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19091931 No.19091931 [Reply] [Original]

>reddit has ETH integrated
>4channel doesn't even have upvote button

>> No.19091990

We get paid in (you)s dipshit

>> No.19092027

I am afraid that reddit is for once, based
Anyone denying that is just low T

>> No.19092052

>I am afraid that reddit is for once, based

>> No.19092064

How exactly is integrating tokenized upvotes in the form of an ERC20 shitcoin, that can be bought on the open market
and abused by pajeet spammers, based?

>> No.19092068

Can't you give people dogecoin there too?

>> No.19092100

we have the 'kill jews' button

>> No.19092112

this. ill take a (you) over a thousand upvotes

>> No.19092120

There's no fucking hive mind here, that's probably why investors here do better.

>> No.19092122

Gracias, right back at you

>> No.19092137

>ETH integrated
So do the posts stay on chain?

>> No.19092147
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>> No.19092150

We have brap, milkers, niggercoin, and a shitload of others. Rebbit is just taking our content and watering it down so as to not offend anyone again.

>> No.19092305

>Rebbit is just taking our content...
What content? This place is dead. Only breaking ath could restore this place

>> No.19092330


>> No.19092547

>hurr, no leupboat button
fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.19092649

>>4channel doesn't even have upvote button
I hope this is bait

>> No.19092665


>> No.19092710

>no upboats
its really no joke. 4chan is so behind on tech things...cant do upvotes....doesn't use react, etc.
embarrassing really.

>> No.19092798

Honestly this board is perfection, technologically speaking. Who the fuck needs any of that stuff, plus JS is shit, (((frameworks))) are even more shit and will slow down website performance anyway

>> No.19092853
File: 16 KB, 378x518, 4chan pass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan used bitcoin long before reddit

>> No.19092880

Upvotes would destroy this place. Part of its allure is having to sort through all the crap with your own intuition, not with what the fucking "mass"* thinks is upvoteworthy.

* Regards, pajeets and bots.

>> No.19094027


>> No.19094131



Opinion discarded

>> No.19094581

anyone here know what happened to BlockChan?

>> No.19094609

Here is a (you) friend.

>> No.19094612

you can buy a 4chan pass with btc

>> No.19094752

Literally printing money right now.

>> No.19095404


No you silly goose how else would the onions filed mods b& anyone who isn't a globohomo dick sucker

>> No.19095448
File: 9 KB, 191x263, D47926FC-4D64-4270-A7B8-A1AD40C33EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan niggers btfo

>> No.19095453

Stop it right this instant, you hyperinflating kike.

>> No.19095500

go back

>> No.19095525
File: 295 KB, 850x850, 1578887440675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4channel doesn't even have upvote button
If you allow upvotes you've have a bunch of people with useless opinions whoring for them rather than presenting an honest opinion. go back to your hivemind, nigger

>> No.19095563
File: 86 KB, 366x421, Screenshot_20200514-155056_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19096431

how have i never used that feature

>> No.19096575

>/biz/ doesn't have integrated Erc20 tipping
>(you)'s dont pay us in BAT
imagine this board with more shitcoiners, i can hardly wait

>> No.19096679

>4channel doesn't even have upvote button
you clearly don't understand the logic behind 4channel if you're complaining about upvotes.
go back to cuckeddit, faggot.

>> No.19096819

We got fren cash

>> No.19096845


>> No.19096894

Have an Upboat kind stranger!

>> No.19097004

Fuck upvote. I dont want discord trannies downvoting nigger memes.

>> No.19097016
File: 114 KB, 579x570, 7129381923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit has ETH integrated
>4channel doesn't even have upvote button
/biz/ is my newsroom, miles ahead of cc
reddit has usernames, and opinions that carry from post to post
sorry but ill farm with you idiots instead

>> No.19097032

Nice, now I can buy shilling

Nobody used it. Who wants permanent posts that can be linked to your address? If the address ever got doxxed, so does everything you every wrote. And while that's a risk on any imageboard this would be far more likely. At some point someone will do a decentralised chan properly.

>> No.19097039


>> No.19097059

sometimes I wish there weren't IDs, sometimes I wish there were flags

>> No.19097067


>> No.19097079

reddit is chicom bullshit.

>> No.19098146


>> No.19098237

Nah the number of (you)s is backed by number of autists in the world. Its deflationary currency. Also 1 based= 10(you)s

>> No.19098292

Have a (you) for cope after narrowly missing trips.

>> No.19098749
File: 215 KB, 1200x879, 1546115013264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol not having an upvote button is the best thing about 4chan. I want to read all opinions, not just hwat some dumbfucks think is popular.

>> No.19098777

100%. Fuck upvoting. It's for niggers with loose buttholes