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19029566 No.19029566 [Reply] [Original]

>still mooning

>> No.19029595

>still a scam

>> No.19029601
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>> No.19029616

making stakers rich and those missing out baby back bitches.

>> No.19029626

when does the scam part start

>> No.19029629


>> No.19029728

>still a retard

>> No.19029879

daily reminder that once Big Pay Day is over with, the only way to ever mint new HEX is through staking, which is 3.69% of total supply annually. ive never been more bullish on a crypto project than this. this is the first crypto that has actual utility outside of gambling

>> No.19030106
File: 80 KB, 1374x1375, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is 3.69% of total supply annually.
that's IF 100% of the market supply is staked. most subhumans will never stake which means that the staking master race will collect 15% or more.

>> No.19030118

the 3.69% is static. it increases by that much every year no matter what. what changes is the percentage of that 3.69% that goes to stakers. it all gets put in a pool. the fewer stakers, the more your share of the pool. just like the AA.

>> No.19030140

and yes the pool is the chart you posted

>> No.19030181

It has been crabooning this entire time and I bought the top again. Fuck me.

>> No.19030183

So then it would make sense to fud this as a shitcoin to collect inflation while plebs stay unstaked and get dilluted.

>> No.19030187

STAKE will make HEX look like a virgin. Screenshot this

>> No.19030261

yea talk dirty to me

>> No.19030298

yes. i think the term "game theory" is kinda cringe and overused but the entire project is built around it. it seems like a very simple project at first glance, but there is quite a bit of depth to even rudimentary things. for instance the 2 week grace period to end your stake after it matures. everyone's stakes are public. so if supply is low and demand is high, people will know when a whale's stake is going to mature, and can plan their buys around it. but because of the 2 week grace period, you dont actually know when those coins will become available. even then he might not sell them anyway. after the 2 weeks, the entire value of the stake (principal + interest) starts to bleed into the stakers' collective reward pool. that means if someone dies or otherwise loses access to their stake, 100% of it will be distributed to stakers instead of being lost forever like in bitcoin. every square inch of this shit was thought out.

>> No.19030434

I literally created an anit-HEX thread just to see what would happen and nocoiners came in asking how to buy HEX. This is the type of onboarding people have been asking for since btc first got traction.

>> No.19030452

nice yeah. i think it's kind of crazy people staking for 10 years. how the fuck do you know what type of situation you're going to be in, in 10 years for a period of 2 weeks to unstake? you might get hal finney's disease 4 years from now

>> No.19030714

Oh shit that's a good point about not knowing when the whale would actually end their stake within the 2 week grace period. Adds yet another layer to the whole thing.

>> No.19030788

Probably makes sense to just ladder it out so you're collecting interest at regular intervals, taking profits and restaking if you want. 5 years is probably the most id feel comfortable with though. 10 years is like a fucking epoch in crypto. Wouldn't commit too much to that. Who knows if any of this shit will still be viable then or if one will still be alive lol

>> No.19030960

from my understanding it will take a long time for a stakers funds to be distributed if he doesn't end stake. i think this is precisely for if someone does die their family can recoup most of it. however, i don't think it matters if it was a whale that didn't end stake, i believe its like 1% after 2 weeks and another 1% every week or something don't quote me on that. either way yes its a great design that people can see when whales have big stakes ending and will throw a lot of game theory into whether they rebuy or sell and when. There are actually a bunch of cool things i've discovered after digging deeper. Overall yea its pretty cool that early end stakes and failed end stakes benefit the hodlers and stakers creating strong hands.

>> No.19030975

Still not buying

>> No.19031007

jesus fuck, thats almost a 50x over the last few months. did many people get in on this and make a fortune?

>> No.19031046

i bought a few million when you could get over 1M for 1 ETH. Made a nice profit but not enough to "make it" or anything. I really wish I had taken a bigger gamble. I knew RH was a smart guy, that his argument for Hex made sense, but I wasn't willing to take a bigger risk and am kicking myself. I could be retired on a beach now if only I had bigger balls

>> No.19031111

Okay, Peter. Stay poor.

>> No.19031134

Hex is the founder of the feast.

>> No.19031155

not too late tho. idk why people have this perspective. how many people do you actually think know about hex? there is still a ton of upside. especially while you still have time to reap the rewards from buying in the 1st year of its existence

>> No.19031173

sure I still think Hex can go up a lot. my point was the chance for instant riches is over. There's not going to be another 50x in a couple weeks again.

>> No.19031237

This. It already did like 100x when literally everyone in crypto is trying to censor it due to ignorance with a sprinkle of butthurt. Like I haven't seen such strong FUD for even actual scams before. It's fucking crazy. Imagine the possibilities once the reactionaries catch on to what it actually is and people outside of the crypto sphere start using it.

>> No.19031348

If you really believe in the thesis then this is the beginning. Think of yourself as the $100 Bitcoin guy. But Hex is now completely in our hands and we can still fuck this up, if we treat it like yet another pump and dump then that's what it'll be. Even with all the safeguards we can easily pull another 2017. Though I gotta say the slowly growing monster that Hex is becoming gets me teary eyed.

>> No.19031380

all facts man we on the same page. i feel like the censorship and butthurt is super bullish also. basically every single person that holds hex is in the black and i expect that to continue until at least 1 cent. but honestly i feel like 10 cents is a super light valuation personally

>> No.19031469

Proof of what you've made?

>> No.19031536

why do you want people to dox themselves? just look at the chart
search for hex/eth

>> No.19032146

>not too late tho. idk why people have this perspective
they deserve to get shaken out for not believing

>> No.19032382

lmao cant break 50's for 2 weeks now.

>> No.19032587

HEX under $0.01 is BTC under $1.

>> No.19032680

This guy gets it

>> No.19032723

The market cap would be huge for a 10c+ price
Your dreaming.

>> No.19032751

>The market cap would be huge
Yeah, it will be.. when btc goes to a trillion dollars HEX could easily be like 100 billion..

>> No.19032761

Remember that hex gets burned and taken out of circulating supply everytime someone stakes. So 10 cents is actually not that crazy if considerable amount of people stake.

>> No.19032867

Brainlet here come I can’t swap my ESH for ETH within the Metamask wallet? The confirm button is greyed out.

>> No.19032906

i don't think so. if you want to trade anything I would use uniswap.



>> No.19032981

AA Lobby broke 20k ETH again yesterday. I thought 2k was already crazy number.

>> No.19033470
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Some one jsut dropped 11K on uni to buy 2M HEX. We are going to break a new ATH tomorrow.

>> No.19033926

Richard can recycle as much as he wants for free so the number is pretty meaningless really.

>> No.19034004

> the number is pretty meaningless really
Well actually no if that number goes up we become rich

>> No.19034026

I'm talking about total ETH in AA lobby.

>> No.19034054

Yeah me too

>> No.19034143

it all sounds nice etc, but what's the whole point of it? is it just an 'investment' or does it have a real function? looks like a classic 'baghold forever' type of situation.

>> No.19034323

It's the first blockchain CD in history?

>> No.19034331

ETH 3.0, bank account etc.

>> No.19034385

so 'investment'
Just read that JP Morgan build Quorum on ETH without using the token, isn't that kinda bad for crypto?

>> No.19034403

looks like a ponzi

>> No.19034455

no cryptos are mere financial instruments

>> No.19034463

CD with layers of game theory to maximise price appreciation, mimimise dumping and incentivise holders.
This alone has seen it be bought up by ETH whales (genesis) and a strong vibrant community of 2nd layers developers building on HEX. Check out what Hex.Money (HXY) is doing within 5 days of launch. Millions already in it, paying 2+% a day in liquid HEX, while earning HXY interest, and thats just the beginning.
Im not trying to convince you, just laying out some points for you to consider.

>> No.19034531

crypto blackpill here we come!!

>> No.19035023

so where's the money coming from? The interest % is just paper profits, if the coin goes down - 50% because someone wants to liquidate you are just left holding a huge bag of worthless coins, or am I missing something?

>> No.19035048

the problem is the interest, you get paid in coins for buying (ok, holding) the coin, which actually means that it's like an insurance for the issuer to exit with enough baggers. Literally cannot get more ponzi like kek

>> No.19035101

If you do not unstake in time, you will loose 1% of your portfolio every week to stakers.

Interest = inflation + penalties from early ended stakes + expired stakes

>> No.19035114

hexfags got in 3 months what took linkfags 3 years

>> No.19035182

I think you're missing all the game theory elements

>> No.19035470

Out of all the shitcoins and downright scams I have bought from biz, I would never buy HEX. Stay away from this unless you want to be the next victim.

>> No.19035645

Quorum is a permissioned blockchain. It's a very different thing and hardly serves the same purpose, it's just a glorified database with the blockchain buzzword thrown in to scam boomers.

>> No.19035676

>still mooning.

Yes sir very natural movement. Buy now for many riches.

>> No.19035695

Cope harder Linkcel

>> No.19035750

Enjoy getting dumped on.

>> No.19035812
File: 51 KB, 640x885, 0C1457A2-3D9D-4D01-B696-0CE385013AC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is how it feels. Just sitting outside and enjoy the sunshine. Birds are singing; you have finally made it.

>> No.19035834

That's how pyramid schemes always work, right up to the moment they reach saturation and crash violently.