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18989139 No.18989139 [Reply] [Original]

>dad hangs “I fed and housed you!” over my head as if I owe him something for doing the bare requirements to be considered a father
>didn’t do anything you would expect a father to do like encourage his children to pursue hobbies or sports or teach them life skills
>is a huge hypocrite who says one thing but does the opposite himself
>expects me to be his cash cow for the rest of his life because his retarded decisions left him in $100k debt
>tries to prevent me from going down my own path of independence and thinks me leaving is betrayal
>treated my mom like shit growing up and still acts that way towards her
>I can’t stand the idea of her being stuck with him when I leave

anyone else know this feel

>> No.18989167

Grow up or whine somewhere else

>> No.18989184

morality is holding you back. drop the act

>> No.18989365

Your mother can make her own decisions and that has nothing to do with you. Also, beign fed and housed is more than a lot of fathers do. Acept that he is flawed and follow your own path. You dont owe them a thing.

>> No.18989475

They’re going to lose the house and die in poverty if I cut them off.

>> No.18989549

You are in a fucked up position. Sorry for your shitty parents anon. I would recomend you therapy. You will need it.

>> No.18989565

I really do.

Most people really shouldn’t have children.

>> No.18989585

Here's what I tell my kid. His mon and I are divorced, both own homes:

>I don't care if you resent me or thank me
>I don't mind if you love me or hate me
>I don't need you to do anything for me or want anything from me.

>but you're a goddamn fucking idiot if one of your parents is losing their house and you don't step in and take it over.

>> No.18989640

your dad is doing a great job of inadvertantly pushing you towards freedom.
whatever you do OP, dont end up as one of those people on reddit begging for advice:
"I loaned my dad 10k and he won't pay it back. What do I do?"
"I let my dad move in and now all he does his drink all day and fight with my gf. I asked him if he's looking for a job and he said, 'I'm retired.' What do I do?"
"I let my dad move in and I caught him rifling through my things. I looked at my CC bills and he stole my CC and spent $1500 on clips4sale.com. What do I do?"
cut and cut cleanly OP

>> No.18989656

your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

>> No.18989703

I would’ve never expected back when I was 16-17 and really starting to become financially independent that my parents would rely so heavily on me.

I’m exchanging 45-50 years of my life supporting them because they supported me for 18.

I understand where you’re coming from but it’s a moral struggle when I genuinely don’t like my dad that much. He’s not what the person he should’ve been in terms of being a father.

>> No.18989716

It's a curious idea to reproduce when you dont even like life. - Houellebecq

>> No.18989736

we all fall short anon, we're human and we're weak.

all parents fuck up and disappoint their kids.

but that has nothing to do with $$. If I were in your shoes I'd first line up a new place to stay because the next move will require you to be able to leave.

second I'd demand a contract with my parents for your financial support, the collateral being the house. And then I'd check with their mortgage company to see if I could assume payments on their house.

what you do with them after that is your business and your actual moral conundrum, but first you need to clear up the money issue so they know they don't have power over you anymore.

>> No.18989749

we all love life at the moment of conception ~ anon

>> No.18989752
File: 92 KB, 593x959, ToxicParents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is anger for being denied a happy childhood and your freedom to be what you ought to be.

You are not responsible for your parent's decisions and for their happiness.
You should put your own happiness first as nobody else will do it for you if you don't.
If after that you decide you want to help you can try to change the mindset of your mother.
However she is toxic in her own way as she encouraged your father's behavior and will probably try to prevent you from freeing yourself by trying to manipulate your emotions.
A parent's job is to help their children to be more successful than they are and push them forward. In your current family the roles are reversed and you were the parent while they behave as children.
You deserve to be free from this and to be allowed to have fun in your life and your own happiness.

Also your mother grew up in a similar family setup as what you currently have which made her believe this is normal and how it should be.
the only way for her to change is to change her warped views of what a normal family should be and accept her own parents didn't do the right thing.
Unfortunately she will probably refuse to change and continue to keep her toxic way of life until she will be forced to face a situation so dire that she will be faced with her own death.

>> No.18989781

>the bare requirements to be considered a father
>didn’t do anything you would expect a father to do

No thought given to requirements to be considered a son.
No thought given to what you would expect a son to do.

Resentment built from idealized expectations. Why can't I have a perfect life like on MTV ;_; everyone else has a perfect life ;_; this is other peoples fault.

I just wasn't encouraged enough unlike everyone else. I just wasn't taught skills unlike everyone else. Peoples expectations of me are oppressive, my expectations of them aren't.

People are preventing me from being independent.

Pretty condensed pathetic here, Throw yourself on a fire and maybe you'll turn into caramel.

>> No.18989804

Lol what a fucking parasite you are

>> No.18989811

A father guilt-tripping their kid into being their personal piggy bank is enough to tell you about their character.

>> No.18989815

What a complete bullshit. OP doesn't need a therapy, he needs to nibble off and start his own life. Everybody who is leading a normal independent life did go through this process sooner or later. That doesn't mean OP needs to stop contact to his parents, but he'll need to get his shit together ans stop whining.

>> No.18989824

I don't expect him to let me live in the house.

I just don't expect him to walk away from 1/4 million or more in equity when he has the chance to take it. If I'm going to lose the house anyways, I'd much rather he got it than some random landlord at a foreclosure auction.

luckily he understood that without explanation, but he's smarter than you by a long shot.

>> No.18989827


>> No.18989848


>> No.18989852

I really don't understand anybody who feels bad about leaving their parents to go live their own life. What kind of parents are that fucking clingy to their children? It's disgusting. Granted, I despised my parents when I left so I didn't give a fuck how they felt about it, but even if you have a good relationship with them it's not like you'll never see them again.

Stop being a bitch, OP, and just move out.

>> No.18989854

I can’t afford to leave and also keep paying for them. And I really can’t keep living with them. It’s an impossible situation I’m in unless my degenerate father finally wins the lottery after pissing away money for years and years.

>> No.18989856

It's okay to kill Wojak posters. They're not people.

>> No.18989867

his parents depend on him financially.

to be fair this is a really common problem right now. A lot of people aren't moving out, and a lot of parents are charging them rent. Which leaves them screwed when he does move out because they're set up to house a son, not a roommate or tenant.

>> No.18989885

yes, my advice requires you to be able to move out AND stop helping them financially.

or take over their house payment and then decide whether they still live there or not.

fwiw my parents pulled the same shit on me and I moved out. Stopped paying them. They lost their house. We still don't talk 30 years later. But if I have any regret it's that I didn't take the house from them before they lost it.

>> No.18989887

My mom is kind of toxic but honestly she put up with a lot of bullshit in her life from my dad and always put me first. I know she wants me to have my freedom but she also knows she’ll lose everything if I leave.

>> No.18989901

So basically you're saying you don't care for any relationship with your children, the one important thing is they should take over your financial obligations if yourself is not capable of doing that anymore. What a psychotic sophisticated thinking.

>> No.18989902

Your mental health is more important.
The longer you stay under your father's control the longer you will delay your personal development and your own life.
If you still want to stay then change the conditions.
If you are paying his mortgage then you should own the part of the home you are paying for and not give it away for free while looking for a solution.
They can sell their home and look for something smaller and cheaper where they can live without you.

>> No.18989920

I'm saying what he feels has nothing to do with business.

and my 'obligation' is worth more money than he makes in 7 years of working. He'd be an idiot to walk away from that kind of cash.

>> No.18989947

Your deeper issue seems to be that you don't value yourself enough. You already know this isn't fair, but you're considering doing it anyway because you don't feel like you have permission to stop funding your parents. Why is your permission not enough? You don't want to do it, you know it's unreasonable for you to have to do it, so don't do it. You don't need your father's agreement or approval for this, it's your life and your approval is enough.

>> No.18989974

My dad fucked off shortly after I was born, thank fuck because im already more successful then he ever was by my own merit, if i had a dad like yours I might have turned into a whiny pussy.

>> No.18989985

You think it's a stupidly easy decision because you're only looking at the money. Buy house worth 300k by funding parents for 100k. Easy choice.

But you're forgetting the toxic bullshit you might have to put up with. If I funded my drug addict, alcoholic uncle in exchange for his house, it still wouldn't be a good deal. I'd be inviting his bullshit parasitic nature into my life, he might never leave the house, he might trash it and turn it into a crack den, he might decide he owns the house after all and drag me through the courts trying to claim it.

Mixing money and family is a fucking mess.

>> No.18990020

I agree.

it's a no-win situation.

I'm just saying his parents are going to hate him either way, and it sounds like they're going to lose the house either way. So he might as well take it.

If it was me I'd then evict them or set up some of that "my roof my rules" bullshit parents love to spew. But either way OP's getting good advice itt. He shouldn't have to be in this situation and he needs to worry about himself, not his grown-ass parents.

>> No.18990025

Can't really judge you from distance. Your first post read somewhat like entitled and not giving a fuck about personal relationship. If i misunderstood, sorry.

>> No.18990030

She chose your father because she wanted to have the same toxic life she had when she was a child.
Nobody forces her to stay with him and to be a parasite.
She made decisions every day of her life to be in her current position and she has to assume their consequences.

When a child lives in an abnormal family he ends up with a warped view of what a normal family should be and what his parent's role is to protect his belief that his parents are perfect gods.
Once they grow up they try to reproduce the exact same situation they had as a child as this is what they think is normal.

The only way to stop this infinitely reoccurring cycle of fatality is for the child to free himself from this past and accept that this is not how it should be which will change his mindset.
Once you manage to change your mindset and reject toxic parenting you will start to be attracted towards healthy people and this will force a change in your family relationship dynamics.
They will have 2 choices after this.
They can either try to do the same mindset change that you did to have a healthy relationship with you, or reject any change and attempt to force you back into your old weak and dependent role.
In this case you can then decide to reduce your interactions with your family if they chose to remain toxic.

This is explained in the toxic parents book in more detail.
I suggest you to read it.

One more thing.
You probably grew up behaving like a responsible adult and a parent, and not having the freedom to play as a child would normally do, because your parents were the children in your family.
You will try to get back the time you were not allowed to be a child later in your life once you are free but this is normal.

>> No.18990046

no worries, I wasn't clear.

I love my son and I'm pretty sure he loves me. He's way more important to me than the house.

but that aside, he shouldn't walk away from a cheap or free house if he gets the chance.

>> No.18990074

This reminds me of the law of power 10:

>You can die from someone else's misery-emotional states
>are as infectious as diseases. You may feel you are help
>ing the drowning man but you are only precipitating
>your own dis aster. The unfortunate sometimes draw mis
>fortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. As
>sociate with the happy and fortunate instead.

also the other part of this rule is a good way to be happier in life:
>The other side of infection is equally valid, and perhaps more readily
>understood: There are people who attract happiness to themselves by their
>good cheer, natural buoyancy, and intelligence. They are a source of plea
>sure, and you must associate with them to share in the prosperity they draw
>upon themselves.
>Use the positive side of this emotional osmosis to advantage. If, for ex
>ample, you are miserly by nature, you will never go beyond a certain limit;
>only generous souls attain greatness. Associate with the generous, then,
>and they will infect you, opening up everything that is tight and restricted
>in you. If you are gloomy, gravitate to the cheerful. If you are prone to iso
>lation, force yourself to befriend the gregarious. Never associate with those
>who share your defects-they will reinforce everything that holds you
>back. Only create associations with positive affinities. Make this a rule of
>life and you will benefit more than from all the therapy in the world.

>> No.18990095

quit being gay op

i told my mom her future rests in 2k i put in xrp last monthe to pay off her house......kek

>> No.18990113

This guys right.
I’m married now and every so often splurge on LEGO just to capture some of those lost moments of youth.
I make sure to play with my kid whenever they ask and try and work through problems with them so they’re not left with the same sense of longing I have.
Rough childhoods or good childhoods are your foundation.
Get that sorted regardless of how bad it was and you can truly build up something worth living in.
T. Worst childhood club member.

>> No.18990122

You should have wore a condom then faggot

>> No.18990130

so your argument is that OP should maintain his ties with his father permanently, to keep the house?
alright, so lets say his father has 25 years left. OP has to financially and emotionally support this man for 25 years to get 250k in the end. that's a pretty poor deal. OP in the end makes 10k per year. id imagine supporting his father costs more than that per year. and let's not forget the amount of time, labor, and suffering that this will involve. id say OP is losing money in the end.
your pragmatic view would only make sense if:
1) OP's dad is extremely close to death
2) the house is extremely valuable
for a 1/4 million house, the support isnt worth it. OP would be better off saving his fucking money

>> No.18990193

So stop paying for them. You're not responsible for them. Especially if they're going to give you shit.

If you're too soft to just cut them off and make them suffer, think of it as a power play. Threaten to cut off the money they need and make them really think about the consequences of pissing you off. It should at least stop the "I wiped your ass as a baby" style comments if they remember who's paying the rent now.

>> No.18990222

The entirety of the evil in the world is caused by people who reproduce without having first secured a future for their children

>> No.18990251

I can tell you've never made a serious study of evil. There's a lot of depth to it that goes well beyond just not pre-funding their child support plans before having the kids.

>> No.18990267

Pay the debt or help as much as you can, then leave them cutting all contacts.

>> No.18990274

>so your argument is that OP should maintain his ties with his father permanently, to keep the house?

you're assuming the house and the parents go together, just like OP seems to.

if they're going to lose the house anyways he should buy it and evict them. Or not. His choice. But he shouldn't lose the house.

>> No.18990281

illuminate me

>> No.18990309

If you literally don't know anything read about the Seven Deadly Sins, and if you're a pop culture faggot you should read up on Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic Evil. Then if you want something to make you think read up on Bernie Madoff and what he did and ponder just what kind of evil that is.

>> No.18990368

As a parent I know looking after a kid is fucking hard. Even the bare minimum is more than you selfish little teenagers on here can grasp. You will all be worse parents than your own guaranteed cause your selfish. Plus you can look forward to your kids acting like ungrateful fucks once you pour your entire effort into them for 20 years. Enjoy.

>> No.18990372

My parents separated when I was 9. My mother moved out and I stayed with my father. She didn't want much to do with me and there was one visit and meal a week. My father is legit insane and refused to do any cooking, cleaning or laundry saying that he worked his ass off all week to keep a roof over our heads and I better learn to take care of myself. So I did my own laundry, cooking and a minimum of cleaning and he did his while bitching at me constantly for messing up 'his' house, eating 'his' food and costing him money. Here in the UK you get given a payment for having a child called family allowance. At the time it was about $15 a week. When I turned twelve he gave me the book to collect it each week and told me to start doing my own shopping. He put locks on 'his' cupboards and 'his' freezer and started screaming at me if I used stuff like 'his' soap. I supplemented my income by cleaning cars and doing local gardening for old folks. Later I worked after school each night in a packing plant. He was expecting half of my earnings a week for rent and doing things like shutting off the power and taking the phone to work with him to prevent me using it. By the time I was 16 he was doing things like locking me out of the house randomly, throwing away things that I'd left in 'his' spaces and starting fights. I slept in a car in the garden and stayed with friends and girlfriends where possible. I started moving in to party houses when peoples parents went away, staying in squats, going camping with friends, going on tour with bands, basically anything to avoid being at home which started this 'you treat this place like a fucking hotel'. When I turned 17 the family allowance stopped and he was like 'right, that is it now, you are an adult so you pay an adult rent or you move out'. I think he wanted $75 a week. I moved out.

>> No.18990438

You shouldn’t reward them for poor decisions. That just incentivises they to do it again.

>> No.18990464

I carried this "my childhood was ruined" shit around with me for a few years until I realised it didn't make me interesting or more likeable and it just empowered a narrative where I was broken and irredeemable or something. The whole unmet expectation, situation that couldn't be changed. I did quite a lot of drugs and was generally a fucking waste of space because of it. I eventually got bored of being a waste of space, of taking drugs, of blaming my situation on my past, of relying on my past to sustain a present where I wasn't happy.

I didn't speak to my parents for 7 years. I did reach out and talk to them again. Straight away they tried to fall back into the old roles like no time had passed. From my end it was like ... I've let go of what a failure my upbringing was, it simply was my upbringing. I'm going to focus on the positive things for which I am grateful for rather than the negative things I wished were, but cannot be different. You need to let go of what a failure that period of your life was and realise I'm no longer a child dependent upon you and I'm an adult and if you want to interact with that adult you need to reform an adult relationship. If you don't see any value in that or there is nothing that you like about it then there is no point in doing it.

It took a bit of time and effort, occasionally they'd slip back into old roles and I'd just not talk to them for a year or so. After a while we'd hang out maybe once, sometimes twice a year, sometimes we'd go a couple of years without seeing each other. Sometimes we'd talk on the phone, maybe every few months, maybe more or less frequently.

The key with my father was to be useful to him and to only spend time around him when things needed doing. He doesn't hang out. He doesn't socialise. He just needs to do a thing and if he needs another pair of hands then it is generally safe to be around him. Do something silently for several hours. Silently drink a beer. Maybe talk for 5 minutes.

>> No.18990584

Within him I can see a lot of the baggage from how he was raised. I can see that when his marriage failed his entire reason for everything went out the window. He was paying off a house and looking after a kid for a woman who'd basically just gone 'lol nope' out of there. He did the best he could because he wasn't capable of anything else trying to figure it out on the fly. My mother I have less respect for because she could have done something, but she chose not to because it would have inconvenienced her. She still claims she was pretty much the victim the whole time because it was 'difficult', but at the time she was very hedonistic, a lot of holidays, partying, basically living free of responsibility.

ANYWAY. My whole point in this is I financially contribute to both of them. It feels fucking insane, like I should have cut contact or something and have that be it, but no ... I send my father approx $450 a month and my mother $350.

My father has two properties and no debt, one he rents intermittently though it is a piece of shit and realises about $3,000 a year and my mother has two properties and no debt but one is rented approx $6,000 a year which is why she gets less. Why? I can afford to and I think they'd both literally starve if I didn't. My father tries to live on $1.50 a day.

The alternative is what? I let them lose assets which belong in the family? I push them into social care? I move them in with me? I suppose these are all future options, but at the moment it solves the problem. They aren't exactly getting fat off me.

>> No.18990594

Don't sweat your parents. All in ARPA before the MPC bubble which Vitalik called a few weeks ago. Buy them something nice when you 100x https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1248704356758753281

>> No.18990680

let them die, maybe in his last moments he will realize hes a bastard

>> No.18990776

This isn't right and you are still burdened with your warped mindset.
"Letting go" of the past is the absolute worst thing that someone can do.
You denied the expressing the anger of your inner child by doing this and almost killed a part of yourself which is associated with emotions, goals in life, happiness and creativity.

The brain works by automating thought process and learning which actions and reactions to repeat in different situations.
This also applies to thought patterns and your mindset.
To do this it will use the first things it learns when you are conscious with a functioning brain around the age of 6 year old.
This means all incorrect interactions caused by your parents and people in your life during your childhood will be used as the reference for all your future behavior and interactions in your life.
Warping your mind to defend your parents as gods who can never make mistakes has the biggest impact on your mindset anything in this world can have.
It infects the deepest part of your subconscious where all your decisions an ideas come from.
This is a very potent poison to your mind which literally destroys all your attempts at happiness until you revisit your childhood and change your answers to the different situation by rejecting incorrect behaviors.

You should read the Toxic parents book as soon as possible.
I can guarantee you it will completely change your life if you do this.
If you can't manage alone with this book, try to find help from someone competent or read the book multiple times slowly.

>> No.18990867

sounds to me like your own understanding of evil is not solid enough to explain it understandably

>> No.18990969

Maybe I have a warped mindset, but it is the one I occupy and it has been healthier and more constructive than any of the ones I have had before.

The aim is that most things are positive and useful to me. I believe in the reward system of the brain and positive reenforcement. I have read a fair bit and stoicism and existentialist philosophy resonated strongly. If something is outside of my control then the only control I have is my reaction. The past is outside of my control, but the impact it has upon me is something I can work on and I prefer to interact with positive aspects over negative ones because ... why wouldn't I? Who doesn't want to be part of the positive story rather than the negative one?

I don't see my parents as gods at all. I see them as human. Humans are often flawed and the most we can ask from them is that they try their best. Often unless they are aware of what they are doing or actively behaving in bad faith they are responding to their upbringing and environment and they are doing the best they can at that moment.

You see value in the anger of my inner child? I see previous behaviours which attempted to medicate that anger and by making it a focus of my personality and central to my identity I empowered myself with basically negative bullshit outside of my control. Obviously substance abuse is only abuse when it becomes problematic, but I recognised that it was holding me back.

What does a rational person do when they've learned the lesson? When something no longer brings anything of value to their lives? You do eventually let go, things cease to bother you in the same way. You find healthy ways to cope. Even if the limbic response is often automatic and overwhelming, you must (if responsible and exercising self care) eventually find healthier and constructive ways to cope.

I'm also big on unpicking motivations and taking authentic actions born of free choice rather than childhood thought patterns and negative connotations.

>> No.18991547


>> No.18991663

That isn't your fault tho. My dad is probably gonna die in poverty, but he never saved any money and just bought stupid shit he didnt need, so it's his own fault.

>> No.18991703

thank you to all anons in this thread. I just got a son last month, now I know that I want to take care of my son.. and thanks for that toxic parents book. I will try to be the best father in the world. Will always ask him what he wants the most in life so I can help him be what he wants to be, ask him what kind of girl does he like so I can groom him, will talk to him all the man talk that I know, teach him how to shoot, change spare tires, camping, kayaking, etc. Will teach him about money too, politics, maths, fitness, etc. I love my son. I dont want to be a bad parent.

>> No.18991725

my dads leaving me $700k in his will.
>catch is he will eternally be disappointed in me for taking it
mfw he will be disapointed no matter what I do but 700k will buy me a lot of 13yr old asian loveslaves

>> No.18991879

You are a massive cunt

>> No.18991928
File: 29 KB, 320x180, B5CE590C-7BD7-4971-A0E7-8C33B1838E4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will always ask him what he wants the most in life

Failed father already. Just write your will now and get that whole universal life insurance right now.

Protip: Be sure to refer to him as “my beloved son”.

>> No.18991983

Disgusting. I hope you lose it all and die in the gutter with stds

>> No.18992026

whats wrong with trying to help him achieve his goal? as in lets say he wants to be a musician, then i will put him in the music school.. If he wants to be a soccer player, then I will send him to sport school.. you know, anything that he likes that will improve him then I will support him all I can..

unlike most of the parents that I know; they send each one of their children to engineering university. Some of their children came to me and talked to me about how they cannot do engineering and prefer other things, makes them hate their parents. They even emphasize the difference between "hate" and "dislike", which is dislike is when you can still put up with their bullshit, hate is when you want to see that thing dead. I dont want my son going to another person and talk shit about me because that will be the greatest failure of me.

>> No.18993089

Charging your children rent to enforce the idea that there is no free lunch is one thing. Albeit a dumb mindset to have
Charging your children rent and then relying on that to pay the mortgage? That's pretty fucked

>> No.18993330

Calculate the approximate amount of food and housing expenses he has spent on you for the last 45 years. Tell him you'll pay him back in installments once you make it.

>> No.18993369


>> No.18993878
File: 24 KB, 758x426, 694940094001_6090693166001_6090693600001-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell the house and get started on the Baby Steps.

>> No.18993940

I read your posts, not the essays from the others, and I feel your feels 100%. I'm currently trying to convince my father to kill himself. I have a good letter for fathers day that explains all the shit he did, how he lived an amazing life and how continuing to live it would screw it all up. I'm leaving my mom alone because she's going to use her new husband as support, but I'm going to get my dad to eat a bullet before I pay him to continue being a pathetic boomer asshole. My sisters and I all agree it's going to be much better with him dead.

>> No.18993964

Master vs. Slave mentality.

The master says "I owe you nothing, I am my own person. I did not consent to be born or raised by you. That was something you caused to happen. You never supported me as an adult and never helped me achieve success. I will not sacrifice my life for you."

The slave says: "Of course father, I love and cherish you so I will accept total responsibility for you until the end of your days. I accept my role as your eternal servant and breadwinner by virtue of being your offspring."

>> No.18994013

Just leave, retard.

Or be a predator's meal, you baby rabbit dumbshit. We all get what we deserve and we deserve it because it's what we choose.

>> No.18994031


>> No.18994064
File: 32 KB, 640x409, pepe enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dave ramseys advice is only good for people who already make good money that choose to spend it poorly

one caller asked him what her son should do since there's no jobs in their area. she told dave she was confused because when she was growing up their was plenty of factory jobs. I think she was reconciling with the fact our economy went to shit and her son couldn't just get a head with a hard days work like back in her days

daves response was "hmmmm go to church, have him talk to the pastor, have him work a small job in the meantime." all dave does is preach church when the problems that are presented to him stem from how shitty america has gotten

>> No.18994076

He made his bed