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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19060044 No.19060044 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, might I have your attention?
I come here bringing a use case for /ourcoin/.
An imageboard where only humans can post.
Pajeet- and Chink-proof.
Massive reduction of third worlders because their dial-up line is too shitty to run a node or validation session.
No jannies, no trannies, no niggers and no kikes, either.

>> No.19060120

>Pajeet- and Chink-proof.
lol your kidding right? have u done a flip?

>> No.19060169

Literal poo-coin

>> No.19060303

Pajeet proof because their DSL tier connection can’t connect to validations. I haven’t spotted any pajeets in tg, or pajeetflips. Chinks will be booted off in time with report threshold being lowered for no consensus flips.
It’s solid all the way around. Either sharding is developed and this goes nuclear or we reach 8k users without sharding and it all falls apart.

>> No.19060317

Wow. Solid use case. Really making a good case for how utterly fucking useless this fucking stupid coin is.

>> No.19060352

This shit is overran with chinks. Sucks because it was a great idea.

>> No.19060452

Go to their discord or telegram channels during validation
It's full of angry pajeets who are too stupid to use /our coin/

>> No.19061452

>want to give my invite out
>but hard fork is tomorrow and i can't trust randoms to remember to update the node
also one of you fourchan FUKS validated once but has gone MIA and probably won't validate again. i thought i could trust you guys.

>> No.19062527

>FUDing a 2m mcap
What’s this hard fork about?

>> No.19062532

we can use your invite.
unironically just hired more 7 english-speaking people to validate this coming Sunday.

drop us your invite code, and it will be activated within 24 hours and utilized until Human status:


>> No.19062556

>more 7
*7 more

>> No.19062577

human farm? are you the fiverr nigger?

>> No.19062595

>What’s this hard fork about?
Just devs implementing a few changes people have been asking for. All good stuff.

I'll think about it, zero zero jay.

>> No.19062898

how many negros in your farm senpai

>> No.19063066


Don't be delusional. Chainlink is obviously /ourcoin/. far and away.

>> No.19063081

you make extracting value of labor sound bad, anon.
most are content receiving a paycheck for their time.

don't mistake a collective for an identity.
we do enjoy the community's antics.

>> No.19063092


Your pic related is literally a testament to Chainlink's primacy; it's the fucking chainlink cube with Idena shopped on

>> No.19063139

Fuck your shitcoin. IDENA posters need to be banned.

>> No.19063283

Newfag, every coin was doing this a few years ago. There were even template request threads for coins to be shopped into the cube.
I’d kinda be interested in this if you can guarantee your humans showing up to validation, although I’d want compensation (~$20) for you personally profiting off of my invitation for your business (and you not even technically using it for yourself)

>> No.19063335

why are you hiring people to do validation for you? Are you paying them a few bucks in exchange for all the DNA?

>> No.19063470

If its the same guy I’ve seen in half of these threads, yes. I think a few people are doing this sort of thing.

>> No.19063500

>I’d kinda be interested in this if you can guarantee your humans showing up to validation
no issues thus far.
people tend to show up for work if they want to be compensated.

>although I’d want compensation (~$20) for you personally profiting off of my invitation for your business
this discord tranny invitation logic has to end. with your same logic, you should compensate us for personally profiting off of the 3 validation session rewards awarded to an inviter's identity. we don't pay for invites.

>(and you not even technically using it for yourself)
the ethos of idena's 1 person = 1 node is upheld. we simply orchestrate mining from these nodes between epochs to reap the rewards for securing the network

>> No.19063612

And who makes the flips?

>> No.19063673
File: 5 KB, 368x238, Thanks!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bag of about 8k, and im hoping to get to 10k eoy by mining, be honest lads, am i gonna make it? when do i sell?

>> No.19063718

the most competent individuals.
remember there's incentive for good flip creation on our end too: we only receive flip rewards if they pass with strong consensus

>> No.19063768

what does your return look like

>> No.19063938

haven't operated at a loss (yet).
same opportunity "cost" as mining bitcoin at a loss knowing what's on the horizon..

>> No.19064079

there is this guy on their discord called lemoe he is a kike (actually from israel) and a faggot

>> No.19064210

fuck off Denko

>> No.19064367


>> No.19064889
File: 119 KB, 578x784, 1589072351450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 1M EOY sound?

>> No.19064994

That sounds EXCELLENT.

>> No.19065063

Are any of your people doing multiple validations at the same time?

I'd be interested in flip-making services. Tired of getting shitty words, especially during this cursed 44th epoch with 4 required flips.

>> No.19065123

Sign in using idena is a pretty good usecase

>> No.19065582

>Are any of your people doing multiple validations at the same time?
2 possible, but with diminishing returns with the chance of difficult flips popping up

>I'd be interested in flip-making services.
go forth and find it. everything exists with the right price tag.

>> No.19065634

I don't understand what's validation? you have to solve a captcha in the local client you keep to prove you're human?

And how is this mined? staking, GPUs, airdrops, sending you my hair?

>> No.19065916

>you have to solve a captcha in the local client you keep to prove you're human?
Yes. But everyone does it simultaneously so it's hard to for one person to keep multiple identities. Not impossible, but it's the best we've got without KYC.

>And how is this mined?
No staking (even though there is a "stake" part of the wallet...), no high resource usage. Just "collect transactions and propose blocks when the algorithm picks your node" type of mining.
You get rewards for blocks your node mined and for voting on block proposals, so it's random and everyone pretty much gets an equal share of mining rewards.

>> No.19066740
File: 131 KB, 495x440, dna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sending you my hair?