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18949201 No.18949201 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you to the person that bought at this price.

>> No.18949421

You fags cannibalizing each other
That’s the only thing going for the ponzi

>> No.18949479

>> selling for dollarinos
>> he thinks he's smart.
Unless your goal is to potentially buy back more when it pulls back. You are not very bright and don't understand what crypto is.

>> No.18949480

Isn't it the whole point of crypto?

>> No.18949495
File: 241 KB, 879x788, 1546359879480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone can make a shitcoin
>thousands alrdy in circulation
>still no uses after a decade
>backed by nothing
>not a store of value
It's the biggest ponzi scheme in the history of mankind. Nothing wrong playing musical chairs with your money, but don't pretend it's anything but insane speculation only powered by unadultered greed.

The tech is good, but to make a token valuable it need to be backed by something tangible.
Make a crypto backed 1to1 by PMs, who accept physical delivery and regularly audited, and i sign in. Not a random Nth vaporwave shitcoin who required 3h of work total to design and put on binance.

>> No.18949525

how many times do you need to get told to read a fucking book before you stop saying the same redundant shit?

how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.18949657

the biggest ponzi is Fiat / national currency. but you need a few braincells to understand why.

>> No.18949672

anon, the whole point is that crypto is backed by the fact that it can be sent and tracked without having to send proof of anything. The transfer itself is proof of ownership. Gold silver good has its own purpose. Crypto NWO money bruh get used to it,,,, might be raging for the rest of the days till ANTICHRIST at this rate...

>> No.18949978

Even tho fiat is a scam, at least it's backed by military power and legal concensus.

This is absolutely retarded, anyone can issue their own shitcoin, what's your masterplan to acceptance when you have thousands of competitors, all with no legitimacy, and an ever evolving tech?
The only way to achieve global adoption is through a state issued CBDC, which is basically fiat all over again but worse.

>> No.18950269

EUR kek

>> No.18950294
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>> No.18950460

He took profit and won more than 2.4x. He lost nothing, he has more money. You can't talk shit to people who take profit.

>> No.18951387

you're not as smart as you think you are faggot

>> No.18951452

this, profit is profit

>> No.18951483


someone took profit when they bought bitcoin for $2 and sold it for $4 I bet they feel really great right now

>> No.18951512

You'll regret that trade immensely in a year.

>> No.18952054

Realized gain is realized gain. Money talks, bs walks.

>> No.18952127

gg OP.
I missed the 10k peak. When it comes back later this week I'll sell my BTC and put it all into LINK.
I expect the next 10k and the bottom of the altcoin drop to be fairly close.

>> No.18952270

>he hides the amount

Congrats on your 250 euro gain

>> No.18952474

You won't regret. It'll touch maybe 12k before halving before a dump to 8k or so, then 6 months will go by and then price discovery will begin, as well as the road to $50k+.

>> No.18952581
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absolutely based
my hope in /biz/ is renewed once again