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File: 29 KB, 800x450, ghosted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18972751 No.18972751 [Reply] [Original]

Is $10 realistic?

>> No.18972859
File: 205 KB, 1200x1200, Ghost1990bq150 (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by when? honestly it's a stretch short term but who the fuck knows, crazier shit has happened. it's a decently low supply

>> No.18972885

bro we bought in when it was worth a few pennies >>18972859 what do you think will happen?

>> No.18973076

if it gets 2 bil marketcap then 140$

>> No.18973150

honestly i don't know, but i have a good feeling about this one, only because mcafee hasn't had his very own coin yet.. he's an insane con man, but he's our conman. we still need more info, but i'm betting he doesn't turn on his own baby right off the bat, sure he'll pamps it and dumps it but i think it will be a long term game for him, he has some kind of plan and i don't think it's a quick dunk and run, why would you do that if you're the largest wallet holder and it unironically gains traction? i think it's a long term series of pumps and dumps over and over again, but never enough to wreck the thing. if the white paper is sound, in terms of privacy, this shit will blast in my opinion. he's got some magic vibes in him somewhere, as we've seen with mcafee antivirus. stranger shits happened in crypto. i'm in

>> No.18973162

He's sort of dependent on this privacycoin solution because he is an outlaw.

>> No.18973205

I just sold this oxt for $ to hodl some. I got a good feeling too.
At least it is free... better than nothing

52$ free Oxt


>> No.18973227
File: 71 KB, 419x609, 1584743236504s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's an outlaw loose and runnin', came a whisper from each lip

>> No.18973246

good point. also he's getting older, he's already made some decent scratch pumping other coins for a price, maybe he wants to get some legacy cred back after basically losing all his mcafee bucks. i think he'd rather it works out and becomes a top privacy coin, vs a giant dump scam. we shall see, i'm in tho. either way it's gonna be a fun few weeks see where this shit ends up

>> No.18973263

Or he's getting justed

>> No.18973315

wait, is he still running for prez? is that still a thing?

>> No.18973429

Can someone fill me in on how to get this coin? I looked at the main site but it just says esh holders will recieve some ghost when it drops. Does it just show up in esh holder's wallets or what?

>> No.18973494

no one knows the exact process yet but to get ghost you need to buy esh and hold it in your wallet

>> No.18973532


Will the wallet given by idex work?
I don't mean on the exchange, I mean after I've withdrawn to my wallet.
Too retarded to know myself.

>> No.18973554

>Will the wallet given by idex work?
Withdraw your tokens to your Metamask wallet or Ledger

>> No.18973576

Idex can be a pain to use. You can use uniswap by looking up the token in the exchange info and clicking buy. It won't show up if you just go directly to the swapping page.

>> No.18973674

Ok thanks. Will do before the 25th.

>> No.18973727
File: 482 KB, 1280x720, endgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think buying $ESH for $Ghost is what this is about. It's not.
John's endgame goes much further. This will only be announced after the $Ghost claims are done. SwitchDex launches all DEX portals as IPFS + .eth ENS, which can't be shut down. Do you think why they need this? It's only the beginning of John's Endgame & Legacy. A decentralised Silk road version which only accepts $Ghost for true anonymity which will be held in escrow until the order has been received.

>> No.18973760

uniswap is very expensive
not sure if situation has improved but i doubt it

>> No.18974097
File: 627 KB, 800x800, 1585924703360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip

>> No.18974117

We are at approaching all-time high levels.
All the late passengers from the last days should be popping bottles already.

>> No.18974231

I mean it's only a 13.5M supply coin....it should break $10 easily.

>> No.18974252
File: 127 KB, 1000x600, 2851545C-1B61-4DAA-98C1-F75E2B45F74B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John will build great tech as he did with his anti virus program. Finally someone who has experience