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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1906219 No.1906219 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ what's your weekly take home?

Mine is $950
>Jr Programmer

>> No.1906225



>> No.1906238

About 1700 after witholding and 8% to 401k.

>> No.1906243


>> No.1906252

$400 but my cheques are biweekly. So $800.

>> No.1906258

of course not, nobody makes consistent money day trading, jesus christ how gullible can you be. This myth needs to die.

>> No.1906263

I'm so gullible for asking someone if they were lying or not

>> No.1906283

Your ID betrays you Bruce Shekelstein

>> No.1906317

What's your occupation?

>> No.1906321

BI Analyst.

>> No.1906328

look at futures

>> No.1906343


Who the fuck gets paid weekly?

>> No.1906346

Should mentioned that I'm probably undertitled though since I just got a direct report and am managing our relatuonship with a market research vendor

>> No.1906357

When do you get your paycheck? I have always gotten mine weekly or bi-weekly

>> No.1906360

Semi-monthly. Bi-weekly is the only other reasonable option IMO. My last job was monthly, that was fucking retarded.

>> No.1906376

$2800 biweekly, conservatively
Hotel manager and cook

>> No.1906405

4.5k a month. So I guess 1125 a week if you break it down. But that's after taking out about 500 a month for 401k, health insurance, and health savings account. So actually kind of a lot higher.

21 years old, actuarial analyst.

However, we pay 1750 for rent per month, 175 in utilities, and 65 a month for internet. And 600 total for other expenses like food and gas.

>> No.1906410

I got paid weekly back when I had a part-time workstudy job in college. Didn't get paid much at all but it was nice to get out and be with people while in college.

>> No.1906418

>getting paid two times a week.

>My last job was monthly, that was fucking retarded.
uh oh, looks like someone can't manage their money

>> No.1906421

$1100 weekly take home
>business analyst

>> No.1906427

between 12k-20k/week
>Affiliate Marketer

>> No.1906432

Learn English pajeet.

>> No.1906442

why lie?

>> No.1906450
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um, try again sweety

>> No.1906454
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again, even better this time

>> No.1906455

You stupid nigger.

Type "define biweekly" into Google.

>appearing or taking place every two weeks or twice a week


Now go back to your English classes you shitskin fuck.

>> No.1906459


Merriam fuckin Webster bitch.

>> No.1906461

$646 a week after paycheck taxes.
>CDL truck driver

>> No.1906462

Yeah that shut you up now didn't it pajeet?

>> No.1906465
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2(!) occurring every two weeks: fortnightly

>using the second definition.
>not using the proper word.

it's ok man I am just saying you said "biweekly" instead of "fortnightly"
there is little need to be upset.

>> No.1906471
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>> No.1906474

notice how it has

"occuring every two weeks" then a colon, then "fortnightly"

A : B
means A -> B, as a fairly common type of suggestion.

biweekly : twice a week :: biannually : twice a year

>> No.1906479

Biweekly is every two weeks on the same day of the week. Usually Friday, mine is Wednesday because no reason.
Semi-monthly is paid twice a month on the same days of the month, usually 1st and 15th.

Different amount of pay periods over the year, taxes pulled at slightly different rate, but it all mostly balances by year end.

>> No.1906481


I'm hoping to make it at least 250 a week from mostly hands off trading.

>> No.1906483

$550/w in the bank + average $400-700/ week in tips
$500/ week from MLM
$200-$2000/ week trading stocks.
With plenty of spare time, 6 hours a day~

>> No.1906489


research assistant

>> No.1906491
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u r right. plz teach me how to manage monies.

>> No.1906493

> $550/w in the bank + average $400-700/ week in tips
Hotel valet

>> No.1906501

I simply don't believe someone who's apparently worth so much would show it to
1. prove a point, whatever that point may be
2. get triggered very easily over a little comment.

I call your bluff. I bet you make that biweekly too.

>> No.1906516
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Hope this helps.

>> No.1906579

the fact that you'd lie to a budgeting application just proves that you can't manage your money at all.

>> No.1906588

the jews thank you for neatly packing all your info together. it makes sifting through much easier

>> No.1906615

Business intelligence? What languages do you recommend learning? I took programming a while back and I was interested in working as a business intelligence developer

>> No.1906624

>Take home 580
>Inventory control
Way too easy, but I have no other skills besides being organized, also have a general studies degree
Have no idea what I want to do in life except for >>1906615

>> No.1906633

For the most part in my current job I usually use Excel/VBA, Tableau and SQL with the occasional venture into Python for data processing. Previous job was more of a Data Scientist so I used R/Python/Hadoop-Hive with a little bit of Javascript to build web apps and Solr for text analytics.

The tools and languages aren't that important to be honest. It's an analytical mind that makes you valuable (or not.)

>> No.1906636

you can't get anywhere without a beginning.

>> No.1906638

i know some of those words

>> No.1906645

I don't lie... You can choose not to believe me though, you have that right.

>> No.1906718


>> No.1906746

>part time shit tier retail

I'm in uni for math and cs and looking to go into finance, so hopefully ill be taking in a lot more in a few years

>> No.1906751

>credit cards
>over $1k in debt

Holy shit. I'm about to break up with my girlfriend because she can't manage money for shit and had almost 2k on her credit card. No way am I letting that bitch share any financial responsibility with me.

>> No.1906827

$3600 take home after taxes and 20% 401k contribution. Should get a promotion within 1-2 years of 12% plus annual 3-4% raises. Its not amazing but should allow a 10 year retirement plan.

>> No.1906829

forgot to mention, paid once month for some reason.

>> No.1906838

>3600 per week after tax withholding
>187k after tax withholding
>~250k or more before tax
>contribute 20% to 401k
>50k per year to a 401k with an 18k contribution limit

I suppose you technically could still be contributing without the preferential tax treatment, but then why 401k instead of something else?

>> No.1906839

Ok that makes more sense.

>> No.1906849

You managed to payoff your property. That is huge. 19k in bank but whats with the 1.1k in credit debts? Hope that's just some weird monthly expense and not accumulated. Credit Scores are kind of not worth the interest unless you plan to take a huge loan maybe in next 2 years.

Don't mind this if you don't want to. This is coming from a burger 68k in student debt and the prospect of a 38k/ year prospect for the next 8 years.

>> No.1906997
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30 y/o email marketer

>> No.1907016

>part time Best Buy

>240 per week

I need more

>> No.1907023

Emergency Physician

>> No.1907030

US? That seems low.

>> No.1907043

*pre tax =/= post tax

>> No.1907046

Weekly: ~700 after taxes, 401k(yearly max), and healthcare and all that jazz.

Including bonuses and other nonweekly stuff, balances out to around 1100.

>> No.1907420

What books would you recommend in thinking in an analytical way? I understand there's steps for a solution, but is it through common sense or do you need to have some sort of education to understand what solutions are available?

I understand that, but I currently work at a warehouse, where I know I can do something useful instead of just working on the warehouse floor

I am

>> No.1907541

Most credit cards dont come with intrest anymore, more so if its ur banks credit card at least thats my experience

>> No.1907644

$300, $450 soon.
>Sales Associate at a Gas Station

Got out being a NEET a month ago and I'm already guaranteed to be hired as the assistant manager within the coming month. Guess I'm not doing too bad.

>> No.1907674

House is not paid off. House value is 189k (when I bought it) and the mortgage balance is 154.5k (which is in their). So I should be able to pull at least 34.5k out of it when I move, not considering the improvements I've made. Hoping to sell it for 230k, which will give me some profit on the improvements I've made (~30k).

All my expenses go onto credit. Pay it off each month. It gives a 2% discount on all purchases. 3% on dining and travel. No reason to pass up those rewards.

I'm heavy cash right now since I'm remodeling the house and planning on moving. Building up a down payment since I don't want to pull from investments.

>> No.1907675

You sure about that?
I have literally never seen a real credit card with no interest, there's no way they'd pass up the chance for 18-20% returns.
I've only ever student cards, debit cards that work like credit cards online, and those light blue fake Visas be interest free, and none of those are normal practice.

>> No.1907686

A good friend of mine went from factory to tech. He went to ITT tech, still mad about it, finished his degree at a state school so he didn't have to put ITT on his resume. He worked IT stuff for a big bank corporation. Learned about enough security and I got his resume off Reddit. He came in for an interview and did well. Started that job making ~80k. He left to another one making the the hundreds. He's now fully remote making 160k.

You can do it. Learn programming. There are so many free resources online. Go find a free Python course and start working through it. Then find a CS curriculum and recreate it with free online courses (100% possible). Figure out what kind of programming you like and specialize. First job might be 45k. You keep improving though, keep switching jobs, you can easily hit 100k in 10 years, from where you are now.

>> No.1908107
File: 215 KB, 714x483, Iketani (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$480 as an oil changer of the luxury Lexus for the rich /biz/ types

Literally felt like shit watching those fat fucks sit in the lounge area while I sweat my balls working on their smelly cars. I quit and went full-time college now as Mechanical Engineer. Hopefully make around $1700 every week in a company and live the comfy life after hard work.

>> No.1908110



>> No.1908133

Hi I'm 21 and i have a net worth of roughly 200.000$

thank you lord shekels for being born into wealth

>> No.1908196

>take flight for work, pay with personal card because points
>lel dis guy bad with money

>> No.1908538

Would you say that SQL is a difficult language to learn? It seems like an important language to learn if I wanted to become a business analyst or anything relating to do with databases.

>> No.1908564


>> No.1908576


fucking kill me. every time I visit this board my envy skyrockets

>> No.1908588

I'm only 1 year out of residency so I'm earning a bit above average for my specialty/experience. It will increase substantially over the next few years.

>> No.1908689

Not sure. I just broke 50k last year

>> No.1908704
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Weekly is just over $1060

After theft, about $700

>> No.1908715

>yfw you realize that you earn significantly less than you should, because of women entering the workforce en masse during the 1940's because of WW2, staying in those jobs, causing women holding occupations to become more commonplace, and thus effectively doubling the employee pool for businesses to choose from, thus heavily diminishing the value of your labor and/or expertise due to a heavy increase in people competing for jobs.

>> No.1908759

I do and its fabulous

>> No.1908760

Can confirm. Monthly and poor bugeting makes for a suck of a time

>> No.1908763

Poor bastard. Hated trucking...

>> No.1908814

True story. Killed myself at $9 an hour covered in shit and breaking bones all the time. All the bosses bouce around in shiny new pickups to bitch. My gial in life is to be a business man like my vurrent bosses. They treat you well and with resoect and pay well. In return thry have about 70 hard working employees with a good job who appreciate the relationship. I wanna be the sam walton of factories

>> No.1908820

Me too man. Dont feel bad. I was there once and make 50k. Get you a trade. Its not a meme if you are reliable and work hard. May as well make 15-20 bucks an houre while u get a meme defree or find your purpose in life

>> No.1908826

>go work a trade. Short of the occasional bull dyke or whore there are 0 women

>> No.1908831

>be an industrial mechanic
>our department head is a woman
>can't fix a ham sandwich
>but muh diversity

>> No.1908856

who /neet/ here?

>> No.1908903

I'm fucked anon. My life is a meme, town I live in has no jobs except the one i'm working and I can't just leave because my mom is disabled and I can't just leave her

Only thing I came up with is to learn something like programming, or at least get some kind of online job to make enough money to move out

I used to be a neet but i'm dangerously close to going back to one

>> No.1908908

I run a pastry line for a bakery chain.
Researching ways to make money more easily before I fucking kill myself. Saving up for a degree to get out of minimum wage slave hell.

>> No.1908913


5-7k per month on cryptos. could be more if i used my pc more often

>> No.1908925

This is after tax by the way. Genuinely unsure if people here are posting pre-tax or even monthly rates. Good job getting your good jobs.

but seriously, I work 50-60 hour weeks with incredible physical exhaustion, how is it that the part time sales floor guys are close to me? 250 bucks a week part time?

>> No.1908952

About 3699 dollarinos, but i run my own company and live in sweden, so we first pay something roughly translated to "employer charge" at 31.32%.

3699 / 1.3131 = 2817

If i were to take all of this income as salary instead of keeping it within the company, i would be placed in the highest taxbracket, at a margintax of 60%. It averages out to something like 45% on the entire salary so:

2817 / 1.45 = 1942 dollar. I make 1942 dollars a week.

Dont know why i wrote all this, mostly wanted to feel like a bigshow with a semi-large weekly intake.

>> No.1908957

Also im a 24 year old programmer if thats interesting.

>> No.1908988

how is it that most people make way above the median in these kinds of threads

>> No.1908995

Because its a business related board?

>> No.1909022

Is that how you're paid in the US or in other countries as well?

I've only ever gotten my pay monthly. Last job it was the end of the month (Germany), now I get the previous month's pay every 20th (Switzerland). E.g. I got my pay for February on the 20th of March.

>> No.1909043


>> No.1909053

b/c the median is a bullshit lie.

>> No.1909160

I know a guy who makes 3500 hundred a week. It's all relative.

>> No.1909167

Do you like your job? I was thinking about getting into it. Seems like it has a lot of upside

>> No.1909174

1400 clear, after about 500 in tax (canada~) 40hrs. Electrician, 29.

>> No.1909178

places like biz/pol/out, etc... they're all older boards in terms of age. We tend to have our lives in order for the most part

>> No.1909179

>age 26

I'm not going to make it am I?

>> No.1909184

Shit man. I was way worse off. Doing just fine now. Havent even looked at my bank account before i got gas in 6 years. And i drive a carbureted big block with low gears daily...

>> No.1909190

That sucks dick. I suggest saving some back and then pay yourself weekly.

>> No.1909191

Business containment board amd blatant lies. Took me 28 uears to break the poverty line. No handouts. Ever...

>> No.1909193

People exploit the few solid wage slaves. I worked 84 hours a week and will die of lung cancer. Get out asap. I make half what i did at only 50 hours a week and never been happier

>> No.1909194

~$1100 atm
Im really happy with this.

>> No.1909198

Currently 160, am a full time student though

>> No.1909201

>$2600 a week
>25 yrs old

>> No.1909207

There are 400 people in my town. I myself am crippled. I broke 50k last year... to this day i am in pain all day every day and suffer. Only advise is never give up. 3 worst years of my life were working my last job. 70 miles of dirt road and 35 highway. Worked 84+ hours per week and drove like 6 hours in shifts so we could sleep.

It did 1 simple thing good in my life. Got me this job. Good luck brother

>> No.1909211

>be a diehars blue collar since 14.
>only 1 job with female co workers.
>fast food between real jobs.

>> No.1909213

I went from that at age 24 to over $1k/wk (pre tax) at age 27 without any college. Just can't be afraid to take a good opportunity, and try to climb.

Protip: don't get married till your 30s. That money doesn't go as far as you think

>> No.1909219


$500 allowance from Dad

>> No.1909252

Really? Am currently an NOC analyst and make about 45k and already starting the steps to become a BA (prob in 2 years time), I thought BA's average 80k a year

>> No.1909300
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I'm self employed so it always changes, but this month I'll make 10k/week. No bamboozles.

>> No.1909357

Check out 'How to solve it' by George Polya.

>> No.1909476

It's barely a language, anon. You can learn the basics in a month.

>> No.1909486

PhD student
Keking at people with actual jobs who earn as much as me

>> No.1909513

Enjoy your student loans, fag.

>> No.1909517



>> No.1909527

Mine varies but last week was atleast 10000 and including commissions 13000

>> No.1909528
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>places like biz/pol/out, etc... they're all older boards in terms of age. We tend to have our lives in order for the most part

Utter utter sides.

>> No.1909540

If he's earning money as a grad student, I guarantee he has some sort of tuition waiver.

The real killer is opportunity cost. By the time he has his PhD if he chooses to go into industry he'll be probably several 100K in the hole compared to what he would have gotten with an MS. If he chooses academia, it's another 3-6 years of making 40K a year. Which easily puts him another 200K+ in the hole. Getting your PhD never pays off from a financial perspective.

>> No.1909567

I'd suck a dick to go remote and just make at least 40k.

I've put off learning programming for like 6 years, I could've made it by now.

>mfw my dream is to live in an apartment making a measly 40k a year

>> No.1909587

$150 a week after the happening.

>> No.1909645

You get paid twice a week?!

What the fuck is this bullshit.

I think you morons mean fortnightly, which is once every two weeks. No-one gets paid twice a week.

>> No.1909648
File: 104 KB, 437x640, ErsteIchBraucheBroccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are confusing fortnightly with biweekly.

Fortnightly is once every two weeks.

Biweekly is twice each week.

How the FUCK is your general education system so awful?!

>> No.1909656

>They had to dilute the meaning of biweekly because of imbred American morons.


>> No.1909699

How much do you guys typically make (or lose) trading cryptos each week?

>> No.1910901

Kek I just realized that, it seems like they're mostly just commands
I need to buy a book relating to databases then

>> No.1910967

>calls me an "imbred."

3rd world cucks can't even insult properly.

>> No.1911003

Easy af. I'm sure there are a million resources, just google mysql tutorial or interactive sql tutorial.

>> No.1911007

Read a book


>> No.1911011

Start by learning some Python. Learn a little web development, Javascript, HTML, CSS. You'll be making 40k easily. Remote is tough to get but once you get better you can just freelance and not leave your apartment.


My goal is 1m in the bank so I can have 40k passive each year (figuring 4%). Similar goal friendo. I believe in us.

>> No.1911272


~$500 / wk here 2000 a mo for toxic manual labor

>> No.1911290


Case Manager at a Psychiatric Day Program.

Working on my license so I can make more $

>> No.1911368


glad someone gets it.

specialization is the key to successful capitalistic society. Feminism erodes at specialization at the familial level.

>> No.1911374


What exactly is a pipefitter?

Could you go into some detail and explain it please?

>> No.1911448

BA in a startup here

>€634 a week

Does it get better? Or will I be a back-office cuck all my life if I stay in this role?

>> No.1911467

Depends on the role you play more than the startup itself