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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18966806 No.18966806 [Reply] [Original]

Why does biz hate zenon? Its the most obvious 1000x that this board has seen since antshares.

>> No.18967088
File: 226 KB, 407x525, Screenshot 2020-05-09 at 13.23.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their normie brains literally cant compute that Twitter has semi anonomously created a Dapps platform. It comes from an idol worship of Jack Dorsey that doesn't view him as human. So they just go to default oh it must be a scam even the the proof is 100% clear this is legit.

>> No.18967453

Couldn't possibly be the same designer right?

>> No.18967582
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At first, I thought it was a scam or some smallcap cypherpunk coin that’s that will stay at these small exchanges because there is no budget for marketing. But them one night I had a dream where I saw zenon on cmc and that I should check it out. At first I still didn’t buy because I didn’t look furder then the long fud post, with the developer shit. but then one day some anon posted this meme of a bear pulling his eyes out and he wrote something like “HOLY SHIT RUMOURS are TRUE”, that peeked my interest again, so I finally gave it chance to do my own research, and my mind was blown. The connections are so obvious and even my GF who is not in crypto said it is like that. I think that many times in crypto stuff looks too good to be true and then it turns out to be a scam or just another project where development stopped, like JNT and REQ. But as an example, if you look at the tokenomics of zenon, I honestly can’t imagine that it is a scam or that VC will dump on holders, the amoumt of effort they’ve put in their design, not only of the website but als wallet... then the grands that they handout to community members to develop something is really cool. At last, nobody is really selling, thats not a rumour and the price is being suppressed which is bullish imo.

>> No.18967677
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Fudders like to mock this image. But it's all somone needs to connect Square Crypto aka Jack Dorsey with Zenon....Its truly bizzare people can't connect the two. Serious mental block like some shitcoin syndrome or something. It's there 100% proof by everyone walks by like its invisible. It's almost like scams are more popular now than the best projects. I have earned the right to say I told you so a lot of times soon.

>> No.18967712
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>> No.18967726
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>> No.18967970

not only are those domains extremely similar... their sites do too.....

>> No.18968034

I trashed ZNN here previously but have since bought in. I can't disprove any of it. 1000 tokens so far. Whitepaper isn't super specific but seems to be an enhancement of Lightning network using a meta-DAG. I think both Square and Twitter will use it. Possibly others if there is a compelling use case. This is huge and still very underappreciated.

>> No.18968315

Why did you trash it?

>> No.18968752
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Maybe because the way the screenshots are taken look really conspiracy like, I know that people do it for e.g., LINK but there you can check the team website etc, these are clues that are indeed obvious, but I've personally never seen this and its so surreal to think that you can take part in something of this caliber.

>> No.18968790

I made those screenshots, took 5 minutes. They are simply to visually put the info over. People seem hung up on the presentation rather than the info in the fucking images. Actually if this remains for a while longer under the radar then thats all good for the Zenon community honestly.

>> No.18968875

This. The staking rewards are pretty good to, so we can wait. Nowadays /biz/ is mainly focussed on ieo pumps and IDEX pumps.. and they are to lazy to use exchanges like stex and mercatox

>> No.18968914
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Thanks for making them btw, we will make it

>> No.18968922
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Pure coincidence there's a floating eye watching over pillars at cash.app

>> No.18968943

no problem. People think this is some kind of shill campaign when its just a few early investors who know they have stumbled on a pot of gold and yes selfishly want others to know cause they know it will blow up as awareness comes. Probably never ever sell most of my Znn.

>> No.18969017
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Its compelling info.

Dorsey is a BTC fanatic and thinks/knows it is going to be the future of payments. It doesn't have to be fast because they have figured out ways to make it fast with dual ledgers and DAGs. That is what Zenon is. It also greatly enhances security of the blockchain. He is a backer of Lightning Labs so I think he already saw the shortcomings of that in what he intended to build here.

If you download their wallet and read their website it is easy to see that this is an obviously well-funded project, and some of its original graphics used SC's color scheme before they were changed. ZN's wallet is very sophisticated and maybe overengineered a bit, which points to ample funding and also maybe intended future functionalities. The whitepaper isn't extremely specific but is focused on solving some problems that seem very specific to commerce (security, speed, apps platform), and while these things are all being worked on for other platforms, this whitepaper spends a lot of time focusing on talking about BTC. Hello?

Then there are the twitter clues. The SC and ZN twitter accounts were both created on the same day. SC tweets clues using the terminology of the Zenon Network (pillars, eyeballs), and mentions a traveling merchant who grants wishes in exchange for favors *before* the announcement of Zenon's MicroWorkz platform, which crowd bids network-related work tasks, paid in ZNN.

At this point what I'm looking for them to say it isn't related to SC or else I have to assume it is, in some way.

>> No.18969485
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The interesting thing is that it is not being denied in the Zenon TG, they always say: "no speculation" and that they are an independent organisation.

>> No.18969530

^^If anything they are being direct. They *are* working on BTC. The project sits on top of BTC.

>> No.18969593
File: 185 KB, 1552x1112, Decentrelized internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that they will allow people to stake their bitcoins and that you will be able to earn Zenon or some kind of Gas token

>> No.18969615

Both SC and Zenon are working on developing Bitcoin either directly or at least somehow extending the capabilities of bitcoin.
It doesn't prove any connection between them, but it's one more interesting coincidence.

Zenon's connection to Bitcoin is interesting with their implementation of the novel ZX algorithm for their xStakes distribution. Really interested to see if the yellow paper sheds some more light on this.

>> No.18969665
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something like maybe

>> No.18969743

I think it's more simple. Square is going to create a crypto network all served out of a wallet similar to the Cash App. So you can move digital assets from bitcoin to gold around. Pillars and nodes will earn Zenon for doing this work. The wallet will charge a small fiat amount for transfers. The thing the community should be most excited about is the zwallet that is coming that they have said is about taking things to the next level. It's also what Mr Kaine said they are excited about. Expect a wallet that takes UI to the next level in world class pro style that the developers have the pedigree to do so. It should lay to rest this is in anyway a scam.

>> No.18969806

Read between the lines of this article. Looks to.me like Square is building a defi stack... Zenon being the base of it.


>> No.18969870

Agreed, the whitepaper was sparse on details for these.

>> No.18969877


Damn that tickles my noodle. The idea that Bitcoin could go mainstream with Square Crypto moving Bitcoin around instantly without btc fees. Total fucking gamechanger if a big entity like Twitter took this mainstream. I think this is Jack's vision.

>> No.18969905

Only thing I would dispute is the need for Zenon. I don't think that user friendly. They would want to charge fiat for transfers or membership etc. Convert and pay pillars in Zenon or even straight fiat.

>> No.18969915

Nice article, thanks anon

>> No.18969944

Would you mind taking a few screenshots of the article? It's behind a paywall.

>> No.18969962


>> No.18969995
File: 49 KB, 794x230, Screenshot 2020-05-09 at 11.12.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking like this to, but then I thought its just really necessary for the functionality, different algorithm or something, that complements the BTC... that's why we need the whitepaper or testnet to see if its working. Funny thing is that they also said that they would release an introductory whitepaper. Maybe because they don't want any entity to steal their work.

>> No.18970008

If you google jack dorsey future square crypto. You can view it before the pay wall comes down. He has said this stuff in various ways in the last year.

>> No.18970117
File: 54 KB, 634x401, Screenshot 2020-05-09 at 12.22.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I find the final quotes from Jack very interesting. Zenon is all about anonymity and building a leaderless ecosystem with no public figures and I doubt we will ever truly know who is behind Zenon.
The things he said are crucial to the success of a truly decentralized and fair ecosystem.

>> No.18970327

its on really shit exchanges

>> No.18970550
File: 100 KB, 900x506, 1581014787028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these exchanges shitexchanges? because there are trading bots? Because of the low listing fee? Because they might be hacked? Team also says that you shouldn't leave your funds on exchanges... It's easy to call small exchanges, shitexchanges because everyone else does it; but what is actually the difference with Binance? Binance does lots of marketing, asks for huge listing fees which alows them to invest more. But they also get hacked and hackers try to hack them everyday...Just don't leave your funds on exchanges and you're good, If you're a trader its a different story ofcourse..I think the team will start to draw some attention once the product is finished... Just imagine that they start with heavy marketing now and all normies start to spam the telegram with: "when mainnet?", "When P2P reviewed WP?"... Zenon might go x1000 or x5000, but maybe the difficult part is that we have to deal with the lack of community managers that remind us all the time that there might be some partnerships etc... because many people got used to that shit..

>> No.18970574
File: 2.22 MB, 1546x1414, JD_CL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinlist would be great though

>> No.18970772

In it for the tech

>> No.18970995

They want to remain anonymous and 2017 had a lot of high profile scamcoins with teams that remained anonymous and promised the world.

It's likely that large exchanges either wouldn't want that, or the team is worried some information regarding who is involved would inevitably leak.

>> No.18971437

Which team in 2017 gave back money to investors?

>> No.18971527 [DELETED] 
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Family mourns after body of missing man found

>> No.18971561

None... I think that the btc was also like a form of deposit to make sure that you would really want to participate in the nework. Otherwise people would directly sell the ZNN if they would just handout nodes. So you can say that this really a project without ICO....

>> No.18971567
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 1581186219756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocksuckers pajeets scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.18971596
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Family mourns after body of missing man found

>> No.18971659


watchtowers = pillars
watchtower watchers = sentinels

We will make it.

>> No.18971674
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>Family mourns after body of missing man found

>> No.18971703
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>> No.18971763

You dumb niggers have talked about this shit forever, but ive yet to hear a sensible use case for it...

>> No.18971853

Yes, don't buy anon, wait for the launch of NoM and WP and then you can decide if you would like to invest. For now its all speculation.

>> No.18971874

After NoM price will be much higher.

>> No.18971911

too bad then for the once who didn't take the risk.

>> No.18972128


>> No.18972825

the next 100x is $FRM Ferrum
screenshot this
in 2020