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19005264 No.19005264 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder this is your average chainlink investor now

>> No.19005272

daily reminder this is a discord tranny group posting this shit over and over again all day everyday because they're obsessed with link for some reason

>> No.19005279


>> No.19005285

Daily reminder that you just posted a nigger.
OP faggot as always.

>> No.19005298

That dude is far above average know what I mean

>> No.19005313

You're not wrong

There actually is a "discord tranny group" that shitposts a lot of CP on 4chan

>> No.19005319
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>> No.19005337


It probably goes deeper than that even. This discord trannies are insane. Is this guy an IG influencer? They probably paid him to make cringe LINK posts. Its too much talking about hearts for LINK marines etc. Its clearly over the top and engineered. How did he find out about the project. Its possible anyone looking at CMC could have seen a new project getting close to the top 10 I suppose. Does he have any history of crypto prior to LINK?

>> No.19005363

i really doubt sergey looked at this guy with his 90k followers and said that's who we need to hire to get the message out!

just think he's some random dude who maybe had a friend tell him about crypto and became obsessed with it. doesn't really strike me as a paid shill.

>> No.19005392

That's a man. Imagine the smell its probably a mix of pure testosterone musk and money.

>> No.19005399


No I'm saying the discord FUD trannies did to make it appear as if "normies" are piling in. To give us the impression of the "shoe shine boy". If he is buying its time to sell etc. They couldn't get us to sell with Jessica Khater etc. Who cares about her the entire team of Celsius is IDF Iraeli military. Everyone saw how much we over reacted about the Holochain Shibari bitch. Trust me when I say we aren't supposed to have LINK and there are groups that will do anything to get us to sell. You think LINK going to .01 on Binance was an accident? Sergey has nothing to do with this.

>> No.19005406

You newfags make me laugh. What's so hard to understand? Like Eth before it, Chainlink has a ton of anons that bought it early. There's no need for some organised group when it's all organic shilling now. Go on, post a screenshot of satsgang or someone trying to p&d Link. I'll wait.

>> No.19005423

That's a nigger.

>> No.19005446

I was still spreading fud here until recently, kinda given up now (though I do still downvote every reddit mention that pops up). Since Twatter discovered it, it's getting beyond the ability of anons to contain imo. Even if the first wave of normies really was fake, the normies they themselves bring in won't be. Ah well, at least reddit still hates it.

>> No.19005688

You do realize that every single plebbitor that "hates" chainlink is fudding right? You retards jerk each other off while accomplishing nothing.

>> No.19006709

now THAT's a man.
you know that girl you obsess over anons? the one that you dream about making your waifu? she would never choose your pathetic slimy littlewhite pencil prick over the dark adonis schlong. she wouldn't even look at you but would be a real filthy whore for him

>> No.19006768

why are you faggots so obsessed with this random black dude?

You do realize that for chainlink to moon you need people to buy it, right? And by that i mean 99.5% of people on this planet that have never even heard about 4chan. Your little ponzi russian shitcoin will keep crabbing between $3 and $5 for the rest of eternity if it never reaches the masses, dumb fuck. You should be happy to see normies talking about it.

>> No.19006934

He's been holding link since 2017

>> No.19007758

Yeah that's why we started buying PNK
Chainlink was over taken by normies

>> No.19007821
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The absolute state of these incels.

When you make it, you will get cucked by this make-it chad. Your girlfriend will get blacked.

>> No.19007838
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>while accomplishing nothing.
those hate posts accomplish everything

>> No.19007867
File: 127 KB, 1000x600, 80F8E446-B765-4E25-AEA3-B4D9F9B7A4C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he is not quick he’s going to miss out on MCAFFEE who is the REAL DEAL

>> No.19007928

>the average Chainlink investor is a ripped chad
Everyone has known this since 2017.

>> No.19007945

based niggachad

>> No.19007955

this tbrwy

>> No.19008018

Makes no difference. So long as the other retards there see that & not buy, that's all I care about. Building that consensus is what it's all about.