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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1893302 No.1893302 [Reply] [Original]

What's your life goal/goals, /biz?

Is a life devoted to making money a life well spent?

>> No.1893327

>Is a life devoted to making money a life well spent?
no, but making money shouldn't take you your whole life so it's ok.

>> No.1893386
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I want a fucking spaceship. By the time I make enough moola we might have them. Hopefully immortality is realized in our lifetimes and is affordable.

>> No.1893393

To make a living trading 4cham meme shitcoins, minimize time spent away from my basement, hug a girl for the first time. Maybe if im lucky ill lose my virginity.

>> No.1893405

to make enough money to contribute to the next stock market crash

>> No.1894203

I just want a secure, early retirement. That's pretty much it.

>> No.1894229
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>Is a life devoted to making money a life well spent?
If you then use that money to help people, sure.

>> No.1894248

im actually already financially independent (not reliant on a job or others to make enough money to survive) but I have no idea what to do with my life. might just go the gym six hours a day . right now just focusing on making oatmeal taste good, toasting it in butter beforehand helps

>> No.1894321

I am a nihilist.

I believe that life has no innate meaning. It’s all a fucking joke. A big fucking game.

There is no god. There is no happy ending or sad ending. There is nothing.

However, this does not depress me. It inspires me. Life is pointless. We can each do whatever the fuck we want.

So, I have created my own meaning. And that meaning/life purpose is to make money.

>> No.1894460

I am 22 and my goal is to buy this valley in the Colorado mountains that is part of a huge million dollar ranch and build a house on it. I also want a bunch of guns and enough money to mod cars for the rest of my life. Also wana do about 100ks worth of traveling

>> No.1894477

money is the purest expression of will
to amass it is a glorious triumph of the will

>> No.1894494


>> No.1894590

Yet supported by available evidence and reasoning.