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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19008529 No.19008529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im already wealthy

what do?

>> No.19008536

larp on /biz cause that's the ultimate human achivement

>> No.19008568

umad poorfag

>> No.19008648
File: 85 KB, 668x1000, MV5BOWQxODFlN2EtNjgzYi00YTY4LWJhMzktNTA3OTQyY2ZlMzFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck fuckholes and dance.

>> No.19008693

new game plus

put all your wealth away, go homeless and use your connections to build another stash of wealth

>> No.19008708

send some money to frens in this thread?

>> No.19008709

drive your bike aimlessly

>> No.19008721

Travel, learn instrument, learn langauge, buy a motorcycle,go to university, party, drugs, women, get a relationship, surf, go to theatre, ski, read, buy property, go off grid, get a job, learn a trade, martial arts, learn to code, find god, do absolutely nothing, learn to sail, do something charitable, make a business, get a wife, start a family, get more rich, make political donations etc

>> No.19008736

Let me live in your house like Turtle from Entourage

>> No.19008744

enjoy life. enjoy the little things, enjoby the big things that you can now afford, remind yourself that many other people are slaving their lives away and have headaches about bills, and that you dont have to do that.

>> No.19008779
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>> No.19008864

>im already wealthy
>what do?
whatever you want.
That's the main perk about being wealthy.
Not having to do shit you don't want to do/the ability to do what you want to do

>> No.19008918

jerk off to pmvs

>> No.19009135

Tell me how to do it in simple precise terms

>> No.19009193

be born into wealth. its literally the only way to be truly wealthy.

>> No.19009282


>> No.19009327

how did the first guy do it?

>> No.19009387

things were a lot easier back then. then the money becomes worth more through the generations from inflation and investments.

>> No.19009441

Enjoy life...

>> No.19009530

>born wealthy
>browse /biz/
the what?

>> No.19009573

elon musk is a memelord

>> No.19009621

You'd be surprised.

>> No.19009691

Is there more of this chick?

>> No.19009706

You won't be for long if you listen to this place

>> No.19009732

coral sharon
took me literally 10 sec to find out
I hope you are baiting and not that stupid.

>> No.19009741

>coral sharon
honestly i tried to reverse image search and found nothing. thanks bro

>> No.19009782


Same as this guy for me

i have 20k karma on reddit and almost 6k ESH so I'm not that stupid, but thank you for the sauce tho

>> No.19009809

hes a man btw

>> No.19009813

Damn. Well, whoever designed that bikini top needs a Nobel prize in engineering.

>> No.19009909

Get a girl, get physically fit, read books and capitalize on the time you now have.

>> No.19009955

bend the world to your will. if you don't have enough money to do that, then you shouldn't call yourself wealthy.

>> No.19009971

Post the nudes you fucking nigger

>> No.19010061

fuck up pajeet

>> No.19010077

anyone else unironically hate poorfags?

>> No.19010116

That's not me Josh. But do post the nudes.

>> No.19010183

I don't think there are any. She's just one of those late-stage-capitalism Instagram whores that will be in some bourgeoisie resort wearing a $600 bikini and eating shrimp scampi.

>> No.19010204

>live lavishly, incredibly to get the most fun for your buck until you spend almost all
>become rich again

>> No.19010206

If you are really wealthy, and want to do something significant and be a part of the history, finance a revolution.

If you are interested, check the book from Peter Turchin, Ages of Discord.

Tl;dr: Inequality difference varies over time and is cyclical. There are integrative and disintegrative states. During the disintegrative State, there is less trust towards governments and wealthy. There is more wealth inequality and an elite overpopulation. Usually, one elite group starts a counter movement involving peasants (aka anyone who earns less than 60-70k nowadays) to exterminate the other elite group to give more to the peasants as well as grab more for themselves. This repeats throughout the history cyclically.

If you aren’t larping, check it out because you and your dynasty might get overthrown.

Just an opinion of someone coming from upper middle class...

>> No.19010214
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Astute analysis, comrade

>> No.19010240


This is a board for poor wage slaves, why would you even bother engaging? That’s how we know you’re larping. But I do hope you got to feel wealthy for a minute,

>> No.19010384

not a fan of living "lavishly". money and material things dont mean anything to me.

>> No.19010426

Swap that travesty for an actual female

>> No.19010562

enjoy the wealth till you can physically and mentally
try hobby you couldn't afford before
buy things you like
help people you like
it's not that hard

>> No.19010582
File: 172 KB, 768x1024, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach pic

>> No.19010599

What a loser mindset.

>> No.19010610

go be poor elsewhere, nigger.

>> No.19010616

that faggots eyes are crossed

>> No.19011144

what's fake

>> No.19011257
