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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 307 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200508-155751_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18962774 No.18962774 [Reply] [Original]

Boring couple of weeks lads

>> No.18962787

larping is fun

>> No.18962932

I have 150000.000000000000000001 link ask me anything

>> No.18962949

May I have 0.000000000000000001 linkies?

>> No.18962960

Could've had a cool 5 mil already if you were in HEX

>> No.18963023
File: 192 KB, 828x1159, 103B68EF-12BC-4CC3-A126-862BEF33100E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh probably gonna put in another 25k post halving OP

>> No.18963029

sure post addy

>> No.18963044

nah not larping. he's been around for a bit.

op you should get on this RPL moon mission. if not i get it. best of luck.

>> No.18963079

i totally believe you’re actually someone else backing op up, and not op posting from his phone

>> No.18963085
File: 188 KB, 828x986, A1F90F04-2DA3-45C7-86B2-A890120FCC4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im poorfag

>> No.18963120


>> No.18963140

this is the ultimate chad portfolio

>> No.18963144

5k link, 100 ethereum or 2 bitcoin. Which one performs the best EOY?

>> No.18963236
File: 87 KB, 235x297, 1540670549861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol literally me but much more poor
128 eth
10k link

So fucking jelly

>> No.18963273

probably 100 eth
Eth going to 1k wouldn't be that crazy given 2.0
thats a 5x
btc going to 5k? could be a tough battle
LINK going to $20? Hmm doubt it

>> No.18963303

meant btc to 50k obviously

>> No.18963389
File: 30 KB, 400x396, 1513009559068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, the fags claiming larp in every single thread I make entertain me.

Funny 'cause people only started to call me a larper when Link started performing well. Imagine being so low IQ you can't fathom someone buying an asset for a low price and not selling at soon as its up 10% or something petty

people like you will never EVER be wealthy

>> No.18963425

Oh and if you had half a brain youd realize the imagine file name in op means that already was my phone, my pc ID is >>18963389

>> No.18963429

bait. link is a worthless meme token, if you’re not larping you’re a trust fund baby or something

>> No.18963669

I got a head start since my dad paid for college in full and I got a well paying internship after junior year then a full time job at one of the best paying tech companies right after graduating

I was obviously fortunate, but all the money I put in crypto was what I earned while working

>> No.18963704

you have half a million fiat dollars
>puts it in a shitcoin instead of bitcoin

>> No.18964130

Bro it’s not larp. And he Didn’t grow up rich.

>> No.18964140

That’s a good port. Be happy and content.

>> No.18964874
File: 312 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200508-182046_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey something happened

>> No.18964931

Are you me? We'll be OP after the next cycle.

>> No.18965003


when are you going to sell

>> No.18965071

I only have half a mill because I put a bunch into LINK a long time ago in the first place

what the hell is your logic?

generational wealth

>> No.18965073

>he thought never selling was just a meme

>> No.18965093

yea it`s funny how none of those screenshots are from actuall wallets or exchanges... it`s not like you can`t just type in whatever number you want in Blockfolio lmao

>> No.18965122

when you plan on selling? $10?

>> No.18965128

Post the etherscan and sign then fag. Otherwise you're larping as some dumb fag who didn't sell >$4.50
Imagine seeking validation on Biz. Sad.

>> No.18965144

I managed a 4x on mi folio this week bro

>> No.18965153

a screenshot of a wallet or exchange doesn't prove anything either, do you even know how ethereum wallets work? The only thing that would prove it is a signed message, and I really couldn't give a fuck if anon #3235154 doesn't believe I have more money in link than he will make in a decade

>> No.18965166

i have a sub 6 figure chainlink stack, pretty comfy but with BTC pumping im starting to get anxious and wondering if i should convert a sizeable amount to hold 10-21 BTC to keep sats value/ride btc bulll.

>> No.18965177

Lol, where all the skeptics when link was still sub 50c? Your jealousy and anger seems directly proportional with the price of link

>> No.18965270

I stopped going on /biz/ in 2017 after my portfolio exceeded 100k.

Most 100k+ portfolios on here are straight up larp because once you get to that point, you'll want to spend time associating with accredited investors and teams who will actually make you money instead of /biz/ which is more likely than not a waste of time AND likely to lose you money either through bad shills or opportunity cost.

I made it to 700k and blew it all on travel, a car, and paying off my debts along with some bad calls like putting 150k into the Polymath ICO which i had gotten access to from an accredited investor friend. Now since I have a modest 5 figure crypto portfolio, I don't feel too bad going on here again until it rises from the ashes.

>> No.18965304

>blew 700k
Wow money really does come to fucking idiots

>> No.18965343


0 regrets, I was 19 and it's just money.

I now have a fully paid off car, a college degree with 0 debt, and spent 2 years in 30+ countries having a blast.

Watch me do it all over again but this time get a couple houses out of it.

>> No.18965416

what are you holding?

>> No.18965440

Obviously a degree in larpology

>> No.18965501

Imagine thinking $4.50 is the top. Some people were destined to remain in poverty

>> No.18967081

Bro. Why didn’t you just put 30 BTC away and start accumulating stocks, real estate, and gold?

>> No.18967180

What’s generational wealth? I don’t see me getting to 25 million this cycle unless the S2F is true and bitcoin goes to 300k kek

>> No.18967343


>> No.18967385

You should dump half now before the profit gets taken from you. Get into some shit that hasn't mooned like CKB.