

When is this shit gonna be listed on non pajeet tier exchanges...

>> No.19098516

UBT team doesn't care about centralized exchanges. If any CE wants to list them then they are free to contact them, but they will tell them to fuck off if they have to pay millions for listing.

>> No.19098925

I don’t even think big centralized exchanges are that great anymore. You can easily use them as a fiat ramp just to send to mew and do a token swap using kyber or uniswap without even having to use metamask now.

Hex, esh, and ubt already proved you don’t need these exchanges to moon hard

>> No.19099137

Anon is UBT poised for a 5x till july or something coz I'll be hopping off the ESH/Ghost train tomorrow with 30 ETH to throw around on 2-3 coins.

>> No.19099190

This x1000.

There is wisdom in failure and beauty in pain.

>> No.19099257

Just an fyi. I firdt learned about UBT right here on this board it was .02 or less at the time. I procrastinated and didnt get in until .075 though

>> No.19100252
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Fuck was that ?

>> No.19100850
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>> No.19100898

Im honestly tempted to sell 5k of my stinkies (still have 10k left over) to buy ~50000 more of these. Someone talk me out of this

>> No.19101197


I think UBT will settle for the next few weeks somewhere between 0.25 and 0.35 cents. But don't take this for granted because as soon as a daily candle closes above 0.40 cents then there is no more technical resistance and it goes into price discovery mode where the price can shoot up over 1 USD - Remember Chainlink!

Consider also that UBT did already a 50x since November 2019. That was just 6 months ago. But in march it went down to ~0.05 USD so I guess that was the time of a big shake out where many lost their large bags to stronger hands. That's why I think that UBT has right now are more sustainable growth and won't drop under current conditions below 0.20 USD anymore.

Recent Chico crypto video also mentioned that they are involved in something very big about tracking Coronavirus Kits on blockchain... in colab with LINK.

I would either wait for the next dip. I would probably start to buy in at 28 cents with 33 percent of my cash and then DCA the rest of it weekly.

>> No.19101350

UBT is going to $20 screencap it