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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 1280x720, halving_bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18986193 No.18986193 [Reply] [Original]

You said it would go to 100k because of the halving. Fuck you I'm done with this coin and this place.

>> No.18986215

The entire board has been saying that the halving was priced in and that we are going to 2000 or 1800 at the very least

>> No.18986227

/biz/ specifically told you it'd dump. You're thinking of retarded moonboi types on YouTube & Twatter.

>> No.18986243

This is bear hopium though. More like 3500.

>> No.18986262


>> No.18986285

Realistically start buying below 4k

>> No.18986287

Lol it’s a ponzi, we will see 6k levels

>> No.18986314

If it did go to 100k it wouldn't be now. Come back in 2022.

>> No.18986341
File: 84 KB, 560x448, bobo-laughing-chart-going-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought itd keep going up indefinitely did ya?!

>> No.18986361

Kek fuck off OP. Take responsibility for your own actions. If you can’t never sell you should never buy.

>> No.18986415

Hope you sold OP just wait to see what happens next week gonna get ugly

>> No.18986534

Shut up pussy, this dump was common fucking knowledge

>> No.18986580

But we also said that there will be a long squeeze before that when there are more 70%+ longs...

>> No.18986646

Think about it. Why does it dump? Because people take their profits and fuck off. BTC going to 100k? That would mean that people would be making 10x profits and the incredible amount of people selling these ridiculous profits would still have to be dwarfed by this random legion of people buying in for some reason (the halvening? what?). In what universe does this sound realistic?

BTC oscillates less and less over time as more normies invest and the dream of the post-fiat crypto fantasy cyber world diminishes. Gets less novel every day. It's becoming more and more like the S&P500 which goes against what a lot of people invest in crypto for in the first place.

>> No.18986713


this dump is a precursor to stonks dumping later this week.

>> No.18986755

>BTC going to 100k
Would require a buy in from normal commerce that simply hasn't happened, and isn't. The tax liabilities alone - in the markets that matter - forbid it.
You would need to see a substantial change in the stance towards crypto from the regulators, banks, and commerce, along with significant changes in laws, to even begin a path towards 19k, let alone 100k. Even if the Tether printer started printing every day for the next year, it will never reach those levels. Tether can't even prop it up $1000 over any extended period.

100k is a pipedream of broke ass faggots sitting around going "I'd be so rich if it were worth 100k, bros! That would be so cool!" and clickbait articles on crypto blogs.

100k, based on...what? Hopes and dreams and /biz cummie fantasies?

>> No.18986771


all it requires is for world currencies to start collapsing. does that seem unlikely in the immediate near term future?

>> No.18986773

Okay, I'll bite, I'm bored enough. Show us how the tether bubble popping yet again has fuck all to do with the stock market. We'll wait. I'l go make some popcorn while you thumb pound out a reply.

>> No.18986784

sorry meant for this fag >>18986755

>> No.18986851

And even if crypto is adopted by the powers that be, what makes you think that they wouldn't design their own exactly how they like it, without having to resort on another third party beholden to their fees, constructing their own blockchain with the most profits they can squeeze out of you? The XRP bagholders are the saddest sight to see.

>> No.18986852

Sure thing, brah. It was meant for a post I hadn't made yet. Stay seething, it amuses us all so.

>> No.18986881


that's not to even get into how centralized BTC is, and how slow it is to use as an actual use case currency

>> No.18986942

That's exactly what Facebook is doing. (and failing, because everyone knows it's just their new and exciting way to get your actual spending data to sell.)

It's always come down to this - the powers that be, who own and run the system, have no interest in handing their power and control over to a system they don't, just so some internet shut ins can get a free lambo. You're exactly right, if the US ever moves towards crypto in it's currency/commerce (hint, they're not, except on the white paper/research level), it will be a system they own and control - not China.
I mean, there's hopium, and then there's /biz. If you want to play the online crap game on futures, go for it, but hodling for the day coins replace the USD, that's just straight up schizophrenia.

>> No.18987099

It would be more likely that VISA develops a blockchain if anything.

>> No.18987331

And one disconnected from any crypto currency. There's no reason for VISA to have any connection to cryptocurrency, as the system they operate in works just fine as it is. Crypto and blockchain have been around long enough, there is no reason for companies like VISA to not have jumped in. And, their system scales like crypto has no hope of achieving.
Adopting blockchain for any segment of their business would cost so much, they'd never earn that back, and they would be slower (significantly so) for no gain, other than "it's on a blockchain". I know people who work at Mastercard, they have zero fucks to give for anything crypto. Like they say, "Why would we?"
Coinfags here can spew lists of reasons, but they don't get it, the CC companies have already compiled lists like that of their own, and universally said "Nope!" to all of it. Same for anyone in commerce or banking. They've seen the lists. They all said "fuck no."
Blockchain will find a use, probably. But disconnected to cryptocurrency, at least in markets that matter. And, if some industry adopts a non-currency blockchain solution, that has fuck all to do with the currency side.
Everything in crypto right now is either exchanges, or middlemen, like Linkchain. Why the fuck would VISA want anything to do with any of that? They don't even want their system used to BUY crypto, because it's so manipulated and dogpiled with scams. And they think the Fed is gonna adopt it? Like I said, that's pure schizophrenia.

>> No.18987391

You have to be trolling.

>> No.18987403

>permabull larping as capitulating newfag
Very bearish

>> No.18988346

ha, both are you. fag.

>> No.18989253

>permabull larping as capitulating newfag

This and fucking so transparent
Pathetic really

>> No.18989262

>Bought at 9500

>> No.18989265

Dude $1800 Bitcoin dont make me wet baby

>> No.18989274

Good. Should have have tried turning on your brain and bought BSV for the long haul.

>> No.18990192
File: 4 KB, 101x125, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek sell before it hits zero

>> No.18990215

>The entire board
So the opposite will happen.

>> No.18990225

how about I call you a nigger and you will apologise the Bitcoin?

>> No.18990245

a board of mongoloids

>> No.18991240

the entire board has been buying $10 of bitcoin every week for 3 years. nobody cares you were stupid enough to take out a second mortgage and go 100x on casinomex

>> No.18991328

100k? You mean 100k in february maybe, it will be 300k in August and that will be the ATH, sell then

>> No.18991541

>File: bobo-laughing-chart-going-down.jpg

Dude I love you, I name my files the same way

>> No.18991609

beast mode

>> No.18991611

Always do the opposite of what the board is saying in general.
A bunch of optimistic posts means sell, a bunch of red wojacks mean buy in and sell back out once it levels back off.
If you had done that just yesterday you would be up 10% on whatever you had put in.

>> No.18991626

The fed already has their own crypto

>> No.18991668


>> No.18991691

Weak bait. BTC is done, anon. Buy LOKI.

>> No.18991714

this board is telling you everything from the modyretarded shit to the best advice

>> No.18991717

It will. Learn to buy instead of gambling like a degenerate

>> No.18991730

it's actually going to 180k

>> No.18991798
File: 155 KB, 667x978, 1529529641044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1800 is conservative estimate
it's actually going to 780 united states paper dollars

>> No.18991836

2021 to 2022 $280k top

>> No.18991846

why would you be sad that it's actually going to 200k instead of 100k? Do you hate money?

>> No.18991849

possible but doubtful

>> No.18991919

Yes 180k is the minimum.

>> No.18991933

Oh hell yeah. And I mean, it hitting 1800 would be great, but it just won't. You see how fast that level got bought in march? There's a sea of buy orders that have been there for too damn long (including mine, kek). If it actually does get there, its for a single instant before all the rubberbanding snaps it back up.

>> No.18992024

>retarded moonboi types on YouTube

I was constantly checking the price of BTC and it was down 3-4%. I get to band practice, and my phone buzzes. Crypto Zombie on YouTube says "Warning BTC will dump." Check my bassist's computer instantly. Down 12%. Even the YouTubers were calling a dump. I just didn't sell until it started happening.