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File: 60 KB, 892x535, 1560742526824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18947040 No.18947040 [Reply] [Original]

1. Everyone knows about the halvening. It's not a secret, you aren't ahead of the pack. It is very common, completely public information. This is even more true this time - just see Google trends, twitter, etc.

2. Prior halvenings have always resulted in a dump. It is a classic sell-the-news moment, because the expectation is that there will be a sudden supply shock that results in a parabolic moon mission when, in reality, it takes months for sell pressure to relax in a way that has tangible effects on market price.

3. Paul Tudor coincidentally comes out a few days prior to halvening claiming his fund's buying bitcoin. This dude isn't buying bitcoin today, he's SELLing bitcoin today, right into the FOMOing halvening-tards whose interest he's trying to pique. In reality his fund probably bout two months ago at half the price.

Don't be a dumbfuck. The writing is on the wall and it's painfully clear to even the most illiterate investor.

>> No.18947056

Thanks bobo

>> No.18947074

> his fund probably bout two months ago
> bout
> Don’t be a dumb fuck.


>> No.18947088

>Oh no, autocorrect corrected to the wrong word.
>A lingering typo invalidates the entire argument.
Dumb money detected.

>> No.18947093


Really a simple typo for late night shitposting, anyone who's had a drink or three would make the same mistake, why don't you come at him with an actual argument, faggot?

>> No.18947120

If you can't proofread your OP is it worth posting?
The answer is no.

>> No.18947138

Post your short position.

>> No.18947155


Sometimes you want to get stuff out there, it's obvious you don't understand Art, and instead choose to nitpick about semantics.

>> No.18947166


Do it OP otherwise I'll leave your thread to die, proving you to be the faggot that you are.

>> No.18947179

No. I didn't know about the halvening until recently. You think your average normie holdening does? Your average normie who has a bit of interest in crypto and wants to buy, but isn't buying? If shit goes bullish, they might buy, especially given the times (though they might prefer to stay liquid if they are poor).

>> No.18947193

On the other hand, if it's supposed to be a technical paper and you're fucking up your english, it's likely a scam you have to be a retard to actually think will take off (AHEM HEX)

>> No.18947205
File: 303 KB, 591x530, moonman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once we agree BOBO

>> No.18947209


>are you telling me if I invest $100 bucks I only get .01 of this shit?

>> No.18947222

Brainlets who don't understand that "small gold worth many berry" aren't exactly a force to be reckoned with on any asset trading platform.

>> No.18947234


Trips of truth

>> No.18947269

">Prior halvenings have always resulted in a dump"

>> No.18947563

i like this bear

>> No.18947985

Let's be real the fact that we dumped afte the last 2 halvings shows that most of the buyers were people that knew about btc. Back then there was no mainstream announcement of the halving. So if it's like this today i expect a dump lile the 2 times before.

Inb4 this time it's different arguments

>> No.18948001

checked and someone got recked.

>> No.18948033

so why are you telling me if you can predict the future? Short with your whole net worth and fuck off

>> No.18948035

there definitely was announcement of both halvenings at the time, it was big news even on relatively normie tech sites

>> No.18948084

I agree with you. Your tone suggests you feel like you disagree with what I said, am I misreading you?

>> No.18948089

Good points until you fucked it up with all the fortune telling bullshit in item 3.
>In reality his fund probably bout two months ago
>in reality
Pick one. Oh wait, you can't, since there aren't any news or even breadcrumbs about him buying 2 months ago.

>> No.18948119

bitcoin is fundamentally flawed, and the majority shall find out soon.

>> No.18948467

Post the graphs with the dumps

>> No.18948545


Is anyone really arguing it will correct?
I think the point is that after halving it could go up to ATH after a year and then more.
It might correct but if you think its going to break ATH in a year why the fuck would you look for shorts to gain a small amount compared to the gains? Thats stupid. Just long a correction instead.

Literally you must be poor as fuck if you need to short some small term moves to get enough BTC. That is YOUR bias.

I have around 20 BTC on a long now at 3x leverage since 4-5k And i dont give a fuck if it goes back to 6-7k. I’ll add a little more.

Why the fuck would i throw away this position for a potential 30% correction? And then a worse long entry. Its stupid as fuck if i believe it could trade at over 20k within 1 year.

>> No.18949121

Or you could time obvious as fuck price movements and make ten times as much money as just hodling? Trying to time the top and the bottom is stupid, but some price movements are fucking obvious and you gain nothing by HODling.

>> No.18949289
