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18969392 No.18969392 [Reply] [Original]

why do people still push the college meme?

>> No.18969400


my ancestor:)

>> No.18969407
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While college is a meme, all "tech" related stuff is an even bigger meme

>> No.18969428

>least amount of unemployment
>highest salary
>auto-didactic learning + portfolio qualifies you better than college
>work from home
Biggest meme I guess

>> No.18969462

This is correct. Tech is a big bubble.
t. Work in tech

>> No.18969508

STEM is a meme

>> No.18969536

any other argument than the fact that it didn't get you laid?

>> No.18969609

you shouldn't go to school at all, it only trains you to be a cuck

>> No.18969729

fag. Computer science and coding shit is for pajeet nerds

>> No.18970389

t. 95 iq retard

>> No.18970470

Finance is good if you are already upper-middle class+, tall and classically handsome. Did I mention the hairline and the big dick? Yeah, you're not going to land the rich old widow contracts otherwise.

>> No.18970485

This. The most midwit profession ever.
>t. software "engineer"

>> No.18970489

Are you from a poor family? Do you have top grades and a spectacular array of extracurriculars, rec letters, test scores, and essay writing capabilities? Elite colleges will throw financial aid at you. The cost of attending Dartmouth for me, coming from a 70k family, was like 7k a year.

Are you from a poor family? Do you have shit grades? Your fault.

Are you from a rich family? Top grades? if ur family wont pay there are many tier 2 but amazing schools that will throw money at you on a merit based system to get you to come. Alabama isn't tier 2, but I know many who want there for free and in honors stem. USC will throw money at you in merit scholarships.

Are you from a rich family? Shit grades?
Your fault.

College being "expensive" is a meme that only people who are in the upper middle class have to deal with. Rich people have their families pay or get merit scholarships elsewhere. Poor get very generous financial aid from top institutions or even just good institutions. The upper middle class finds it hard to pay 60k a year for the top institutions but you can still go on a merit scholarship to places like Alabama or USC. USC throws out SO MANY merit scholarships. It is absurd. USC gives cash out the asshole to anyone who needs it

If you got shit grades than shut the fuck up because it was entirely your fault, stay poor.

Huge student debt is a meme only for art schoolers whos universities don't believe in financial aid, some law schoolers, and people too braindead to score above a 27 on the ACT

>> No.18970491

>waste the best years of your life in a cage so you can buy stuff of which you can keep about half after your wife left you
Well, for me it is the outdoor NEET lifestyle.

>> No.18970582
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>pajeets will replace German programmers

>> No.18970625

Oh yeah, it’s big brain time. I looked at what I would have owed my school if my gi bill wasn’t covering. After financial aid, I would have had to come up with 4K a year. I understand the financial ineptitude of most Americans, but if you can’t push 4K towards your education, then you don’t really value it, and shouldn’t be there in the first place if that’s the case.