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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18987365 No.18987365 [Reply] [Original]

The economy is in shambles, you've most likely either lost your job or will soon enough. The virus (which is just a bad flu) will continue to wreak havoc and cause lockdowns well into 2021. Vaccines are a pipe dream, we've never made an effective one for a coronavirus.

Crypto is the only lifeboat. You're not gonna retire early being a wageslave, your not gonna get a business off the ground in this economy. The only hope you have is a collapse of fiat money making crypto the defacto global base currency and starting the 4th industrial revolution.

Buy LINK, Buy BTC. Try to secure a future for yourself. it's the only option

>> No.18987444
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I have absolutely zero money in crypto and although I know you're right I don't really mind not having put anything in, even when bitcoin was hovering at 4k a couple of months ago.

You know why? I'd get addicted. It'd dominate my life. I would become obsessed with money, checking the charts every day, not for fun as I do now, but with my life on the line.

I much prefer life without volatile investments that can crash in an instant and send my life into a spiral for a month while I try to figure out how to make it out of this alive and cut my losses as best as possible. I much prefer my simple life. Road trip on to Cali on friday. I'm gonna be sleeping in my car. The more I think about it, the happier I am that I get to experience being 19 years old without a care in the world. Sure, maybe I'll regret missing out on the bitcoin trip to the moon when I'm 50 years old, but I think I'll be happier that I spent the most important years of my life doing things that I genuinely love.

>> No.18987471

just DCA / buy and hold, you don't need to check the charts at all and you'll do better than the majority of traders

>> No.18987473

*even if that means having to suffer being lower-middle class for the rest of my life. I can't wait to live. I can't wait to be a therapist. I can't picture myself trading virtual dollars online and retiring at 25. Sounds bad.

>> No.18987496

I understand that mindset. For me it's the opposite, can't imagine living without the volatility. Otherwise I'm just a drone salaryman wasting away my days until I hit 67 years old or die.

At least with crypto I have a chance for an eventual reprieve. I think I'd go mad without having at least some potential escape from wageslaving

>> No.18987507

This is true desu anon. I think part of why I haven't yet is laziness as well as generally just not wanting to get involved. I think I'll do that when I'm much older, out of college, with a stable job and stuff. There are always opportunities.

>> No.18987524
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>> No.18987546

I think this has a lot to do with our personal life circumstances anon. I'm sorry that you're in that place right now, and I really hope that crypto helps you get out. I'm not shitting on crypto at all and I genuinely think that it's probably one of the easiest ways to "get rich quick" right now. I think I'm really going to enjoy my job and put everything I have into my future but not necessarily my finances. Things like love, friendships, school, a job I love.

>> No.18987595

I love Eleanor. I'd post her if it wasn't for this rangeban.