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19069893 No.19069893 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being a bear

>> No.19069918


>> No.19069929

it's 1k below the top... imagine not being a full blown out bobo with a 100x short from over 10k

>> No.19069972

... I hate clown world so fucking much

>> No.19069982

Bulllll gaaaaaang

>> No.19069990
File: 40 KB, 940x579, DO IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is it happening? Am i actually gonna be rewarded for holding despite being 50 bucks away from liquidation not once, but twice?

>> No.19070003

i have a dad, anon

>> No.19070012

you better close at 9388
thank me later even if it's a loss... bettern than getting the liquidation.

>> No.19070031
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He's pumping it for us, you just gotta believe

>> No.19070034
File: 8 KB, 210x240, 1589233298338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows that "bailout investing" working out for you guys

>> No.19070201

Bears on the ropes

>> No.19070475


stop acting like BTC is -1:1 connected to Traditional markets

>> No.19070527

Oh, bitcoin?

The thing people will fomo into for the miners to dump again? Yess pump the bags m'lord

>> No.19070550

That's a bear.

>> No.19070590

>Thinks it's the miners, ignores the daily Tether printer goes brrrrrr hahahahahaha

>> No.19071577

someone literally had a wall at 9387
fuck you you fuck fuck whoever did that. fuck i was shitting

>> No.19071665
File: 98 KB, 1670x930, 9388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait, it reached 9388
now we can go down

>> No.19071768

You cashed out?

>> No.19071792

my long is closed and my short is open.

>> No.19071819

Are we gonna finally hit 10K without immediately tanking this time?

>> No.19071823
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Look at this retard thinking he can predict numbers

>> No.19071861

>literally called it over an hour ago
>accurately predicts it
>gets called a faggot
stay poor

>> No.19072290

Now that we're 100$ lower newfag hasn't said anything...
Imagine being so fucking new not knowing that some of the biggest whales are shitposters here that can do whatever the fuck they want with the market for some time.

>> No.19072338


Yes enjoy your crab for a few days before your stop hits

>> No.19072370

>enjoy your crab for a few days
and that's where you're wrong, once again.

>> No.19072433

you are supposed to embrace clown world, that is the whole meaning of honk honk, Become the mumu you were destined to be.

>> No.19072444


>> No.19072591
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Bobos will get no real break till around 16K. then you can have some fun for a bit

>> No.19072660
File: 90 KB, 1816x672, plvs_vltra_bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking nonfags are either bobos or mumus
if you want to succeed you trade whatever the fucking market tells you and not what/how you feel, you absolute fag

>> No.19072749


Seriously. i dont care about this faggot team bear team bull shit.

Don't sell all your position. at least have some BTC unleveraged which you just hold.

If you think it's going to epic crash due to halvening hype over, or covid reccession think again. It's possible but it's also roughly time for a wave up in BTC. we literally have NO data to suggest it will follow traditional markets yet.
It's also due to go up due to the mining situation, and a covid crisis may well have a good effect on BTC due to USD and other currency devaluation.

additionally, BTC already had a bear market for 3 years. BTc moves at least twice as fast as regualr markets. It's about time for a wave up. My point is that it is foolish not to have some BTC.

>> No.19072826

I will always have the biggest part on cold storage.

You can have the best fundamental arguments, and trust me, yours are shit, if someone decides to sell, it goes down and if someone decides to buy it goes up. Nothing else. Noone fucking cares about your feels, understand it.

>> No.19072916


Lol so edgy. wow

you sound like a pejeet. fucking abritrary reasons why it goes up or down. someones decides to sell now it go down, someone decides to buy now it goes up.

If that is your logic, you are a retard gambling. thats literally what you are trading abased on "its time to go down someone will decide to sell now, so i'll short". WTF lmao. that is literally poo poo tier logic

>> No.19072985

understandable that such a simple logic, to simply look at the market, following order flow, makes no sense for a poorfag.
Understandable why a majority of traders will never be successful trading...
Oh wait, pls buy my trading signals. as said at the first answer, stay poor

>> No.19073189


see u at 16k

>> No.19073236

nice volume you got there, buddy!

>> No.19073280

This is a good point to short, IMO.

>> No.19073290

you're free to post your long position with liq level and I post my famous "you're getting liq'ed tonight" again which led to very famous threads last year.

>> No.19073544

have you closed your long or are you as retarded as poorfag that replied to me thinking he is smart while proving everyone what a retarded poorfag he is and always will be?

>> No.19074753

Respond you fuck
I don't want to liquidate you but I will have to.