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>> No.19027144

fuck anime

>> No.19027145

elongated muskrat has lost his mind, it's only so long now before does something truly outrageous

>> No.19027148
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First for bobos

>> No.19027150


>> No.19027180

Of course it’s keeping in coordinate the first side and then the edge and- the edge-piece corner, which is triple picture because down the box.

>> No.19027190

How could $CSOD do something like this to me

>> No.19027202
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>> No.19027207

Endangered species in these parts

>> No.19027213

># of Days VIX is Below 30 in a Row: 1
>Long Term Hold Ideas
>Overperformers (little room to grow?):
>Possible Rebalancing Needed at Some Point:
>Underperformers (room to grow?)

Suggestions of what to add or remove? I don't think the VIX will stay down that long but I am refining my game plan for the next bull.

>> No.19027231
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Last of its kind

>> No.19027234
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>Mommy! Mommy! Look! I tanked the market!
>Daww aren't you just my little wolf on wallstreet <3

>> No.19027260

Hey fellers I found a good stock to check out. It’s the quintessential British stock, ticker is CUK. Check it out :^]

>> No.19027265

Fuck this. Today I've decided to pull everything out, and I will only make money purely by shorting and being a bear
The market is false

>> No.19027267

We should do a case study on $RTX. I'm sure the constant hypeposting influenced a good portion of /smg/ to buy shares. More, I'm sure many people didn't even once consider the financials of Raytheon, rather just the possibility that we might one day go to war one day. That, my frens, is what I call Irrational Exuberance™.

>> No.19027298
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>Mommy! Mommy! I had a nightmare during nap time where the market went up.
>Oh don't worry little Bobo. Here, look at the futures!
>haha REEED!
>Yes little Bobo <3

>> No.19027306

Putting 1.5k into long dated puts every month til the crash comes, if the crash comes before TD ameritrade processes my application I'll just die instead

>> No.19027322

Some people can't be saved.
There was a anime poster not long ago who shilled the trnx pump and dump. He had a stash of self made trnx anime meme pics but not one single argument.

>> No.19027349

i dont feel so good....

>> No.19027351
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which one of you pajeets is pumping MVIS??

>> No.19027368
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>> No.19027388

I used TRNX to make back almost what my realized losses were from the shit ONTX. I rode the TRNX wave then bailed before the free fall.

>> No.19027407

Is this your first time looking at futures?

>> No.19027415

Is it a good idea to sell off half my portfolio and jump back in slowly?

>> No.19027418
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> look at the cute bear haha

>> No.19027425

DIX up, don’t be afraid Mumus, ((they)) are with you.

>> No.19027436
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Earlier some faggot was spouting this nonsense that retards who invest in natural gas end up killing themselves because they lose all their money. That anon dubbed natural gas as Widow Makers ™. Is this true? A little over half my portfolio is in energy (natural gas and oil) because I'm a firm believer that we will go to war with Venezuela, which will make energy stock moon to the high heavens. Never bet against America.

>> No.19027438

I Hate Elon Musk

>> No.19027439
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little Bobo dance

>> No.19027450

Then you were quite lucky there.
ontx is actually a good swing later after the offering( and reverse split I think). Could easily double.

>> No.19027452
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This kills the chinese cold panic.

>> No.19027468

I put my money into oil and now I'm just waiting for 2 years.
Time has never gone by so slowly.

>> No.19027478
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>> No.19027498

Have you ever lived around black people before? It's fucking horrible.

>> No.19027503
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>> No.19027504

Double faggot detected since you clearly can't read. They said dealing in nat gas futures since it's so volatile. Good luck with your portfolio

>> No.19027509

It take like 2 hours for TDA to approve options trading if you’re not like 15 years old

>> No.19027519
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>Doggo porn in the catalog edition
I see dobber is at it again...

>Interesting point to consider: if we have yet to cut the QE, have we yet to emerge from the previous bubble?
Oh this is exactly it:

You’re delusional if you can’t see that this house of cards is valued in a bubble and the first domino has already tipped over, one day a reckoning will come, and no one will be using Netflix and the reddit meme says “haha gold price goes OOOOOOOOOOOOO” and basically the US dollar is going to Weimar and you’ll be living in a favela that used to call the USA because everyone lost their jobs and you thought a lack of liquidity and a short-squeeze was causing the stock market’s violent move up but ACKSHUALLY it’s just money printing because the stock market is meant to reflect the current employment numbers and NOT earnings for decades to come.

I sold EVERYTHING and put it all into SILVER and NATURAL GAS. That's the future. That's true wealth gayboys.

>> No.19027521

"Another famous example of a widow maker trade occurred in natural gas futures, which professional traders have long considered widow makers because of their price volatility."


Its the futures I think not the actual stock assets.

>> No.19027529

>stay home to slow the spread of the virus
>muts: reeeeeeeeee
>okay, fine, you can leave your homes but wear a mask when you’re around other people

>> No.19027533
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You know, you can always try online Casinos.

>> No.19027534
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New “rumors” after they didn’t learn the first time. Retards are gonna be retards no matter what.

>> No.19027541

there goes the neighborhood

>> No.19027545

>you clearly can't read

It is easy to misread something when you're Phoneposting™.

>> No.19027549
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Can I sell a stock just below the ask AH in my Roth and buy it from my main brokerage account as a way to funnel more than 6k/yr into it? This seems like it would be illegal but I couldn’t find any info on it.

>> No.19027550

I lived around black person in college... he was okay.

>> No.19027553

Look at him back then
He was so happy
In his prime

>> No.19027560
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>> No.19027567
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Anyone calling big trades besides https://twitter.com/unusual_whales and https://twitter.com/TicTocTick?

>> No.19027572

Will Meade

>> No.19027590

Fuck off shill

>> No.19027594

He's also good for other things

>> No.19027601

No, no you fucking idiots. A widowmaker is a specific type of heart attack when your LAD is 100% blocked. It's the most deadly type of heart attack. If someone says widowmaker,it is referencing this, so in this example it's meant to mean that holding that being in those trades is a very stressful event, one which can cause a heart attack.

>> No.19027618
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There were many blacks in my high school. We had academic streaming at the time so most of them filled the "basic" classes for dummies. During lunch break they would self segregate and be loud and obnoxious amongst themselves.

>> No.19027624

no you are unironically dumb as a motherfucker

>> No.19027629

Did you listen to their earnings call? It was a disaster. However, they kept referencing 'the customer from the order on April 15th' or some other date, to me it came off as them being under NDA.

>> No.19027641

Kek based interventional cardiology chad

>> No.19027653
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Seriously though, what happened to the deadly hornets?

>> No.19027654

What's going to happen to $ET?

>> No.19027658

My account application, i live in a different country

>> No.19027670

I bought PLAY today. I hope Dave can make a comeback

>> No.19027678

No, you're just really fucking retarded. There's a 'widowmaker' version of everything, and it always implies the same thing, the most stressful version of whatever your describing. I kept seeing the conversations about the terms, I really can't believe this isn't more commonly known.

>> No.19027708

Dunno, I'm still hiding from the africanized honeybees

>> No.19027720

Didn't you have to be almost literally covered in stings for those things to kill you?

>> No.19027722

The murder hornets were the equivalent of a slide thread, but outside of this Tahitian coconut art forum.

>> No.19027723

Experts in that field told everyone that they won't be able to spread and even if it somehow managed to build a nest before it died, we would just destroy it. The only ones spreading the fear shit was as usual the media

>> No.19027726

I feel bad for teachers in a majority black class

>> No.19027734

is there a widowmaker for being a fucking moron like yourself? like when your mom's boyfriend dropped you on your head did she say "that is a widowmaker"?

>> No.19027741

Keep in mind just today there was an $80 price target on the stock. Also it goes ex dividend this week. It is non sense that it is going down before the dividend is even taken out. This is a ridiculous low price right now. I'm thinking buying on margin for this and I already own 350 shares.

>Tldr: Raytheon is love

>> No.19027746

>he fell for the r*ddit CSCO meme

>> No.19027774

Price targets and analyst opinons are memes.
You should know that.

>> No.19027788
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that sumabitch got THREE third eyes!

>be loud and obnoxious amongst themselves.
that is my experience with groups of Persians

Anon. Stop being a faggot.

RTX is a buy in the low 40's, be patient or be in LMT.

>> No.19027808

This. LMT and HII are the defense plays. Other shit is shit.

t. RTN chad who took profits after the merger

>> No.19027818


>> No.19027841

better buy Raytheon right?

>> No.19027864


>> No.19027866
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Who else is gonna join me in the OKE and natty gas club?

>> No.19027891

in a few minutes futures will have a gigantic gap up and massive green dildo
guess who that will be

>> No.19027898

I don't know about it, and I don't know about the smaller players either. I'd like to know about LHX's exposure to drones, if any. But I'm afraid they're also exposed to commercial airlines and also getting blasted in the ass by boeing.

>> No.19027902

>Anon. Stop being a faggot.
Then get everyone to stop posting girls that are actually boys.

>> No.19027917
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>> No.19027925
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time to man up and take the cunny pill.

>> No.19027929

The 52 week high of RTX was 158 a share. Granted that was before they did the spin offs so the loss of those parts of the company must be factored into any new highs. But even with that the current price is a steal at under 58. If you buy Tuesday you can still bag the divvy.

>> No.19027959

What is the best stock for dividends? Do you guys recommend an etf or individuals Pfeizer or Exxon for all div investments?

>> No.19027960

Hard to talk about RTX in a 52 week timeframe (or since 2008) when they've only existed as a company for 5 weeks.

>> No.19027970
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I don’t have a large position in RTX but it’s not a bad piece of a well diversified portfolio. Might have to DCA before the ex div

>> No.19027994
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be careful with those imaginary friends...

>> No.19028017

Damn institutional glow niggers.

>> No.19028018

futures starts pumping or dumping around midnight pst as is tradition

>> No.19028023
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If SPXS doesn’t print tomorrow I’m quitting the stonk market forever

>> No.19028030

You shit talk RTX yet ask that question?

>> No.19028044

Dividend stocks are trash unless you are treating them as de-facto bonds.
JNJ, MSFT, PG, and T
The first 3 are nearly invincible. The last is a little dodgy.

>> No.19028058

Ok I’m down to $1,400 out of my original $5k. I’m gonna chalk my 70% loss up to the learning curve on options, but I’m gonna make it tomorrow boys. We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.19028075

How could you make it so you buy the shares from yourself.

>> No.19028078

Should've just bought something nice and stable. You didn't learn anything!

>> No.19028081

Those things crawl down your throat to sting you.

>> No.19028082

I bought PPL on the Toronto stock exchange a while ago for gains and dividends, around the time oil went to 0.


Huh? Of those only AT&T has a decent yield.

>> No.19028091
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This is my portfolio. Say something nice about it.

>> No.19028093
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fuck it im going long on RDS.B

>> No.19028097

why even have an s&p when its just facebook, microsoft, and apple?

>> No.19028105

This 100% except MSFT is a hybrid growth stock.

>> No.19028120

>smg has been overrun by boomer-tier yield chasers
Cringe. You don't actually thing nonsense like ET is going to maintain a 25% yield do you? Jesus christ.

>> No.19028130
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>> No.19028136
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Don't do it buddy don't trust the dutch and that green energy pivot by the company. Your never gonna get the dividend back to pre corona levels.

Don't trust uncle Mees.

>> No.19028140
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buy RSP then you fukin idiot

>> No.19028144
File: 654 KB, 2974x1901, Konachan.com - 303207 ass cropped kase_daiki nopan original school_uniform skirt skirt_lift thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaching for yeild instead of quality is a good way of getting absolutely fucked.


>> No.19028155
File: 1.23 MB, 1317x731, Annotation 2020-05-04 181723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your going to lose it all lmao

>> No.19028159

Sounds shitty. I imagine at that point you're fucked.

Why not? Also, this >>19028140.

>> No.19028170

>Huh? Of those only AT&T has a decent yield.
High Dividends are rarely safe. Frequently suspending dividends during downturns which is usually when you need the money. Or worse yet, dividend traps. Growth stocks will give more value over dividend stocks over nearly every time scale. The purpose of JNJ, MSFT, and PG is that your entry and exit point will likely be very close together. Thus, you have a semi annual "yield" that returns above bonds that would soak up your capital for longer.
T is just trying to get a little bit more out of the yield but its price is more variable. The only high yield dividend stocks that are/were consistent were oil and gas, but a lot of them have either reduced the divvy or suspended it entirely. The price of those stocks now discounts that very return.

>> No.19028177

How do you guys find research prospects?

>> No.19028185
File: 132 KB, 720x991, SmartSelect_20200511-193653_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>degree in comp. sci.
>put entire paycheck into Robinhood

such is the life of a loner dev. what else am i going to spend my money on?

this is one thing I've noticed about fellow developers. we all have stupid amounts of money but nothing to spend it on because we don't care about socializing

>> No.19028187
File: 131 KB, 1124x1430, 09F45635-AA10-47D1-B9F0-0CDA951E8471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my folio. Will I make it?

>> No.19028204

What did you buy

>> No.19028224

>this is one thing I've noticed about fellow developers. we all have stupid amounts of money but nothing to spend it on because we don't care about socializing
same hear lad. The most expensive purchase I make in a year is a new computer and/or laptop. I just live off of tendies and Arizona tea and don't give a fuck to buy a newer car than this hand me down early 2000s chevy truck.

>> No.19028225


>> No.19028227

Isn't that Robinhood?

>> No.19028237

Bye retard

>> No.19028244

I worked in Tulsa for 6 months. What a shitty state

>> No.19028259

Crap I was looking at maybe moving to oklahoma. Why was it bad? Was it expensive, boring, shitty people?

>> No.19028260
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I think about an industry or sector that would be good to trade at the time, hit the search engines, read the news, see which company names come up. Do some light FA on the biggest ones, put the charts on watchlist and either buy in right away if the getting is good or wait for an appropriate entry to form.

Sometimes I just go to finviz and plow through a hundred stocks with very quick TA to see what the long term trend is. If long term trend is flat or down it may not get put on watchlist unless the range is wide enough to make it a viable swing. Ideally long term trend should be up as that makes everything run more smoothly with the price action going forward.

>> No.19028271
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>Reaching for yeild instead of quality is a good way of getting absolutely fucked.
Let this Chinese Canadian explain to you why PPL is quality.

I know. There are exceptions. PPL has kept their dividends the same after the crash, so far at least.

>> No.19028304
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Which natural gas stocks do you recommend, fren?

>> No.19028307

But what does DOW stand for?

>> No.19028311

How did you do that?

>> No.19028330


>> No.19028340

Based. I have Enbridge stock too (on TSX).

>> No.19028353

The real lesson was the friends I made along the way

>> No.19028356

Why not TDA or IBKR?

>> No.19028360

dad of war

>> No.19028381

Jfc liberal defend this how?

>> No.19028383

If you buy T at under 30 your basically "safe" baring a massive market shit (like now). Such massive shits are rare. The 2018 winter dip was the last time which even then it didn't last long and cause that was over the trade war with china (T's price rebounded over 30 quick). That's the staying power of Him. Yes it dips but that's a Gift when it does. Cause such dips don't last long. This time the low was 26ish. Didn't last long now did it. The last time a shit happened at this level was in the 1930's and the 2008 financial mess. So barring some massive fuck up the next time this happens we won't be here to see it. Cause we'll be dead. (year 2120).

>> No.19028406

options. all my portfolio is all options

>> No.19028461

I too am a degenerate gambler, but I have about 2/3 stonks and 1/3 options/collateral

>> No.19028470

same thing roth stands for
americans are retarded

>> No.19028476

I have a few holdings where there is a fairly decent spread between the Bid/Ask.

>> No.19028480

I have seen much larger losses from option plays that go horribly wrong in a day. At least it was only 3.5k.

>> No.19028503
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>> No.19028542

SPX 2900


>> No.19028546

Should I liquidate my ENBL, NBLX, USAC, NBL, and HAL to go all in on FANG?

>> No.19028548
File: 12 KB, 224x225, fuckingay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dicks Over Women. The DJIA was started by a renegade band of homosexuals looking to normalize their deviant behavior by portraying homosexuality as being extremely profitable. The great depression was actually an attempt to wrest control of the stock market from these corporate butt pirates. It failed and the Suckin Penis 500 and Nasty Daddy Queer (NASDAQ) indexes expanded homo-superiority in the world of finance.

>> No.19028571


>> No.19028594

Once again, the crab comes out on top.

>> No.19028634

Google will massmarket driverless trucks and cars
Amazon will continue annihilate all facets of retail
Microsoft will keep running the entire corporate world
All 3 of them power 90% of all servers running modern life with their cloud services
HAL sounds gay as fuck, ENBL recovered 100% from march lows
It's up to you

>> No.19028642
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Seems to be a lot of hate for dividend stocks. I won't tell the haters not to hate, but it seems to me a dividend stock is in itself a hedge. Although generally growth stocks have higher upside, dividend stocks can go on a moon mission too. And if not, well the stock is slowly paying for itself every year in an income stream. With a growth stock you unironically have all your trendies in one basket, it has to go up & you have to sell it to realize your gains.

But don't mind me. Just a 30 year old boomer here with some growth stocks, some dividend stocks, some ETFs, some bonds, a few leap options, and some select income securities. Use the right tool for the job, and combine tools to make it to the finish line. Good luck to you all out there.

>> No.19028652

Does FANG really have that much more room to surge? If anything it feels like a VIX play. The more uncertainty, the more liquidity flees into it. When uncertainty dies, everything else suddenly seems like a discount.
TLDR: You are probably too late unless you think uncertainty is going to increase.

>> No.19028660

Your getting a gift with DIS at this price point now. The last time it was this cheap was before they did the Fox deal and before Disney+ came out. So if you buy now your basically getting Disney+ and Fox assets for "free". Yeah they suspended the divvy but they'll bring it back. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if they even hiked it some when they reinstated it. They ain't worried a bit; they bought land in Florida to expand on at a fat price not long ago when the virus was raging in china

>> No.19028674


>> No.19028716
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The market isn't the only thing fucking me in the ass.

>> No.19028761

Cause its shady they bribing you to buy their stock since they have nothing else to offer. I cant hate if I had a million dollars to invest I'd put it all in dividends. I'm pretty sure dividend cucks are the only thing keep the market from completely going under

>> No.19028784

how fucked is tesla? i feel its gonna tank cuz elon is pushing too hard.

>> No.19028799

Now is not the time for ass fucking. That comes later.

>> No.19028801

>Although generally growth stocks have higher upside, dividend stocks can go on a moon mission too
An example?
>And if not, well the stock is slowly paying for itself every year in an income stream.
Which can be suspended if the company begins doing poorly. The dividend yields are typically in the 1-5% range which means you need to hold it for 20+ years to make your input if the cost stays the same. You achieve that with bonds from the same company without the risk of them ever pulling or reducing the yield outside straight bankruptcy (and the stock will be worthless too if that happens)
Long hold divvy stocks don't serve a purpose anymore. Corporate bonds would be safer and likely return higher and on shorter time scales growth would help an IRA or other account more.
I could see solid dividend stocks such as the aforementioned JNJ as "short term bonds". If you think the rest of the year is going to be a possible shitshow but don't want to get crushed by inflation with holding cash you can just buy some shares of JNJ and ride through whatever comes with it, getting a yield much higher than any interest rate on a banking or checking account. Sell it at the end and you have liquidity again that you wouldn't get from a bond. JNJ hardly FLINCHED at the March crash.

>> No.19028816

you actually buy stock?

>> No.19028834

DIS is trash, it moves like molasses. it only recently ramped up because people thought dis+ would be a netflix killer. guess what? it isn't, and it won't be. there's no point in holding any now that they've halted dividends. i'll enter again whenever they reinstate it.

>> No.19028862

It’s definitely against the rules but If you could pull it off I doubt anyone would notice

>> No.19028902

fuck bobo fuck tvix fuck women and fuck tripfags

>> No.19028916
File: 500 KB, 1079x1793, Screenshot_20200511-181932_Webull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this making it boys?

>> No.19028920

what about jannies

>> No.19028930
File: 89 KB, 1024x682, 49A167FD-8D9F-475F-AA9E-DD0EC61AD00A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m retarded. What is Tvix? Little brain scam?

>> No.19028942
File: 14 KB, 854x89, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People aren't too optimistic about united.

>> No.19028946

How did you make and is Monday’s earnings?

>> No.19028957

fuck jannies too

>> No.19028963

What reason would they have to be optimistic?

>> No.19028973

I think people misunderstand the whole dividend thing. They go "whoa it takes a shit load of money to just earn me a puny $100 a quarter" Wrong, due to the way drip and time works for you your seed money doesn't have to be massive. What your living expenses are also helps. If your getting by on 60,000 a year now, well 120,000 in income should be your goal at retirement. The upshot is that you have a long ass time to go before that retirement date hits to build that up. Also like I said drip helps to, each divvy payment compounds the next one, increasing the payouts each time. Then once retirement hits, you just flip off the drip switch and from that point on all divvy payments gets dumped into your account. You never have to sell anything.

>> No.19028996

Serious question for the both of you, how long have you being doing this for?

When it comes time to pay the taxman, you pay much less for collecting qualified dividends than you do for flipping growth stocks, which are taxed as regular income. So not only do you have to be right every time you pick a growth stock to flip, you have to be right an additional 15% for what the IRS is going to take off the top.
There really is a reason for all these different classes of financial instruments, it's not my job to educate you, but perhaps you may want to understand them a bit better yourselves.

>> No.19028997

Based and truth pilled.

>> No.19029039
File: 2.77 MB, 500x279, 1EEDDB97-87E6-4BD9-87F9-AAE27A3FAD43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will markets react to Obama getting arrested tomorrow?

>> No.19029064

Lmao Trump is a moron god damn. He can't hold it together anymore. Come on stocks! Let's go baby lmao. Let's ride this!! Everything is under control, we are totally fine. V SHAPED. WE ARE DOING A V SHAPED RECOVERY.

>> No.19029086
File: 231 KB, 1024x1024, 181358F4-F7DB-4BDF-8FAA-98ECCBCD671E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won’t get arrested. Past Presidents are basically immune from prosecution. His staff is a different matter

>> No.19029098
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>> No.19029125
File: 78 KB, 1223x550, Gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before 1990, that would have been the thinking. And it would have been correct. But QE starting in the 90s caused the markets to begin inflating that was accelerated in 2008 (and likely will again now in 2020). Most of these gains have been highly asymmetrical in the market, with a focus on tech over the last 2 decades that has left traditional sector divvy stocks in the dust with the kinds of returns you can expect. The stock prices are discounted by the divvy and unlikely to outpace the overall movement of the rest of the market.
Divvy stocks are garbage for long term growth and give you "permanent income" once you have already made it by amassing $300k+ into the market. With a diversified portfolio you'd need to have basically already saved nearly a 1 million dollars to get 30k a year. That is just not worth it.
Divvy stocks are the new bonds since bonds have been trashed since 2008 and will likely be trashed even harder going forward. Don't think of them as somehow good value from the market.

>> No.19029170

This guy gets it. Growth stocks are great like Amazon with still a lot of upside, but in retirement I'd rather hold $1m of Microsoft stock over $1m of Amazon stock.

For me I have a bunch of boring divvy stocks that are snowballing every year to compliment my growth portfolio and have been great steady earners for me. General dynamics GD and Chub CB are well managed companies with solid assets and divvy payments. 3% divvy yields and slow growth stock pricing means it's a solid 10 year asset hedge.

>> No.19029183

He's definitely getting arrested for the crime of "Obamagate" lel. Trumpcucks are a godsend for guys like me that self-insert as the bull in NTR. I love seeing the dumbass cuck who has no idea what's happening behind the door. I'm going to be edging so fucking hard when the election happens

>> No.19029193

Why bother with the V shaped recovery meme? It's not going to look good on the campaign trail if Wall Street is nearing ATHs again and Main Street is still in the ditch.

>> No.19029192

Why would you flip them? You can just continue to buy more >>19029125

>> No.19029203
File: 628 KB, 2280x1080, Memelines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rtx might be close to a buy point. RSI says it is at. They had good earnings looks like people are done selling.

>> No.19029219

In canada you dont get taxed on dividends

>> No.19029224

>I’m retarded. What is Tvix? Little brain scam?
A leveraged exchange traded fund. It's designed to be crazy as fuck volatile for very experienced traders who constantly monitor it. So of course /smg/ will tell people to go balls deep into it. Stay away and get sensible stocks/funds anon. You worked hard for your money.

>> No.19029226
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>> No.19029232


It’s happening.

>> No.19029238

Because you need cash when you're 80 years old and shitting your pants. You will to need to pay someone to change your diapers.

>> No.19029250
File: 89 KB, 1125x633, 1568417382032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting boomers onto the Internet was a mistake. Now we have this Q faggotry and schizoposting like this.

>> No.19029265

JOHN! omg this is such an amazing source thank you for sharing



>> No.19029272

>prices delayed 15 minutes
Get off CNN, you’re better than that

>> No.19029273

Did you calculate that manually anon?

>> No.19029286
File: 995 KB, 2881x4096, 5661cf29dd3eacd43acbb7b496e4c020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feed me more distressed debt plz!!!
I need somewhere to start

>> No.19029287
File: 127 KB, 640x958, 1588348202260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also based SSO chad. I just want overvalued tech bullshit to return back from low earth orbit so I can go all in.

>> No.19029288

TVIX.Inc profits of fear and misery of investors, terrible company

>> No.19029295

I'm thinking more about the retarded analysts who are telling us we're going to reach ATH and it's all "priced in". We could deal with having a racist diaper-wearing president and his rapture-ready sidekick when nothing was too wrong, but now we need a basically competent leader and Our Guy is up there inventing "obamagate" (??) and calling the asians in the press pool chinks instead of addressing the catastrophically failed lockdown which is going to become a catastropically failed re-opening.

>> No.19029299

Then you sell your huge growth gain holds and use the cash for diaper changes or THEN purchase divvy stocks for your fixed income. It is literally the superior play in every way.
The only people who should have been buying divvy stocks on "discount" during this crash are people who are already at retirement.
Dividends are just value traps and IRAs that knew what they were doing would stop trying to advertise them as necessary to the portfolio.

>> No.19029330
File: 179 KB, 421x370, Quock - la sera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.19029332

Its from the DRIP calculator in the OP
>noone reads these
Oh well
See >>19027213
It feels like there can't be much more room for growth in Tech. At some point everything else will start to feel like a steal. I'll still diversify into it of course.

>> No.19029354
File: 115 KB, 500x509, 1583030490284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both? what stocks are good for value right now?

>> No.19029401

My work 401k has been doing it's job since 2005 very well. But it like all 401's suffer a limitation in that each year your income shrinks due to you sucking out money after you retire. So I'll prob dump it once I retire into a divvy fund like SCHD. This way I'll have yet another self generating income stream and not one that shrinks year after year. So I'll have 3 permanent income streams; my pension, my SCHD divvy income and, my stock divvies. I also plan to have a pretty beefy SWPPX & SWTSX fund at retirement as well. Which I may flip those into the SCHD as well when the time comes. Or a bond fund, whichever way to keep all those years of gains from slipping out of my grasp.

>> No.19029414

reddit is thataway

>> No.19029433
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>> No.19029438
File: 194 KB, 407x399, Screenshot from 2020-05-11 21-50-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only people who should have been buying divvy stocks on "discount" during this crash are people who are already at retirement.
The discount stocks appear to have high dividend yields because they are at a discount. Your tech stock tulip bulbs are not at a discount.

>> No.19029443

> /ES -.75%


>> No.19029446
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1588098925660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, the -40% TVIX guy was right (read: I was right. I am him)

>> No.19029455
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>> No.19029458

great blog post, have you ever heard of wordpress?

>> No.19029470

The point is to have enough in it when you retire that your yearly gainz are more than your lifestyle needs

>> No.19029474

mumu are you ok?

>> No.19029511
File: 16 KB, 280x280, 1588997613888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened last night. The tinfoil hat posters last week kept saying how it was a conspiracy that futures pumped at night and stocks dumped during the day.

>> No.19029523

don't get cocky!!!!

>> No.19029525

Today was the first week I decided to be bullish and bought some SPY calls. I see the market has decided to turn in response. If we're not green by Wednesday I'm just buying 10k in puts for September and saying fuck it forever.

>> No.19029534

Oh I'll have that covered, I make shit now a year so my income needs are not that excessive. In other words, I won't need a million dollars to survive on even with inflation tacked on.

>> No.19029537

The mood seems to be becoming more pragmatic with every passing week. And even if we were to reach ATHs, how could that not be a huge sore spot on the campaign trail? I can't imagine the Main Street vs Wall Street debate not getting played up if that's the reality come late Summer/early Autumn.

>> No.19029557
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>> No.19029571
File: 39 KB, 300x250, qGbpCoqvCd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking tired of losing money all the time. I think I'm switching to calls.

>> No.19029594
File: 167 KB, 760x627, 1589165130630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP bulls

>> No.19029620

Just buy a etf that tracks the Nasdaq.

>> No.19029634
File: 114 KB, 500x478, its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big boys
>smart money

>> No.19029640

You'd be surprised how many idiots are in hedge funds.

The beanie baby mentality isn't limited to just plebs.

>> No.19029652

Convince me to go to sleep instead of swinging these futures 20x right now.

>> No.19029676

The optimal nap duration is 90 minutes, which allows for one full cycle of deep sleep.

>> No.19029678

>Just buy a etf that tracks the Nasdaq.
you mean like nasdaq?

>> No.19029702

no, buying Nasdaq implies you're buying NDAQ.

He means buying the Q's

>> No.19029703

No, like QQQ

>> No.19029730

the absolute state of /smg/ for fuck's sake

>> No.19029769

Has anyone here tried long/short "market neutral" strategies?

>> No.19029847

Then I guess I can sell covered calls on dividend stock and never get assigned because “dividend stocks don’t have growth”, right?


>> No.19029856

any good buys that have great potential on the ASX? what are you ASX portfolios anons?

>> No.19029873

How do I get someone to buy my covered calls ?

>> No.19029882


>> No.19029900

post a crying bobo to lure retards

>> No.19029906
File: 185 KB, 543x510, 1585005439350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like iron condors and related? Yeah. Works okay. Not my preferred way to trade but I can see it being profitable over time. I make more money just swing trading common shares or playing leveraged ETFs long or short. Recently dabbling some in volatility setups like straddles going in to earnings calls. That works well too.

I don't think it's a good idea to bet on low volatility at this time. My feel is the market is hovering at a pivot where anything could nudge it over to start a violent trend in either direction.

>> No.19029937

Covered calls leave only underperformers behind over time so....yes

>> No.19029965
File: 11 KB, 1285x48, SELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150% gains!!?
Should I sell!?!!!?1?!1/11?? Earnings day after tomorrow!!

>> No.19029973

How much would you pay a Tinder slut to spend the night at your place?

>> No.19029976

So is oil going to crash again in a week when the futures contracts are up or have they sorted the storage issue?

>> No.19029995

if dubs you have to go all in

>> No.19030000


>> No.19030010

Me too I bought 30 shares at 10.80 going for the long haul.

Lotta of memories of going there with my ex.

>> No.19030017
File: 107 KB, 850x721, tea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is oil going to crash again in a week
No. Pic related is my TA chart.

>> No.19030028
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1589226208717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think I care about my 3000 grand. fuck you I'm going all in on eman

>> No.19030035

Sheeeeeeeeet. I can't argue with that but what if earnings is literally through the roof? It's an online retailer for women's clothing. They sell products through Instagram influences and since the corona shit going on, it should mean there is probably more than what is expected in sales right?

It's also a 2 year contract.

>> No.19030044
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>> No.19030046

Then your argument is moot because there is a guaranteed way to profit more off dividend stock than growth stocks.

>> No.19030055

Sell to cover your entry point and let the rest ride if you want. Or sell to take some level of profits and do the same.

>> No.19030059

Obviously yes. Learning when to sell is extremely important.

>> No.19030068


>> No.19030069
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19030073


>> No.19030110
File: 233 KB, 1238x672, Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 7.27.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mumu here, I am not okay.

I'd be too worried that she'd steal something.

>I don't think it's a good idea to bet on low volatility at this time.
Yeah that's why I'm not okay... i just put 14.74% of my trading account into SVXY. And just now I'm reading Credit Suisse's TA Equities Daily note...

>Chart of the Day: The decline in the VIX has extended to what we see as major support, starting at 27.27 and stretching down to 23.57 – the top of the 2019/2020 base, rising 200-day average and 78.6% retracement of the 2019/2020 rally. We maintain our view of looking for this to remain an important floor, which we see as consistent with our base case view that the S&P 500 should stay capped at its 200- day average at 3002.

Looks like I'm a simp and the market is my E-girl

>> No.19030132
File: 84 KB, 900x550, 157872338165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based invstment strat

>> No.19030135

Bear since March and make a killing on the first leg down but not enough fat to keep me through this rally. I sold my last shares of tvix today at 359 sharp ..

If there is a correction i dont feel like it will be happening anytime soon. I am down 7k ...

Will maybe try again if circut breakers hit in futures. If not .. well best of luck to you fine gentlemen. Make enough for my loss ..

>> No.19030176
File: 3.48 MB, 779x1169, 9a597c3efb4375b53126835f8e5a1958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh... so chad Mike Wilson says: We're not getting a U recovery.

> Going back to the shape of the recovery. Most investors we speak with are now in the "U" camp, while a "W" recovery remains a real possibility depending on how the virus subsides, or returns. If history is a guide, "U" may actually stand for “Unicorn,” because U-shape recoveries coming out of a recession have never really been observed, especially steep ones. Therefore, we continue to bet on the "V" and employ our recession playbook.
>Therefore, we continue to bet on the "V" and employ our recession playbook.

>> No.19030179
File: 236 KB, 750x740, 056A060A-1138-4C90-A832-E8D3EB82CC91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19030189
File: 292 KB, 640x480, 1588760167247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I didn't buy Nvidia when it was sub $200
> I didn't buy Tesla when it was $330

Just kill me, end my suffering

>> No.19030199

Last panel should be him saying "this never wouldve happened if wed kept the fucking jews out of our clubs in 1940."

>> No.19030201

>market still down 30%
>peak euphoria
you'll have another chance probably

>> No.19030219

people who are momentum trading are killing it right now

>> No.19030230

7k? Is that a lot of money to you? If it is then you should not be shorting anything you retard.

>> No.19030231

Nah nigga, you moomoos have been relentless for more than 2 months, you aren't even getting spit on the tip when we ram it in.

>> No.19030233
File: 38 KB, 128x128, 1583782152188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow when was the last time we saw futures near -1% bobos?!

>> No.19030235

I forgive you from the death

>> No.19030247

Interesting read thank you anon.

>> No.19030259
File: 172 KB, 942x728, predictable-irrationality-if-you-build-what-they-ask-for-they-will-not-come-10-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19030260
File: 38 KB, 600x350, a78b3b4b2c6e653e9a26c3a8299897b3007616f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew I should have bought draftkings this mronign

>> No.19030264
File: 1.59 MB, 1125x2001, DFB6E041-1A43-46BC-9A25-C231973B5425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shit... how come you guys didn’t say anything about this shit?

I gotta stop hanging out with you guys, you’re so ill informed.

>> No.19030279

Last night.

>> No.19030281

I'm never going to sell.
I swear to fuck, when I buy it crabs. When I sell it moons. So I'm never selling and yall can crab with me

>> No.19030294

the day /biz/ was tricked into longterm investing

>> No.19030296


>> No.19030299

>that picture
you having some sort of breakdown or something?

>> No.19030302
File: 362 KB, 407x363, 1573139014628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. /smg/ has mostly been perma-bull/bear newfags constantly shitting on the losing party, like it's a cult or some gay ass r*ddit shit. Anybody with half of a brain has simply been trading the trend.

>> No.19030316
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, hat2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Credit Suisse's TA Equities Daily note...
Well we'll see how it goes. I think they're nutty for offering a TA based opinion on the VIX. Indexes are still fairly neutral even with this evening's selling.

>> No.19030320

Holy fuck an irl slide thread.

Wh...What if its all 4chan. 4chan all the way down?

>the sudden moment you grasp the full meaning of, "Dont forget, youre here forever."

>> No.19030334

>Bought Nvidia around $20.
>Didn't hold it long enough.
I think it feels better on your end.

Snib snab is here to stay, but it was down similarly last night until around 8am or so.

>> No.19030346

Gonna take some sleeping pills n jerk off. Always makes me trade more clearly the next day

>> No.19030357

about tree fiddy

>> No.19030369

>he didnt go all in on fomo penny stocks

>> No.19030375
File: 302 KB, 2048x1264, 1578422977025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply cannot count how many times that I faked a work phone call (medfag) and told them that they had to leave because I had to go in. They would have to pay me to stay.

>> No.19030399
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>> No.19030401
File: 352 KB, 1201x1700, EWIwkNUUEAANogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It's an interesting little thing through schwab I've never seen before, and it has some interesting disclaimers

>Important Information
Suisse and has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research. It is not a product of the Credit Suisse Research Department ...

I guess I should have expected this and shouldn't get too upset about it... 5% of 14% of my account is no big deal...to come back from a -2% day I just need a few +1% days... yeah it's no big deal, everything's OK

>> No.19030418
File: 204 KB, 1500x1000, D6409EFB-5865-4261-9288-9F7544FD7610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have oil stonks.

XOM/OILK. Outlook for 30 days?

>> No.19030425
File: 1.40 MB, 1341x737, 1588941147062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRUE bullhood is hoping against hope that the crabs and bears keep making their bread for the next few months so I can keep POOMPing my wages into this 35% off market sale.

>> No.19030443
File: 84 KB, 640x1136, 0BDADB80-F1A3-4066-9E75-CF0371466421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else poorfag here?

>> No.19030459
File: 156 KB, 750x571, 69EC0B40-67BE-4FFD-9F9D-FACACAB1628B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, California Elected officials are telling Elon to leave lol

>> No.19030473
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, CEO of Based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I shorted SPY's tippity top height yesterday
>mfw AMD ripping and on the way to ATHs after cup and handle
>mfw slept really well today
Dare I say, based?

>> No.19030474
File: 21 KB, 576x346, 5wuawobhs7y41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I knew day trading was a meme but this is fucking ridiculous

>> No.19030477

Me. I only have 3500 and put it all on TVIX. 14 shares. Down 40% but I expect to 3x my money by the end of may

>> No.19030481
File: 53 KB, 524x399, Dabbed on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>packs up and leaves
>shitton of califagians unemployed

>> No.19030503

Same bro

Jerome is fucking me in my ass, but I like it

>> No.19030510
File: 2.02 MB, 1125x2001, 1F09AE3D-4B54-449E-9A1B-AA51F0B1B796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I guess volatility and cheap BiliBili’s are back on the menu? Does he have authority over government employees retirement accounts?

>> No.19030513

does anyone on here actually have any fucking money or is it all just memes and shitposting?

>> No.19030515

Newfag here, about to dump half my savings into some brent crude and natural gas since it dropped hard. No idea whatsoever about stocks. Will buy and forget, then sell in a year.
Hiw dumb does that sound? Will I make a couple bucks or go homeless by 2021?

>> No.19030527

This shit is so fake. So many stocks jumping vertically in a single day on the same week.

>> No.19030530

How much money is money?

>> No.19030531
File: 3.89 MB, 246x320, SmartSelect_20200322-213001_Gallery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19030536

Probably. Taking money out of Chink markets is critical. China is on the way down

>> No.19030538

from my view 90% of posters are shitters and 10% are big fish (have a 25k+ account to day trade like me)

>> No.19030542

>Does he have authority over government employees retirement accounts?
Not direct one, but he can absolutely order money out of chink markets in favor of euro or American ones.

>> No.19030551

More specificallly they're trying to ingratiate themselves with retarded commie voters in order to psychopathically derive personal gain from him already leaving California, and trying to avoid blame for killing the industry in the area with their bullshit and leaving moderate voters jobless in the next few years depending on how things go. Plus doing some childish toddler tantrum-throwing to avoid having to personally cope with how fucked their ideology is and how little the average risk-averse worker is worth.
You know the scary part?
I'm a tech college dropout working retail and even I understand this. No wonder commies hate white American men, we're just not stupid enough to take the soma.

>> No.19030553

Would China retaliate in kind? What a shit show would that start.

>> No.19030554


>> No.19030572

You would likely buying ETFs that hold futures contracts and sell them regularly to buy more expensive ones further out in time. It’s a terrible idea and you’re basically donating your money to the people who run those terrible ETFs as well as the traders who sell those contracts.

>> No.19030578
File: 28 KB, 378x61, Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 12.08.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is a pleb

Protip: I never use TVIX

>> No.19030584
File: 74 KB, 511x539, rember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. I independently arrived at only trading during power hour through trial and error. I only buy during that time and only sell before power hour if I get stopped out. It's neat to see an actual analysis about whether this makes sense from a macro perspective.

>> No.19030586

Printer needs to cool off so he's got to find cash somewhere in the meantime

>> No.19030588
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>> No.19030589

I had a 10k account a month ago. Then the tankers meme happened, down to 7.6k

>> No.19030599
File: 375 KB, 840x859, 1575991919461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big fish
>have a 25k+ account to day trade like me
>big fish

>> No.19030602

Are polos bullish right now?

>> No.19030603
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>> No.19030612
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No war. Nobody wants to fight. It's very boring and lame.

>> No.19030615

sorry little fishy maybe one day you can be big

>> No.19030621
File: 579 KB, 1080x1565, Screenshot_20200511-015014_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are scared.

>> No.19030620

My calls are up 130% at close, and will be up by 200+% by open.

>> No.19030628

Why are you impersonating me? What is there in doing so?

>> No.19030647
File: 17 KB, 714x405, IMG_20200511_225852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck a niggers dicks or something.

>> No.19030659
File: 323 KB, 720x933, 20200510_092544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck. The Democrats have been gambling with a bad hand for 3 plus years and it looks like their cities and states will suffer majorly in this new post covid America.

>> No.19030723

Get a job faggot.

>> No.19030755

>let's show people being right
>but give them angry faces
>and have them say 'I AM SILLY' at the end
wow this convinced me I want open borders now

>> No.19030757
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 1466706246310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking baller

I threw some 3 grand on some longs and one risky short in thirds

idgaf, I'm coming up still worst case I make a grand best case I make 12k

I really don't care naymore. I got a job that cann't be taken and I make a significant amount, my soon to be wife owns a house. Worst case I jump off a building.

>> No.19030779

Live in a 83% black neighborhood and its just fine. The only sketchy thing that has happened was last night actually, some fat white dude in a hoodie was staring in through my door (theres a small windows section at the top) and I locked eyes with him until he went slowly walking away. Black people leave you alone. If that hasn't been the case for you, you're just a loser who reads as a loser in daily existence

>> No.19030832

TN: You'll be okay as long as you go door to door sucking cock, if you can't even do that for this poor oppressed race you deserve to be shot, raped and robbed.

>> No.19030905

>not buying property in black neighborhoods and waiting for the gentrification wave

>> No.19030941

can confirm. lots of garbage everywhere, for some reason they thikn the world is their empty crown royale nip bottle depository

>> No.19031003

Stay poor faggot Started this week with 3300. Up to 12000 from SPY calls rolled into PTON. Got it all sitting in CSCO right now and guess what? Up 180% from the run-up to earnings. Selling slightly before earnings desu.

>> No.19031026

Time distorts when you're having fun. This is actually over 1.5 weeks. My bad.

>> No.19031162

b...bu...but I hate liberals and shitty memes. There's no way any coherent thought could come of that place.

I love our meme president and I will defend him to the end, but you sound a lot like a feminist right now.

>> No.19031275

Stop drinking.

>> No.19031286


>> No.19031700

>slow the spread of the virus
This is so fucking stupid
If everyone affected 100 people the chance of the virus murating into something actually dangerous would be far smaller as there would be less generations of viral infection
It spreads so fast it would rot itself out if we wouldn't try to stop it