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18992253 No.18992253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz I need legal help. I’m being accused of rape , which I didn’t commit. I was arrested and I had viagra on me which I feel is going to help their case, I live in Toronto and I’m scared

>> No.18992270

My boy just got 3 years in prison for a rape allegation.
Dont say a fucking word. Get a lawyer and dont say a peep.

>> No.18992281

Just buy all the chapstick you can get now bruh. Scratch that. Just buy that big container of petroleum jelly cuz you gonna need it In All holes.

>> No.18992290

I think you should get a very good lawyer. Let him do the work

>> No.18992296

did you fuck her?

>> No.18992297

listen to this man, do not say a fucking word unless you are speaking to your lawyer

>> No.18992304


Living in Toronto also doesn't help you one bit.

>> No.18992310

Lawyer up. Counter sue for damages once this blows over. I'm sorry you're in Canada which has a totally cucked legal system- possibly worse than Mixland.

>> No.18992311


>> No.18992319

Also buy bitcoin so you are rich when you leave.

>> No.18992320

Say that you are gay and bitch is lying

>> No.18992352

Gives us more details of what happened or I will assume this is a larp. I will give advice based on the information you provide.

>> No.18992536

Took a girl home from the bar same school and we had sex. Simple as that , she claimed It was non consensual

>> No.18992561

she just regrets being a whore, get a lawyer

>> No.18992626



if you deviate from this plan you get what you deserve


been there done that

>> No.18992642

Please tell me how you got out of this.

I’m an international student and I can’t get kicked out of school, I’ve worked hard all my life and my parents worked hard to pay for my tuition

>> No.18992645

If you lose the case, make sure to do some actual raping so your jail sentence isn't for nothing.

>> No.18992658

If I lose the case I’ll be the one getting raped in jail....

>> No.18992660

Hopefully you video recorded the fucking. Slam dunk case.

>> No.18992686

Not if you rape everyone else first. Make them your bitches so you don't become the bitch. If you call them faggots, it makes you not gay.

>> No.18992696

Dude I can’t go to jail, I’m terrified

>> No.18992717

It's a shame that rape is illegal in some countries. Also, if you didn't rape a bitch they have no proofs so it's a nothing burger. You won't go in jail bro.

>> No.18992725

I had sex with her but it was consensual,

>> No.18992729

i've been false-sued by a woman before too, all I can say is I know your position and I know how shitty it feels, it straight up made me hate women and I stopped being a cuck/simp instantly, it changed me and it was a lesson i had to learn. Let your lawyer do the stuff, they don't have any evidence that you raped her, don't talk to anyone about it unless its ur lawyer, very important. good luck anon and don't worry, thigns will pass no matter how shitty they are

>> No.18992740

It’s ruined my family relations and my social life completely

>> No.18992759
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Why did she file charges then? Did you do something to make her regret it? Or she's just randomly out to ruin some guy's life and you just got unlucky?!

>> No.18992765

If you rape a girl she will have litterally scars in the vag. If she was wet, it was consensual and you won't go to jail. That's how it works were I live. Also, if you have convos with her, dirt talk and shit that will absolutely put her in a lake of shit. Calm down buddy.

>> No.18992772

There’s absolute no reason at all

>> No.18992775

>live in Toronto
That's where you went wrong
Just buy CKB and leave Canada
Go to South East Asia

>> No.18992784

I have a big penis though, I’m serious. She was pretty tight but she was wet so does that matter? I read mike Tyson’s autobiography and they literally measured his penis in court

>> No.18992789
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Sounds like you're bullshitting to me. There's more to the story but you're too chickenshit to say it.

>> No.18992832

Talking to the police WILL not help you in any way legally speaking but will only damn your ass to possible conviction in an otherwise hearsay case

>> No.18992838

Easy to say when you’re a virgin but truth is I didn’t do anything, stop supporting woman and their bullshit

>> No.18992846

You can't rape a bitch if her pussy is wet. Also, if she is accusing you she must demonstrate that you raped her, where are the proofs? Do what other anons said: talk only with your lawyer and you will litterally get money from her at the end of that thing. She is ruining her life.

>> No.18992880

Are you brown skinned pajeet? Good luck.

And how is this business related?

>> No.18992885

The amount of psycho women who file false charges simply to ruin lives is very slim. So you're either worlds unluckiest man (unlikely) or you did something to piss her off / embarrass her and this is how she's getting revenge.

I have a friend who went through this who is in Canada. Unfortunately for him, he was guilty - he was blackout drunk, went into a random girls dorm room who was asleep and tried to finger blast her, thinking she was his gf.

He was a good person otherwise, had just started his career, etc. The victim made no 'impact statement' and did not show up to his sentencing. The judge gave him house arrest for 12mo, he was only allowed to leave to go to work and back. Also he had to register as a sex offender.

>> No.18992896

Some of the advice given already here is pretty good. So it may be a bit repetitive. But most important DO NOT TALK TO POLICE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER PRESENT. I cannot stress this enough and get the best lawyer money can buy. Second thing if you have any dirty texts from her or people that saw you at the bar being touchy feely that could help your case. If she didn't go to a hospital right after the sex then they won't be able to use physical evidence further helping your case. Try to find out details of her history. Maybe she's made false rape accusations in the past. Also consider shutting down social media accounts. I'm not sure if people on campus know about this but you want to stay two steps ahead here.

>> No.18992906

I’m Muslim yes

>> No.18992910

This...start sucking mad dicks and bring witnesses

>> No.18992918
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This you op?


>> No.18992919

not true the female body reacts with arousal to violence natural self defense mechanism. which is why some women are absolutely fucked up by the experience. they can even orgasm.

>> No.18992921

Isn't sex before marriage considered haram?

>> No.18992925

Lmao brutal, hope I don’t end up like him on a sex registry

>> No.18992929

Well well well :)

>> No.18992934
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>> No.18992943

Look I know it’s brutal
But you must accept you are in a no win situation


Get the best criminal lawyer regardless of cost

Luckily for you most public becoming aware that 80% of alleged rape claims by females bogus

DO NOT cooperate with cops under any circumstances
LITERALLY SAY NOTHING unless approved by your lawyer


Your young you will find out this is not the end for you.

School is irrelevant in the current meta anyway

>> No.18992948

Bullshit , saying stupid shit like this shoes everyone yoou’ve never had sex

>> No.18992949

this is probably good advice.
if she was intoxicated or someone slipped something to her drink god have mercy on your soul. doesn't matter what you think.

>> No.18992966


yup. back in the good old times when us men plundered whole cities and villages. The women that were left just switched sides.
They are like that, its in their nature.

>> No.18992973

dude read about it a bit educate yourself. it happens. women get wet and can orgasm when raped. makes sense in an evolutionary perspective increases their chances of survival and decreases their chances of beaten to death or getting pregnant as the orgasm changes the chemical balance of the vagina.

>> No.18992976

What culture / religion/ ethnicity was she ?

>> No.18992990

Blonde hair light colored eyes

>> No.18993006
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OP if you are innocent then i pray for you, you must get a good lawyer and dont say anything stupid which can get you in to more shit. thats a fucked up place to be in all the best with your situation

>> No.18993028

No plea deals anon, and I would have your lawyer play up the minority angle as hard as you can. Real smooth claiming rape if they have implicit bias against Muslims (good luck proving otherwise)

>> No.18993040

its Against my morals to associate with Jew , any white lawyers?

>> No.18993053

Like I said get the best lawyer possible
The police and court system are two,totally seperate entities
Do not talk to authorities without a lawyer
stick to your story even when charged and arrested

>> No.18993062


>> No.18993081

Nevermind, say everything to the police, they're there to help you and upkeep the law and protect innocents of course

>> No.18993085

Don’t forget to tell Tyrone in the penitentiary it was against your morals to get Jew lawyer
He’s sure to give you a pass


>> No.18993099

As your not white and Christian you will be presumed innocent

>> No.18993102


>> No.18993139
File: 2.99 MB, 2732x2048, 6C3A49BC-BB6C-46F7-BE2D-6ADF8A0579DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a LARP post picture of Greek sculpture
Then states he’s a Muslim
larpie faggot
Hope you do get charged with rape

>> No.18993145

You "picked up" a drunk girl from the bar.
Had she even talked to you at all?

>> No.18993173

go back to your shithole, sand nigger
I hope they stone you to death for being a degenerate and a rapist

>> No.18993180

Alright akhy, my advice would be to take a lawyer and to listen to his advices.
Alsoaybe tale it as a hint to go back on the right path.

Tho you do sound like a larp, why would you give your religion where somebody ask for your race.

Very larpy yes

>> No.18993186

Rapists are the scum of the earth. I hope you rot

>> No.18993193

*also maybe take it as a hint. Ducking autocorrect

>> No.18993204

>ing accused of rape
>which I didn’t commit

>> No.18993215
File: 2 KB, 96x125, 4A6C8B4B-31BA-46AD-9C3A-2C468F52FFE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to your shithole, sand nigger
>I hope they stone you to death for being a degenerate and a rapist

>> No.18993233

keep your mouth shut at all costs. your lawyer should be your mouth. end of thread.

>> No.18993251

don't admit shit on the internet your retard. get a lawyer and stop talking about the case to anyone.

>> No.18993266

he's fucked. willing to bet he just turned 21 too.

Alcohol and women ruin men.

>> No.18993278

Yes lets blame alcohol and women and not hold yourself accountable for your own shitty actions.
No wonder you a depressed alcoholic with no friends

>> No.18993304 [DELETED] 
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he is not a "man", just a goat fucking shitskin creature
nothing of value will be lost after they send him to jail
hope tyrone will rape him many times. Maybe he will realize sand niggers must stay in their shithole and not infect the west

>> No.18993319

Looks like it, any comment op?
If that's true animal like you better stay locked up, she had your DNA sample, it's over.

>> No.18993320
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>> No.18993326

People never learn.

>> No.18993334

Another Muslim rapist. What a shocker!

>> No.18993349
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>> No.18993350

i know it's a larp there is no such thing as muslim with big penis.

>> No.18993371

report all you want the man has a point.

>> No.18993386

she regretted being a whore. thats literally it.

>> No.18993390

If you're white you will be found guilty by default.

>> No.18993398

This is bad advice. You should always tell the truth no matter what. Even death is preferable to lying. You need to read the first Critique.

>> No.18993422


>> No.18993440


>> No.18993483

Bravo. best bait thread ive seen in a while. Everyone in this thread is braindead.

>> No.18993487

>Wetmore Hall

>> No.18993500

this desu

>> No.18993505

Reported you for violating unites states law

>> No.18993508

This thread is a larp

>> No.18993512


you're a moron for still posting about this shit when you need to defend yourself. delete the thread

>> No.18993522

Real moron here is you

>> No.18993528

You can’t have consensual sex with an intoxicated person retard. They can’t consent. That’s not my beliefs it’s the law

>> No.18993529
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imagine being a low IQ creature with shit-colored skin.
Please do the world a favor and slit your throat with a knife

>> No.18993534

lol, Chads one weakness

>> No.18993541


i didn't read the thread, but have fun

>> No.18993548


>> No.18993560

A sandnigger can't have consensual sex with a white girl. Her judgement is impaired from a lifetime of racemixing propaganda. She can't provide informed consent since she's not informed about the consequences of her actions.

>> No.18993577


>> No.18993578

I'm calling bullshit OP. How drunk was she? How "consensual" was it? Pretty blonde girls don't fuck shitskins unless they're really fucking wasted. Did you "help her back to her room"? What's everybody else saying about it? Got anybody who'll back you up? I fucking doubt it.

>> No.18993594

she's disgusted with herself for fucking a pajeet.

my advice is lawyer up and SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW. Don't talk to ANYONE but your lawyer.

>> No.18993603

> Be me, wild as fuck 14 year old
> Hanging with friend A and skank who lives near friend A that we smoke with sometimes
> Skank is 13 or 14
> I'm going to go fuck this anon later, who was like 19 or 20
> Skank leaves for few hours
> Returns laughing
> She called the cops after she fucked him and said it was rape because he wouldn't give her weed
> Me and friend jaws dropped
> Next day me and friend go to cops, give statements, no parents because no fucks given
> Statements taken, cops seem to take seriously
He got 6 years and listed as pedo. Good luck nigga.

>> No.18993646

Im Indian but have white features, I’m also 6,1

>> No.18993688

Well no shit you dumb fuck.

The anon she fucked was still in his 20's and the law is still in the favor of skanks.

>> No.18993689

You didn't answer a single question. You're fucking guilty dude and you're going down for it.

>> No.18993696
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this can get even worse, a street shitting muslim ?
nobody cares about your 6.1 cm dick, you ugly mud creature

>> No.18993697

sorry, i csnt feel sorry for racemixxers

>> No.18993709


>> No.18993710

I take back my good luck nigga, you curry fucks are creepy and without a doubt resort to rape and violence against women when you can't get any.

>> No.18993716

When was biz full of Polacks? You’re all a bunch of incels mad I fucked a white bitch and the pussy wasn’t even worth it, Seeth more

>> No.18993721

shut up nigger
face jail rape like a man
and then come back as a woman

>> No.18993727

She asked for it, completely consensual, now back to your mothers basement

>> No.18993734


>> No.18993736

You will lose then, have fun in prison

>> No.18993747

well that explains it

belive it or not western women think you muslims enslave your wives. that is, unless they are voting, and then they think 30 year old men are children.

>> No.18993746

Saying nothing is not lying. He has no obligation to speak to those who will intentionally twist and misuse his words against him. You can be innocent and convicted based on true statements you make

>> No.18993748

if a white man flew to india started fucking your sisters, you wouldnt seem so happy then would you
>No, its different when i do it!
fuck off jew

>> No.18993752
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>> No.18993756

> Since when is biz against Indians
Does anyone even remember the first Indian shilled shitcoin biz suffered through? But I mean come on, gang rape is like an epidemic in your homeland, stop acting like you just met a girl at a bar, she was probably walking out of the bar when you knocked her over the head, picked her up and took her home.

>> No.18993792

Yeah if that was the case I’d be in prison right now you stupid racist piece of shit

>> No.18993797

Keep telling yourself that, over and over. Say it enough times to yourself that you actually believe it. Had she been drinking?

>> No.18993818

Rape her when you get out of jail. You can't be sentenced for the same crime twice.

>> No.18993829


>> No.18993850


>> No.18993851

Shitty larp

>> No.18993879

classic anti sémite honestly nice qt girls don’t make up rape charges #ibelieve

>> No.18993903

The court room ain't philosophy class and neither is the back of a cop car. Save telling your truth for the lawyer behind closed doors or for the book you write after you beat the case.

>> No.18993939

Why are you ignoring the question? Is that the girl in the Reddit post?
What do you mean by she asked for it? The same way girls who wear shorts are asking for rape? How do you know it's consensual?


>> No.18993960

She touched my legs and abs and then my crotch

>> No.18993961

Fuck off faggot

>> No.18993965

Fucking rapist piece of shit, i hope you enjoy getting raped in prison. Fuckers like you preying on drunk girls deserve everything you get...and believe me you are going down

>> No.18993970

this made my sunday. Happy mothers day /biz/

>> No.18993978

Fuck you tacist incel virgins, when I beat this case I’m gonna celebrate by fucking more white pussy. White women love me I’m gods gift to white women, I’m tall and good looking Indian. My ancestry is noble and superior to you all

>> No.18993995

do you also own chainlink?

>> No.18994000

Keep on sucking I’m about to cum

>> No.18994003

this is a larp.

lol at anyone who actually believes this.

>> No.18994012

Nature is so fucked up, right? Sacrifice a person's ego and ability to comprehend love and loyalty to protect the genetic line. Mindbreaking and disloyalty is genetically programmed into women as a failsafe from all the nonstop wars of our ancestors. It's insane.

>> No.18994024

Are you rehearsing for jail? How drunk was she faggot? Drunk girls can't consent you fucking dumbass...

>> No.18994026

Rapists BTFO, enjoy a taste of your own medicine when yer locked up, daddy's boy.

>> No.18994028

If hes an Indian he probably did rape her. The poos around here are notorious for trying to get very drunk women to go home with them.

>> No.18994046

i would say it makes sense from the genes perspective. have you heard about the selfish gene theory? even love attachment and self sacrifice can be explained by it.

>> No.18994049

Oh lmao he really is a pajeet.

Get the fuck off my continent you goddamn shitskin.

>> No.18994088

Lock him up

>> No.18994136


As long as you have witnesses that she left the bar with you of your own free will you are good.

Get a lawyer and find those witnesses asap.

>> No.18994161

I’m on it boss, I’m positive I’ll get out of this shitty situation and when I do I’m gonna laugh at al these white supremacist incels on here. And then I’m going to go on a spree of fucking white pussy and this time I’ll post pics on here

>> No.18994175

nigger you're going to jail

>> No.18994205

Hear, hear. Get out of n america bud, go fix your own countries instead of raping your way through ours.

>> No.18994224

Oh shit she got your DNA nigga ITS OVER

>> No.18994229

give me your witnesses contact. Ill pay them $1000 each to lie and say you raped her

>> No.18994236

yeah this dude is totally legit.

post your booking papers OP with your name blacked out and i'll believe you. otherwise you're just one of those fucking idiots trying to pretend white girls like asian/indian dudes.

>> No.18994239

I basically raped a girl in uni on the last day. Apparently she was asking my friends about me but they didn’t say a word. That was years ago nothing happened.

Never ever say anything to the cops and call a lawyer

>> No.18994251


>> No.18994267

Nigga if this is real you will be put in PC ( Protective Custody) so you will be safe from other inmates since your crime is sex related.

But even without PC Canadian jails dont operate like the Faggot Americans. WE DO NOT RAPE MEN IN JAIL!!!


If any bigger was raping other inmates he'd get stabbed by the entire range.

Yes, I was a tdot hood nigga back in the days. Everything I am speaking is 100% legit.

Only faggot Americans rape in their prisons. Canadian and UK prisons dont condone raping other men in jail.

>> No.18994289

You literally don’t know what you’re talking about you dumb goof, rape isn’t a homosexual act but a one of dominance

>> No.18994323

You would know, rapist.

>> No.18994326

STFU you faggot. I've actually been in Toronto detention and everyone I grew up with did too. We ran the entire ranges. Not you faggot whitebois. We dont condone rape you faggot. We would stab any bitch bigger that was even coming close to violating another man sexually. Save that faggot shit for the all white prisons in Alberta/BC.

>> No.18994339

>rape isn’t a homosexual act but a one of dominance
lock this faggot up

>> No.18994342

I'll give it a look. I could use an explanation on these things. Like its crazy to me to think that women are capable of getting mentally ruined and orgasming during rape but will also still die for their children. Its also odd that men dont have a similar breaking point, or at least one that I know of, and would instead actually die for an abstract cause like a state where a woman is almost built to abandon it.

>> No.18994366

She swallowed the evidence so there’s no DNA LOL

>> No.18994375

I spent two months in a Toronto jail. No one got raped that I saw but I did watch someone get their ass beat. Good times.

>> No.18994389

In Alberta the raping is through the roof

>> No.18994418

Come to the USA with the other Canadian refugees we will be receiving because of Trudeau latest retard policies.

>> No.18994427

Have fun with all of them. We're tired of this shit.

>> No.18994452

so euhm how is this good advice? your boy got convicted..
Tyrone is going to rip his asshole apart and your boy isn going to bleed out on a cold prisonfloor

>> No.18994491

Even if I go to prison I’ll just fuck everybody up. I’m 6’1 and weigh 200 pounds lol.

>> No.18994518

post body

>> No.18994532

Listen to this man, especially if you live in a fucked up country like Canada.


>> No.18994677

I’m going to take a nap, I have to talk to my lawyer later

>> No.18994689

this is the futor you chose
vote progressive

>> No.18994691

No matter how tough you are, you wouldn't be able to fend off 6 guys who are all 50 pounds heavier than you, at the same time.

>> No.18994719

in India I was taught martial arts until I moved here and then I started powerlifting. No mother from their womb could beat me in a fair fight

>> No.18994792

What’s happened to OP happens more often than you’d think bud , try go outside sometime and you’ll see

>> No.18994864

>big cock

>> No.18994881

this is obviously a larp since no one would seriously come to /biz/ for legal advice you can easily find online. BUT for any actual ontario anons who may find themselves in a future situation similar to this let me break down what will happen to you in this typical "he said she said".

>an accustiom/complaint will be made
>police will "question you", either where they find you, home etc, or they may take you with them (this is not an arrest - this is important)
>during the talk theyll be congenial with you, sympathetic. theyll engage you. sup bro this sucks, bitches be mad, etc. this is a tactic. theyll say anything to get you to talk.
>theyll ask you to make a formal statement. an officer may at this point interject saying "dont make a statement" ie decline because maybe this wont even progress to charges and once statements are made the legal process begins and it will not stop. this is true but also a tactic - and a hard one to avoid if its just you and the police.

>> No.18994889

>fucking some random whiteoid whore is the same as fucking someone’s sister

>> No.18994906

Do the time, Mohamed

>> No.18994921

This dumbass larping faggot again. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.18994922

How does this belong on /biz/?

>> No.18994928

>200 lb
>power lifter
pick one. Mike Tyson was 220 lb at 5'10

>> No.18994938

That's what you get for interacting with women. This is what we mean when we say they're not worth it.

>> No.18994951

That’s mike Tyson you stupid gook

>> No.18994960

post body

>> No.18995029
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You can if you're skilled enough.

>> No.18995030

don't talk to the cops bros, here's a vid for ya, watch it


>> No.18995060
File: 32 KB, 306x475, 4B8C2FB3-56CE-46A4-BBC8-84F67E4CBC73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18995070

If they question me can I say no thanks or be like I want to speak to my lawyer?

>> No.18995076

body + timestamp you dip

>> No.18995079

You’re so fucking ugly you deserve to die

>> No.18995084

This is real life, this isn't some anime where you magically get enough brute strength to toss a group of dudes around, if you fuck up and piss the wrong people off in prison, you gone get raped son!!

>> No.18995100

Your fault for living in that shithole

>> No.18995317
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>the absolute state of OP



>> No.18995383
File: 122 KB, 828x619, A7A877A7-695E-42C4-AFA3-5E8474FCB977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in Toronto also doesn't help you one bit.
Lol yes it does. If he has a clean sheet there’s no way he’s doing anywhere close to 3 years for sexual assault (we technically don’t have “rape” charges). 3 months maybe

>> No.18995400

>Sexual assault is defined as sexual contact with another person without that other person's consent. Consent is defined in section 273.1(1) as "the voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question".

yup he is going to jail big time, enjoy your last days of freedom pajeet

>> No.18995404

>they may be vague in the details of why you are being questioned. this is a tactic. emotional people under duress sometimes try and "fill the gaps" since they know what happened and want to look like they're cooperating or because they feel guilty for fucking up - normal reaction for a normal person. officers know this.
>whether you make a statement or not at this point youll be told some options (dont talk to the girl, maybe even move out of a shared residence), then theyll let you go. you may think it but you are not free. you are just waiting for the Ontario legal system to kick in. and if the accusation turns into a statement it will.
>the moment she makes a formal statement you are fucked. the responding officer will write this statement down and take it to their supervisor who will decide how it will progress: charges and an arrest or not.
>even before metoo the pendulum in ontario had swung to favour women's rights. the police had had a long history of not taking these kinds of reports and allegations seriously. that time has expired and you are going to suffer because of this.
>youll be arrested. they may call you to talk or meet. maybe to follow up. but you're actually gonna get cuffed and charged. youll hear the charges and take the fun ride to the station.

now at this point i can only offer commentary on what i experienced. i had a lawyer but only AFTER the initial conversation with the police (in which i explained what happened and cooperated and did not make a statement).

>during the ride they will try to talk to you to get a statement. or "clear things up". another tactic.
>youll be held in jail for several hours until lawyer organises your release - hopefully.
>release feels like freedom but it isnt. its a symptom of a legal process that takes time. with lots of inbetween days where nothing is happening.
>from the police charges a crown attorney will decide how to proceed and which punishments to seek.

>> No.18995506

YES. i was going to end my posts with what I should have done. but ill just jump to that right now.

being questioned by police is not an arrest. if police try and question you and you dont want to cooperate you can ask "am i being arrested?" they should only be able to make an arrest following formal charges stemming from a formal statement made by the victim. when theu say "no sir you are not under arrest" you can politely tell them to fuck off.

HOWEVER they will go right back to the complainant and seek that formal statement so they can come back to arrest you.

ill cont. in another post.