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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19072505 No.19072505 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight.
To get ghost you need to hold esh on 25th may.
Esh raised 2000x (yes 200000%) in less than 2 months.

To participate in an ICO you need to buy and hold a token which will crash big fucking time.

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.19072545

it isn't an ICO technically because its a coin swap / airdrop situation.

>> No.19072557
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>> No.19072588

esh is pumping like hell and it's only on literal shit exchanges. imagine what it'll do if it gets on a normie exchange

>> No.19072597

Doesn't answer my query.

You WILL lose way more with holding ESH than you'll earn from the GHOST airdrop.

I repeat: ESH has gained 20 fucking thousand percent in less than TWO MONTHS.

>> No.19072611

Bought 80k coins for $1,700 a month ago, I did my homework, you didn't, since you clearly don't know the difference between an ICO and an airdrop. Stiff.

>> No.19072618

Mcafee helped pump verge to 4.3bil market cap during the golden bull run, so with initial supply and a 1bil market cap puts ghost at $83. Imagine thinking he isn't going to make sure it gets to a bare minimum $1 billion marketcap. Right now it's barely over $13 million. Do the math. Stop buying fucking chink and pajeet scams which are nothing but gambling. This is the first coin since 2017 that actually is guaranteed to be a top 50 (more likely top 20) coin.

And no, you aren't too late. You're so early in fact the whitepaper hasn't been released yet. You're THAT early.

>> No.19072627

> not normie friendly

Pick one.

>> No.19072650

> holding an overinflated asset to get something in return is free money

>> No.19072652

This shit was preached and ignored:


Prayers were fucking heard. Cheers friends, keep these moonboys alive

>> No.19072685

this fag posting in every ghost thread. huh

>> No.19072699

You don't know anything, it went 2000x because the marketcap was a paltry $200k, that is how under the radar it was but those who bothered to look beyond all the chainlink spam on here knew about it.

Esh could dump back down to 50 cents after airdrop and i'd STILL be in a huge profit zone, so, stiff.

>> No.19072715

The funny thing about that meme is that only soibois are posting it lately, it's like the ultimate irony

>> No.19072737

$10 EOM

>> No.19072743
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remember zcl/btcp?

>> No.19072790

Correct. Scam coin from the same pnd group and clearly the same thing on every thread

>> No.19072798

Delicious fuckin cope

>> No.19072810

Where do you get data about ESH market cap?

Anyway how sustainable is a 4000x pump.

And what makes you think he will go all-in pumping something as he did in the golden year of crypto.
What makes you think he won't try to scam you like he did when he shilled golem and all other thrash in which he sold the top on you.

>> No.19072833

yeah fuckwad it'll dump just live hiv

>> No.19072884

That thread is from yesterday.

Just look at this fucking chart.

>> No.19072928

It’s whole fucking purpose is to be on its own exchange. It’s a dex retard it’ll never go on a big exchange. It’s a pump and dump

>> No.19072955

>Anyway how sustainable is a 4000x pump.
that's irrelevant, marketcap is what matters. Dash used to be less than 30 cents early on, it hit over $1,500 last bullrun. The fact is esh even without ghost was severely undervalued, a dollar at $13m MC is very modest in this market.

>> No.19073005

On ghostbymcafee the cunt claims

"To claim your GHOST at launch (for free) you must be holding ESH token on May 25th."

> to get something for free
> you need to hold something that WILL LOSE YOU money - a fuckton of money you dumb prick
> but then you get something else for free :)

Literal imposter piece of shit preying on wagies.

>> No.19073010

Absolutely this. It takes a few tries for the normies to get this. Thanks for spoon feeding them.

>> No.19073028

Where do you even get ESH total and circulating supply?

>> No.19073041


>> No.19073058

Man how fucking new to crypto are you? You are having the hardest time grasping something so simple. Keep thinking about it. You'll get that light bulb moment eventually. It's not too late for you to join in on the fun. Market cap is still low.

>> No.19073168


Compare it to AURA and IDXM market cap.
Those are IDEX native tokens. You sum them, you get the market cap of dex tokens of a successful established DEX.

Is ESH market cap justifiable compared to that or you're just saying it has to go to a billion $ market cap just because McAfee pumped verge.

>> No.19073264

>IDX ATH, $6502
>current price, $93.77
Anon, I...

>> No.19073346


>> No.19073390

I was pro ghost before this but you fags have no rebuttal for any of this guy's points. fuck it, I'm out. just dumped all my esh(900).

>> No.19073439

>He sold 900 esh before the whitepaper
Sure you did anon

>> No.19073476

Or you could say..

He sold 900 ESH after ESH raised from 0.00004 ETH to current 0.0084 ETH.

>> No.19073508

ok so you sold less than 2,000. Dude if you have a real job 2,000 isnt shit. I literally have that on the election this year ahahahhahhahahahhhahaa

>> No.19073596

Yeah it doesn't make sense other than he can pump his shitty token.

>> No.19073614


Can anyone fucking tell me how a fucking ERC 20 token can be a PRIVACY fucking coin?

>> No.19073637

This shitcoin is being propped up by one faggot, who is either a colossal idiot or a scammer. https://etherscan.io/address/0x2d137d9ed7f0f7e7e9ce8b3f48cb9a468c195973
This shit will dump

>> No.19073701

literally just fomo shit

>> No.19073841

Its not erc20 u idiot

>> No.19073855

how do you know?

>> No.19073884

I started making money after I got off /biz/ and trusting my gut. I've made more then I had in the golden run. This guy is honest, but this site is a festering shill cell.

>> No.19073897
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someone who dont know how to buy ESH is awfully salty need a bottle for all that fud CMN in your little cradle

>> No.19073923

Where else could i find info on the latest shitcoins anon?

>> No.19074300
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How did you catch wind of this project before most others on here? Please share some of your methods! Thanks.

>> No.19074413

whatever the fucking letter soup is, it's an ethereum token so not private

>> No.19074632

Jesus youre retarded. ESH isnt GHOST.

ESH is ERC 20 which will be used in a dedicated exchange to swap for GHOST which is a completely different token

>> No.19074649

low quality rej-esh memes

>> No.19074722

What happened there?

>> No.19075239

Why wouldn't I just wait and buy actual ghost when it's launched

>> No.19075480

OP here.

I am not saying ESH won't pump from here. McAfee is a scammer but he just launched it, he might initially pump it a bit.
But if you hold ESH until the airdrop you are GUARANTEED its price will drop big time right after it.
So calling it an airdrop is misleading.

>> No.19075481
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lol valid point ish tho rates might go way up

>> No.19075501

>Why wouldn't I just wait and buy actual ghost when it's launched
because ghost will be zcash/monero tier and esh is way cheaper now

>> No.19075530

not even memeing, the esh devaluation will most likely be priced in when ghost drops

>> No.19075535

not true, he's the only developer
nothing can beat monero which has years of development and nothing can replace it OR beat it

do you think ghost will magically be worth higher than monero? it will be worth less than your esh which will be dumped so hard

>> No.19075553

shit guy, you just found McAfee's wallet!

>> No.19075567

Why do you think that esh will mater once it is exchanged for ghost ?

>> No.19075581
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do not be doing the buying of this coin my friend

>> No.19075609

that's clearly what I implied esh will be dumped as soon people receive their ghost

>> No.19075720

Can’t fucking wait for all the pink wojacks on the 24th as biztards sell their ESH to buy a non-existent dump and realise they got priced the fuck out with no GHOST in hand

>> No.19075738

this is reddit thinking

>> No.19075860
File: 58 KB, 474x856, Screenshot_20200513-151627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha you haven't been in crypto or the planet for very long have you. "do transactions invisible, like a motha fuckin ghost" --or whatever the tag line is, said by a gun toting drugged out famous tech star will unironically take a giant percentage of the privacy coin marketcap, if not the most of it.

>but monero has years of development
ghost make transaction disappear kids. poof

>> No.19076241

fuck me.
so this 1 guy MARKETBOUGHT 20% !
or 6500 ETH.
Thats 1 hand which can be v e r y weak.

If he decides to liquidate only 500ETH, market will be down 80%.

This is a very very risky bet you´ll making.

Im in the boat as well, but after $1 it is ludacrous to buy. Its a clear delusional bullpumpcycle rn, and whales buying blindly (if this 1 person sees mkt turns against him he will sell a few k ETH.... Better wait at a 60% discount. It will.
