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18956460 No.18956460 [Reply] [Original]

Is Beyond Meats and some of the other companies a good investment? Or is this a fad that will die out once the health impact of eating high estrogen foods is discovered by the mainstream?

>> No.18956655

That doesn't even look good

>> No.18956675
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>> No.18956701

It’s fake assets. There has always been fake meat. All these faggots did was brand it to zoomers

>> No.18956704

Beyond Meat is only increasing in value because they up charge their product a ridiculous amount; two patties cost $6 iirc

>> No.18956725

The estrogen vegan meme is a myth go DYOR there more estrogen in milk than onions. That being said the vegan substitutes are highly processed and probably no better than McDonalds. No actual vegan I know eats that shit, seems to be some environmental fad

>> No.18956780
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only 46000x the oestrogen

>> No.18957124

Meanwhile you're drinking milk filled with cow hormones making you gayer everyday

>> No.18957160

This. Look pics at the creator. Bigger tits than many women

>> No.18957270

The creators are jews.

>> No.18957319
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good luck dude. you sound like a fag

>> No.18957341
File: 12 KB, 323x570, 1586806448245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile you're drinking milk filled with cow hormones making you gayer everyday

>> No.18957436

Should I FOMO into BYND or is this another pump and dump? This seems like something basedboys would really like and there's a lot of them.

>> No.18957496

So now low-t fags are based in being cuckolded losers? Okay Gookmoot.

>> No.18957531

It is extremely overvalued. I expect it to drop 85-90%.

>> No.18957562


Fuck off, there's no such thing as vegan meat.

>> No.18957614

>Posting these images I actually spend time saving and keeping on my computer will show him ha ha ha

>> No.18957639
File: 127 KB, 900x675, 79AAF91B-68DD-41A0-A01D-F604A7B4CE67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food of last resort

>> No.18957715

To understand why certain stocks hold insane and irrational valuations, you first have to understand what sort of system you exist within.

We are not a democracy, we are a public-private oligopoly. For example, what is the substantive difference between China’s Huawei and America’s Alphabet? They are both tendrils of the state used to directly influence the private sector.

The second thing you have to understand is that this oligopoly has an interest in molding society to meet the desires of the oligopoly. That’s why you might notice so many new trends pop out of nowhere and seem to have ubiquitous corporate support. It’s top down social engineering.

I would suggest that companies like Tesla, alphabet, and beyond meat are public-private operations underwritten by the oligopoly not to make profit, but instead to shape society. Betting against them is like betting against the fed.

>> No.18957781

Shorting them is stupid, but holding them long term is retard level unless you want to watch them drop 80-90% before they start to recover.

>> No.18957892

So you think apple, amazon, and Tesla will lose 90% of their value? What I’m stating is a thesis that certain stocks are underwritten and predetermined for high valuations, and I posit that there are visible signs for what stocks will experience this. BYND is a perfect example as it came out of nowhere suddenly, received massive support and wa given contracts for all the major chains as though there was never any resistance to them at all.

>> No.18957952

its the same shitty tasting, crumbly crap that vegans have been eating since the 70s, but now these woke little zoomers are being fucked with a huge marketing and guilt dildo into buying this stuff. Long the company, short the 'meat'

>> No.18958023
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1565452266686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Posting these images I actually spend time saving and keeping on my computer will show him ha ha ha

>> No.18958072
File: 26 KB, 598x792, 1587039077335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting these images I actually spend time saving and keeping on my computer will show him ha ha ha

>> No.18958391


Guess you guys are feeling cool, huh? Posting all these cruel images to hurt my feelings, yes? You know I got a mindset like steel, and I could also fuck your sister if I wanted. She got the same shitty genes like you so I'm passing tho. Could also fuck your bitch, but guess what? You're single forever so I can't lmfaoo, fuckfaces

>> No.18958467

Yea I lost it when I was at the store the other day and all the meat was gone but the vegan shit was still there. It's too expensive and despite the people who don't eat meat saying that it tastes like meat, it just tastes awful.