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19076788 No.19076788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19076801
File: 229 KB, 859x960, E6311D77-7E4C-48BE-AEED-A8460D835DA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had sex today and I’m 21. It was period sex too

>> No.19076818

If it makes you feel any better I'm 30 and have had sex with over 40 women.

>> No.19076834
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Don't feel so bad it not that great anon

Just kidding faggot its fucking awesome
cya later virgin

>> No.19076972

Almost 30 n haven’t either
Haven’t even had a conversation with a girl before
It’s ok anon, it’s life I guess

>> No.19076996

Had it the other day with the girl I’ve been chasing for fucking months now. 5 minutes in I just wanted to cum and have her leave kek

>> No.19077026

Consider yourself lucky, the first girl I had sex with gave me a disease.

>> No.19077028

>Chasing women

OP is in a better spot than you unironically

>> No.19077055

I’m 32 and single. Got my own house and decent job.. it’s kind of lonely sometimes. Don’t know if I’ll ever get married at this point. Always wanted a family though. Just never happened

>> No.19077062
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That is depressing. You must live in a mental prison built like tartarus.

>> No.19077069

Tfw when I’m 22 and my body count is over 30. Got chlamydia twice though :,(

>> No.19077070

This is why you dont hook up with women that go up to and grind on random guys at clubs... If they approached you its likely a petri dish

>> No.19077100

this. i dont know how these virgins do it. not getting laid sucks bro and its horrible for your health. not getting regular sex you might as well be smoking a pack a day

>> No.19077106

Any pets? Cats are low maintenance. Im married so I can give tips, if anyone would like to engage in basic female interactions and has no clue.

>> No.19077117

Damn man sorry to hear that. What did you get?

>> No.19077120

i didn't have it until i was 32...with a hooker.

meh, sex is only good in an intimate relationship where two people genuinely love each other and there's chemistry there.

>> No.19077141

No I don’t have cats because I’m a man with a ball sack and free flowing testosterone. I work all the time so I wouldn’t have enough time to have pets.

>> No.19077149

I’m almost 32 and have had sex with around 75 women. When I was 25 I only had around 6. It gets better

>> No.19077162
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thats true but the reality is not everyone can find an intimate relationship.

>> No.19077171

I could imagine paying for sex ultimately would make you feel unworthy to try for a real relationship.

>> No.19077172

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.19077193

Is not that great is like masturbating but feels more wet and hot. There is not that much arousing because you are there watching the wall or her face. Is way over rated.

>> No.19077196

yeah a lot of people never have sex. You're probably one of those people.

>> No.19077198

Lol do you not count women as part of your finances?

>> No.19077207

Have sex

>> No.19077208

Girls throw themselves at me cause I have the Chad chin and alpha physique

It’s all in the chin boys

>> No.19077240

If you interact like that with a woman in real life then no wonder you're single, and I own the most alpha chad cat who will take on dogs, plus I can leave it for days and it won't die, plus you get company.

>> No.19077243

It does.

t. Somebody who has paid for sex when they were at rock bottom.

Save your money and jerk off and don’t give up on yourself.

>> No.19077246

I have mental issues since early age, noticeable ones. No girl would ever talk to me
I would love to know what it feels like but I gave up on hope long time ago

>> No.19077255
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It is really overrated. I have a bodycount in the low 80s and kind of regret it. I have turned down sex with legitimate 8s and 9s (I'm tall, blonde and white) to simply stay at home and play vidya/shitpost with you lads.

That's my story, hope you enjoyed it.

>> No.19077267

I'm 31 and I've only ever fucked Thai bar girls and hookers. Like 20+. And I've never been in a relationship.

>> No.19077299

I've had sex with one girl. I havent seen her in nearly 3 years and for some reason I'm obsessed with her. I check her social media multiple times daily even though shes ugly and I really have no interest in anything other than banging her. She probably forgot I exist. I'm 25 btw

>> No.19077306

Might as well swear off it and become a wizard

>> No.19077320


I went through phase where i fucked like 15 hookers in a span of a couple of months right after my first one. I even fucked a former old pornstar, letha weapons. Maybe 3-4 were good the rest were just really meh and i felt like i wasted money. So i swore off it for good. I'm either going to find a real gf or i guess i just won't have sex. lol

>> No.19077328

Im 26 and have had sex with 120 people from about 30 countries. AMA

>> No.19077335

> like smoking a pack a day okay then sure anon
>thou shall beat ones self meat

>> No.19077365

today I put together a fap folder of all the nudes I have left of my ex from old dm's. We broke up over 2 years ago. I fucked up guys.

>> No.19077370

same but it's been 7 years.

how do you go about fucking porn stars? you just contact them on social media or something?

>> No.19077392

If it makes you feel any better i am a woman and have had sex with 25 women.

>> No.19077416

>I have mental issues since early age, noticeable ones. No girl would ever talk to me
This is negative speculation.
Are you aware the a woman's nature is nurturing and you will just need a specific channel to break the ice and you might be surprised. I think you need to work on self confidence a bit too

>> No.19077426

What changes happened that led to the surge in lays?

>> No.19077427


I don't know about current ones,but im sure if you reach out to them via social media, you can arrange something. It would probably cost you thousands of dolalrs though.

The one i fucked is old and retired 47 year old. I just saw her ad one eros.com

>> No.19077444

I'm 30, too. I had my last conversation with a girl when I was 13. And she ended up wanting to make out with me. She also told me one girl at school is interested in me. Later on I dropped out of high school and became a hermit/social outcast. Now the internet tells me that all women are whores. But at least I still have my anime girls. Aren't they wonderful? ANIME GIRLS. UWU

I also hold 45k link and >100k ubt and other shitcoins. Am I going to make it? And is it realistic to get an Asian QT girlfriend or is this a meme? I feel super disinterested in real women and don't think I can bond with anything outside of anime girls anymore. I don't even know how I could get into a situation in which a relationship with an Asian QT could develop? Visit asian cook courses or something? Maybe a mail-order bride or something, pathetic as it may seem. Kek.

>> No.19077452
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You're under the Yc threshold, pouring one out for you homie.

>> No.19077472
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>have girlfriend for 9 years
>live together for 5, struggle in college wage slave and drugs
>go through rough patch, split away
>both graduate good jobs
>start seeing each other again
>3 years now working saving money
>about to stop renting and help her with the house she bought
>she has our dog, he is the best dog in the world, he is my boy
>1 month until my lease is up
>she starts ghosting me
>I've seen this behavior before it's because she is getting panicked and wants space, she has mentioned before she might be lesbian
>or bi, but it is making her more and more upset

I'm literally about to just go all in. I dont give a fuck anymore. If I make it then fuck it.if I dont then fuck it. I can walk off a parking garage.

It's fine if she is lesbian but she cant take my boy away from me. Hes the best damn dog I've ever came across. He is my fucking boy, I took care of him since he was a baby.

>> No.19077487
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I'm 22 and never even talked to a female outside of family, cashiers, and necessary conversations at work.

>> No.19077489

Damn imagine being that autistic

>> No.19077508

the concept of marriage is stupid desu.

>> No.19077514

It seems as a woman ages they put out more easily, also as a man ages he becomes wiser to the interacting part with woman.

>> No.19077526

I'm 27 yrs old and never even kissed a girl, I've hugged lots though

There's many escorts in my area (lots of nice looking asian ones), afraid if I hired one then I wouldn't know what to do with them during sex and they'd laughed at me/be creeped out

>> No.19077536

Take the dog. If there is paperwork with your.name on it, great.

Forget the girl, I have thought I was in love before and I was very wrong. It is not until you mature that you actually understand what you want in a partner.

Do not let her take your dog. Don’t break the law but don’t let her.

>> No.19077567

Bro same here. It's like once I fucked that first one I just wanted more and more. Wasted so much money on those bitches. Even now it's been ages since I've fucked a hooker but there is one I really want to fuck and might because she is my type of chick (british emo) and you don't get a hooker like her around my parts very often.

>> No.19077579


dude escorts don't give a fuck man. they are barely even humans. don't go for the cheapest ones and read reviews first. They see all kinds of people, and most escortcels are messed up in one way or another.

>> No.19077585

Why can’t you talk to women? What’s so scary

>> No.19077625

I cant take the dog. That's his mama, and her house has a huge backyard that he can run around and be happy in. I wouldnt do that to him or her. It's by law her dog anyway.

I've been with that girl almost 10 years. The only reason we didnt get married is because we hit a rough road in college but then came out of it. I love her, she loved me to but now I'm not so sure.

I am making so much money I cant stop now though. There is a girl at work I knew in college who I think likes me. But I literally was just planning to marry and move in with this girl and she literally ghosts me. I dont send her a lot of messages I stopped a couple days ago and am refusing to send her another one. She will probably send me a message on the weekend when she stops working. But I cant live like this much longer. I need a fucking girl I can be friends with.

>> No.19077638

Where would I go? I dropped out of uni a few years ago and don't have any friends.

>> No.19077647

do you live with your parents op?

>> No.19077648


Yeah, it gets really addictive. I was going fucking nuts those couple of months. I still get temptations but i just jerk off if i have to and then remember that it wasn't going to be worth it. Do something else with that money instead; maybe buy a new outfit or do something nice for yourself. Those whores aren't worth it. But if you are a virgin in your twenties or beyond and just wanna get over it, then by all means go for it but don't get addicted to that shit.

>> No.19077652
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>tfw 25, almost literally handholdless virgin
feel like I should be disappointed but just dont care about it anymore lol
clown world is becoming a reality for me recently

>> No.19077672


I dont even care about a girl. Losing that dog is going to send me in a drug spiral again. Xanax and adderall for fucking months

>> No.19077694
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That will be me in 2 months, fuck. Where did it go wrong

>> No.19077719


The moment you were born.
It's all in your genes.

>> No.19077721


What if do it just to practice the physical act of sex before you get into real relationships.

I'm in the position now at 26 where I THINK I could get laid if I tried. (Net worth around 800k, did roids and got jacked) But too insecure to put myself out there because I won't know what I'm doing in bed.

>> No.19077730

Don’t feel bad the more people you have sex with the less satisfied you’ll be with each consecutive partner. When you’ve fucked 50 girls it’s gonna be hard to settle down with just one. Plus sex with someone you love is 10x better than casual sex.