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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19015938 No.19015938 [Reply] [Original]

Open PoS this week. Get in before the moon launch.

>> No.19016092


>run entirely by non-technical marketing hacks
>8 TPS when promised 500k
>30 low effort biz shill posts per day
>no devs
>NIck White paid student devs from India to hack Ethereum and add fake PoS stolen from EOS
>bank deals all fake
>smart cities/dubai all fake
>XAR fake and has not even tweeted for months
>no technical talk on telegram just shilling
>claiming "multiple mainnets" but not 1 testnet app to show
>no actual employees at all
>claiming slow because ehtereum EVM
>designing our own VM but no whitepaper or code
>Gizem is not a dev, she is a reviewer and she doesn't work for them or own any ONE
>rotating shill campaigns.. what happened to dubai? muh africa stablecoin? next?
>mainnet staking ponzi will crash an already thin market
>fairytale tokenomics where infinite sidechains use the same native token w/no technical details

>> No.19016105

this shit still exists? lol

>> No.19016117

Up 100% on trust wallet. It's time.

>> No.19016127


vitalik say harmony is smart
charles hoskinson say harmony is interesting
coinbase wanna explore harmony
samsung wants to list harmony dapp
chainlink and rsr wanna piece of harmony
harmony is in sillicon valley doing bbq
harmony code is 3x better than any other project
harmony gonna have an open steaking
binance wanna have some steaking too
binance wanna put their BUSD on harmony
im gonna be so rich

>> No.19017309

>Harmony needs to rebrand to GIZEM FEET protocol
GIZEM FEET will take us to 25000 sat
>We need to believe, pray and worship GIZEM FEET
GIZEM FEET is the Mother of Pangea
>When GIZEM FEET takes pedicure and walk bare feet in the sun we will go moon!

>GIZEM FEET is The Mother of PANGEA

She is the smartest and most beautiful woman in the whole blockchain space.
Satoshi Nakamoto ain't got shit compared to GIZEM FEET.
Believe, pray and worship GIZEM FEET only then the price will go up if she thinks we are worthy.

>Fun fact: You never believed, prayed or worshipped GIZEM FEET and the price keeps dropping

>> No.19017405

>Open Piece of Shit

>> No.19017485


>> No.19017489


>> No.19017703

>Parterened with Chainlink

>> No.19017756

Sergey, Vitalik, Satoshi, Charles, Dan they are all piece of shit shit compared to GIZEM FEET the mother of Pangea!

>> No.19018207


man, those chinks raped all of you bagholders.

from 400 sats to 29 in less than 1 year. OMG proper chinked

>> No.19018291
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>> No.19018357

Indeed but conveniently the shills ignore that and will brag about buying at the lows without ever posting their orders. Now they will be 10x more annoying with this pump but me and many /biz/ bagholders are still sitting here down in our "investment". The only good thing about this d&d is that it made me move away from it to more important and interesting things. I even averaged down all the way to 100 sats only to be further chinked. The moment I break even (never), I'm gonna dump this absolute dogshit. only another 100% and I'm out

>> No.19018436

there's no pump. there are some ERC20 tokens on Huobi and [other] chinks pump them to catch newcomers.

check the price on Binance.

again, scammers gon' scam.

>> No.19018529

Those people deserved it!
They bought the coin but they never believe, pray or worshipped GIZEM FEET.

>> No.19018573
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Seething faggot detected. This shit going to the fucking moon!

>> No.19018621

Only if we all accept GIZEM FEET as our lord and saviour!
GIZEM FEET is the Mother of Pangea.
When everybody pray, worship and believe GIZEM FEET we will go 25000 sat soon!
>Do you GIZEM FEET sir?

>> No.19018628

That's why I said d&d - dump and dump. The only people who made money out of this pile of shit are the presale people (cz & his buddies). From the minute that shit was launched on chinance it started dumping. I'm pretty sure this "mainnet pump" is exactly what you said - bait for new bagholders bc nobody is buying this shit. The volume on binance alone had been decreasing from the first month at an alarming rate but I was too high on hopium to get out while the losses would still be acceptable. See all these shills being smug now and watch the threads the next few days, make some screencaps bc they will vanish the minute this shit goes down to 20 sats

>> No.19018683

You sound like a person that never prayed, worshipped or believed GIZEM FEET!
You frankly deserved to get butt fucked and lost money.
Start show respect GIZEM FEET!!!!

>> No.19019521

>Show appreciation GIZEM FEET!