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19069194 No.19069194 [Reply] [Original]

What do I do now? Buy bitcoin and just chill until the money runs out?

>> No.19069217

Buy 1 million McDonald's mcchickens

>> No.19069221
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post address and phone number

>> No.19069251

Seems like you mistyped ETH

>> No.19069254
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>> No.19069271

Give me 100k for example

The rest buy bitcoin and gold

>> No.19069287

Buy ANJ, triple your money and look all smart and shit

>> No.19069296

If you go all in LINK, your wildest dreams will come true.

>> No.19069307

Yeah if you want to lose your money. Start trading options.

>> No.19069407

sir wAaooowww u r rich man now .... can giv u gud advise ,, buy the latest crpto coin called ESH its newest MOnero type priivat coin and good Sir mr.john mCAfee is also involve and convert to most special GHOSTcoin vry soon .....
ok tc dear bye now ....

>> No.19069632
File: 235 KB, 1209x899, ourfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to put most of that money in Bitcoin - that's a guaranteed safe spot to build your wealth.
You also need to put at least $100k of that into Proton XPR - that's an EASY 100x.

>building a blockchain that interacts directly with bank accounts
>creating fomo through unique @names
>rumors of industry partners in the works, some pretty big names on the table

This coin is going to pump so hard. Sitting at $0.02, will easily go to $2.00 over the next 2-3 years.

>> No.19069659

It's a very decent capital to enter real estate. Read a lot of books and wait for the economic and housing market crash. Then buy property and get gains, reinvesting cash into more property etc. So many billionaires got the majority of their wealth after getting into real estate.

>> No.19069809

buy all the EURN you can

>> No.19070040

But now 35 million people are unemployed and their landlords are left holding the bags. Commercial real estate is kill. Buy farm land

>> No.19070045

Put half into crypto and half into penny stonks

>> No.19070053

this, go all in eth

>> No.19070092

Assuming this isn't a larp, which it is.
Keep whatever you need to survive for the next 3-5 years. Invest the rest in 25% btc, 25% eth, 50% link. Sell eth on 2.0 stkaing news. Never sell the BTC and stake the link.

>> No.19070455

AirBNB owners are looking to dump their bags. Real Estate prices are gonna dump. Now is not the time to be buying.

>> No.19070512

You are both correct. As I said, a housing market crash is imminent. Will probably bottom out in 1.5-3 years.

>> No.19070542

buy a thai mailorderbride and abuse her

>> No.19070568

Why do you gotta do anything? You made it. Put it in boomer divvy stox and withdraw when you want to fuck hoors.

>> No.19070738

you are probably going to lose it all being retarded but my tips are. Get a house just enough for your needs maybe 250k for life.

Put a large amount into ONLY quality boring dividend boomer stocks like JNJ KO PG theres plenty of them out there but make sure the stocks are recession proof. You can easily live off of the dividends, they are taxed at a lower rate when held for more than 1 year.

Owning too much real estate can leave you with problems like high amount of taxes you owe on the properties, or renters refusing to pay rent, repairs etc. maybe 1-2 rental houses are safe.

>> No.19071412
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got it, no real estate, thanks

>> No.19071671

If the economy wasn't entirely borked i would recommend investing it. But since it is borked i don't fucking know.

>> No.19071856

Seriously answer? Average into index-linked government bonds. Check out a chart of total returns, consistent stable gains every year.

>> No.19071941

Assuming that 1.5m is post tax:

>800k in preferred equity ETFs yielding >5%
>500k in corp debt portfolio yielding 4%
>200k on a home in a fashionable but low cost part of the country

After 1 year, 1.3m investment will yield 60k annually with zero taxes. In other words, 5k/month with no work for the rest of your life. This strat works so long as you avoid becoming the sole provider of a family, in which case you'd need to still work.

>> No.19072011

Literally just buy a ton of Bitcoin and dividend ETFs. US will recover (probably) and crypto will rise in value so much (plus hedge against inflation). That is what I would do.

>> No.19073014

that anons idea of making it is being a real life simp in the pic

>> No.19073795

Buy 100 bitcoin, and a nice house with the rest