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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 535x1051, brrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19044492 No.19044492 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this market is manipulated with fake money and will collapse in a blink of a eye, remember the -17% in ~15 minutes? we haven't seen the worse yet.

Thank you for playing, brrrr.

>> No.19044536

>market is HEAVILY manipulated
>tether is printing free money to pump it endlessly!
> shorts

>> No.19044589

>muh CME gap

>> No.19044630

The problem is regulation. The crypto market is not regulated, there's no laws put in place hence why well known hedge funds won't touch or advise any of their clients to invest in crypto. There are many things the average person doesn't see, let alone have knowledge in how the Blockchain works. It's sad, truly sad because the ones whom know how to to play the market will excel financially meanwhile the average Joe loses a large sum. If regulations come along and Tether is put to stop it might unironically be the end of Bitcoin and other altcoins (by end I mean the market cap likely shrinked by 80%+).

>> No.19044683

Tether manipulating the market is nothing new but most are unaware or in denial, but if you seek for the truth you should find.

Here's a good study on it: https://whartonliquidity.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/is_bitcoin_really_untethered.pdf

>> No.19044768

Co-founder of Tether (USDT), William Quigley, said that it wouldn't matter if the cryptocurrency weren't actually backed by US dollars as long as everyone agreed to value USDT at one dollar. It's a matter of seconds and presses of buttons to generate new USDT into circulation.

>> No.19044838

This, it's a matter of time before the whole market becomes obliterated.

>> No.19044963

the fed of crypto

>> No.19044968

finally a based thread

>> No.19045016
File: 122 KB, 600x412, 1513174671953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must be the newest of newfags to think that nobody is aware or people are in denial.

Tether is a scam dominated almost ALL conversation from April-September 2017, and the nagain from around January 2018 all the way till like mid 2019.

now again.

fucking faggot

>> No.19045036
File: 9 KB, 302x167, FCF9B0E8-7007-40FB-9088-647DB6D89CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17%? I’ve hodld thru >85% three times. I know pain

>> No.19045167

people buying into ponzi schemes without realizing it, it's literally bunch of unregulated DIGITAL CURRENCIES

>> No.19045266

tether is the equivalent of bitconnect, promising financial independence with fake usd

>> No.19045331

true and low IQs with muh tether conspiracies. it doesn't matter if they are backed. we just need a token we all agree acts like it's 1 dollar.

>> No.19045397

it's not a conspiracy you dumbass, its his own words

>draw a painting
>have some1 evaluate it to 100m
>use it to back USDT with

yh you're retarded, it goes back to regulation nobody cares that tether is doing this because the big names they're working with get a nice slice of the pie that's for certain

>> No.19045508
File: 515 KB, 667x346, 2n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here has heard the news? You know what I'm talking about. I just want to confirm it.

>> No.19045564

the level of redpillness and basedness surpasses the limits

>> No.19045601

that is one instance, but very true lol

>> No.19045694

nice insider

>> No.19046018

they print over a billion almost every week

>> No.19046232

It’s the ONLY topic on /z/ today

>> No.19046828

yes btc $3k eom

>> No.19047788


>> No.19048045
