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18995245 No.18995245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If your GF is moving in with you, will you ask her to share half of the rent?

>> No.18995273

Absolutely. Don’t be Captain Save a Ho.

>> No.18995279

She doesnt make enough money to pay half the rent. Why do you think im so poor?
Fortunately her dad is a smart boomer and made money, which he will pass down to me.

>> No.18995281

Depends how long we have been dating and her income but probably yeah

>> No.18995282

Yes, why the fuck would I else have her move in? Also that's

>> No.18995283


>> No.18995284


>> No.18995295


>> No.18995303

I make my girl pay 60% rent, but tell her its only 40% and make her do the housework to supplement the other 10%

>> No.18995304

Yes I did, eventually she started to chip in less and less, and one month put like 50 bucks. Needless to say, I said she used me and we broke up, in total the arrangement lasted 3 months.

>> No.18995306


>> No.18995309

Of course not, anon. You have to remind her, EVERYDAY, that she owes you for something; that thought alone will be enough for her to let you hit her in the face whenever you feel angry or some shit

Then she'll kill you when you're 40something but heh..

>> No.18995308

No but she won't stay as long as she thinks

once I'm bored of fucking her I will change

>> No.18995314

Extremely based if true

>> No.18995326
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Yes, what the fuck?
I'd never be offered a free ride by a woman, so make her pay.

>> No.18995332

Mine does but every couple of weeks she asks me when im gonna buy a house or a condo for us (read her) to live in rent free. If you give people a inch.

>> No.18995353

> He thinks the boomerang won't spend all his money on retirement trips and muscle cars.

>> No.18995357

Never live with a woman.

>> No.18995362

You mean pay rent. To me. To live in my house. In a separate living space. In a separate bedroom. With its own kitchenette. And scheduled time to use the "common area." And she's not my GF. And she has a BF. Who lives with her. And pays half her rent for her. Fucking simp.

>> No.18995367

yes until she takes a promotion to stay at home mommy

>> No.18995372
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In my experience women always get really funny when this conversation comes up. Oh, you're asking *ME* to pay half the rent? I can't afford it! Why can't you just pay for it? Don't you love me? Why don't you care about me? ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Fuck women.

>> No.18995376

>be European in mid20s
>pay 100% rent for me and my gf
>have comfy femdom strapon sex and facesitting to supplement 50% from my bbw gf

Why I am so comfy bros

>> No.18995377

Been dating my fiance for 6 years. She pays 30% of the bills, but does 100% of the cleaning and a majority of the cooking. Expecting women to actually pay 50% of the bills is a mistake and you will financially suffer.

>> No.18995393


Lets see a pic of your GF to see if she's worth paying everything for...

>> No.18995410

Yes and also cuckold occasionally like >>18995377 this man

>> No.18995423


>> No.18995430

Only if she insists paying herself. I wouldn’t ask to pay anything.

>> No.18995432
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My girlfriend asked me to move in with HER at the end of this year. She's 30 (I'm 25) and makes great money for this country, I make decent money too but she still makes twice as much. Granted I don't work nearly as much as her and I could make more than her if I wanted. But still. When we go out to eat she tries to pay every time. She asked me my favorite foods and learned how to cook them and brings it to my place and fucks me. Should I go all in with my stack and marry her and have a mommy waifu who takes care of me? She's asian btw

>> No.18995441

I wouldn't
>tfw no gf

>> No.18995451

We split proportionally depending on net salary so it’s 70% on me (I pay 1k rent and she pay all bills and groceries)
Fair enough

>> No.18995457
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>> No.18995476

As long as you don't want kids, go for it anon. A woman that old is going to give you autism babies

>> No.18995504

my gf pays half the rent. she funds our home furniture, vacation travels, and always spoils me with random tech/toys. i pay the grocery bill and most utilities so in some ways we are almost dead even. Both of us have only been working for about 1.5 years with almost 50k saved up between us, we want to buy a house but cuckfornia prices are too damn high.

>> No.18995507

At 30 they aren't autism babies you autist

>> No.18995522

> But still. When we go out to eat she tries to pay every time. She asked me my favorite foods and learned how to cook them and brings it to my place and fucks me.

she sounds like a keeper.

of course shes potentially using female-predator tactics of pretending to be great to have kids because her biological clock is ticking so shes being extra nice and sees you as an adequate baby making victim. but if you dont see her flipping the script after she has kids and think he personality would still be the same and shes just a naturally nurturing person, she sounds great. thats a very good quality for women to have.

>> No.18995532

Salute to a g

>> No.18995590

She's got about 6 more years in her before the probability of autismos greatly increases.

She wants kids now so this doesn't happen, hence why she appears so based.

>> No.18995594

Came in here just to call you fucking based.
Women are the gentiles goy.

>> No.18995603
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Every incel bragging about his gf has yet to see the truth.

Statistically 70% of marriages end in divorce. You're next. Take the St. Hamudi pill

>> No.18995616

where's the feminine penis?

>> No.18995627

> Comfy
> Having fat nasty sweaty bitch sit on your face and peg you in the ass
> Comfy
Why is Eastern Europe such a shithole?

>> No.18995641

no, she will make it up anally and orally

>> No.18995647

90% of her eggs are already gone. The remaining 10% are shriviling and the risk of autism dramatically increases every year

>> No.18995695

This is from the 10% of the population who are divorced 2 or more times.

>> No.18995748
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worse yet Down syndrome

>> No.18995776

She pays the internet, electric, and water. I handle the mortgage in full, as it's my house.

>> No.18995895

No, because I'm not a jew.
Also she's a student so has no income, and she cleans and cooks 90% of the time, I help sometimes like cutting tomatoes or some easy shit.
She's really a great girl, but I'm not her first (2nd in sex but probably higher number in making out and maybe blowjobs etc which i consider as sex), and she has migraines (her mom and grandma do as well), and I don't want our kids to have that shit.
Otherwise I would've married her, but still thinking about it sometimes, even though 90% chance I won't because thinking of marrying a non virgin makes me sick and will keep looking for a virgin healthy girl. But 28 now so it's getting harder day by day.
Any input from based anons is welcome.
Also >>18995303 this is degenerate behavior, if she's a roastie then sure it's ok but I wouldn't feel like a man doing it.

>> No.18995940

not if you're white and are planning to have kids. Having chad white genes and then producing a bunch of mangled happa offspring would be absolute nightmare fuel for me. Leech off chinkwoman and find a cute young white girl to jump ship to when you're ready. Or something like that, maybe not quite such a scumbag method

>> No.18995960

Of course. Why wouldnt you?
I have Thai wife... you know all the stereotypes about them being money hungry? Well its all true!
Even she paid half the rent (now we own our own home outright thanks to crypto! but she still pays half of everything. EVERYTHING its a basic principle and if she is sincere paying half she will do. (in the years we have been married if she has no job of course I have carried her and she has carried me, but the basic rule is 50 50.

>> No.18995964

>no because i'm not a jew
you're not a jew, you're a cuck lul. The only time you should be paying for a girls living is if she's your wife and is staying at home raising your kids.

>> No.18995998

I will not ask her to share. I will charge her for sub-letting the space.

>> No.18996013

My gril and I bought a condo right out of college. We split the down payment/moving 50/50 and have a joint account we equally deposit into for shared expenses like bills and cleaning shit. Anything else isn't an equal partnership.

>> No.18996119

Based. Also, as a team you will hit your financial goals much faster than just one person struggling with all the financial responsibilities.. and what if? (perish the thought) what if something terrible befell you and your career was over... your insurance would help but at least this way she has a developed (or even semi developed) career also. This is equal rights, gender equality. Its not ALL one sided.

>> No.18996129

If it's the two of us she would pay all of it so it would free up more capital for me to actually invest. This will keep her broke and incentivize her to view our relationship as long term.

>> No.18996137

Cringe but based

>> No.18996160

She can pay all the rent if she's going to take up my space

>> No.18996172

I pay the rent, but she buys all the groceries, cooks/cleans/dishes/laundry, and pays utilities (not internet).

>> No.18996198

50/50 or based on % income.

>> No.18996219

She should pay half the rent including utilities. I make mine pay 50% of the rent, the car insurance to the car that I own, and the groceries. She also cooks and cleans the place. If you love her you will do teach her how to be responsible and pay for the stuff in her life so that one day if you were to leave her for a stacey she would know how to pay the bills on her own.

T. Gf, now fiance, moved in with me 3 years ago


>> No.18996246

So you're just letting some random bitch freeload off you and you won't probably even have kids with her? ngl you're pretty stupid

>> No.18996282

Lol my girlfriend is a consultant for Deloitte I make her pay all the rent. Ain’t no way I’m spending my hard earned neetbux on rent when she makes six figures.
I buy groceries and what not though. I’m basically like the stay at home housewife, it’s pretty based.

>> No.18996323

What the fuck is wrong with her nose

>> No.18996326

Also this if she isnt your wife and taking care of your kids she can put on her big girl pants and contribute financially.

>> No.18996387

>she has migraines
that shit aint real, and even if it was botox shots fix it

>> No.18996483

>migraines are not real
Why are americans so fucking stupid? The world is also flat and the coronavirus is a hoax to make orange man look bad, right?

>> No.18996519

Corona is a hoax for the true one world shadow government to exert their control over mankind. This is just a test run for what lay ahead

>> No.18996546

Yes. Are you a cuck or what. Don't pay for women. You'll almost always regret it.

>> No.18996549
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My girlfriend pays for electricity, internet and water, I own my apartment and therefore there is no rent.

>> No.18996602

I wish I could go back in time and marry an Asian girl...I still love my white wife, but I fuck Asian hoes on the regular...hmmm...best of both worlds. Never mind.

>> No.18996603

You should've made her pay rent to you anyway.
And if she ever discovers tell her you finally own the place.

>> No.18996622

Duh. Only possible exception is if she takes on wifely duties full time.