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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 400x400, xDai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18959939 No.18959939 [Reply] [Original]

Currently still under $2m marketcap while a shitcoin like RSR is at $20m. You do the math, /biz/.

>> No.18960052

What is this coin and where do I buy it?

>> No.18960073

STAKE on bitmax

>> No.18960086

A coin with low marketcap? Awesome, where to buy it?

>> No.18960097

Fucking btc transaction is pending for 45 minutes already. Still 2/3 confirmations. I just hope it won't leg up withing next hour or I'll kms probably

>> No.18960122


>> No.18960171

Should have sent ETH instead, but you'll make it. A nice dip to get in right now.

>> No.18960222

Yeah I forgot how awful btc is. I'm okay tho just bought 3k stack below 1.4. Not too much but I'm a poorfag. Now let's go boys

>> No.18960276

Fuck that, already mooned way too hard. GHOST is still a better investment.

>> No.18960324

lmao, ESH is like 10x+ and it's useless, while STAKE has a solid use case

>> No.18960336
File: 26 KB, 428x368, 54538D89-45F8-4B19-BA82-111D13A8FD9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck that, mooned hard already
>Still barely a 2 Million Dollar MC
>1.2 Million Circulating Supply

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.18960364

Nah, I was researching it today and I wish I just fomo'ed instead. Ghost is way too scammy and for stake I can't even find any cons. I just hope I won't get too greedy this time and sell at 5x instead of waiting for 100x

>> No.18960437

website: https://www.xdaichain.com/
Yeah, I'm out guys.

>> No.18960504

I saw it and and what?

>> No.18960521

Scams pump the hardest, when will you LERN! Stake is a based buy though

>> No.18960555

You're a fucking retard. DO you need fancy, shiny giltters and rainbow effects in the website like a 14 year old kid?

>> No.18960646

If he refers that then it's retarded. Having a gitbook website is based af

>> No.18960986
File: 342 KB, 570x520, Screen Shot 2020-05-08 at 2.28.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stake is criminally undervalued at <2 million in market cap. Still not sure how this is flying under the radar? BitMax listed LTO and RUNE and they both reached 30m in market cap from only 500K. This is a steal.

>> No.18961232

We have enough coins already. You can stop now.

>> No.18961905

holy fuck....I legit feel bad for you anon. I hate that this is now a biz coin because retards fomoing in don't fucking get it. I'm glad you're out at least though.

>> No.18961974

does anyone in this thread even know what Stake is or does? does anyone understand the significance of this project, or is it just shill of the week for you?

>> No.18962110

Blockfyre co founder fomo'd in. :)

>> No.18962138

anyone with any kind of technical understanding of the ETH network and half a brain is fomoing in.

>> No.18962233

Why would you buy a stablecoin

>> No.18962270


>> No.18962422

Fuck off satsgang. Nobody want to get in on your puny x5 pump & dump on your latest shitcoin.

>> No.18962455
File: 252 KB, 785x1000, 1588923857225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So u can use fiat dollars to internet fiat while getting taxed. Duh

>> No.18963399

Nobody? Twitter, Reddit, biz, price and crypto influencers seem to say the opposite... but if you refrain to make some easy money, it’s up to you

>> No.18963491

Were these coins shilled by Pomp, ETH founders and big name developers within the Defi space and Ethereum?

>> No.18963552

This is before:
- Delta
- AMA interviews
- Blockfyre and other big names 'coin reviews and reports'
- Twitter + Reddit shilling

When Blockfyre co-founder fomo's, you know whats up.

Well, it's only LESS than 2m in market cap. Whoever is waiting will lose their mind when this reaches 10, then 20, then 50m market cap.

>> No.18964262

It's such an easy moonshot. Just the Bitmax investment and the love it has within the Ethereum community should be enough for anyone to fomo in.

>> No.18964317

easiest 50x in my life. thank you mr biznessman

>> No.18964335

fucking hell this shit is easily going to 10 million soon and thats 5x from here. Why isn't everyone buying this already?

>> No.18964363
File: 112 KB, 281x300, 719F1AB8-E51D-427D-AA34-CE3273370099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this shit last night at 77 cents when cross faded off beer/Xanax after doing some snooping. I thought I was going to wake up rekt, but it was the best decision of my life. We are the new elite gentleman

>> No.18964362

> satsgang
LMAO everything is satsgang now. You fucking schizo retard. Use your brain. This is a extreme low cap DEFI project with high level connections. Imagine thinking this will not 5x to 10 million atleast.

>> No.18964366

because biz will buy when its at 20 mil marketcap.

>> No.18964682

Will LINK be toppled by xDai as our coin?

>> No.18964769

Yes $stake will be the new biz coin

>> No.18964801


wow, literally just about every shitcoin that no one will list anywhere else is on there.
this shit is totally not a scam guys, its on Bitmax

>> No.18964810


If Rocket Pool is at 30 million market cap and this is at 2 million, you have to be so fucking retarded to not be buying this at 2 m market cap !!

>> No.18964840

>shitcoin like RSR


>> No.18964877

where buy?

>> No.18964885

xdai will 10x to reach same marketcap as RSR. Do the math retard. You're missing out on easiest 10x.
Bitmax USDT pair

>> No.18964899

Rpl will be at 100-150m mcap as soon as phase 2.0 launches. What will this be at?

>> No.18964946

Probably 100 MC as well, because STAKE will be implementing privacy features as well in Q3-Q4

>> No.18964952

Comfy asf invested in $STAKE

>> No.18964974

So this thing will always stay at $1, only the staking will go up and down?

>> No.18964975


RUNE (Thorchain) was the recent BitMax IEO. It started from 500mk, and reached 25 million. xDai (STAKE) is mega million times bigger in terms of the scope of the project and the team. You are a retard.

>> No.18965026

Already 70% up, already $1.40
Start shilling earlier

>> No.18965031

Also Bitmax never invested into RUNE. STAKE is the first IEO they have done that with.

>> No.18965049


It first got shilled here 3 days ago.

>> No.18965058

Lol you fucking dumbass

>> No.18965169

How do you buy this on Bitmax? Order book looks so thin already. Do you just have to market buy this?

>> No.18965183

>He doesn't market buy always.

Will never make it.

>> No.18965194

Fuck it, just fomo’d it. More for sale than I thought. Lag on the order book?

>> No.18965353

Could be

>> No.18965479
File: 2.04 MB, 2076x1218, Screen Shot 2020-05-08 at 1.52.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at the photo

wait until they announce it. fuck this gives me QNT vibes at 400K market cap.

>> No.18965658

I like how they put xDai in the center.

Send it.

>> No.18965778


If you look at their road map, Q3 2020 they are adding privacy options. This is criminally undervalued right now. 20m-50m is where it should be right now.

>> No.18965893

I think Bitmax probably keeps out a lot of potential buyers as well. Once this hits cmc and another exchange we should see this fly

>> No.18966062

These threads reek of twitter-fag, but I made one of the first yesterday, so I'm all for it.

Don't fuck up and go dumping this too early....get it to $12 like QNT.

>> No.18966070

GHOST is a scam, and this will easily 3-4x from here. You're fucking yourself IMO. Remember when you didn't buy TRB at $1.50? Yea, same deal.

>> No.18966154


Bitmax is some shitty chink exchange. No thanks.

>> No.18966476

Just bought in thx anon

>> No.18966572

How long do you need to stake to not lose money from unstaking?

>> No.18966799

Unstake for free takes 7 days.
I think instant unstake is .7% fee. I might be wrong

>> No.18966838

No sir you are dead on

>> No.18966925

How do you stake the STAKE on bitmax

>> No.18966986

There's only like 30k tokens left for sale

>> No.18967102

WTF GUYS...i was going to buy tomorrow once i deposit my check from todays payday. Fuuuuk!

>> No.18967174

just market bought. buckle in for the moon

>> No.18967308

20k left available on the whole order book and once that’s done you’re going have to buy the scraps from those that sell their staking rewards. $20 Stake isn’t just a meme.

>> No.18967325

it's going to dump once it peaks and it runs out you dumbshits

>> No.18967384


>> No.18967387


you realize this is still like 2-3m in market cap??? you realize that the most stupid projects like lition rocketpool pnk etc. are 20-30 million??? are you fucking retarded or just pretending like you are?

>> No.18967420

Why are you shilling it then? Seriously. If you actually wanted to hold this long term you'd shut the fuck up (like I do with anything promising) & just accumulate. The fact that you don't tells me you're a pajeet p&d faggot. The only people that conduct shilling campaigns like this are p&d pajeets & impatient newfags. India needs to be nuked.

>> No.18967431

>2-3M in market cap
>already 4x mcap in 24H volume

>> No.18967464

Like TRB, it'll have a top ($6-8) then bleed 75%, then moon again. It's still very, very early. Not even on CMC yet.

>> No.18967556

What do I do if I want to buy in US? Bitmax uses 2Fagtor Authentitcation.

>> No.18967570

You should know how to use google Authenticator

>> No.18967591

I have literally no fucking idea what this does but I bought 400 and am staking on BitMax.

>> No.18967620

How do you stake the coins ?

>> No.18967639

bump. the fact that 3 major figureheads in crypto have praised it should speak volumes about its legitimacy.
get the fuck in niggers

>> No.18967649


on BitMax, there is a button called 'Delegate'. The return is %36.4 !!! almost everyone is staking. 36% return while the coins 20X is a no brainer man

>> No.18967661

In Bitmax go under My Asset and you'll see STAKE, there should be a button called "Assign Delegate" or something. Click it

>> No.18967681

Never mind I am staking mine now on bitmax

>> No.18967721

ah just found out that it's on uniswap as well https://uniswap.exchange/swap/0x0ae055097c6d159879521c384f1d2123d1f195e6

>> No.18967759

Total rip off . 1 ETH for 32 STAKE that’s $6 per stake on uniswap

>> No.18967799

How do i register on bitmax? No us?

>> No.18967855

Not to mention it's on Bitmax. This is like instamoonshot.

>> No.18967877


>> No.18967905

Tnx homie

>> No.18967906

$10 confirmed. Imagine if the DAI nerds bring this to $200.

>> No.18967954

It says unable to service from that country

>> No.18968181

You meant to click “UK” not from America.

>> No.18969346


>> No.18969363

Thanks biz for shilling this beauty

>> No.18969403

Use a VPN dumbass

>> No.18969515

will we hit $3 today?

>> No.18969558

Is 5K enough to make it? I have 4,110

>> No.18969585

Yeah in about 12 hours

>> No.18969610

that's roughly $40k in two weeks

>> No.18969670

What are the rules for staking? Do you have to keep it staked for a certain period of time to earn 36%? Are there penalties for getting out of staking beforehand?

>> No.18969712

Just read the staking rules, it's quite clear..
You can unstake instant (0.7% fee penalty) or wait 7 days for an unstake without penalty.

>> No.18969744

it's 0.1% per day, ends on August 9th I guess. Daily rewards . If you unstake you have to wait 7 days to get your funds without paying fee or you can pay 0.7% of staked funds to get the immediatly

>> No.18969817

So you’re saying that you think this can really hit $10?

>> No.18969843

yes I absolutley and wholeheartedly believe it will reach 10 (ten) United States dollars

>> No.18969863

I kind of believe so too, just looking for some confluence. How soon do you think it will hit $10?

>> No.18969942

Depends on market. If we see an alt run then it will take 3-5 days for $10 and a couple of weeks for $20. If btc pumps and alts crash could be a couple of weeks because it's still undervalued. If everything crashes it may go back to $1 before the next leg up and start pumping same second there's slightest recovery in sight. What is clear is that it will be among greatest performers of coming months.

>> No.18969966

It won't go up in a straight line. This is the fight range, cap dump to $1.50 (maybe) / $2-3 for a bit, then a final OOMPH on Coinmarketcap listing + FOMO.

3-4 weeks maybe. Sell around $8, buy back around $2.25

>> No.18969973

Pretty amazing considering you get, what, 3% PER DAY?

>> No.18969991

if 2017 shitcoins like ripio contunue pumping 40% a day I don't see why it won't hit $10 in a matter of days

>> No.18970098

SO.. if in US and use VPN what are the consequences?

>> No.18970157

Ripio is special as it was mentioned by Teeka and a lot of dumbfucks still buy on his advice. Currently, it's in general a royally dumb idea to buy alts, but STAKE and RPL might be the exception to that rule.

>> No.18970177

Worst, you could get your account locked and lose your coins. Same thing happened to someone who faked his Binance credentials.

You still absolutely should use VPN, but please don't stake there. Buy and withdraw. Hold, then
when the time comes, send it back, sell, withdraw.

>> No.18970382

it's illiquid as shit yeah

>> No.18970403

>Not uniswap


>> No.18970425

I told to myself two days ago I won't buy alts before after halvening and then saw a STAKE thread here. Ten minutes later btc was en route to the pump heaven aka Bitmax.

>> No.18970430

someone has added liquidity on uniswap, but the price is way too high

>> No.18970518

Retard alert

>> No.18970561

Token not needed