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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 1200x1955, 1200px-Ethereum_logo_2014.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18940609 No.18940609 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the shitcoin BTC is pumping, what's going to happen to the queen?

>> No.18940629

ratio's gonna stick flat. we'll miss most of btc's pump, and when btc's rally slows down and dumps, eth straight up dumps with it :D

>> No.18940691

Do you reckon it will go under $200?

>> No.18940733

Wrong. Miners will dump and buy up eth, 2.0 launch and you will see a fabled tier bullrun of ethereum

>> No.18940755
File: 54 KB, 402x344, 1498166887455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETH always trails BTC pumps, it's a matter of arbitrage.

As long as the total crypto marketcap increases, ETH will gain value.

>> No.18940798

Man, I really fucking hope so. Eth's been the only one I always had and will believe in. It'll be nice in hindsight figuring out what exactly triggers it to shoot up like alone, not tied to BTC's movement or anything.

>> No.18940811

2. delayed for 3 years. if it comes out ever will prob be in a few years

>> No.18940930
File: 40 KB, 714x704, 2vitalik1-min2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought $1k worth of eth for $28 back in March 2017 one week after browsing /biz/. Best decision I ever made. Vitalik the virgin autist Russian is the spearhead of the new world of tech. I just know it. I'm a believer and I will ride this thing all the way to the top (or bottom).

>> No.18941005

im going to fucking kill myself. watching bitcoin go up

>> No.18941075
File: 858 KB, 672x604, comfy buffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk, /biz/: is staking a meme?

Everyone is going to rush in to stake, and that is going to cause an epic bull run, no question.

In 2017, a ton of fags bought mining equipment with borrowed money thinking they were going to get rich and wound up losing their own dick.

Will it be the same? Should I just aim to sell the top, or get /comfy/ with my ETH stakes?

>> No.18941086

Phase 0 is July
Full on eth 2 is 2022
That’s the current schedule

>> No.18941105

>Real talk, /biz/: is staking a meme?
No, at least from experience with Tezos. It's super comfy. I was pulling in $300 a month in passive income with a mid-size stack

>> No.18941135

Only the biggest of retards believe they're going to get rich just by staking Ethereum, unless they already have enough Ethereum to be considered rich anyway. The 32 meme is nowhere close to being enough to get rich off of or make meaningful passive income.

That said though, as soon as you see people overleveraging themselves to buy any kind of crypto or crypto-related investment, that's the time to exit.

>> No.18941147
File: 1 KB, 33x19, pinkksm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great if ETH keeps going up, but if the top is $4k and then just rides along at $500 for years i'm gonna be pissed like Jan 2018 all over again.

>> No.18941161

which is a good thing. miners can switch to eth

>> No.18941196

Remember the carfags on YouTube who turned their car show into a crypto show in 2017? That should have been a massive sell signal. Fuck Im still chafed about that.

People are already calling sell signals (children who want BTC in lieu of allowances eg.)

>> No.18941204

That would really suck, but I can see it happening lmao!

>> No.18941309



You can collect better interest from much more secure assets like preferred shares and dividend stocks.

>> No.18941379
File: 66 KB, 604x453, just fuck my shit up boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a gamble at this point. I can get a few raspberry pi's and stake with low cost, but then make your predictions:
* how much ETH will be staked (determined rewards?
* how much will ETH drop off after the one-time Iridium Bull Run

Thats all anyone's guess. And /biz/ is going to be a shouting match of bobos and bullbulls at that point!

>> No.18941407

ETH moons early next year.

>> No.18941427

That's KING shitcoin to you buck-o.

>> No.18941475
File: 85 KB, 363x483, fonz pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im expecting about a just-under 4% return from staking. (roughly 20% eth staked)

BUT also a massive dip after a volcanic bull run. so it might be possible to do both - get the benefit cashing out on top of a face-melting price runup, then a comfy buyback and staking returns.

>> No.18941583

I'm going for a run. When I get back ETH better be $225

>> No.18941883

>eth sits trapped at $300 while bitcoin continually pumps through four figures
>three years later eth sits trapped at $200 while bitcoin pumps through five figures


>> No.18942600


>> No.18942696


Market being irrational, the bitcoin brand is all that normies can understand. Once eth/btc breaks the long term downtrend I’m betting the farm on eth

>> No.18943435

What the fuck is going on with ETH
It pumped to 200 and it’s struggling to maintain any price above 210.

>> No.18943473

>In 2017, a ton of fags bought mining equipment with borrowed money thinking they were going to get rich and wound up losing their own dick.
I remember those threads.

>> No.18944441

>the bitcoin brand is all that normies can understand
Honestly this. Bitcoin was good when it was new but in terms of usability ETH beats it by a mile. I can't see BTC being no. 1 crypto for much longer but on the other hand it looks like so much money has gone into it it's sort of too big to fail now.
>muh digital gold