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19021641 No.19021641 [Reply] [Original]

Mine Shutdowns and Offline Gold Production

Our current count indicates that 338 mining operations have been shut down worldwide due to COVID-19.

Ramping up production cannot happen overnight and it can take mines as long as 21 days to resume full production.

>> No.19021680

God I wish that were me in that room. One of them bars is like 150,000

>> No.19021831
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Platinum is the next bullrun

>> No.19022006
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>> No.19022075
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>> No.19022177

The planet gets a break from the dirt diggers.

>> No.19022193
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>> No.19022225

How much gold do I need for staking

>> No.19022270

5 ounces or so. Make sure you get fractional gold in case you need to sell some. 1/4 ounce eagles are best for that

>> No.19022319

Only get 1 oz coins unless it's for collecting. Fractional premiums are really high and you'll most likely trade in junk silver before using fractional gold

>> No.19022354

Who cares, I'm all in LOKI, as you should be.

>> No.19022440

>Make sure you get fractional gold in case you need to sell some. 1/4 ounce eagles are best for that
10 pesos and british sovereigns are both better. Only suckers buy US mint bullion.

>> No.19022468
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>Our current count indicates that 338 mining operations have been shut down worldwide due to COVID-19.
do you know how many mining operations there are in the world?

>> No.19022572

Thank you platinum anon.
Quite a read.
I've taken the platinum pill a while back.
What seems to be missing is the relation with palladium, which is often its competitor in catalysts.

Very interesting to see that it has such a high correlation with crude oil and very bullish indeed since oil is at levels that are simply unsustainable long term.
I will probably be looking at stacking more platinum and more silver.

>> No.19022645

Fun read thanks

>> No.19022689


>> No.19023832


>> No.19024530
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Glad you like it. Platinum is the real under-valued metal

>> No.19024676

Gold and uranium

>> No.19024702

undervalued based on what?

>> No.19024708
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Over 1M Hex gold

>> No.19024922
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Compared to gold, platinum historically is worth 35% more. Currently you can buy two ounces of platinum for one ounce of gold which is an anomaly

>> No.19025025
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>> No.19025064


>> No.19025085

No. How many?

>> No.19025099
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>> No.19025121

Is that your letter?

>> No.19025140
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>> No.19025161

why would gold have value if platinum has value

>> No.19025170

No it's a /biz/ meme

>> No.19025202
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It's a strategic metal

>> No.19025208
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It even says Platinum on the top left.

>> No.19025234

Reminder that platinum is an industrial metal, making it inherently more speculative than gold which is actually money.

>> No.19025245

*doesnt have value

>> No.19025263

doesn’t platinum have essentially all the same properties as gold and is also scarcer?

>> No.19025290
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>> No.19025357

Simply put, gold has historically been seen as a store of value, platinum has not. China is hoarding gold and telling its citizens to do the same. I don't see anything of the sort happening with platinum. If you want to get platinum now to flip it for a gold profit, more power to you, but long term gold is going to be far more important for preserving wealth.

>> No.19025367
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Platinum does not melt easly. Left column is Celsius right is some yankee fake number.

>> No.19025400

I wouldn't say that there is any competition for gold in terms of storing wealth, however platinum is bullish due to the scarcity relative to gold.

However, it is a good hold both short and long term due to the exchangeability for gold, inherent value, and greater industrial use than silver.

Essentially, platinum is what silver wishes it was and silverbugs won't ever admit it.

>> No.19025484

>Essentially, platinum is what silver wishes it was and silverbugs won't ever admit it.
For the most part I agree, although I do expect at least one more speculative bullrun for silver considering the current GSR. To be clear, I also see silver as a means of flipping into gold once the ratio is more favorable.

While high industrial use can be bullish for platinum due to increasing demand, if that demand disappears the reverse happens. Are you worried at all about the reduced reliance on platinum for catalytic converters?

>> No.19025495

There's a guy on /an/ who would like one of those.

>> No.19025513
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Platiunum melting point is around Titanium. That is one good metal.

>> No.19025577

No I am not worried about catalytic converters. There is industrial use in dental euipment and platinum is the only precious metal used in pacemakers.

Pacemakers and an increase in the elderly population will increase demand even if electric cars overtake petrol

>> No.19025629


It is a very beautiful coin which has sadly been discontinued

>> No.19025671
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Hydrogen cars. It is a silent revolution, but if you google hydrogen + any country you will be shocked.