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18980490 No.18980490 [Reply] [Original]

>just pay for college for 4+ years

>> No.18981011

get that was me 12 years ago
it doesn’t get better zoomers
at least youll be able to live home with your parents unlike me

>> No.18981696

Are you from a poor family? Do you have top grades and a spectacular array of extracurriculars, rec letters, test scores, and essay writing capabilities? Elite colleges will throw financial aid at you. The cost of attending Dartmouth for me, coming from a 70k family, was like 7k a year.

Are you from a poor family? Do you have shit grades? Your fault.

Are you from a rich family? Top grades? if ur family wont pay there are many tier 2 but amazing schools that will throw money at you on a merit based system to get you to come. Alabama isn't tier 2, but I know many who want there for free and in honors stem. USC will throw money at you in merit scholarships.

Are you from a rich family? Shit grades?
Your fault.

College being "expensive" is a meme that only people who are in the upper middle class have to deal with. Rich people have their families pay or get merit scholarships elsewhere. Poor get very generous financial aid from top institutions or even just good institutions. The upper middle class finds it hard to pay 60k a year for the top institutions but you can still go on a merit scholarship to places like Alabama or USC. USC throws out SO MANY merit scholarships. It is absurd. USC gives cash out the asshole to anyone who needs it

If you got shit grades than shut the fuck up because it was entirely your fault, stay poor.

Huge student debt is a meme only for art schoolers whos universities don't believe in financial aid, some law schoolers, and people too braindead to score above a 27 on the ACT

>> No.18981834

uh, hello, BASED department?
I'm in the UK (9k bongpounds per year tuition + additional living expenses) so not quite as much, but wages are lower here. There is NOTHING to complain about here. For the vast majority of people, student loans get written off after 30 years because they can't repay them in full. The repayment rate is so low that a lot of people don't even repay half of their loan. Very generous.

>> No.18981866
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say it with me frens


>> No.18981894

not everyone is a robot and willing or motivated to slave away their childhood for the system

>> No.18981938

Now is unironically the best and only time you should be going to
School for plus 4 years.
Everything will be going up and lots of opportunity when your done.

>> No.18981986

Ok boomer

>> No.18982004

how many people have given up on work? They never include them.

>> No.18982074

Or maybe you're just low iq? The ACT is literally an iq test, aside from the writing portion

>> No.18982088

my buddy said he is getting more money being on unemployment instead of working, so god bless the USA

>> No.18982116

Average IQ = average ACT scores = no merit scholarships. IQ is something that is practically out of your control so how is it the fault on the person for not getting good ACT scores?

>> No.18982143

>Zoomers getting fucked over

>> No.18982208
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Mfw figured out college was a scam before wasting 4yrs of my youth and 50k that I'll have to pay back for the next 20yrs with interest.

>> No.18982229

This is a copypasta, I've seen it before.

>> No.18982250

>poor grades
your fault. You can study for the ACT and boost your points but if you can't score decently, consider not going to college. It's literally a basic aptitude test.

I promise you and hope you believe this is not a larp. I got a good SAT score so I took the ACT once as a meme second semester as my junior year. I had never opened the book and the only tip I had was from when I was 8 and my brother said "bro the ACT science section is just graphs" and i clutched onto that for years. I had a weed hangover, walked into that exam room, and got a 35 after scratching my head at the science section for a good 10minutes and getting terrified that i fucked it up, i just went balls deep and got a perfect. If you cannot get at least a 30 on the ACT with your best effort then college is not for you. Consider community college, trade school, joining the military for the GI bill, ROTC, or various other tactics if you insist on it. otherwise, yes indeed you should not go to college.

>> No.18982271

I am the original author. I post it every fucking time because it never stops being true and I have no sympathy for these retards. I copy paste it every time one of these "har har college is a meme" threads pops up. No, college isn't a meme, you just went to a garbage university.

>> No.18982346

Yeah this just demonstrates you arent familiar with the elite admissions process at all. Know what school robots go to? We call it the University of California - Berkeley. Elite admissions is so much more than just grinding grades and test scores, this is why you have so many robotic bug people who get depressed that their straight A's and math competitions don't set them apart from every other chink. You have to legitimately do something that is valuable otherwise you are playing the "does my admissions officer like my essay that much?" lottery which is a shitty lottery to be in. These kids are olympians, inventors, or at the very least children of influential multimillionaires. Many of them have done more in their high school career than most people will do in their entire lives. It is absurd how much extraordinary shit they do, maybe because their parents pushed them but a lot from self motivation. This argument is always a cope.

Also, even if you do nothing, a 33+ ACT and 3.9+ GPA (which requires minimal effort for most educated people) will get you into the tier 2 university of your choice and they will THROW money at you. I'm looking at USC in particular. You don't have to aim Ivy, but you have to aim better than Literally Who State university.

>> No.18982397

millions. if they actually reported them it would be a clear case for socialism.

>> No.18982416
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>weed hangover

>> No.18982459

>The ACT is literally an iq test
>got a 35
Studying has minimal influence. You're score proves it. I understand that there are other options for the average person that studies and gets below a 30, but the idea that you just have to put in a bit of work to get merit college scholarships is an understatement.

>3.9+ gpa
The average is a 3.56, not far from 4. A 4.0 gpa can actually prevent you from getting a merit scholarship because it is so extremely common these days. Of course, you can waste away your childhood by taking multiple AP courses, leading school clubs.

>> No.18983007

If you're a retard and can't into math or science then I'm sorry but college is not for you. College is only useful for math/science degrees, everything else is bullshit. Low iq people rarely 'make it' in this world unless they try a thousand times and get lucky. That's darwinism, sorry anon

>> No.18983064

It's fucking cringe, you retarded kike.
If you think that there are only TOP grades and bottom 5% dropout grades, then you see the world in black and white, like a fucking teenager. KYS, you are too underdeveloped for this board.

>> No.18983069

I'm not sure you get my point. At a good deal of universities, virtually all of them under the top 50, if you have 30 (or even like a 28+) you can get a full ride with a 3.5+ gpa. If you want to go to somewhere reputable, you have to score higher. I don't give a shit about the average person, their scores are within their control.

Also, taking multiple AP's is a joke. If you find AP courses hard, you may just be slow. They are designed for anybody who isn't straight up braindead. You aren't "wasting your life."

As for the school clubs, again, elite universities do not give a single SHIT if you led your school club. They want you to do something legitimate. There are countless 4.0's, 35 ACTs, captain of sports teams, and president of school clubs that get rejected. it means NADA. They want to see shit like "won the tournament of champions", "top ranked national athlete", "top 50 math competitor." That is what you are stacked against.

Here's the thing. If you go to Harvard or Yale or even fucking Dartmouth and you get a "bullshit" degree, you will still have an incredibly easy time finding employment. Many of my classmates got degrees in bullshit humanities and still make 100k+ just because of the institution.

However, if you aren't at a top 15, stick to STEM.

>> No.18983164

cool I need a new gardener

>> No.18983226

I need a good chef, but wait, this requires skill.
Sorry, zoomie, you are out of luck today.

>> No.18983337

Achieving top grades is the bare fucking minimum. It is not hard in the slightest to get perfect grades in high school unless you attend a difficult private school, in which you should have a dedicated support structure to help you also achieve that goal thanks to Daddy's and the School's $$$$.

If you can't achieve that or at least DECENT grades, then you really don't need to go to college at all and you can continue to complain about your meme degree from Literally Who university being worthless after they sucked out $60k a year from you.

>> No.18983565
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Wow, that's really pathetic lmao.

>> No.18983605

before the corona virus something like 100 million American adults weren't in the labor force

>> No.18983745

this somehow managed to be the gayest shit I've seen in a while.

>> No.18983796
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Ayyy I just graduted a few days ago. My stats

>21 years old
>$15,000 in Student Loans (Dad’s Paying them)
>Degree in Information Technology, with a concentration in Cybersecurity
>Starting Job (Netwtork Engineer) at a medium sized company in the burbs
>Pay $15 an hour, at 30 hours a week due to the coronavirus
>I had interned for $15 and expect to make atleast 42k salary once “back to normal”

I got into options trading in december and turned $500 into $30,000 the. made bad trades down to $3,000 took $1,500 out, and currently sitting at a $1,700 equity account balance.

>Depression Level (Moderate)

I’m extremely optomistic about my “money making potential” but just bummed I didn’t find a gf/wife in college.

Only goal I care about is finding a nice girl, and one day living near the lake.

>> No.18983887

I've graduated last year from the most elite HS in my country with the highest grade possible.
But that's me, nobody has the same capabilities, at least let them feel SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES with their worthless manager degree ;)

>> No.18984169

This. I go to NYU for business and so many of the faggots here complain about the price. I got a scholarship and only pay for housing.

>> No.18984241

Then I guess it's a good thing college is paid for with a interest free loan that you only have to pay back once your income reaches $50k

>> No.18984299
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>> No.18984340

ACT is an actual IQ test, SAT is just some bullshit you have to study for

>> No.18984710

lmao ok retard

>> No.18984750

ACT, the SAT for "athletes" fucking lmao, any jock that knew he was braindead took this shit. and now they're gonna phase the SAT out because they're finding some "correlations"

>> No.18984813

What kind of retards do tests and get evaluated by fucking boomers? Why not just live your life your way and be independent from everything? Too hard? Nvm

>> No.18984978




>> No.18985037

I went to USC, family is middle class, in the top 10% of my class in highschool. Graduated with 60k of debt, took 5 years to pay off. Stupid as fuck and a waste of time

>> No.18985075
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I was supposed to be in the class of 2014 but I dropped out. Knew the system was rigged from the start but I wanted to make my parents proud and kept my nose to the grindstone for a couple of years. My gut told me that entrepreneurship/being your own boss was the way to go so I finally took the plunge and dropped out at the end of my junior year after I had spent almost a year bed ridden with depression (if you are going to college and you know you shouldn't be there, your soul will be crushed and you'll become a shell of your former self). Worked a couple of odd manual labor jobs and sales jobs for the next 3 years to stack some start-up capital. These 3 years were the most fulfilling years I had ever had up until that point in my life. I was doing honest work, I paid back my loan debt and got a feel for what the real world was like. I started an online business selling shit and took up a digital marketing gig that I worked in until last summer. Took the plunge again and went at it on my own and now I'm running a pretty successful marketing and advertising operation with a partner who was a former co-worker of mine. You zoomers don't know how good you have it. Look around. We live in the best time to start a business. You don't have to go to school to be successful. College is a meme. You'll realize this once it's too late and you're too far gone on the wageslave treadmill. Wake up. Stop sleepwalking through life.

>> No.18985129

Focus on yourself, your wealth, and creating a mini empire. A wife will come. The girl of your dreams will appear in your life once you are worthy of it and least expect it. The universe has a funny way of rewarding you. You don't like surprises? Too fucking bad. Kek.

>> No.18985176


Should have gone to UFC instead

>> No.18985209


Nigga, cybersecurity is a good major, why are you complaining, even some art majors can make it and you can't? Stfu

>> No.18985249
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>tfw graduating as an EE with a recession proof job with a utility that sponsored my scholarship and provided internships

>> No.18985315

>33 act
>4.20 weighted highschool GPA
>90% tuition scholarship to in state university
>tuition < $2k a year
>Graduating with EE degree
>$75k starting
>Internships made $15k+
>Graduating with zero debt

College been comfy for me. All the retards who take on huge debt to go to an out of state college or private college and get a meme degree just to ultimately have a starting salary less than $75k. College is a scam for those brainlets. Top 5% of STEM students at any state university are just as smart as the median student at a top tier university - only the top ~15% of people from these schools are actually next level genius, everyone else is probably just rich or has a well connected family and is smart but no smarter than some state school kid who crushes their STEM classes

>> No.18985979

>start a business
How is this not the biggest of memes? According to the Bureau of Labor, 65% of new businesses fail during the first 10 years. Better off gambling on crypto. Think about it - most of the people who put a decade into starting their own business have nothing to show for it

>> No.18986241

It's not a meme because starting a business today requires almost zero starting capital, scalability is only becoming easier, over head costs can be close to zero, you get the most freedom and independence to do with your time what you will, etc etc the list goes on. If you fail, you are now more valuable than ever with the experience you've gained. You can use this experience and new found wisdom to consult/work for others and get paid handsomely to do so. But again, if you can't see the positives and only focus on the negatives and take zero risk, you'll get no where.

>> No.18986326

I should have said that if you fail and choose not to try again you can then consult or work for someone else.

>> No.18986359

Stop doing Adderall, retard.

>> No.18986505
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Class of 2019 here
>Move back home
>Take a miserable wagie job that doesnt even give benefits
>About to move out
>Laid off due to Corona

The job market was shitty before and now I don't even know what ill do

>> No.18986510

>never took ACT/SAT
>went to community college for 4 years
>transferred to state school
>graduating next week
>3.0 GPA
>already have a fulltime position for $56k/yr starting + company truck and full benefits and 401(k)
>25k denbt
lmao at retards who killed themselves in highschool and college while I partied and fucked my way through the institutions for 7 years and still came out with a comfy job in a beach town

>> No.18986522

hella jews live in new york and theyre dying of coronavirus you fucking idiot

>> No.18986571

College isn’t that expensive if you actually try to do it on the cheap. People don’t want to go to community college for 2 years. People DO want to go to an expensive private school. People don’t want to spend an extra year in undergrad so they can work a job. People DO want to use student loans to pay for summer courses abroad.

Everyone wants the college “experience”, they screech “muh education” but they don’t actually give a shit about it. They don’t deserve to be there, basically.

>> No.18986585

Who the fuck hires a consultant that had one failed business lmao

>> No.18986597

What is your job

>> No.18986605


>> No.18986617

That's a cool title. What does a forester actually do, day to day

>> No.18986733

hike through the woods, do stocking cruise plots, survey watercourses, check other’s plots, map out corridors for logging, put in logging roads and skid trails, make maps, etc.
facilitate logging mostly

>> No.18986823

I know you're excited to go to college anon, but you need to understand just how dumb the typical undergrad is.
Nobody in grad school cares where you went to undergrad unless they want to talk shit about sports teams. I've worked with 2 MIT alumni and they're publishing at the same rate as the rest of us. If you're going to insist on trading on an institution's name and reputation, its going to have to be because your school's specific professional program, or area of research expertise is renowned, and produces alumni that like to visit and recruit via talking to their old advisors and colleagues.

>> No.18986998

So you work for a logging company

>> No.18987033

yeah it’s pretty cool

>> No.18987049

>24 years old
>$27,000 in student Loans
>Degree in accounting
>Starting Job (unemployed) at a medium sized rent free
>Depression Level (Chainlink)

>> No.18987122
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You ever see paranormal stuff out there

>> No.18987190

not even close, it’s pretty tame honestly

>> No.18987230

Graduated 2019 and got a job holy fuck!

>> No.18987251

What are some respectable schools in the forestry field

>> No.18987362

Yale - theory
Berkeley - research
Georgia - finance
Humboldt - fieldwork

>> No.18987424

Do you have workdays where you can just chill out in the woods without any work to do

>> No.18987515

yeah, most days are 10-12hr work, but you might drive for 3hr, or a day where you finish early and just walk around to “inspect the unit” or whatever
it’s pretty chill

>> No.18987596

You've got yourself a fine job anon.

>> No.18987701

>graduate school
sorry people on this board want to make money, not be eternally middle class academics. if you head into industry without attending grad school, 100% where you did your undergrad matters. if you attend an elite undergrad and a shitty grad school/program, you fucked up. elite undergrads also make securing fellowships considerably easier.

if youre legitimately a graduate student, then hopefully youre scientifically literate to understand "haha i know a guy" doesn't mean jack shit ahen the prospects are overwhelmingly superior for elite undergrads with just undergrads.

With that being said. If you went to a nice but not extraordinary undergrad, going to a top graduate program will help seal your ticket in academia.

>> No.18988073
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Your underage is showing again anon. Let me tell you how to hide it better.

You seem to think graduate school = professor/lecturer/academic. This is not correct. Few people that earn a PhD. will ever end up as professors. There are simply too many of them and too few positions.

Your typical freshly minted PhD. is much more likely to end up working in an industrial capacity, whether as a consultant, an industrial researcher, an independent quality monitoring laboratory owner, etc...

I'm not sure who you've been talking to about these things, but I'd recommend you actually call or email your school's employment placement service and discuss what the pipeline for employment looks like for your field of interest. The rep from Marathon doesn't care where his stack of undergrad resumes came from. He's running keywords and screening for phone interviews. On the graduate side, I think you'd to well to just talk to people you know that went to grad school and ask how they got their first 'real' job. A majority of them got informally recommended by their advisors, or old postdocs from the group placed them, or were headhunted by companies that had good experiences with hires from that group in the past.

You also seem ignorant about the decision making for graduate program acceptance. Its not as if just because a highly ranked program accepts you, you're automatically accepted to every 'worse' program. Different schools have different levels of funding, and what they consider enough is a moving target based on their needs (do we need more exclusivity / do we need more research endowment). I got accepted into Berkley and U.T. Austin (which were #1 and #2 for my field in the US), but I was rejected from Carnegie. When I got to see how my institution made their choices, undergrad reputation and perceived rigor barely factored at all. It was gated by high GRE scores, but a massive portion came from letters of rec and previous research experience / fellowships.

>> No.18988413

Did you got to Humboldt? I graduated in 2019. Hell I probably know you

>> No.18988895

Germanfag here. Interesting to hear how studying in usa works. Here we got the problem that basically everybody goes to university. With all the state subsidies for studying you have more and more lower class people, also lots of immigrants sitting at universities. A big part of them is simply studying because they don't know what else to do. Only middle class is fucked, they have to pay for themselves. I wish there would be distinguished elite level education in Germany + stricter access to studying should be made. Economy in the meantime is complaining about lack of "skilled workers" with that they mean apprentice jobs, however politicians literally push people in universities.

>> No.18988945


>> No.18989220

Sigh. Public school admissions differs greatly from private school admissions. This is true at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Public institutions place a much higher focus on raw statistics whereas private school admissions take undergraduate/other factors far deeper into account. This might explain why despite you having perhaps pretty decent scores, you were rejected from Carnegie and accepted into Berkeley/UT Austin.

You entirely underestimate the advantages an elite private school education has in graduate admissions in ways that aren't just name brand. You are not competing for school resources and there are countless opportunities for independent research or hella funded undergraduate research with professors that lead their field. At Berkeley you will struggle to find lab spots as an undergraduate especially if you are an underclassman. Not the case at the top private schools.

Once again though, when people talk about "college being a meme" these aren't the people who are attending (non professional) graduate school (and even then, they often just get useless MBA's or MFA's). These are people with random bachelor's from Literally Who University. UT Austin and Berkeley are perfectly fine institutions. Southern

As for "graduate school = professor/lecturer/academic" my friend, very few people I know have the capability to complete their doctorates without actually giving a shit about their research. I have met maybe only one or two that intended to get their doctorate solely for "professional advantages" and they dropped out ~year two.

>> No.18989707

Why would you do that to Mike?

>> No.18989773

>Economy in the meantime is complaining about lack of "skilled workers" with that they mean apprentice jobs, however politicians literally push people in universities.
Sounds like an excuse just to import more immigrants.

>> No.18990316

I did community for two years, graduated high school in 2017, university in 2020. Life is good, productive 3 years

>> No.18990383
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>4 Years of EE bachelors with honours
>28k AUD, interest free loan from the government
>repayments come out before tax and scale based on salary
>hit 6 figs 2 years out of uni

Imagine paying taxes to a government that makes you a slave to some bank just to get an overpriced education. They even charge interest on it too lmao the audacity

>> No.18990504
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they even payed me cenno when I went and I had like 50k in the bank, 100k worth of shares and a fucking house. God bless them.

>> No.18990506

Unpopular opinion: Most people shouldn’t go to college

>> No.18990530

Goddamn, I had it bad but imagine graduating this year.

>don't get to finish classes
>finish finals at home
>no graduation
>"lol, welp that's it. Congratulations to class of 2020"
>time to find a job!
>404 Jobs Not Found

I'd be fucking furious. College was the second biggest scam I ever fell for. Law School was the first. Higher Learning is a scam at a disgusting level and we're all going to pay for it down the line.

>> No.18990743

Millionaire opinion*

>> No.18990779

No. Zoomers just get a reminder that education in uni is not the way to go.
Will they be able to get the obvious hint is up to the person.

>> No.18991466

>Still believing this lie
So you have 2 options:
1) Earn so little for the next 30 years that you dont have to pay it back.
2) Get a job with good paybut you get fucked by the load repayments.

>> No.18991906

I mean it's not really the institution's fault that they can't host a commencement or have in-person finals.
It is an investment like any other. Sometimes it moons, sometimes bobo just cleaves that boipussy atwixt.

>> No.18992703

Are you me?

>> No.18992774

This 100% I remember when this happened to me it was really depressing but now I struggled through.

My boomer parents finally are happy I am making it just didn’t know why it took so long.

Ummm hello the economy was fucked for a long time. My sympathies zoomers.

>> No.18992817


>> No.18992887

>ACT is an actual IQ test
Knowledge isn't really intelligence tho.

>> No.18993036

A hydra can grow more heads even if it chops off its own.