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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 461 KB, 2119x1415, AE3B02AB-5E1A-4CF0-B94E-A14E7540CA73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18993842 No.18993842 [Reply] [Original]

How are they even possible? People will pull their money out of the banks, if you stop them doing that they will buy gold and silver, you confiscate it they will buy expensive scotch and Burgundy wine, diamonds emeralds and jade, silks, classic cars. expensive cigars.

How can you stop people saving without, ironically enough, banning luxury consumption? Every non-perishable luxury good can become a store of value.

Now you might say that if people buy luxury goods to hoard that’s mission accomplished but it would still stop a lot of money circulating in every other sector of the economy besides top luxury good brands.

>> No.18993871

you are going to have to pay your bank for the priviledge of storing your money, goyim, if you don't use it you lose it so no more silly ideas like having savings

oh and by the way, cash is illegal, so don't get any funny ideas about not having your money in a bank

>> No.18993890

bullish for bitcoin, too bad the halving will wreck havoc

>> No.18993913

Its just the rate at which banks lend to each other, to the government and to corporations. They will still charge the goyim exorbitant interest

>> No.18993950

in theory, yes, but if they can control it with futures, as they have palpably demonstrated on a couple of occasions already, then it doesn't matter that it halves, or even that there is a finite amount of it. It will go the same way as gold, or silver, or oil. Sure it will be still valuable, perhaps even a real store of value, but get ready to be an accredited investor if you want to cash in or out.

Nobody beats the (((central banks))) at their own game. NOBODY

>> No.18993994

I'm putting my entire paycheck on coinbase and only moving money to my bank account to pay taxes and credit cards. If everyone does this banks won't have much in the vault.

>> No.18994038

banks don't need anything in the vault. As of a couple of weeks ago the legal reserve requirement for fiancial institutions is 0%. Down from the previous 10%. In laymans terms, there is absolutely no limit on the money the banks can lend out. None what-so-ever. They don't need your or anybody's deposits anymore. They have been given a carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they please.

>> No.18994052
File: 533 KB, 1742x970, zero res..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18994062

I don't understand how they expect us to stay calm and peaceful with this.

>> No.18994063

yup, that

>> No.18994084

they don't have shit there anyways. a debt based financial system has no use of reserves.

>> No.18994091

proetest are banned, we are under (((serious viral threat))), remember? Emergency powers are in effect and can be sustained or expanded indefinitely, the democracy we used to know with it's checks and balances is not even a concept anymore.

Brave new world out there!

>> No.18994102

FDIC decided this was a good video to put out about 2wks after the zero reserve announcement.

>> No.18994181

what the fuck is that accent? She speaks worse English than my beaner gardener...

>> No.18994249

Wait, coinbase is FDIC insured and BoA isn't. Did the government just tell me to go all in on Bitcoin?

>> No.18994472

Imagine you're putting all your earned money into cigars to "save" it and after few months you're sitting on a ton of cigars. I bet they would make a tv show about that fucking retard so the whole world can laugh

>> No.18995235

this. dont forget to tax the fuck out of gold

>> No.18995950
