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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19084609 No.19084609 [Reply] [Original]

> 2032: Miners will get more BTC from fees than the block reward. Meanwhile, it is since 2020 that you can move a BTC for a few cents on Ethereum.

I can't imagine a way this shit's gonna end badly. I will laugh my ass off so hard when this meme coin will crash.

>> No.19084719

sidechains are only useful for very small payments or frequent trading, but if you move your networth into a risky shittoken contract you are a fucking idiot
i would not move more than 2/3% in case i want to spend some breadcrumbs

>> No.19084787
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Get wraped fuck

>> No.19084852

I don't know if that's an accurate estimate, but let's say it is.
Imagine being a Bitcoin miner and not receiving the fees generated by that 2/3% of the market cap from 2032 onwards.

In the meantime, while the inevitable happens, I'm going to be looking at graphs like this: https://etherscan.io/token/0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599#tokenAnalytics

>> No.19085015

>Imagine being a Bitcoin miner and not receiving the fees generated by that 2/3% of the market cap from 2032 onwards.
blocks are already full so having sidechains is not a bad thing at all for small payment, but relying on shitcontracts security for big tx is a suicide
at some point you need to convert back to btc, you don't want to keep wrapped btc, they are hot potatoes

>> No.19085016

Bitcoin could very well be absorbed by Ethereum. Tether already migrated to ERC 20 for the most part.
The hardest thing is to get BTC on Ethereum trustlessly. That's why 0xbtc has so much potential

>> No.19085136

>you don't want to keep wrapped btc, they are hot potatoes
First wrapped btc is moving to decentralised dao but I kinda agree its shitty custodial solution
Thing is whole fucking BTC ecosystem is build upon custodial solutions and in any of them goes down it will start death spiral anyway you think retards that keep btc on bitfinex/bitmex etc going to care its wbtc is custodial if they cann wrap it and make btc actually useful?

Also tbtc is noncustodial so...

>> No.19085195

tBTC is better than the other ones, but...
>[Security] tBTC is currently under audit.
i would not store my networth there right now...

>> No.19085230

You literally cant store anything there because its not lauched before audits lol

>> No.19085251 [DELETED] 

Bitcoin is obsolete

>> No.19085289

regardless, using it on day1 it's risky
i will wait at least 4/5 years of defi hacks before starting using it

>> No.19085364

sorry bro, but blocks are nice and full
miners will keep mining, regardless of layer 2s
but keep coping, hoping for some massive crash or whatever

>> No.19085593
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Every BTC holder can literally buy the bottom right now. I do not hope that the flippening of BTC will happen, it has become a certainty by now.
It's just a matter of time, it's just a matter of speeding up the timing so that I can go full neet 1 or 2 years earlier than expected.