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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 628 KB, 498x1078, PlayfulDrearyGoldeneye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19021257 No.19021257 [Reply] [Original]

> /wsb/ 10x their money trading options
> /biz/ is waiting for the gay halving to pump their bags

>> No.19021317

80% of options expire worthless

>> No.19021333

>can literally make myself a millionaire by changing some text in browser source code and fish for reddit gold

>> No.19021366

The point is to sell them for a profit, not exercise them you fucking retard.

>> No.19021387

you can't change robinhood numbers retard

>> No.19021390

>retard gambled with 250k and made 750k
you can achieve the same thing at a casino

>> No.19021546
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>> No.19021640

FUCKIN BASED. what would you do with 90 million? I would probably do a kilo of coke and then hang myself

>> No.19021721

>Aaaa I refuse to believe that actual millionarinos browse /biz/!
>You’re supposed to all be inferior loser NEETS! NOOOOOOOO!

>> No.19021815

I live a simple life, physical things bring me no joy anymore. Sold a bunch of stuff recently.

>> No.19021823

Why do you still invest? Seems like you made it anon

>> No.19021860

I hope your son stays healthy desu

>> No.19021909

Omg! Is this real??

>> No.19021913

There's nothing else to do with money. I just split it between different brokerages but dumped a lot into RH because I'm lazy.

>> No.19021918

Can I have your money then? Physical money has no meaning to you

>> No.19021934

Your moms pussy is worthless but the boys and I still hit it

Also congratulations guys. The goal for me is to have a portfolio like yours someday. Any good investment tips?

>> No.19021970

>+$460,000 today
Life changing money for most Americans from a 0.5% bump. Crazy

>> No.19022021

I guess I enjoy managing my money, I don't really buy stuff though.

>> No.19022049

Hoi anon!

>> No.19022135

Sorry, huh? I'm waiting for CKB to 100x.

>> No.19022166
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you should do some charity my dude

>> No.19022190

>my dude
Dropped ZOOMER trash

>> No.19022234

I donate a lot, helps with taxes too. I genuinely like giving though.

>> No.19022235
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>> No.19022253

I would probably hang a kil of coke and then do myself.

>> No.19022347

give us some tips then. give us some calls.

>> No.19022359

I’ll send you nudes of my girl for a paltry 150 of that

>> No.19022375

Fake pic it's not after hours

>> No.19022386
File: 8 KB, 250x250, chickennugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your social circle change when you have all these money? (assuming you earned this through trading from the bottom)

>> No.19022391

Anon you don't remember me? It's me your best friend!

>> No.19022497

Options decrease in value rapidly. The people that make 20x or more on options are people that gambled on short term OTM options and got lucky. 9 times out of 10 you lose everything.

>> No.19022545

Dark theme, but yes this screenshot is from yesterday.

Buy Bitcoin for now

I didn't tell anyone. I just larp a finance worker. Like I said I don't spend a lot on materialistic nonsense.


>> No.19022599
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>> No.19022634

No savings to buy a bitcoin. Saving for one at its current value would take me years. Wat do

>> No.19022660

How have you not went all in LINK? Do you hate the idea of being a billionaire?

>> No.19022671

I seriously doubt this is real. I don’t even think you could withdraw that kind of money from Robinhood. If you had that much money you wouldn’t trust it with a shit app like them

>> No.19022720

I don't know anything about LINK desu, you can explain it if you're really passionate about it. Maybe I'll whale buy.

Take care of personal finances first, don't gamble on stocks or currencies. Get a job and just consistently set money aside. Start doing options once you have around 10k set aside. Never go all in. Good luck.

>> No.19022753

I don't need to withdraw millions at a time. And like I said before, I have a few different brokerage accounts, RH being my biggest.

>> No.19023039

>desktop robinhood
how do people even believe this

>> No.19023180

brb droppin my BTC wallet for no particular reason, only got 0.004 btc anyways, you know, no biggie

>> No.19023393

I like the interface

>> No.19023431

most of wsb autists lose money but nt

>> No.19023502

I'm saying you're LARPing. People never have more than 2m in Robinhood and the fact that you're showing a desktop screenshot which can be easily inspect-elemented is just low effort LARPing

>> No.19023505

tfw u realize all these rh screencaps are just rh paid shills that can literally make it look however they want.

>> No.19023512

What is /WSB?

>> No.19023557

Yeah I didn't realize /biz/ was this low iq nowadays

>> No.19023567


>> No.19023783
File: 27 KB, 640x335, wsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wsb is like /biz/ though in that the majority of posters lose money.
The few people that actually get rich just post for bragging rights and not tell their positions.

>> No.19024321


So you started at nothing to that? If you did, you made that all on options trading?

>> No.19024819
File: 6 KB, 192x263, excited1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think u misunderstand risk asymmetries anon <3 80% expiring worthless isn't the only data you need if you want to claim its a poor idea to buy options. If the 20% that make it net 5-10-100-1000* profit you are missing out on great opportunity. Limited risk, unlimited rewards. Much better than shitcoins, stocks, selling options and other fragile positions. Take the Taleb pill anon <3

>> No.19025062
File: 65 KB, 665x842, __souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_moesashi__42b215b9a3dc129cf6a73cba320b5de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this
congrats anon! glad you got some tendies ^^
based <3
im glad you don't let it affect your life too much. props ;) i hope you can lead a nice life with your earnings.

>> No.19025091

Literally r*ddit

>> No.19025120

>Limited risk
If by limited you mean you can lose every penny you have on a single option trade, then yeah.

>> No.19025174

>tfw see posts every week on WSB of people making 2x - 10x their investment
>i try it and lose $50k
what do?

>> No.19025201

positions then, screenshot

>> No.19025289

we got another one boys

>> No.19025304
File: 60 KB, 370x300, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you should only put a certain amount of your portfolio in options, and also options spreads exist that mitigate further losses. try vxx strangles/straddles at the moment, biased in one market direction or the other. of course you can lose your money if you are dumb, but there are definitely ways to avoid large losses when buying options :<
im sorry to hear this fren ;-;. i would recommend more attention to risk mitigation next time. if you go in unprepared you will get burned most likely.
if the anon doesn't want to share he shouldn't have too. you would want privacy too if you were in his shoes. <3

>> No.19025356

Don't call it limited risk if the risk is 100% of the invested income. The only things with more risk are infinite losses like the potentials from naked calls or short selling.

>> No.19025373

Thats gambling not investing. No different than winning the lotto and boasting how smart you are

>> No.19025378

I really don't get larping. Instead of trying to convince others that you're great, made it, is a super genius hitting every trade right, why not just use that time to improve your skills and actual experience?
It just seems like such a waste of time trying to get others to suck you off when you know it's bullshit.

>> No.19025397
File: 7 KB, 227x222, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think you read what i responded to you with anon ;-;

>> No.19025445

But I've 40x my money on cryptos since 2018. Go back faggot.

>> No.19025551

Who the fuck is this tranny tripfag?

Please dilate with a spiny dragon dildo

>> No.19025575

eats like a bird, shits like an elephant

>> No.19025650

Inspect element

>> No.19025783
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 81141141_845725279214032_3433023612604492333_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your definition of investing? etfs and stocks are both a gamble as well, just less of one. unless you are dealing with treasury securities i don't think you should judge :<
im only 18, and don't have enough money for SRS anon. also some boys like my feminine bepis.
rude! also false. ;-;

>> No.19025910

it’s a Taleb quote... didn’t mean you... nm

>> No.19026041
File: 134 KB, 600x800, 1589161098284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude margin

>> No.19026115
File: 401 KB, 500x344, sorry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sorry im really dumb, my day started early, i should rest lol ;-; if any trader anons are looking for a gf(male) my xmpp is cherryc@jabber.calyxinstitute.org to contact me you need a client with OTR encryption support/a plugin. msg me, maybe we can hit it off <3 my bio info is in my xmpp card you can see after buddying me and in the 4chan archives.

>> No.19026275

this. robinhood owns wsb and posts huge gains like that just to reel in the autists who want to do the same

>> No.19026356


>> No.19026375

> Robinhood only insures losses up to 500K
> Has 90M in Robinhood
Nobody with 90M is this stupid

>> No.19026500

thank you for the insight anon ^^
:o hi fellow tripfren! i rarely see our kind around these parts. how is your monday going?

>> No.19026523

100% of shitcoins are worthless

>> No.19026605

You're actually retarded

>> No.19026637

>bitcoinhalving is trending
is this good news or bad?

>> No.19026654

It's almost like both are complete gambles and safe investing strategies are the way to go.