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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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189641 No.189641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most evil thing you've ever done for money?

>> No.189648

Your mom

>> No.189650


>> No.189668

Develop bitcoin

>> No.189675

Can't say I've ever done anything "evil" for money unless you consider investing to be an inherently evil practice.

>> No.189695


on a serious note, I probably scammed kids out of semi-valuble pokemon cards

>> No.189738

Stole yugioh cards from stupid little kids. Feel real bad about it now though

>> No.191162
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I ripped off like 2000 kids on runescape hosting fake gambling games.I made about 1200$ selling in game currency before Jagex (runescape owners) banned gambling.

Kids would play Hot/Cold flowers for x2 their bet.They would trade you their money, in hopes of hitting hot or cold and doubling their money.

Kids would trade me their bet, and if they won, I'd log out of the game. 100% success rate. Probably made a couple kids contemplate suicide.

I sorta feel bad about it, but at the same time it was just a game and anyone who could trust someone with their money deserves what they get.

>> No.191221

broke in and looted 3 houses 12 years ago.
pawn/sold around 2k in video games and other electronics

>> No.191267


Lucky you didn't get shot dumbass.

>> No.191297

I sent traffic to this page: http://www.thehealthscoop.net/

>> No.191299

Made a fake news landing page selling acai berry scamjuice to obesefags. Made like 3k doing cpa shit on facebook and twitsy.

>> No.191339

When I was a teen I'd used to go to parties and steal money and phones from drunk girls.

I was really damn good at it too. Nobody ever suspected me and I would always continue to hang out with them afterwards.

I'm such an asshole, but come on. Who gets black out drunk in a backyard with $300 and an iPhone hanging out of their open purse?

>> No.191342

Plenty of retards do.

>> No.191369

Convinced old people to stop paying for their legit term life insurance and buy the scam insurance for the company I worked for.

>> No.191376


Doesn't look like you've stopped.

>> No.191387

i wish i had thought of runescape gambling back in 2005/6. would have made a killing with the original easter egg ring.

>> No.191402

I did stop, after being sued by Rachel Ray.

>> No.191487
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you know you aren't really blaming people for being stupid, you are blaming them for trusting you enough to get drunk with their phones. You post is relevant, but your justification shows a gleaming lack of intelligence on your part. I guess I could say it's their fault for hanging out with an idiot though.

>> No.191500

no you idiot. the guy stole the phones from their purses while they were passed out. they didn't explicitly "trust" him with them. either way stealing is shameful so both parties are losers.

>> No.191512

Pissed my life and soul away in a mother fucking office all day.

>> No.191565


I knew a guy that made like 30,000$ from in game currency. clan was 127b, they scammed everyone. The leader, 127b, apparently bought a brand new mercedes from like a year of scamming the shit out of kids

>> No.191568


Also, come dutch 17 year old had the biggest gambling clan in the game, and ran like 2000 bots. He made 700,000$+ in two years selling it to Chinese gold selling websites.

If fucking only I wasn't just a faggot and broke the rules

>> No.191985

sold a shit ton of drugs

>> No.192028

>this is what /biz/ is comprised of

As for me, I convinced a commercial making company that I'm a native English speaking person even though I'm Dutch.
Made like €400 or so, can't remember that well.

>> No.192071
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That's the point of the thread though.

>> No.192084

be 14, go to flea market, check relative prices on ebay

someone has 8 old copper kettles that look like scrap

buy a dvd for $15 and say "oh those would be useful in art class at school", get all the kettles for $5

buy brasso for $2, polish them up, they sell for $20 to $30 each on ebay

>> No.192087

I upload films onto file sharing sites and make people fill out surveys to watch them.

>> No.192110

I stole $10 out of my friends wallet when we were like 8 years old. In high school I had this one friend who would always ask to borrow money for food from the canteen. I'd always have him pay back double. The dumbass never had the foresight just to bring the extra money to school in the first place. I've also sold drugs.

>> No.192113

>be 16 see club live
Made bots to play club live games
Made 19 accounts to redeem tickets for items
Find the item with the most resale value
Ship keyboards to me and my friends addresses
Sold keyboards on ebay
Was making 300-500 a week
Felt good man