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19061255 No.19061255 [Reply] [Original]

If Karma is real, why do bad people keep getting away with never receiving justice? I used to get bullied by this kid back in high school a long time ago. I just found out he is a multi-millionaire, has a mansion and a supermodel wife. Makes me wonder reality and nature is intrinsically biased against good people. Like you get rewarded for being evil but get cucked if you try to be good.

>> No.19061292

Karma is not limited by one life, fren

>> No.19061295

good and evil are relative. man is a sex creature and morals are grafted on to that

>> No.19061297

chads never lose, karma is a joke

>> No.19061300

>Karma is real,
It isn't. It's just cope for soibois who aren't willing to do what needs to be done

>> No.19061362
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Seems like you were asking for it and he taught you a useful lesson. The universe rewarded him. As it should.

Do you think Stacy and Chad give a fuck about karma?

>> No.19061374

Maybe you are just a piece of shit and deserved to be bullied and that guy is just an instrument of divine will

>> No.19061450
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Sounds like you fell for the cultural marxist doctrine of equal value. Civilization is a thin veneer on the animal nature of humans. Propagation of life has only one road: strong enough genes to outlast weaker competitor genes. It is up to you to maximize on whatever genetic strong point your parents breeding decisions left you with. Being nice or an assshole has relatively little to do with it.

>> No.19061485

>If Karma is real,
>why do bad people keep getting away with never receiving justice?
Karma neutrality.

>> No.19061501
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>If Karma is real
it does not exist

>> No.19061541
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>Karma neutrality

>> No.19061557

>he thinks forcing your will on others is somehow "bad" karma
there's your mistake little fag. your core problem is you worship a jew carpenter and he filled your head with gay nonsense.

>> No.19061583

Karma isn't real, it's just a natural law that dumb/bad people tend to eventually get theirs because they consistently make big mistakes. The bad and cunning ones rule the world.

>> No.19061673

Yeah, fuck that baldy, he's surounded by guuards if it makes you feel better and they all check out his wife :)

He made some jobs, but I get it. I've been bullied, but fuck them, I'm making my future.

You should too

>> No.19061676

He is having a good life thanks to karma in his previous lives. The karma he accumulates now will take effect in his nextl ives.

>> No.19061679

When you realize you were raised 'right' and others don't give a fuck about you and simply want your shit that you worked hard for, you realize karma is a fucking lie. Others simply don't share your view.
Read Matthew 22:21. Then re-read it again.

>> No.19061692

Karma is real. May not be this life but could be the next when your spirit comes back as an ant and now you have to work your way up that food chain. Or you are born as a poor darkie and have to find your way to success instead of it being handed to you. If you would have just been good to people you would have been born again as a great white shark or a president's child

>> No.19061698
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Because karma doesn't exist.
It's just a belief system that the good-boy class is indoctrinated into.

The beliefs in Good&Evil, karma and love for all humans are put into the soft heads of the masses to limit their power.

Psychopathy towards life forms who are not part of your family is the natural state of all life.
Look at the animal world and let it be your teacher.

>> No.19061723

Or a trap with a feminine benis

>> No.19061760


I forgot how many unironic pajeets are on this board

>> No.19061761
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imagine unironically believing this
i bet you also believe in the soul?

>> No.19061777

Who said Karma is real Pajeet?

>> No.19061791

explain to me then. you think this is it? when don't have spirits or energy that gets manifested elsewhere?

>> No.19061802

Yes sirs the karma has blessed me in this life with the kleros please do the needful sirs and buy the kleros the village is in need sirs

>> No.19061811

>the seething leftist got bullied in school

News at 11.

>> No.19061832

i wish there was more to our lives. but there just isn't. why does there need to be one?

>> No.19061882

i say it isn't because we all have energy and you can't destroy that so it goes somewhere. i feel like our consciousness lives on after our physical body dies. do you believe in ghosts?

>> No.19061915
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Intention, I tell you, is karma. Intending, one does karma by way of body, speech, & intellect.

& what is the cause by which karma comes into play? Contact is the cause by which karma comes into play.

& what is the diversity in karma? There is karma to be experienced in hell, karma to be experienced in the realm of common animals, karma to be experienced in the realm of the hungry shades, karma to be experienced in the human world, karma to be experienced in the world of the devas. This is called the diversity in karma.

& what is the result of karma? The result of karma is of three sorts, I tell you: that which arises right here & now, that which arises later [in this lifetime], & that which arises following that. This is called the result of karma.

& what is the cessation of karma? From the cessation of contact is the cessation of karma; & just this noble eightfold path — right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration — is the path of practice leading to the cessation of karma.

Now when a disciple of the noble ones discerns karma in this way, the cause by which karma comes into play in this way, the diversity of karma in this way, the result of karma in this way, the cessation of karma in this way, & the path of practice leading to the cessation of karma in this way, then he discerns this penetrative holy life as the cessation of karma.

'karma should be known. The cause by which karma comes into play... The diversity in karma... The result of karma... The cessation of karma... The path of practice for the cessation of karma should be known.' Thus it has been said, & in reference to this was it said.

— AN 6.63

>> No.19061929

we all have energy same as a match's flame burns brightly. but where does the flame go once the chemical processes cease and you are left with ash? it hasnt gone anywhere.

i do not believe in ghosts

>> No.19061976

You're not only jealous you're vengeful too. Also, if karma is real it doesn't work like that.

>> No.19061998

he looking jacked how does he do it

>> No.19062004
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Hinduism and Mahyana are a monistic univarlism: the totality exists and nothing else. There is no multiplicity, everything is absolutly identical.
For the Hindus and mahyanaists, people have the knowledge that they have a true nature, but people are misguided on what they take as their true nature. This is why the Hindus say that people are already enlightened, they just do not know about it... The true nature of people is not the 5 senses or their objects, but the mind itself with theworld [loka] itself identified with the cosmos, or their deification of this, ie their Brahma or their Buddha or non-duality, and when people realize this they are enlightened. The way to realize this is by relying on lots of sacrifice, chantings and rituals, also on material objects which magically purify the minds for them, like sounds, logic, mantras, little beads, amulets.

It is only when there is a allegedly good creator [a god or just ''nature''] that it makes sense to ask the usual question ''why the cosmos produce things which do not know that they are the cosmos?'' ie ''why some good god did not get people to be born directly enlightened? instead of being born unenlightened which produces lots of suffering?''
So far the Hindus have no answer to this ''problem of evil''. The Hindus keep replying with their main thesis, ie ''because people do not know their true nature, which is pure being and cannot be described'' and that's their answer...

>> No.19062019

Karma is a widely misinterperted concept. Karma doesn't mean that there's a justice lady out there waiting to punish those who misbehave in life.
Karma just refers to the law of cause and effect; If you annoy a horse, he will kick your brains out, that's your karma for being so retarded.
In this case you're the only responsible for making justice of being bullied, no one, not even God will help you with that, you're guilty somehow first for getting bullied and second for letting people get away with it. The only karma that these people can live is someone in your same position taking revenge of their behavings or their behavings leading them to a bad life, since you did nothing because you're a weak cuck. The bad karma is actually on you for being so weak, all your life in condemned to failure for not standing up for yourself

>> No.19062041

it goes out and into the wind, but a match also doesn't compare to humans obviously

i use to not believe in ghosts either until I saw one. it may happen to you. I also know plenty of people who have seen them throughout their lives but mostly at certain places (they aren't following them around or anything). like after a friend's grandfather died they'd find his toothbrush all over the house just like he used to do when he was alive. they'd put it back but it'd end up in some obscure place. shit like that has me believing this life isn't it. also deja vu which many have experienced.

why it's always good to practice the golden rule

>> No.19062059
File: 127 KB, 550x550, 1584240338580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP doesn't actually give a shit about the metaphysical nature of karma, you guys.

He just wants petty revenge on the guy who called him a faggot in 9th grade.

>> No.19062071
File: 85 KB, 601x885, 1575857936408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in Buddhism, there is no non-duality, people do not have a true nature, people are not the cosmos, people are not Brahma, people do not come from Brahma, people are not nibanna, people do not come from nibanna, people are not Buddha, people do not come from a buddha, people are not their mind, people are not loka, people are not born already enlightened. In Buddhism there is only craving for pretty things and the pretty ideas of having ''a true nature'' and there is a lack of craving for pretty things and pretty ideas. People get enlightened when they stop craving for those. The way to get enlightened is to purify the mind, however not with useless chantings and rituals nor with magical objects, unlike the Hindus do, but with the mind itself, ie all the time inclining [with the mind] the mind towards what the buddha calls good qualities and then directly knowing the mind as it really is, which is anicca, dukkha, anatta [contrary to what the hindus say], which is the condition for dispassion, dispassion which is the condition for liberation, liberation which is the condition for direct knowledge that dukkha is ended.

>> No.19062080

Manletism and steroids

>> No.19062127

Karma is a cope for the losers of life.

>> No.19062142

i just want to give her and pokimane all my money bros

>> No.19062173
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>> No.19062196

what do you think about astrology, or god?

>> No.19062262


>> No.19062288

Soul is 1/10 of your smallest hair strand

>> No.19062316

Sooner or later everyone suffers

>> No.19062845

>Makes me wonder reality and nature is intrinsically biased against good people.
Reverse dominance hierarchy doesn't work in Capitalism. Everything is reversed in Capitalism. So reverse dominance hierarchy is reverse as well. That gives you what? Hierarchy.

>> No.19063198

"being good little boy who do nuffin wrong" is just a way to create a divide where you have a bunch of people failing the shit test who are now bound to be exploited by those who passed.

>> No.19063348

This, not even god himself cares about some reddit tier meme about orange arrows that go up or down.

>> No.19063475

>If Karma is real
Karma isn't real, and you're genuinely retarded for not being aware of that

>> No.19063738

Physical reality is an interface to quantum processing.

In your terms - you paid a "karmic" debt, he still has good "karma" coming to him.

>> No.19063764

Thank you for the trips Sir

>> No.19063966

>we all have energy and you can't destroy that so it goes somewhere
You are mixing two different concepts like a dumb faggot. Energy is well defined in physics. Law of conservation applies to that definition not your hippie homo definition of life energy or some gay shit like that. Also, while you cannot destroy energy, it all gets transformed into useless heat sooner or later and radiates away. Point being is that you are a dumb nigger

>> No.19064049

define "bad". bullying is bad sure, but a lot of americans think rich people are "bad" because they don't live like them

>> No.19064155

being good or evil does not have shit to do with succes..

Being evil gives you an advantage though, because you can fuck people over to get money.

>> No.19064186


>> No.19064203

"Karma" doesn't mean divine justice or something like that. That's just the western distortion of the word. Did you fags forget that the concept of "Karma" came from India thousands of years ago? Karma actually means the accumulated memory of your past actions and how they influence your present behavior and your perception. So no, Karma as Americans describe it is not real cause that was literally made up by hippies in the 70's.

>> No.19064357

You're not a "good" person. You're simply too weak to compete. Get stronger.

>> No.19064358

>Galatians 6:7-9

7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

There are spiritual seasons for when we reap our fruits. Their period however, may extend beyond this life. "Karmic" harmonics may exist also but as a basic principle of reality, you reap what you sow.

>> No.19064433

The concepts of Karma and reincarnation have been used for ages to oppress lower caste pajeets and convince them to accept their place in life. It's all bullshit

>> No.19064440

Or OP can just toughen up and flush another anon's head down the toilet.

>> No.19064460

this, /thread

>> No.19064776
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It's so funny how you come into a thread like this and it's full of angry autists screeching at each other and projecting their own insecurities onto others.

You all project so much, it's unreal. Your natural reactions to almost anything seems to be anger. I came to this thread in hopes of finding some insightful or interesting posts, there were a few. But the rest are a bunch of people absolutely seething at OP for being bullied and projecting their own sad situations/lives on OP, top kek. What a pathetic board, you guys need to relax.

>inb4 "n-no, YOU'RE projecting!"
>inb4 insults and seethe in response to a truthful post
>etc. etc.

>> No.19064821

>what is the afterlife

>> No.19064976

He might also just be underage (and a non english speaker). This place is mainstream.

>> No.19064999

meant for

>> No.19065140

Can't believe people hold grudges over high school. Like, your not packed in the tuna can with strung out teens anymore anon. Live your own life.

>> No.19065236

Evil is only punished when good people act righteously.

>> No.19065383

The caste system is sincerely and unironically the best way to organise a state/society and your entire post reeks of reddit.

>> No.19065478

Kek and you're praising literal street shitters for how they organize their society. Take a picture of your toilet with timestamp

>> No.19065497
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>> No.19065639
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>Makes me wonder reality and nature is intrinsically biased against good people. Like you get rewarded for being evil but get cucked if you try to be good.

Karmic effects are just cause and effect but they only take effect in the way we know it as "karma" when you are talking about high conscious individuals.

Kids don't suffer from karma a lot due to having low consciousness, consciousnesss is the ability to predict the future.

But on adults it does work, even on civilizations.

>Be rome
>Take over the world with organized shield armies destroying tribes 15x the size in battles
>Karmic effect send horse lords that bypass your armies burning your cities before you can even fight them

>Be republic of venice
>Sack constantinople to gain control of the mediterranean sea
>Karmic effect appears when the ottomans took the advantage of this taking constantionple , then blocking the venetians and christians from trade forcing the opening of other sea routes (finding america) and fighting the ottomans
>Result , the republic of venice decayed due to the way they became the top power by accumulating bad karma.

But those are civilization karmic effects, animals and human kids(bellow 16-18 years old) don't suffer from that since you need the ability to predict the future to suffer from karma.

>> No.19065861

mankind did not show the true potential , if his not a good person or weak it's just a product of a inferior civilization

define strong... sometimes the bigger the animal the bigger his the fall

>> No.19065913

Star trek system is far superior , space travel unlimited energy , artificial intelligence and I could go on , and it's inevitable you just can´t stop it unless humankind goes back in evolution timeline

>> No.19065914

why do you think your bully from high school is a bad person
he probably deserves his millions and mansion and supermodel wife just like you deserved to get bullied

>> No.19065929

>If Karma is real
its not, its some meme religion to attempt to keep people in check by fear of some sort of magical retaliation

>> No.19065938


That's not how concepts like karma work. Let's take a hypothetical thief. No matter how much wealth he steals, he knows how he got that wealth. He'll never be able to fully enjoy it. He'll always be worried about people stealing his wealth, because he stole his. People who do bad shit have no way to achieve any kind of inner peace. They may seem happy or even be wealthy, but inside they're eating themselves up. Just look at the jews in general. They have all that power over banks and money. Do they sit and relax? No, they keep escalating with their non-existent perceived enemies, creating their enemies in the process.

>> No.19065941

>Or you are born as a poor darkie and have to find your way to success instead of it being handed to you.
horatio alger was a hindoo
didn't know

>> No.19065959

don't be ignorant

>> No.19065982

corona virus pilled

>> No.19066006

Hey now, maybe a shitty life now is karma for being a shitty person in a past life. Don't be ignorant.

>> No.19066008

"Good" people follow silly self-imposed and societal rules. "Bad" people do whatever they can get away with and as such, they benefit whenever they do something a "good" person refuses to because >muh morals

>> No.19066055

>I used to get bullied by this kid back in high school a long time ago.
should have fucking fought him. I fought my bully who was a head taller and 2 classes above me, I lost, but I did him good punched him in the head a few times, after that we became somewhat of bros, but the bullying stopped.

>> No.19066190

>Seems like you were asking for it and he taught you a useful lesson. The universe rewarded him. As it should.
Stop it

>> No.19066222


>> No.19066284

The universe works on cause and effect. Not based on what you think SHOULD happen or who "deserves" what

>> No.19066305

3rd post best post

>> No.19066393

You had/there generally was bad karma in your previous life, resulting in you getting bullied in your current one. The solution is to accept your punishment and try to do the best you can regardless, not causing others to suffer by committing good deeds. With these people then, subject to your positive influence, returning it in kind (not only to you, but their juniors/peers).

If you were to be an asshole yourself, however, the person subjected to your bullying, finding itself in the very same situation you find yourself in today, might also harbour the very same thoughts you do, then believing it their right to be an asshole instead of breaking this negative karmaic spiral that leads to more and more suffering.

>> No.19066475

Fuck you

>> No.19066507

This means op should kill his bully

>> No.19066515

Yep, it stretches back further than the typical person could imagine.
As opposed to today where large swathes of the population that are completely inept and have no sense of humility think they're equal to anyone, regardless of their status. This on top of being extremely entitled while doing very little to get ahead in life than to demand more from others. Read Karma Yoga, it only takes a few hours at most. https://www.vivekananda.net/PDFBooks/KarmaYoga.pdf

>> No.19067177

google pokimane no makeup, idiot.

>> No.19067209

>Karma is physics
>Karma is also the neurochemicals in our brains
Stop believing in fairy tales. Karma is no more real than any and all religions.

>> No.19067549

Karma means action, so yes, many different things are the result of karma. Your anti-religious predisposition doesn't give you the power to redefine words and concepts that have existed for thousands of years.

>> No.19067934

The bully is clearly a Chad, and you are clearly a beta cuck. Nature rewards power, being used for good or not.

>> No.19068123

jeff bezos is 5'7"

>> No.19068187

probably a b8 thread. it got pretty long but as other anons echoed in here, we're all just evolved chimps and the alphas win. why do you think there is all this incel rage against chads?

it's not fair, is it OP? welp, that's life.

>> No.19069423

Karma is one of the many lies told to control the low IQ masses through fear of the unknown allowing the psychopaths who drilled that belief into their head to commit acts without any resistance. Not necessarily a bad thing since most people need to be herded for their own good in order to have any kind of functional society where they won't run amok. Religion was and still is the best form of control ever conceived and was a necessarily step to allow any type of advanced civilization to form.

>> No.19069651

Finally someone with a brain in this thread.

>> No.19069790

She looks like you would expect her to look like without makeup. I am convinced some of you have never been in the same room as women outside of a classroom.

>> No.19069811


all you can do is improve yourself and be your own Chad

>> No.19069901

I had a friend who was model tier looks giga chad but had a poor conception of morality and now he's in prison, before he went to prison I felt the same as you do, but now I'm confident the world always comes back around

>> No.19070005

Karma isn't real. I've been doing bad shit all my life (not necessarily illegal, but definitely immoral) and I couldn't be happier. I have the perfect life. You should go towards your goals and use anything at your disposal, as long as it's not illegal.

>> No.19070236

morality is a human construct.

look at how vicious animals are to one another.

there you will find answers.

>> No.19070273

Shit on his doorstep.

>> No.19070317

It's just random, dude. You happened to get a shit draw. I got bullied in middle school, now one of those bullies is in prison, two are homeless meth addicts who never left town, and a fourth killed himself. Meanwhile I'm married, have a decent job that I can't be laid off from, and I'm about a year away from buying my first house.

"Karma" is just the state of causes and effects, it's not a real thing. If you're an absolute dickhead to everyone around you for long enough, sooner or later you wind up alone. He might "seem" successful right now, but sooner or later after his wife leaves him, his kids stop talking to him, and all his "friends" stop hanging around, all the money and houses in the world won't fill the hole he's dug in his own life.

Just focus on you, bro. Don't think about shit that happened in the past. I hadn't even thought of my bullies for years until I read your post.

>> No.19070438

Fuck you

>> No.19070488

>accept their place in life
The point is literally the opposite..

>> No.19070491
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Karma isnt good and bad, its cause and effect. He got all he has from being a dominator of pussys like you... BUT the extension of that is he has a higher propensity for making enemies so one day he might wake up in the trunk of a car, whereas you will not have that problem because nobody cares about you.

>> No.19070524


Jesus never taught karma. wtf are you on about

>> No.19070534

Take ur meds schizanon

>> No.19070552

because you lack enlightenment and deserve to suffer

>> No.19070593
File: 630 KB, 2048x1365, buchecha-marcus-almeida-roger-gracie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, just maybe you are the karma in his life, fren.

>> No.19070595

>sooner or later after his wife leaves him, his kids stop talking to him, and all his "friends" stop hanging around, all the money and houses in the world won't fill the hole he's dug in his own life.

That's not a very nice thing to wish upon another person. See, that's the problem with you "nice guys". You aren't nice at all.

>> No.19070747

you're right, there are no consequences to your actions ;)

>> No.19070772

rothschild alert

>> No.19071267


This. OP should focus on himself and become a strong AND righteous person.

>> No.19071925
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Also just because he has those things does not mean he is happier then you. Maybe he is much more depressed and the fact he has the mansion and hot wife yet still feels this way makes it even worse. I know plenty of wealthy people that are miserable, and some poorfag literal slaves are happy and fulfilled. You have power over your mind, not ourside events, realise this and you will find strength.

>> No.19071957

t. seething slave caste pajeet.

You can climb up bro but you need to be humble first :) Keep hustling

>> No.19072216

karma/reincarnation doesnt make any sense
Biblical narrative makes a lot more sense that the most evil depraved people will control the world and live lavishly and create a beast system where everyone gets marked/chip, they ultimately lose out though on the day of judgement and will have an unimaginable eternal punishment

>> No.19072225

Karma isn't real. Evil rules reality. If you're "good", you're handicapping yourself in a big way.

>> No.19072701

grow and learn. if you were perfect you wouldn't be here

>> No.19072738

>ignores metaphysics
germs aren't real I can't see them


>> No.19072787

Okay raj

>> No.19072794


>> No.19072811

Karma plays out quietly, on a day to day basis.
I'm a believer in Karma and I see it play out a lot.

>> No.19072823
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>writes a post about projections
>calls everyone on this board besides himself pathetic

>> No.19072888


>> No.19072903

>It's just random


>> No.19073234

nice cope faggot

>> No.19073599

Because Karma isn't real. In real life, you can be a shit person and be rewarded for it and you can be the Jesus himself and have the shittest life ever.
People are not good or bad. People are self interested and will fuck you over if the time comes.

>> No.19074479

Karma means cause and effect. Obviously karma is a thing. It's just not well understood by the masses on the subtler levels. The subtler levels govern the majority of human behaviour, so this is, by extension: also poorly understood.

Look at people. Really look at them. The nature of their soul shows in their mannerisms and physical appearance. Things are bad now because there was decay, honourable people got distracted and conquered by bloodthirsty barbaric imperialists. That's still karma. The bloodthirsty savages have bad karma and the conquered people also have bad karma.

Karma can be changed, but it takes effort. The fact that we can recognise right from wrong through reciprocity implies a shared root of consciousness. But that consciousness is also evolved to suffer (because you'd die off quick if getting mauled by a tiger felt good). As intelligent beings, we can end our suffering through enlightenment, which is an end to the acquisition of new karmas.

i dont know how anyone can not believe in karma. karma implies justice exists but does not imply that justice will always reign. that is a choice we make as stewards of civilisation. the choice we have made is that baubles and flush toilets were more important than sovereignty and honour.