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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19090890

What happened to the crash?

>> No.19090895

first for fuck anime

>> No.19090904

Where's the nhentai tag?

>> No.19090914

It got cancelled.

>> No.19090923

This market is insane.

and now we go down again, dear god, make it stop already

>> No.19090924

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.

>> No.19090934


>> No.19090938
File: 211 KB, 1080x2160, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of chart is this

>> No.19090940


>> No.19090944


>> No.19090952
File: 483 KB, 1024x966, super comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People yesterday were calling for the dip. Everything is still at discount prices though.

>> No.19090953

lol faggot cant to play pubg

>> No.19090957

priced in dipshit
stocks never go down

>> No.19090958


>> No.19090963


>> No.19090964

Hope you enjoy catching the falling knife you stupid newfag

>> No.19090965


>> No.19090980

What about the last two days? Just close your eyes and forget about it?

>> No.19090983

Newfags happened.

>> No.19090989 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 421x370, Quock - tegan & sara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.19090992
File: 18 KB, 310x310, 1444338299187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bobo but the crash is over

>> No.19091003

should have kept it as 'inflation'

someone changed it to 'big dick' and it was spotted

>> No.19091005

That's only because you have no chance of doing that 100%, communist scum.

>> No.19091010


>> No.19091013

lots of retards here hold 283 and 285 calls

>> No.19091025

What should I buy

>> No.19091027

I buy every dip. Just wait it out.

>> No.19091028
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Oh wow it's a nothing burger, get fucked bobo

>> No.19091036
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Imagine not holding gold miners or gold miner ETFs right now

>> No.19091040

Gottcha, I am closing my eyes too!

>> No.19091043
File: 206 KB, 991x672, 0T89LKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frens I bought 1 stock why are my monies worth less now

>> No.19091045
File: 67 KB, 600x506, greenwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well would you look at that

>> No.19091049

Next retest of 2800 will crush the floor and its gonna be rugpull.

You are warned mumus. Not safe here for u yet.

>> No.19091051
File: 118 KB, 1127x686, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How terrifying fren

>> No.19091062

Haha you got the joke good job newfriend :) Do you need a link to Plebbit? :)

>> No.19091067
File: 280 KB, 384x216, spurso.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepe u gotta be pateint :DDD

>> No.19091069

take your meds

>> No.19091070

>Takes out the nhentai link
>Puts in a Reddit tier suicide prevention website

God I hate the faggot who keeps doing this.

>> No.19091072

I fought the FED and the FED won

>> No.19091085
File: 111 KB, 314x314, 1505731834946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nigger pumpers
i want cheapies

>> No.19091092

where is that little faggot who definitely didn't get out of TVIX and will be btfo tomorrow?

>> No.19091094

How, what have you done? Buying x200 leveraged puts?

>> No.19091095

what a fucking nigger - jeez omg what the FUCK

>> No.19091099
File: 158 KB, 1115x610, 1503252099646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cramer told everyone to start buying this afternoon. Patient boomies got a 2nd slice of buy the dip pie.
Goddammit I'm out of powder again.

>> No.19091110

weak as shit

>> No.19091115

it really reeks of fucking reddit

>> No.19091119

Suicide Prevention Feline

>> No.19091127
File: 64 KB, 250x250, 30cf17a79fe1d8371a3eaf8164ff5257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are warned mumus. Not safe here for u yet.

>> No.19091135
File: 25 KB, 650x638, 1458743740026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone in here just short tvix so it goes back to 800

>> No.19091138

come on. i just want one more dip to get back in...please

>> No.19091139

>the last two days?
-2%? lmao

>> No.19091143

One more reason, why this will dump back down.

>> No.19091144


Normies have really lost confidence with market. It will have an effect.

>> No.19091151
File: 131 KB, 667x644, schiffed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone changed it to 'big dick' and it was spotted
>getting mad over 'big dick'

Mining stocks only works now because the fundamentals are in place. Miners can still be seized by the government. Forget ETFs, go and hold PHYSICAL gold but I wouldn't recommend it since we're not heading into recession.

>> No.19091161

They nuked bonds and that freed up 7T for wall street to move to stocks.

Not very complicated. Get ready for a few years of very expensive stocks!

>> No.19091162


>> No.19091168

nobody is mad about it
im just saying, when it said 'inflation' it was inconspicuous, you know, because thats an actual term in economics

>> No.19091173

I'm up over $1500 today because of my gold miners. Feels good.

>> No.19091175

2944 to 2800 is 2% nowdays. Gottcha, closing my eyes very hard right now. I am even trying to forget about math. What else bulls, what else do i have to do?

>> No.19091185

fucking poooomp eeet i'm going to turn these 10k into 60k by tomorrow at this rate

>> No.19091189
File: 53 KB, 388x399, 1588024338125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSFT still wont pump with the market.

>> No.19091191

the daily lunch pump is such a fucking scam
>give me a break to get a drink and fuck around for a bit you assholes

>> No.19091200

Fuck you, I did that and it's clearly ironic you fucking mong. I hope you do fucking kill yourself.

>> No.19091206
File: 6 KB, 372x268, 1470063095388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck YOU
stocks are overvalued

>> No.19091209

I guess we can kiss goobye to those March lows. This shit will never go down again.

>> No.19091217
File: 7 KB, 295x195, 2020-05-14 19_21_29-S&P 500 Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like anticyclical

>> No.19091219

I however did not remove the hentai. Fuck anime but that link is based.

>> No.19091223

>if I cross my fingers stock prices go up
Uhh anons?

>> No.19091230

MSFT has been trending down before the dip. You might want to get out now.

>> No.19091233
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 1585762558767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls ready to get dumped on end of day?

>> No.19091235
File: 981 KB, 2185x2185, 79d14553d809eba49793ad74d815f0f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobbo where you at.you little bitch.

>> No.19091243

Wtf is wrong with that shitcoin of a stock? It's my largest position

>> No.19091252
File: 176 KB, 848x1200, 1587389883473_7156485961405832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I find out any of you are long Wayfair...

>> No.19091253


>> No.19091269

I swear to god. This is dumb af. Another 3m added to unemployment during "recovery"....on top of the 33m already on unemployment...


>> No.19091272

bought in two weeks ago when I learned incels hate it

>> No.19091289
File: 611 KB, 1303x1026, 2020-05-14 14:24:48_369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19091294
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>dow joans and s&p 500

>> No.19091297
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>> No.19091303
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1365, 1558859383385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based jerome letting the market dip to dab on bobos one more time

>> No.19091310

284 calls?

>> No.19091312

You havent realized the numbers are irrelevant at this point? All they do is add more millions and it still goes green

>> No.19091320


>> No.19091324

Market moves on news that aren't reported yet.
No one gives a shit that morons like you get to read yahoo finance 3 or 4 days after the actual news breaks.

>> No.19091325
File: 7 KB, 619x103, 2020-05-14 19_27_01-Stocks making the biggest moves in the premarket_ 3M, Cisco, SmileDirectClub, St.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unimaginably BASED

>> No.19091334

Amen fren

>> No.19091335

Based and divvypilled. Gonna get a cold hard $250 next month from KO divvyfren.

>> No.19091337
File: 591 KB, 733x822, 1520881873001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it will go down more soon, whether you like it or not.

>> No.19091342

>stocks are overvalued
>ID: RaT
Fucking poorfag

>> No.19091350

damn dude his power level is off the charts, fuck it i'm going long

>> No.19091360
File: 48 KB, 960x720, 1571802284081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant imagine being a tesla or amazon wagie
even walmart treats their slaves better

>> No.19091362

>I was just pretending to be retarded and copy Reddit, XD. It's called irony, you wouldn't understand.
Okay, retard, but you're not funny and your attempt at irony is cringy. Unironically stop posting.

>> No.19091366


>> No.19091368


Wells fargo down 20%
>Stock up 10%

>> No.19091369

the only thing going down is the value of your puts anime faggot, capitulate or die

>> No.19091370

>ordered back to work
do americans really?

>> No.19091378

Kek, glad I bought the RTX and WFC dippy

>> No.19091380

>buy SPXS
>market goes up
>buy SDOW at what I think is the top
>briefly goes down then climbs higher

>> No.19091384

are divvy stock worth getting if you are poorfag? like less than 5k

>> No.19091388


>> No.19091389

>retarded for buying calls a day before it hits your strike price for easy gains

>> No.19091397
File: 169 KB, 1024x647, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19091406
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>> No.19091412

The poorer you are, the more valuable they are.

>> No.19091419

Why do people here think they're the next Buffett or something? You can't predict price movements especially not with "trending down below the dip" How delusional you faggots can be? It's all chaotic and no one fucking knows if the line will go up, left or sideways. So stop with your useless fucking "predictions".

>> No.19091424
File: 14 KB, 236x282, 1671094abb5fc7703470fa508113111a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to go back to work

But you're not going to sit at home and collect unemployment because you don't wanna go back to work

Do foreigners really not understand why American companes beat out the rest of the world

>> No.19091429

yes and i love riding every wave

>> No.19091431
File: 175 KB, 400x400, 1584363608689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19091432

You have a 28k position in Coke? Nonsense, post proof or GTFO.

>> No.19091434

Are they going to put all that's left back on the shelf or do the employees get to take the extra home?

>> No.19091438




>> No.19091445

Yes because you're literal slaves who get paid nothing and have no days off. I rather have rights than perpetual growth.

>> No.19091452

Yes. Drip + Time + buying more = fat green bag when your an old man. That's what your 401 does, funny how no one really gives a shit about them, just add more and let them ride till retirement time hits.

>> No.19091453

>buy high sell low
>always sell before unemployment numbers are announced
>buy the bad news
am i doing it right guise?

>> No.19091457

How was I copying reddit?

>> No.19091458

I've lost enough money for today, fuck this I'm done.

>> No.19091459

bobo is more than ok having 4 red days in a row

>> No.19091460
File: 145 KB, 647x548, old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for tankers!

>> No.19091463

>bought 5 shares of CODX at $27
>"he bought? DUMP IT!!!!!!!"

>> No.19091466

yes you lazy fuck

>> No.19091470

who the fuck keeps shilling WFC
why the FUCK would anyone put money into wells fargo

>> No.19091474

>I did
Well you're an unfunny retard
>also your knee-jerk cope is pathetic

>> No.19091475

where do I get solid basics on technical analysis? Would prefer some kind of video format. Can be behind a paywall, if it can be found on the torrents.

>> No.19091477


>> No.19091486
File: 16 KB, 1017x157, 2020-05-14 14:35:32_370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude but ok.

>> No.19091487

im still aiming for 283.75

>> No.19091491

looks like spx made the high of the day, 275 soon.

>> No.19091496

>slaves who get paid nothing and have no days off.

>> No.19091500

from coked up gambling addicts who are convinced they can see the future based on the past

>> No.19091502

based KO

yes however you should balance income and growth based on your age and risk tolerance.

>> No.19091505

lmao CODX in the last three minutes

>> No.19091509

>SPX +0.5%
>MSFT -1%

>> No.19091518

Small dick poorfags btfo

>> No.19091521
File: 197 KB, 500x626, 1541408562331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb bobo

>> No.19091523

I’m pissed, woke up to 100% gains on spy and I took a nap thinking its gonna increase like a greedy shitbag
>jpow with the banger in my dreams
Back to reality and 0% on an option expiring tomorrow.

>> No.19091526

285 is more likely

>> No.19091531

is it gonna open more red tomorrow or green? idk if i should buy now or wait

>> No.19091534

Federal min wage is $7.25 and Americans have literally no paid leave by law. They have no vacation days either. Land of the free my ass.

>> No.19091549

5x or more?

>> No.19091552

well it's the law. if you are OFFERED full time work and choose not to come in you are not entitled to unemployment. but the unemployment system is notoriously easy to exploit because they never audit anyone.

and in california, after 3 months your leave becomes non-job-protected and they can terminate you. im currently terminating faggots at my work because they're too scared to return from their leave of absences because muh virus and muh children.

>> No.19091551

it's not even gonna open anon... it's all ogre...

>> No.19091553

You're free to slave your life away
The ability to sell oneself into slavery is the ultimate freedom

>> No.19091555

my amala says theres a good fifty fifty chance of either happening

>> No.19091561
File: 2.85 MB, 200x234, 02d1281a9b2c2a6d15ee18faa8da34200e34b607ce7d6423e41d1bb337e9b621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eod dump and opening bell tomorrow will put us at dow 22k tomorrow

>> No.19091564

Didn't you already buy the intraday dip?

>> No.19091576
File: 34 KB, 710x720, 1586197957863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bullying bobos

accept reality

>> No.19091580

Buy the dip, we're going 24k next week.

>> No.19091582

we have more upward mobility than your shithole country

in America you're free to fail, there's risk and grit involved

that's why we have the geniuses of the world and giant trillion dollars tech companies that started in a garage

fuck you faggot

>> No.19091583

what would be a good example? I think the marketsniper might have some good lessons, but is there maybe something even better?

Btw. I'm more on fundamentals then technicals, but it's still important to get a feel to understand the market. Even if it's mostly about being able to fully understand a chart. For example seeing where people are starting to buy in or sell in large droves. These points really do exist and can give you clues on where to buy or sell.

>> No.19091584

Nah just 1x. Levvy is the way to get fucked and I DON'T get fucked. Worst case I baghold this until I can give it to my grandsons (not granddaughters, they're all probably gonna be skanks by that year).

>> No.19091585

delusional doomsayer

>> No.19091586

>but the unemployment system is notoriously easy to exploit because they never audit anyone
Tell me more about this

>> No.19091587

Kek, I've got paid vacation and sick leave. But I work for a state govt though. I'm getting paid to sit on my ass and watch training videos from home.

>> No.19091591

>waaaaaa, it should be law people have to give me money to literally not work
>Land of the free my ass.
You're free to quit your job and go on vacation.

>> No.19091596


>> No.19091597



Its just huge fake bump tricking them all.
Thats why whales are whales.

>> No.19091601

ahaha based
I wonder if PPT will hold the line for whatever reason or they overheat into the close
sus but good luck

>> No.19091602

What rights do you think you have that Americans don't?
They popularized linking suicide prevention websites every time a even mildly sensitive subject is brought up, which probably just encourages more people to kill themselves but they don't really care as long as they get upvotes and get to virtue signal.

>> No.19091608

But this is supposed to be the golden bull run now right? RIGHT?

>> No.19091617

T-Bills have double digits returns as of late

>> No.19091621

Show me someone who moved from the US to your shithole European country. I've met many who've done the opposite

>> No.19091625
File: 176 KB, 634x1128, B7FC08D6-1F72-4FF9-A25F-064E62172E4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Ally!
Half of my account is my degeneracy

>> No.19091627

bro do you think theres a system in place to audit all 30 million people currently on unemployment? lmao

>> No.19091631

>you're free to fail
>looks at the bailouts

>> No.19091635
File: 25 KB, 490x313, 00mosley2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19091638


>> No.19091639

sell when line go up buy when line go down, i just saved you a bunch of effort

>> No.19091642

i refuse to believe this is unironic

>> No.19091652

>What rights do you think you have that Americans don't?
The right to other people's labor.

>> No.19091656

Oil is crashing this weekend. GTFO of oil

>> No.19091666
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>> No.19091672
File: 414 KB, 845x819, 1587135188547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys even choose puts or calls

how do you know which one is better

spy 285 or 292 or what and what expiry day

how the fuck am i supposed to know that


do you guys even understand or just buy them randomly?

>> No.19091670

I did the unemployment thing once. Didn't really need the money. But hey it was there you know. Had a large wad stashed in the bank. Spent 4 months on a long "vacation" before going back to work full time. Used the Govt check to buy a gun.

>> No.19091671

I'm so fucked... What ever I had $700 in this stupid account Tuesday and now it's at 8 grand.

>> No.19091673

Baggie why are you always (You)ing me? You don't have a crush on me do you faggot? I told you I don't roll that way. Queer.

>They popularized linking suicide prevention website
Well I didn't fucking know.

Why is everyone so triggered by reddit?

Are you guys triggered if I hit the enter key twice in a row?


>> No.19091674
File: 551 KB, 600x800, __amayadori_machi_and_kumai_natsu_kumamiko_drawn_by_nia_nia0627__7f38a02ce04bd19bb6fdfeae675ba5df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my QQQ
back into SQQQ now


>> No.19091686

i did but only half cause i was waiting in case it went lower

>> No.19091691

federal minimum wage is a meme anyways. there are shitholes in the USA where you can buy a house for $50,000 and live a comfortable life on $10 an hour.

>> No.19091693

>hurr no response so I'll respond with a book I was forced to read in school

looks like America wins again faggot

>> No.19091695

and Ive met american who moved into my totally not free shithole, your point? Some people dont want freedom so they move to USA, I really dont know what freedums mericans have avg europeen does not... I can even own guns
also based

>> No.19091710
File: 8 KB, 261x193, 99A2AB74-E1CA-479E-8D3F-5520FE742E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.19091713

>and giant trillion dollars tech companies
That's just economy of scale. Why does Russia have have Yandex and Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea got.... nothing? A Latvian website selling obscure niche market stuff wouldn't be profitable but a Chinese one would be, same as some mega-specialized forensic database optimization guy can be found in big companies but would have to sell himself as a simple admin in a small town. Same thing.

>> No.19091720

enjoy bagholding
pump it jermoe

>> No.19091723

you're derailing the thread by being triggered by a dumb joke, congratulations you are just as bad as your average reddit poster

>> No.19091736
File: 282 KB, 500x400, 1587398691115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice decreasing volume :)

>> No.19091737

>Used the Govt check to buy a gun
I would get you a drink on my tab if I could anon.

>> No.19091738

Americans don't even know where europe is.

>> No.19091744


>> No.19091747

Stonks went down today ;^(

>> No.19091751
File: 151 KB, 640x799, E7C3C3F9-CF18-486C-A812-94FA576CAE33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19091753
File: 40 KB, 492x258, in-soviet-russia-you-attack-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to read the book Technical analysis explained by martin pring and japanese candle stick techniques by steve nison.Udemy has some videos which I'm sure you can get from magnet search engines.
If you have less time

>> No.19091758


The amount of damage control is hilarious. You have no rights, you're literally just slaves. You have no universal healthcare, no unions, no free higher education and no real worker's rights. It feels like I'm describing an African country.

>> No.19091762
File: 50 KB, 718x350, casino-tables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gambling nigga pick a number and fuck off

>> No.19091764
File: 601 KB, 767x1000, __amayadori_machi_and_kumai_natsu_kumamiko_drawn_by_mizore_akihiro__8127fb1bac3c75c5f5a373839c24f67d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm i dont think so

>> No.19091768

fug, fake and gay pumps will drive it up on low volume

>> No.19091771

I literally have more money than you

>> No.19091774
File: 2.37 MB, 1563x792, 1589414180609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to invest :DDD

>> No.19091785

Of course no one is manually checking if people are unemployed or not.
But how can you claim to be unemployed while you are working? Don't companies have some regulations like declaring taxes for their workers or informing insurance companies about a new employee?
I get that you can do this in bars or doing manual work. But how would say a database administrator or a cashier claim to be unemployed?

So you actually were unemployed. What's the exploit here?

>> No.19091788

>you are just as bad
Does anyone fall for that shit anymore? Also, 1740 seems to be the limit for gold today so far.

>> No.19091792
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>sirs please do the needful and buy S & P five hundred

>> No.19091794

i know dozens of people employed by my work who have gone on leave of absence because the coronabux bill allows you to take LOA and collect unemployment if your children lack childcare because the schools are closed. now, every mexican has interpreted this as "if you have kids you get paid time off" and the state has no way of verifying with millions of people doing this.

>> No.19091799
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Nobody is an expert in this market. Some retards claim that they're a pro and made bank, but that's only because they're retarded, or they scam other retards to teach them how to trade. The only true winner here is the house you're gambling in. Six years in this shitty board made many of us better at spotting market trends though.

>> No.19091802

You're a regional power at best, Europe is irrelevant now

>> No.19091803
File: 23 KB, 488x463, hurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me have money me good me better than you.

>> No.19091806
File: 10 KB, 640x333, phone_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is its problem?

>> No.19091809
File: 69 KB, 720x960, ♥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, it's because you're always posting shit relevant to my interests, and the only person ITT that doesn't have me filtered? And for the record I'm not queer. I only lick pic related's balloon knot.

>> No.19091820


>> No.19091822

>Miners can still be seized by the government
lol not going to happen unless you're investing in miners that are operating in shithole dictatorships or something.

>> No.19091824

pretty sure those are banana futures or something like that

>> No.19091831

What are you holding? My calls on GDX are only up 10% today...

>> No.19091832

Pls revert and check the same anon

>> No.19091835
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what the fuck she looks like a balding yoko ono

>> No.19091839

>But how can you claim to be unemployed while you are working?
by saying they reduced your hours

>> No.19091840

Hurr me have bigger stick than you. Ooga ooga me better than you! ME HAVE MORE MONEY OOGA BOOGA OOOO OOOO AHHH AHHH

>> No.19091850

>Why is everyone so triggered by reddit?
These things have to be enforced to keep separate identities between the two sites and stop 4chan from just becoming reddit-lite. It's bad enough as it is with all the cross posters.
>One post by this ID
>Defending Reddit culture
Unironically neck yourself.

>> No.19091853

MSFT is stupidly still red. I would jump on it but my credit card expired and I can't deposit money into my broker. Anyone know wtf I can do? Everything still closed here.

I believe that completely heterosexual explanation. Also I would never filter you. I love you.

>> No.19091867

>lol not going to happen unless you're investing in miners that are operating in shithole dictatorships or something.
Yeah commiefornia is getting good at it.

>> No.19091873

>You have no rights, you're literally just slaves.
Read the Constitution.
>You have no universal healthcare
Why the shit should I pay for your health care, you AIDS-riddled faggot?
>no unions
Wrong. I wish.
>no free higher education
Work hard in high school instead of underage drinking and get a scholarship
>no real worker's rights
Want to dictate how a business is run? Start one yourself.
>It feels like I'm describing an African country.
That's your AIDS acting up again

>> No.19091890

>There people in this very thread that bought at the top, then sold at the bottom, then shorted the bottom

>> No.19091896

I'd rather be an irrelevant Norwegian than a "relevant" Russian

>> No.19091897
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fair enough

>> No.19091905

wtf I just realized Im running net long on trading acc today

>> No.19091909

When buying I look for either the next settlement date or the one after. I take a minute to draw a few fib levels on the chart. I craft a well thought out argument for up or down, and this week I've just been doing the opposite of the composed argument since I'm always wrong.

>> No.19091913

>I don't understand what rights are and I think that they are the amount of 'free' shit I get.

>> No.19091914
File: 107 KB, 1022x1024, 1587484647616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, this looks like a good time to start looking for an entry on spy puts.

>> No.19091919

Silvio are you insane?

>> No.19091930


>> No.19091933

tell your wife I'll be over later :^)

>> No.19091934

>stop 4chan from just becoming reddit-lite. It's bad enough as it is with all the cross posters.
You kinda have a point here. Still go fuck yourself.

>> No.19091941

No wonder why burgerland is not in this list

>> No.19091942

CODX halted after huge drop.

>> No.19091949

based satan


>> No.19091950
File: 173 KB, 693x608, 2020-05-14 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up or you will miss the golden bull run.

>> No.19091952
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Wayfair will close under 170


>> No.19091953
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How to spot a retarded American? Just listen for their primal like shrieks of m-muh constitutions. You can see whenever it's stumped they reach for their school-issued AR-15 and start blabbering and screaming "I-I GOT MORE MONEY!!! WE HAVE THE BIGGEST STICK! Y-YOU STUPID EUROPOOR"

>> No.19091958

two breakers. fucking algos...

>> No.19091966

Idk how this happened, one moment I was just chilling with my Swiss Franks and XLV long, few hours pass I also had Costco long, then I added MSFT...
I sold some XLV and Costco tho but Im still running long, only have oily putz on short side rn

>> No.19091967

The entry was 10 minutes ago at mid 283s I fucked up and got greedy and didn't get in

>> No.19091985

>Perma Bears what are you doing

This has literally been consistently happening throughout each week. There will be a huge rally and a drop due to something coming up. In the end it all goes up

>> No.19091998

>muh Russia

>> No.19092002


>> No.19092009

Hedge fund tweeted that they're shorting it due to the CEO's past.

>> No.19092019

The way to succeed in America is to be smart with your money and wait for opportunities to happen. Then you strike. Yes you work and all that creating a life for yourself but when good deals are presented you jump on them. Take the last housing market crash. A man with a large cash wad could practically "steal" a nice house for chump change. Then laugh cause his mortgage payment would be cheap as hell to boot. Now that man is rolling in money cause he's forking out less on his payments and his house value has gone up biggly as well.

>> No.19092020

broke upwards through the neckline but its failing to consolidate above... no bueno for the mumus

>> No.19092022
File: 76 KB, 900x900, 9E5146CC-C328-4C11-A525-BE4FE619B581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my EMAN bags at .78

>> No.19092026

If you get off on being a contrarian, then /v/ is the perfect place for you. It's all they fucking do over there.

>> No.19092028

I dislike perma bear assumption.
Ive been bearish on stonks for year or two, doesnt mean I will be bearish next 10 years
And it def doesnt mean Im running net short if Im bear, it means Im long something else

>> No.19092032

Im not so sure, I think there will be one more leg up.

>> No.19092035


I'm holding 220 at .46, I should have fucking sold during the call

>> No.19092037

In the end, it doesn't even matter

>> No.19092040

Won't it show in the accounts of the company eventually? They are required to do bookkeeping and keep records of their transactions.
So if someone claims his hours were reduced but they're still receiving the same salary that would be very suspicious.

>> No.19092041
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 1587969393408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bloodbath
lmao bobos that all you got?

>> No.19092042

I rage sold a bunch of puts near the top then bought some immediately after once it peaked. I'm right there with you man, this bullshit market needs to crash a good 2-3% one of these days and it will.

>> No.19092045
File: 322 KB, 551x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh Free shit

>> No.19092046

well there goes half of my profits

>> No.19092048

Welcome to capitalism newfag

>> No.19092062
File: 300 KB, 806x1156, 1589430884351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that no lagging technical indicator can accurately predict price movement and fundamental analysis is just speculation based on a companie's perceived value.

>> No.19092065

Now show all the counter examples. This looks like conformation bias.

>> No.19092067

i want to believe

>> No.19092066

bobos have -12% YTD on SP500 and -3.75% WTD

>> No.19092073
File: 58 KB, 570x537, 1544212940931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitdaq was barely green today. I've been holding some TQQQ since yesterday at $68. Been hoping for a bounce to low-70s.

>> No.19092085

Agreed. I’m a bear right now but I have long positions for various reasons. I’m just covering my own ass right now.

>> No.19092086

Yeah while millions of Americans lost their houses because a bunch of predators preyed on their weakness and gave them toxic mortgages with a variable interest that would literally be impossible to pay. But hey, at least you got a cheap house right?

Can you believe there are people so retarded that they think universal healthcare is bad? Literally every nation BUT FUCKING AFRICA AND SOME SHITHOLE COUNTRIES (US included) DON'T HAVE IT. Enjoy paying $4,500 for an infected toenail you stupid faggot.

>> No.19092092
File: 8 KB, 350x308, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant outpump it this time jerome

>> No.19092096
File: 115 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200514-130514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit Wayfair

>> No.19092097

stealing from the government always ends up being a gamble for how long it takes for the IRS to find out

>> No.19092098

can you link the tweet?

>> No.19092102


>> No.19092106


>> No.19092110

Same, bear on stock market in general but that doesn't mean i'm bear on every stock, I have plenty of DIS and some other long holdings.

>> No.19092117


>> No.19092126
File: 219 KB, 1205x1600, 1573838583770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's hodling CLIS? I'm 34% up on it and I got in late yesterday. Two weeks til the site launches but I'm not sure what to do in the meantime. If it dumps on open tomorrow like it did today I'll start selling at close and buying at open

>> No.19092128

>Universal healthcare
Our healthcare is fine. With Obamacare, everyone is insured. The issue is health insurance costs a shit ton now because everyone is insured. Literally the exact same shit as other countries, only the insurance comes in the form of taxes

>> No.19092129
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bobos, dont forget to long some gold aswell

>> No.19092165

People weren’t preyed upon. Retards lied about their income to live a lifestyle they couldn’t afford, and the banks didn’t do enough research to check anything. You don’t get tricked into buying a $500k house when you make $10 an hour

>> No.19092170

>/biz/ - Business and finance

>> No.19092173
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>> No.19092174

lmao how is this legal

>> No.19092208

Do it yourself, fucking fag.

>> No.19092218

This was compounded by Nebraska law makers putting out a letter wanting to cut contracts with two Utah based companies providing Kung-Flu tests. CODX is based in Utah but it was not one of the two companies named in the letter.

>> No.19092234

Check again.

>> No.19092238

Deductibles are not part of a normal universal healthcare. No one pays $100 just to go visit their physician. You won't be financially ruined if you get into a car accident or need to have surgery. The US does not have universal healthcare.

Are we talking about the same thing? The bank's job is to give out reasonable loans. Their fucking JOB was to make sure the debtor is capable of paying back the debt. The reason the banks gave so many toxic loans is because they just packaged it as CDOs and sold them off to other retarded banks and speculators. Stop victim blaming. I understand that it's hard for your American brain to understand the very basic situation but at least don't pretend you understand it.

>> No.19092247

CODX is a steal at these prices. ER will push this back in the 30s

>> No.19092267

>only the insurance comes in the form of taxes
Except with nationalized healthcare, there aren't a dozen layers of suits scalping the money with margins for their for-profit insurance companies, for-profit healthcare conglomerates, for-profit hospitals, for-profit doctors making 50000$ arm casts, etc.

>> No.19092270

>those replies

>> No.19092300

sounds like they posted this so they could buy the dip before earnings tonight

>> No.19092302

Correct, the money just goes to the suits in bureaucracy instead.

>> No.19092307

The victims are the CDO holders, not the retards that couldn’t pay their mortgage. I’m not victim blaming.

You’re a retard if you think people go broke in America due to healthcare costs. That hasn’t been a thing in over a decade. Most insurance plans have out of pocket caps, and some of those caps are as low as $1k per year.

>> No.19092309

Its 45 minutes to power dump and we are starting the red allready


>> No.19092320

Americans love bragging about paying more for worse healthcare, being proudly cuck'd is an brag to Americans.

>> No.19092323

>muh poor people
lmao no you imbicile its not the bank's job to make sure you can pay your mortgage thats the person applying for the loan's responsibility (as with literally any type of loan). greedy morons knew exactly what they were signing on to

>> No.19092343

I'm guessing we end around this level today and dip a bit again tomorrow.

>> No.19092369

>its not the bank's job to make sure you can pay your mortgage
it literally is tho. if they loan money and don't get it back they lose money. losing money is bad.

>> No.19092381

Here it comes, last train to get in SPY puts.

>> No.19092405

losing money is good because then you get bailout

>> No.19092414

>its not the bank's job to make sure you can pay
It is if it's a big loan that can cause trouble for the lender if it's not paid back. If you owe the bank $100,000, you've got a problem. If you owe the bank $100,000,000, then the bank's got a problem.

>> No.19092415
File: 158 KB, 850x1201, 1565788335824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that all that you have bulls?

this is everything?

>> No.19092417
File: 36 KB, 1024x819, AHAHAHAHHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pic

>> No.19092421

Both you and I know that they'll just get bailed out, regardless if they're in the US or Europe.

>> No.19092435

Didn't realize I was 75 years old. Neat.

>> No.19092436

Is it me, or is the only time to buy in the first two hours of the market hours for the best day price?

>> No.19092438


>> No.19092439

banks look at loans from a probability standpoint. no bank expects 100% of their debtors to be able to pay back all their loans

>> No.19092442 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1168x930, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those wondering why $CODX's dumping started sooner than expected.

Lucky me I sold everything this morning at $30 and then bought again the dip to $20 and I'm selling all again before market closes. This week for me has been historic. I have never before made this insane amount of money in just 2 days. I could buy 2 cars cash right now if I wanted.

>> No.19092455

>Person has to literally commit fraud to lie about income on a mortgage
>Dude it’s the banks fault they signed that piece of paper. Every bank should spend at least $2k on a private investigator for every mortgage

>> No.19092462

Brother, millions of people lost their house because they were lied to by banks and mortgage brokers. Who gives a shit if some wealthy cunt lost millions? They still have a roof over their heads.

>You’re a retard if you think people go broke in America due to healthcare costs. That hasn’t been a thing in over a decade. Most insurance plans have out of pocket caps, and some of those caps are as low as $1k per year.

Are you literally fucking retarded?

"And for many Americans who do pursue that last-ditch effort to rescue their finances, it is because of one reason: health-care costs. A new study from academic researchers found that 66.5 percent of all bankruptcies were tied to medical issues —either because of high costs for care or time out of work.Feb 11, 2019"


Jesus Christ, Americans are actually fucking retarded.

What the fuck are you talking about? It's in the bank's interest to give loans people can pay back. CDOs are a conflict of interest, because the bank doesn't care about the health of the loan because they unload that garbage to other people. People were drowned in paperwork and legalese to obscure the fact they won't be capable of paying a variable interest back. The banks and mortgages brokers were fully aware that they'll default on the loans but they did not care. The people were lied to and exploited. So yes, stop victim blaming.


Stop pretending you're some rich guy. We all know you're investing less than $10,000 and can barely afford to buy anything. You ARE poor. You are NOT some billionaire gaming the system. You ARE being exploited and left poor and stupid.

>> No.19092465

While I’m an American I’m actually I’m villa shopping looking to move to Morocco where my USD will go much farther.

Plenty of Americans move to poor countries because our money is so strong.

>> No.19092479
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>> No.19092503

Well I guess my retirement is secure cause my net worth is oh around 70k and I make shit. I'm not even 40 yet either.

>> No.19092506

This is all good posting, and correct. LARPers on this board think they are JP Morgan, but they are the shoe shiner.

>> No.19092538

>Dude it’s the banks fault they signed that piece of paper.
It literally is. They are lending yours and other peoples money to this guy. It's their responsibility that this guy can pay it back, otherwise what's the point of giving a bank your money if you can't trust them with it. Of course, this is all mute since they have no cash reserves now so you're stuck with them.

>> No.19092548
File: 73 KB, 1214x1140, 1588562957726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19092551

why is it so quiet right now.

>> No.19092554

I'm nearly all back,
Try harder bobo.

>> No.19092556



>> No.19092558

Of your study, 500,000 people filed bankruptcy, and 66% of people said healthcare was a primary reason they went broke, not the only reason. By the way, that’s 330,000 people, which is less than 0.1% of our country.

And as someone who pays his mortgage and his health insurance and health care costs, if I’m poor, then people who are going bankrupt due to mortgages or health costs are fucking retards

>> No.19092569

Everyone waits for the last half hour, when the big selloff begins
Better buy tvix, mang

>> No.19092571

calm before the storm fren

>> No.19092583

>that spacing
have you ever even taken out a mortgage in your life? they literally break down each and every cost, payment and fees so that even a drooling retard like you can understand. you dont pay a penny more than what you expect to pay into in payments

you can go back to r*ddit now

>> No.19092598

I don’t understand how you’re missing the fact that the people signing these mortgages committed fraud. The amount of money that would have to be spent to verify every single mortgage loan is way more than it’s worth.

>> No.19092603

Am all in. Tired of trying to time this shit, all I'm certain of is it will be volatile.

>> No.19092605

>CDOs are a conflict of interest, because the bank doesn't care about the health of the loan because they unload that garbage to other people.
The lad's got a point: securitizing consumer debt is bad for the economy in the long term. The only people who would defend it are the "fuck you, got mine" types who are hoping to cash out before it goes tits up so they can buy a stake in private equity firms.

>> No.19092619

Too bad the 1929 crash wasn't directly caused by reversable government action and coupled with trillions of dollars of cash flow.

If anything we'll get a crab market for another 2-3 months, then inflation will kick in and things will soar.

>> No.19092663

It's only cucked if you're part of the cattle and did everything daddy ZOG told you to do, instead of figuring out a way to abuse the system. I've come to understand that making money is extremely easy in this country. The only thing stopping anyone is ignorance. They are taught from an earlier age the exact wrong way how to do things. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner.

>> No.19092679



>> No.19092741

Most people here done trade. Just follow the lines and laugh at Bobo or bear.

I'd say about one in five posters actually trade

>> No.19092885

*clack* *clack* *clack* *clack* .... *click*

>> No.19092990

At least learn to LARP better, child. "You just have to do the opposite of what they told you as a child" is your great advice? Opposite of what, nursery rhymes? That's your financial secret?

It just goes to show you don't even know what to lie about, pathetic.

>> No.19093038

Kek. That should be a biz banner