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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18971691 No.18971691 [Reply] [Original]

>have a stack
>sit home shitpost at biz and judge people and cases
>make it with your fat stack
>Use your expertise and build up a reputation
>Never need to go outside
>if you want can work from anywhere
>save money on rent by living in basement

refute this

>> No.18971725

based and jurorpilled

>> No.18971751
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>> No.18971790


500,000 Supreme Court Judge
300,000 Senior Judge
150,000 Magistrate
100,000 Arbitrator
50,000 Judge's Associate
25,000 Interpreter
10,000 Juror
1,000 Janitor
0 Accused

>> No.18971922
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Senior Judge Shekelberg reporting in

>> No.18971980

alright someone do my own research, where can i buy this shit?

>> No.18972061
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Uniswap sir

>> No.18972075
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based and Aragonpilled

>> No.18972084

feeling comfy with my 80k

>> No.18972130
File: 380 KB, 1196x812, B4C970DB-C1A6-4F95-86AC-E7006D8E0246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you live in America and you just committed your first petty crime and got caught. You’re going through the booking process and eventually you find yourself before a judge. The judge turns to you and tells you that these men from Delhi will be determining your guilt/innocence.

Yep definitely seems like a long term viable project kek. People fell for this shit?

>> No.18972214

I wouldn't compare ANJ to a real court. It's more likely used for consumer rights complaints etc.

For example, many counties have these government run consumer rights programs where you can file a complaint and they will give you and the merchant a recommendation how to solve the case. Even tho it is just a recommendation, most of the times the accused party does as they recommend. If they don't want to comply, the other party can take it to a real court.

>> No.18972245

And no one calls The United States of America "America" except pajeets and other third worlders. Stay poor Rajesh.

>> No.18972272


Imagine not knowing stuff like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Arbitration_Association exists and do private arbitration

>> No.18972376

It's for dispute resolution, dumbass

>> No.18972384

The low IQ PNK Pajeets really show their true face here, so funny

>> No.18972390

Private arbitrage requires vetting by both sides in order to determine a proper entity to fulfill the role. Read “The Arbitrage Problem” by the Economic Policy Institute, it highlights the process there. How are you going to properly vet a bunch of basement dwellers across the world? This coin maybe would work for the most minute and unsubstantial cases, but nothing of real value would ever be settled here.

>> No.18972451

We can do a trial run.

Anon (ID: z+bSvj36) is being accused of staying poor and never making it.

What does our jury say? First 10 replies decides his fate.

>> No.18972468

The slogan is literally “Justice for the Unjusticed”

These pajeets are making up their own words and you dumbasses are praising them for it. “Unjusticed”? Really? Holy shit I’m glad I went all in LINK over this shitcoin kek

>> No.18972474
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>Private arbitrage requires vetting by both sides in order to determine a proper entity to fulfill the role. Read “The Arbitrage Problem” by the Economic Policy Institute, it highlights the process there. How are you going to properly vet a bunch of basement dwellers across the world? This coin maybe would work for the most minute and unsubstantial cases, but nothing of real value would ever be settled here.

>> No.18972482


दोषी doshee

Means “guilty” in Hindi but I’m sure many PNK holders already knew that.

>> No.18972490
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Your honor..... I vote GUILTY!

>> No.18972507

This is such an Unjusticed post. What did I do to deserve such unjustice? I just want to be just in an Unjustice world.

Kek who wrote the whitepaper? Ranjeesh or Arjun?

>> No.18972512

Yes but before ANJ you always said that Pnk was the neet coin... I am just thinking that you simply want to shill....

>> No.18973444

>I wouldn't compare ANJ to a real court
Could we compare it to the customer service of PayPal?

>> No.18974133
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263k turbochad reporting in

>> No.18974545
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Objection! Badgering