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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18947887 No.18947887 [Reply] [Original]

Am I retarded for never fucking selling? Are there any 2017 /bizbros/ left?

>> No.18947911


>> No.18947942

Me, but I sold

>> No.18947992

Me. Don’t post much any more though since there’s no more actual crumb threads.

>> No.18948010

yes you are, genuinely. What did you expect from 0.20$ coin, its already at fucking 4$

>> No.18948023
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I will forever look at 2017 on /biz/ as one of the great little moments of my life. Remember when you could anonymously release a 4 page whitepaper with "masternodes" and a "roadmap" and get a valuation in the hundreds of millions? What a time to be alive haha.
I remembered a random shitcoin the other day DigitalNote (XDN) that used to be in the top 100. At the height of the bullrun it had a FIVE HUNDRED MILLION dollar market cap. What the absolute fuck lmao.

>> No.18948043

Do we even need crumbs any more, though? It's like everything has been confirmed 10x and goes way beyond our original ambitions of LINK being just an oracle network.

>> No.18948053

I'm salty that I never got to run an ico scam. Fuck. I could have just ripped another shitty ico scam and made a few edits, put up fb ads and watch the money roll in. Fuuuuck.

>> No.18948057

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18948104

We are here, but as the other guy said there aren't any new breadcrumbs. Integrations are coming all the time and basically every large company we found crumbs on is more or less confirmed, its just a waiting game. Staking will pump us to mid double digits if not higher. After staking is just getting high value contracts running through the system and watch your pile of money continue to grow. You should have probably done some swing trading with 20% of your stack though at least.

>> No.18948128

You are fine. Just hang in there.

>> No.18948131

You could still do it today and be a pain in the ass shilling it on biz, but yeah it would be a lot more work for a lot less money than the instant millions of mid 2017.

>> No.18948137

Lots still lurk here. Just waiting now, maybe a bit slower in terms of price than I thought but far bigger in scope that I initially understood too.

>> No.18948142
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HODLers are the silent majority and post for the giggles while making mad dosh

>> No.18948154

Same here. I got only in in 2017 and made some money out of sheer luck. Now I am too afraid to ever sell again in this market. Only condition under which I will sell is if BTC hits 100k+ and I can sell all my coins and put them into an ETF of which I can live somewhat comfortably until I die. Yes I am a NEET and no I don't want to work in the wage cage EVER.

>> No.18948177

ICO marine checking in. I sold half, made some moderate gainz (I was a poorfag then, couldn't buy much), keeping the other half.
If you never sold, you should sell some and get profits. Keep at least half of it.
Also this. LINK pre-ICO was the best times both for me and /biz/.

>> No.18948197

Nah fuck that. Perhaps phishing boomers out of their crypto money might be something worth trying. It's already saturated to death on twitter but thats not the only source of traffic. There'll always be a new crop of retards to siphon money out from. Hopefully LINK takes off soon though fuck being a scum.

>> No.18948210

I had 300k link and sold at 0.60 for 30% profit. Feel my pain and never repeat this mistake

Hope to catch up by holding RSR

>> No.18948212

based posting time.
Could you rephrase that for an idiot like myself who bought DGB for 35 sats and sold for 2000 out of luck? What do you mean by integrations are coming and how and what staking will pump us anywhere? Is anything that is not BTC and not ETH based without a future?

>> No.18948276

Ico buyer reporting in this board is full of incels and zoomers now and when you mix it with regular pajeets=thing sucks, 0 content of value 2020 so I dont post anymore

>> No.18949042

Try out ARPA
You will find it is much more euphoric to hold

>> No.18949225

Yep, December 19th 2017 all-in marine here. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.18949256

> Am I retarded for never fucking selling
Unless you're already financially independent, you're pretty fucking retarded, yes

>> No.18949529

All in since january 2018. Never sold a single one.

Sometimes I feel like I should take some profits but then again my stack isn't too big and selling few linkies isn't gonna change my life at all. So I guess I'm still waiting.

>> No.18950025
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Somehow I feel holding 10,000+ LINK through rises and falls from $5 down to 1.75 has numbed me to anything at this point.

I’m sure there are other people like this. Fluctuations at the price range literally do not matter to me, $0 dollars, $2500, $25,000 these sums won’t change my life so it’s inconsequential.

Wake me up when we’re triple digits, then my metallic hands entombed in ice may begin to twitch.

>> No.18950059

August '17 bizbro here. Been in the space since 2012 though lol bought my parents a house and paid off all my student loans. only have like 6k in the market now though.

>> No.18950074

Yeah this board likes to perpetuate the idea that bull runs are infinite

>> No.18950240
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I am here OP

I am with you

never sell

>> No.18950248

2017 bro here.

I sold at $4.80 in February. I'll buy back if it goes low enough but fuck buying back when literal niggers, roasties and turbonormies are buying in.

>> No.18950253

This so much. Flipping ICOs, the memes, is was the greatest time to be alive. The only thing I brought to hold was BTC, xmr and link. But was killing it daily with low cap coins and my bots that swing trade.

>> No.18950302

2017 here
never selling, seriously why are people debating this like degenerate gamblers.
They've provided you with a means to make money doing nothing but staking and people still gamble away a wage-free life.