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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 636x358, quant-636x358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19024102 No.19024102 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done with the pathetic fudding group here, time to give you guys the real details on this matter.

FUD away, I will refute it in this thread for you guys.

>> No.19024146

Quant is

-network of networks.
-future proof

>> No.19024147

3 members of same family in management positions.

>> No.19024174

Why team is selling tokens all the time if they have paying customers?

>> No.19024176

Ok then, why don't we see QNT in actual use? Why is there no quant enterprise alliance like ETH or REN has?

>> No.19024187

Is it as good as NOIA?

>> No.19024192


Questions should only come from people who understand crypto, ideally.

>> No.19024201

One of which was a Director at Deloitte and held other board level positions.

The other is a genius in his own right, can’t remember his fucking horrible Armenian name.

Why wouldn’t you put your family in directorship positions? It’s the people around them that matters.

Always put your most trusted to oversee.

>> No.19024215
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We fud because your faggot ceo keeps dumping, along with the faggot admins that pretend to "FUD destroy".

>> No.19024241

Dashboard by end of Q2 senpai

See the magic that awaits

>> No.19024269

New trainers are expensive anon.

You wouldn’t know, because you’re poor.

>> No.19024279

I was so bullish about QNT, but I think they lost any momentum they had. They have nothing in the pipeline sadly.

>> No.19024307

Thanks, go fuck yourself

>> No.19024333

Honestly this. It's always next quarter something

>> No.19024355
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Sure buddy, keep holding bags while the dumping continues all the way down to .01 there's an alternative season incoming and I guarantee Quant won't be a part of it as usual.

>> No.19024368

Overledger is just a vaporware software, has nothing to do with real crypto. If you don't count dumping tokens.

>> No.19024384

Yeah, even that dashboard will be an epic fail, those brainlets really think there will something.

>> No.19024411


>> No.19024414

Absolutely true,
Lara Verdian has had experience by being Head of International Market Access at Intercept Pharmaceuticals which makes her an excellent choice for handling the healthcare clients of Quant Network.

Gagik Alaverdian has been setting up offices for Gilbert in the USA. Makes sense right? Choosing a person you can trust very well and knows Gilberts vision.

In time, gateways and the Overledger dashboard are set to be released in Q2. Up to this point I admit usage is purely speculation. (It's up to you if you trust the company, not too mention Paolo Tasca's work there. Do some background research on Paolo Tasca, he's very well connected in finance and DLT)

1. Overledger is patented.
2. Overledger is not another blockchain, why is this good you may ask?
* Another blockchain has its limits in transaction speed and consensus algorithms.
As we all know every use case has a best consensus algorithm fit.
Permissioned Enterprise blockchains like Hyperledger and Corda are a dozen times faster than the public networks. Introducing a public blockchain will only slow it down.
Now you may say but there are fast ones, if you watch closely you can see the reason being because it centralizes the network with a voting procedure. This is a vulnerability for enterprise.

Further questions I can see coming are:
- Where are big exchanges?
Coinbase, Crypto.com have been applied for. These will take time to list. Recently we had a listing on Nash Exchange, small but promising exchange.

Quant Network will not list on Binance because Binance requires that the code must be open source. Overledger is not open source. The proprietary technology which is patented will remain in closed source.
The SDK's however are public, Gilbert has told us that more and more parts of Overledger will become public as time goes on. (Except the patented stuff of course)

>> No.19024515

Has Quant been selling tokens?
Absolutely, and I'm not even mad.

How would you feel if the cryptocurrency you invested in dies because the company failed to manage risk and reserves. (COVID19 is a clear example)

Another thing I'd like to add is that Guy Dietrich of Rockefeller Capital Management is on the directors board at Quant Network.

Why is he at Quant Network and not Coinbase?
Well apparently Coinbase is too small of scale for them.

>> No.19024553

who punped it last time? wasnt it bitlords paid group?

Can you get them to pump it again?

>> No.19024585
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Just going to leave this here.

>> No.19024677

If you are new to Quant Network or don't understand the fundamental vision.

Please watch this with an open mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4VI5vI_fjE&feature=youtu.be

>> No.19024785

QNT gained about 1000 wallets in a year, which is pretty fucking sad. People are not buying this scam, only few idiots are still listening that paid shill Walmert who's chanting his unicorn shit. Like that fucking brainlet Cheddar. Literally the stupidest cunt on earth.

The truth is, quamfy fuckers are getting super fucking desperate. If they would trust Quant as much as they say, they wouldn't care about fud or be here shilling QNT like any other pajeet shitcoin every fucking day.

If they would trust it, they would shut the fuck about it or even fud it to keep the price low, like linkies did for years.

But no, they are here, and guess why?

>> No.19024804

Quant Network named Gartner Cool Vendor


>> No.19024813

In your council dreams

>> No.19024838

This sound more of a personal issue.

About the wallets, true it's a small number. I and others think this has to do with IDEX being our main exchange, while other small ones like CoinMetro and Nash are trying to grow.

The reality of IDEX is that is hard to understand and not so user friendly when compared to mainstream exchanges.

>> No.19024872

These are possible platforms to connect with Overledger, not confirmed partnerships. (Some of them already are connected)

Don't twist the facts.

>> No.19025147

Those banks weren’t chosen at random anon

>> No.19025213

Lol fuck me bruvva


>> No.19025252

Let's wait for confirmation.
I have good faith in it happening though. (Plenty of crumbs)

>> No.19026261

Anymore cases /biz/ would like clarity on?

>> No.19026331

Yes, is the token needed and why does it exist in the first place? It's just software, isn't it

>> No.19026774

Facts about the token:
The total supply of QNT is 14,612,493 (rounded to the nearest QNT token). This is split into the following:
9,964,259 — Amount sold to the public
2,649,493 — Reserves and used for Research and Development, Facilities, Infrastructure, Legal / IP, Marketing, Exchanges
1,347,988 — Founders
650,753 — Advisors

The network is utilising the benefits of a tokenized network to enhance security and introduce additional concepts such as Gateways etc. Tokens are especially efficient for micro-licensing/licensing of a platform, I recommend checking out this cool video/article by Dragonchain who touch on the topic:
The token is required in all instances of Overledger. Permissioned use-cases or Permissionless. All of this is outlined in the Utility Paper: https://www.quant.network/QUANT_Token_Utility_V0.2.pdf
The token adds numerous benefits to the platform:
It is fully auditable via a blockchain and immutable, It has the security of private / public keys so nobody can just copy a product key etc, it is programmable so you can automate events to happen.
In addition to that, QNT is used to validate with the option to encrypt and sign every transaction that flows through overledger with the private key associated with the token. This provides Identification, non-repudiation, privacy etc whilst being immutable on the blockchain.
This method of verification also reduces the ability for malicious actors to attack the network, with additional costs.

I'd like to add this article to further open your mind about true blockchain interoperability: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2018/10/blockchain-interoperability-i-do-not-think-it-means-what-you-think-it-means/

>> No.19027645
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QNT is the real MVP.



>> No.19027699
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November bank went missing
$8B HCL announcement was promised back in october and went MISSING
AxTrading is missing (was supposed to launch in January)
SIA was supposed to announce Quant as the backbone for SIACHAIN Spunta. DENIED LOL
5 central banks were in talks with QNT back in December. No words on that
Accenture stole Sweden’s Central Bank that was supposed to be Quant’s for piloting CBDC’s
Cointelegraph article went missing
Interchange demo that failed at QuantX back in December was supposed to be launched on Youtube. Went missing KEK
300 orgs registered on Developer Portal. Fucking Empty

>> No.19027719
File: 191 KB, 1246x1280, 1588794611586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Gilbert Verdian (Allahverdian), cybersecurity expert, getting scammed of over $60k by Telegram pajeets

>> No.19027731
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Rearchitecting the financial system with this usage on AWS


Tariq Khan has stepped out from Director position 1 month ago (bullish lol)
SIA has stopped talking about Quant since 2019
Main Quant architects (basically the inventors of this shit) Colin Paterson and Jean Paul Dejong are gone from the team lol
T1 exchanges were promised in 2018 December

>> No.19027751
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Gilbert was caught pumping and dumping on the community multiple times. Always after the AMA's and the Blockchain Brad interview, right after talking about 5 central banks, 50 million customers gov contract etc. Each story gets bigger and bigger so that this shady armenian scum cand dump even bigger quantities.

>> No.19027778
File: 261 KB, 794x910, 1588794925485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scum even fired some of the team members so that he could make way for his family to get on the team and extract the ICO funds.

>> No.19027836

Ill start debunking your shouting first thing tommorrow morning. Sleep is bliss.

>> No.19027846
File: 421 KB, 2982x1475, 1588795081308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the 2019 "revenue" was generated by this shady armenian scum. By dumping on your heads.

Of course that the Treasury wasn't buying tokens because everyone was using the TESTNET lol. Confirmed by Gil, but very late. He never came into the chat to calm down the imbeciles that were shilling treasury licence buys.

>> No.19027858
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The Gartner award was also complete bullshit. MODUM received one and then exit scammed by selling company 16% of company shares for 100% of tokens lol. Soft scamming shitcoin awarded by Gartner LOL

>> No.19027875
File: 267 KB, 1268x1277, 1588795466773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Quant's developer portal. Fucking dead and abandoned. "supposedly there were 300 organizations registered in there building stuff. Yeah, Allahverdian, we believe you!