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1904778 No.1904778 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stay productive when working from home?

>> No.1904784

Stay off of 4chan

Keep hand out of pants

>> No.1904818

Drink coffee
Don't eat breakfast (fasting state makes you alert)
Turn off TV
Get off 4chan during work hours.

>> No.1904926

Have a set area that is your home office and have a schedule. When you are in your office, you are working.

>> No.1904946

>Keep hand out of pants
this is the single most important piece of advice you can get desu

>> No.1905197
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Think of what you're working for.

>> No.1905319
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God I wish I knew.

>> No.1905331

>reliance on caffeine


>> No.1905365

Is working for Amazon the only decent work from home job?

>> No.1905372

Get a good chair to maintain a healthy posture.
Fixed working shedule and break time.
Make a ToDo List for the next day in the evening.
Do not use any social media unless its part of your work.
Cut big projects into small tasks.

Every time you get up from your chair do 2 sit ups/squads/push-ups, it will improve your concentration.(Stay fit in general)
Eat healthy.
Do not hide at home and be social. Go to the gym or meet friends etc. Do not rely on online "friends".

I work from home for a while now(self employed) and it can get pretty lonely but it is often way better than sitting in a shitty office( especially when it is an open office full of annoying people)

>> No.1905453

Eventually you will get over the wanking.

Do it like a reward system.

A couple of emails, have a wank.

>> No.1905646

My friend works for Apple doing support from home. She said it's good money and benefits but the phone is in auto dial so when one customer hangs up another one calls. Literally working from the minute she sits down until her breaks.

>> No.1905666

Wank first thing. Then coffee then work work work.

>> No.1905827

Being hungry is a distraction you massive retard. Eat breakfast

>> No.1906546

I've been working from home for 2 and a half years since my company closed their office in my city. My advice is completely "Your mileage may vary", but I think it's good advice and I think it lines up with what a lot of the other people here are saying. Take it or leave it.

1) Behave at home like you'd behave at the office. Make yourself some coffee in the morning, or get a coffee maker with a timer so you can have a cup ready at 8 AM. You don't need to dress like you're at the office, but avoiding obvious "stay at home" clothes (pajamas, unprofessional t-shirts, etc.) will make you at least feel like you're in a more professional environment.

2) Avoid things you'd get in trouble for doing at work. The people that said not to jerk off or even look at porn were right. But things like Steam/vidya, stopping for half an hour to watch The Price Is Right, etc. are major time sinks that will add up fast.

3) Try to communicate with people that you would have communicated with before you worked from home on a regular basis. I have a 15 minute meeting once a day with a few people that I worked with in person just to have an ear to listen to issues that I'm not sure about, to bounce ideas off of, etc... mimicing the "water cooler" atmosphere can help a lot, even if it's only for a few minutes a day.

The big thing is that if you sit at your gaming computer jerking off and browsing 4chan all day, you're going to screw yourself over. You can do that all day when you lose your job for dicking around. Keep a professional environment and basically try to 'pretend' you're in an office environment as closely as possible.