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File: 933 KB, 1001x738, aslanangel01chaturbate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19086276 No.19086276 [Reply] [Original]

Should I dump my Chevron Stock? I have about 20 shares. I am tired of holding onto it. I should've sold back in February, but I've held through this whole crash. Starting to think I should've sold last week when it go back to $95

Do you guys think it will recover anytime soon, or would I be better off getting my money out of it?

>> No.19086299


>> No.19086304

who is this semen demon?

>> No.19086628

she's some bitch I jerked off to the other day while I was high on coke, now please, tell me what to do with Chevron. I've been holding this stock since 2013 when it was gifted to me at 100 dollars per share at the time. I just don't think I can see any great gains with it, and even holding it until it gets back to 100 seems stupid. I just want to sell it, but I want to make sure it's a good idea

>> No.19086713


Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.19086750
File: 913 KB, 988x722, asianangel01chaturbate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for the love of God give me investment advice! I have provided you with a screenshot of a qt asian girl who does camshows on chaturbate and I even included her username in the filename of the image! Please for the love of all that is holy give me your honest opinion on oil stocks and Chevron in particular. I told myself if it goes down to $85 I'll cut my losses and sell, but I'm wondering if I should even wait for that

>> No.19086833

(Like you said) You're a dumb nigger for not selling in Feb. But I say sell now bc its at $86 and its only gonna get lower in the near future.

>> No.19086939
File: 187 KB, 1375x773, hitlervape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kind of what I think, I don't doubt that it could recover in a year or two, but right now it all just seems pointless. If I had like 100k worth of CVX I probably wouldn't hold, but right now it's worth 1850 bucks for me, seems dumb to wait a year in the hopes that gets back to being $2000 worth

>> No.19087060

thats a man and youre a gay simp

>> No.19087123

What would you do with the money? Spend it on ethots?

>> No.19087189

>I just don't think I can see any great gains with it
You won't brother. You're unironically better off just throwing it into some /biz/ shilled crypto if you want any serious short-medium term gaIns, and this is coming from someone who hates flavour-of-the-month /biz/ shilled assets.

>> No.19087198

it's not a man you faggot I watched her stick things in her pussy. Also I don't pay for this shit so I'm not a simp

no, I'm looking to buy a used car but don't quite have enough money in the bank and my bank denied me a loan. It would go towards a car between 5 and 6k, I already have a couple thousand in the bank and I'm still employed. My only problem is I sold other stocks before the crash and threw it all into a shitcoin which has only dumped, and I can't bear to sell this shitcoin until I at least break even

>> No.19087306


You are a man of culture and good taste, so here is my advice: corona-chan will not go anywhere, so oil is still fucked.

>> No.19087360

Yeah but I've also heard people say that Chevron is the best positioned American oil company to weather the storm. I don't think I'll lose much if I hold onto it...I just don't think I'll gain that much. It's going up now, I might wait until noon to make a decision. Ideally I'd at least like to sell back above $90 per share

>> No.19087387 [DELETED] 
File: 942 KB, 1000x700, asianangel01chaturbate3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon, here is another screenshot of this beauty

>> No.19087464


Moar, for the love of god, moar!

>> No.19087521

I'm sorry anon, I've posted all of the screenshots I took that do not include nudity. If I posted the rest I would risk getting banned

However, I could be persuaded into posting more if you can shill me a good crypto or stock and explain why I should invest in it. I have 3 or 4 more screenshots with nudity (both top and bottom). I will post them and take the ban if you can help make me some money

>> No.19087552

stop promo webcam whores

>> No.19087787

I wonder how easy it would be to set up a porn company and pay camgirls like this to film porn. they're already on the internet doing porn so why not film some boy girl content

>> No.19087873
File: 41 KB, 197x256, Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be harder than you think. For one, there are already plenty of bitches fucking their boyfriends or random dudes on chaturbate and other similar sites. Why would they use your site instead of ones which are already popular and have a huge userbase? You'd have to guarantee that they would make more money than if they used existing sites, and that would be difficult.

Number two, women who do solo shit online do it specifically because it's less gross than fucking random kikes from a porn company. Showing your titties on the internet or vibrating your pussy is not as degenerate, gross, or risky as fucking random guys. If you pay them to film porn, you have to have money to pay them, and you have to be confident that you can make money either by selling the video to customers or by selling enough ads. If this was the early 2000s I'd say go for it, but in this day and age I'm not sure you can just set something up and start making money. Especially when you have amateur super hot women posting their own porn on pornhub for free and barely making money...it's just not as lucrative as it once was

>> No.19087899

it will recover but it"ll take ages. opportunity cost and all that

>> No.19087907

>defends some twink for free
>confuses a slophole for a pusy
Retarded gay simp.

>> No.19088080
File: 49 KB, 1024x576, patheticnkmommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would posit that if you don't find that asian girl to be cute, it is you in fact who are the homosexual

>> No.19088109

its a DUDE

>> No.19088188
File: 116 KB, 817x1155, PatBuchanan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's not you faggot, I watched this chinese bitch masturbate last week she has a vagina. I'm sorry that you're such a corrupted trap lover you think ever attractive looking woman has a penis. It must be hell to live inside your mind

>> No.19088461

1. Even if that was a biological female, theyd still be a 4/10
2. traps/tranys and gays are satanic
3. id rather my mind be hell than burn in it forever, faggot
4. checked

>> No.19088613

I'm not the one obsessed with traps, you are

>> No.19088676


Short term oil is not going back up, long-term everything will be electric.

>> No.19088732

>everything will be electric


>> No.19088779

This is kind of what I think, I don't think oil will ever truly go away. It will be used for plastic and for gasoline for decades to come, but I think electric vehicles will only get more and more popular and with more of the world developing economically and fertility rates dropping everywhere, I just don't see where more demand for oil is going to come from. Really seems to me that 2000-2015 was peak oil consumption, I believe it's been down year after year since then.

The only way it could increase is if the Chinese economic miracle continues, and more and more chinks buy cars. And I think this will happen, but again, electric will come to dominate even there

>> No.19088793

buryat is chinese, u retard faggot kys

>> No.19089868
File: 65 KB, 800x900, wojakcoffeenazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made my decision, I am going to sell when it goes back above $90. If that does not happen, I will sell before it hits $85

>> No.19090406

buy xom for profit/dividends and hold long term. reinvest dividends to buy more. rinse and repeat.

it may not start out as much, but if youbuy more every paycheck you will be looking good in 1yr. 5 years youll have quite a stack.

of course buy more while the price is low.

>> No.19090471

nah, if I was gonna stay in oil I'd stick with Chevron. I think Exxon is more fucked than Chevron is, I just want to buy a car and need the 2k I can get from selling chevron

>> No.19090553

bro how can you expect an intelligent response and post a picture like that

>> No.19090878

You will never in your life see Martin Shkreli and Kim Jong Uns sister in the same room at the same time. Just throwing that out there.

>> No.19090991

Lmao, thank you for the laugh anon, I think I'm going to try to wait til it hits $91 since it's over 90 now, might wait til tomorrow to sell, even though it's just peanuts at this point. As long as I can sell for over 90 per share I'll be happy

>> No.19091648

but camsites are barely lucrative. I read that the first few weeks or month of a camgirl is when she makes the most money. Then when a newer girl comes on the audiences go watch them, and they barely get viewers. Also a lot of porn stars started their career as camgirls then got scouted by a porn site.

I think cam sites are also so over-saturated that it's not possible to be the 1% of camgirls that actually make any money. And how much would you pay them? 1k? 2k? You could definitely make that back with a little profit from ad revenue on pornhub if you get 1mil views or more. I don't intend to profit desu just to coom

>> No.19092209

White boys have this insane pancake face fetish. Look how flat her face is, it's like someone took a Lodge cast iron pan and went at it with a couple good swings right at mug, batter up

>> No.19092284

and what's wrong with that? I don't want some bitch with an angular face and a giant nose that can cut through bread

>> No.19092461

Oil is crashing this weekend get out now and buy back in after

>> No.19092700
File: 104 KB, 800x600, utahi70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw people say this in other threads, why do you say oil is crashing this weekend? Price of oil is up over 6% today?!

>> No.19093083

Hello. I would like to take possession of that Asian woman. Thank you.

>> No.19093116
File: 27 KB, 720x486, 89299466_223076022416049_1683103451719925760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her CB profile indicates she actually lives in China. She's clearly not Han Chinese, but some other chinese ethnicity. I think she is from the north of China, not sure. My point is, if WWIII happens and we end up invading China perhaps she can be captured

>> No.19093192
File: 884 KB, 1006x712, yunimei3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would appreciate someone telling me why they think oil will crash after this weekend

this is a different asian woman, I hope this post grabs your attention

>> No.19093977
File: 38 KB, 750x408, 96382005_138610557743470_2683271480917098496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to let anyone following this thread know that I was able to sell my shares for $90.15 - I'm letting you know in case the bogs want to pump it and make me feel bad