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18977040 No.18977040 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think will happen on Monday, /biz/?

Will there be a major sell-off from miners that will bring the price way down for prime buying time? Or will the price of BTC only continue to go up from here?

I’m a believer in Plan B’s S2F model but I’m always looking to buy more bitcoin, and I’m wondering if I should buy some more (about $2,000 of) now, or wait till the halving in case there is a major discount? I wanted to have a focus group on here because I don’t see any halvening threads.

So, anon, what will happen?

>> No.18977071
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>*In Song*
Thats a maaaaaan!

>> No.18977087

I should say currently I own just under 1BTC (0.89), 1ETH, and about 170KSM in my portfolio. I have another $2,500 in my savings I could spend, likely on more bitcoin, but not sure what price to set my limit at, or to just market buy right now, or to wait till after the halving.

>> No.18977269

Bump you lazy fucking crinkle cunt niggers

>> No.18977345
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>*In a blues melody*<
Weellll, I’ll tell ya thatsaman!

>> No.18977369

Everyone will wait in the hope of something happening, then one guy will sell, then another, then another, then they will all follow and btc will go back to 5 k.

>> No.18977375

That’s the hottest actress Pedowood has ever seen

>> No.18977388

Hash rate will be the first thing to crash. Then will normalize back across bsv and bch. idk what will happen to price. Probably nothing drastic.

>> No.18977447

>hash rate will be the first thing to crash

Explain like I’m 5 pls

>> No.18977453
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in the same boat.
I already bought 20% of the total amount of btc. i'll probably wait till after the halving and average the rest into it over time. no rush man

>> No.18977481

think about what you are even saying retard, the miners know there is going to be a shortage of btc so WHY THE FUCK would they be like "oh fuck the circulating supply of btc is going to shrink, better dump my stack before what im holding does a 10x". OP is a stupid faggot

>> No.18977509

Mining becomes half as profitable because there is half the amount of Bitcoin minted after the halving, causing a drop in hashrate as miners go out of business. Only the strongest will survive.

>> No.18977510

No I’m just asking because Twitterfags all say “miners will dump for their rewards upon the halving” — doesn’t make sense to me but it’s what I keep hearing you silly nigger fucking twink

>> No.18977514

A giant nothingburger

>> No.18977526

What does this mean for the price? Do I buy more bitcoin now or will there be a drop I should expect and wait for? People keep saying that upon the halving there will be a 20%-30% price drop but Idk where they get this from

>> No.18977547

>listening to twitterfags who can literally see how much activity their tweets get and then thinking they wont use that information to fuck their followers

>> No.18977550

>What does this mean for the price?
It means it could go up or it could go down.

>> No.18977565

Stock to flow is a meme. Its literally inflation rate inverted to sound smart

>> No.18977579

you are retarded, this is why the price will rise you fucking dumb ass lmao are you trolling you have to be right? the price will go up so mining stays profitable AND because of less circulating supply. did you not learn anything from the previous halving, or the one before that? newfag or you're unironically stupid

>> No.18977644
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>da price must rise

>> No.18977664
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>> No.18977872

How’s it a meme? Not doubting you but calling something a meme with no explanation is dumb Nigger talk. S2F uses mathematics at least and while it can be incorrect I’d like to hear why you think so. Honestly.

>> No.18978744
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>> No.18978985

he explained it you spaz. inverted inflation rate. inflation is the rate of the creation of new base units, stock to flow is the ratio of base units to newly created units

>> No.18979100
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ok so we're gunna pump, then the havlening happens, then we drop.
kewl, ima buy when we drop then. thanks everybody!

>> No.18979773


>> No.18979831

Well what has happened during the other halvenings?

>> No.18980038

>Bump you lazy fucking crinkle cunt niggers
This attitude is why you are poor
We owe you nothing
I'll throw you a bone though
Buy UND before next week ends

>> No.18980054

Like they said before the price has to go up to keep mining profitable. Think of it like a reverse stick split. If you have 10k worth $1 each then you end up with 5k worth $2 each in theory. Only the miners are taking the hit on the half, not those of us holding.

>> No.18980629

Last two halvenings had no competing chains for hashpower. We are in uncharted territory this time.

>> No.18980750

Hashpower aside, what about the perception of bitcoin and cryptos as a whole? Would it not be advantageous to keep it on the up and up to attract more into cryptos, which would be inline with the NWO's goals?

>> No.18980868
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That is what they are doing with Tether. The entire crypto market is kept alive artificially with billions and billions of this fake money printed out of thin air called USDT.

The entire space is nothing but a mirage selling dreams of wealth meant to fleece dumb goyim, as they put in their hard earned money into the pump and dump machines that are 99.9% controlled by a cartel of exchanges with perfect trading and USDT printing information.

>> No.18980931

We are a long ways away from total mainstream adoption. What does the roadmap look like?

>> No.18980947

all coins will probably get 50% plus for a few days then slowly go down to their previous values with a permenant 25% increase

>> No.18981046
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Mainstream adoption can ONLY happen on a scaling chain that can accommodate mass transactions. Period. There is no ifs or buts to this. Mass scaling is required for mass adoption.

That leaves only one single contender for mainstream adoption, one potential gem in an ocean of shit, because only ONE coin is scaling aggressively. Ill let you figure out which one that is.

>> No.18981196

>inb4 no

>> No.18981214

ETH2 on the horizon, DAG.. this tech is still in its infancy. What makes you think there won't be a few iterations of the evolution of this software before most humans are using blockchain and similar tech? Until that point it must be made appealing and provide a sense of security before the mainstream joeschmoe would jump on board.

>> No.18981245


Yeah that makes sense. Sell less, let the hype build and then dump at a good price

>> No.18981473

Arbitrum already solved ETH scaling issues via a layer 2 solution. Ed Felten, you know, the ex CTO to the White House is the CEO of it. Why do you think Microsoft and Ersnst&Young chose to build baseline protocol on ETH? Scaling issue is already solved my friend, ETH2.0 will just be another settlement layer

>> No.18981491

Sell it all for Chainlink and thank me in 2 years.

>> No.18981703
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lol brainlets are definitely not going to make it.

>> No.18982005

Invest in BSV a year from now, ok cool. What about in the interim?

>> No.18982257


So you plan to buy high?

>> No.18982294

What would happen to BTC long term then? Will it always retain its value in a numismatic kind of way or maintain a position as a trusted asset?

>> No.18982503

11k per BTC. Bobos crying and spewing their schizo cope that it's all manipulated, etc.

>> No.18982642
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BTC is a technological dead end. Every halving cuts the block subsidy in half, reducing miner revenue by 50%. It's absolutely BRUTAL.
Bitcoin was designed from the beginning with a block subsidy like a set of training wheels, or in economic terms an allowance from mom and dad. Let me explain:

In the early stages of the network while it is small and there is almost no usage, miners need some help to stay afloat and pay the bills to secure the network and process transactions. No one is going to do it for free right? So they get parent gibs i.e. block reward. Currently it is 12.5 BTC per block. This means miner revenue is entirely dependent on the market price of BTC.

Now, when the halving happens, their revenue is cut in half to 6.25 BTC per block. Miners are going to go out of business because they are no longer profitable. Mom and dad keep giving the same allowance. In 4 years at the next halving, this will be reduced to 3.125.

But you might ask, how is that sustainable in the long term if the reward keeps halving and eventually will end completely?? Well the idea was that Bitcoin would become an adult at some point and stop asking for an allowance from their parents. They need to start earning their own money through transaction fees. But Bitcoin refused to grow up, and wanted to stay a 1mb manchild with stunted growth for life.

So as the subsidy fades, the chain will die unless it can replace the subsidy with organic income from fees. This of course requires MASS amounts of transactions to generate FEE income, which require NETWORK GROWTH and NETWORK USAGE, which requires bigger blocks.

Bitcoin was designed to GROW or DIE - subsidy halving is the ticking timebomb that will eventually kill off a stagnant network. The allowance WILL go away. Mom and dad says: start earning your own income, or die.

BTC has chosen to die. It is being kept artificially alive and relevant only through Tether price manipulation.

BSV has chosen to grow.

Pick wisely.

>> No.18982841


>> No.18982961
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The original Bitcoin protocol as it was first designed.