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File: 178 KB, 1625x895, Technical analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1893069 No.1893069 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, i'm new to stocks and read a shitton about it, and now trying to learn some technical analysis. Currently experimenting with options on the AEX (Amsterdam index), which is the only highish-volume option i can find pretty much.
Trying to do daytrading currently. Made my first +50 bucks lucky trade today in 5 min, lost -80 in 10 minutes after kek. Dont mind, i see it as learning money.

Candles are 5 min
Blue line = 10 day Moving average
Red line = 50 day
Under the graph = RSI
Marked with green ugly dot = zoomed out graph

First of all, are my pink (horizontal) support and resistance lines correct?
Or should i use the purple field that goes diagonal? I really dont know
Is the black ugly dot a pullback, or am i just seeing trends everywhere now? (Breaking resistance and getting pulled back for a quick moment before continuing the trend)

>i think its going up the trend, because
Blue 10day moving average surpasses the 50 day one, which according to a book i bought means its positive, trend
RSI line is between 30 and 70, with a climb towards the 70. When i look back, once the line goes above 70, it goes down quickly after
Pink resistance line hasnt been hit
(Maybe quick pullback at the black dot which also is a sign of a trend upwards?)

What do you think? Could you help me out please. Is my analysis any good? Or am i seeing fucking trends and shit everywhere?

>> No.1893075

Golem get ye gone

>> No.1893097


oh cmon help a brotha out

>> No.1893123

Much to learn young padawan

>> No.1893145

Technical analysis has literally no scientific legitimacy.

I am not memeing or trying to shut you down. I have a PhD in Mathematics, specifically in stochastic analysis and financial math, and TA is a scam.

If you really want to get good at trading abandon TA. It doesn't work. It's all bullshit that is shilled by people who pretend to trade but don't.

>> No.1893202
File: 119 KB, 900x280, ta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1893207
File: 118 KB, 1540x811, (((technical analysis))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1893217

t. I have never traded before

tell me more about stochastics and how bollinger bands and moving averages mean nothing :^)

>> No.1893220

I bet your penny stock that goes down 5% a day for eternity really shows your ability to shun TA

>> No.1893234

Anyone here, with TA experience that could tell me wether my way of looking/doing is any good?

>> No.1893238

Here is the definition of TA - "dice have no memory".

>> No.1893263

>and now trying to learn some technical analysis

Here's how the market works: Someone finds a profitable strategy. Gets a lot of money. Draws attention. People see what he's doing and copy him. General plebs see what those people are doing and copy them. Suddenly, the entire market is doing that strategy.

There is a golden rule to how our money work within this Universe - not everyone can be millionaires. There will always be some people above the rest. In order for that to be achieved so the Universe doesn't divide by zero, the market builds up an "immune system" and reacts against the strategy, making that logical strategy unprofitable, redirecting the profit towards the minority of people who are doing the opposite. This is why so many people are constantly saying that you can't predict the market - because if you could, everyone would be doing it and become millionaires, which is obviously not the case.

If the market followed pure logic, it would be quite fucking predictable by coming up with the most basic logical conclusions. Therefor, considering that it's not predictable AT ALL, we can also conclude that the market is highly illogical and trying to apply any logical model over it is fucking retarded.

>tl;dr - technical analysis is a huge meme that the newbies fall for. Don't fall for huge memes.

>> No.1893279


>> No.1893411

I'll tell you the best advice which is working for me now. It goes up and down. Use this to your advantage. Also I just came to the revolution most of these ppl are saying im this thread the t.a. Doesn't mean anything indicators are based on price. The only thing that can be useful is the trend the hikiro cloud was s good place to determine where it was going at least with forex. Stocks u gotta fking buy penny stocks that maybe take off spend a few hundred in like 20 and maybe one becomes AmD. Other stocks do your homework on whether that fucker is going up or down.... but like I said my first piece of advice should make you money

>> No.1893419


ITT: fundamental genius.

I would agree most TA is absurd hocus-pocus. However, things like moving averages providing support and trendlines being great breakout points are very real. Keep it simple. And if you're trading stocks look at EPS and Revenue growth also. Don't buy shitty companies.

>> No.1893438
File: 2.99 MB, 211x222, 1465403814642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trend following is very much dead. 20 years so. not that your lines would make any sense in any case.

backtest on 50 stocks, or 10 pairs or commos depends what ya trade. 1000-2000 trades at minimum, preferably 2016-2017. long term backtesting have different difficulties altogether from trends to impossibility to convert live with enough confidence on longer positions

also live is live, you are then a participant.

>> No.1893446

stop this madness. put down the fucking options. step away from your computer. go outside. look at pretty girls, enjoy the pretty weather, the warm temps maybe? fresh snow fall? enjoy life. eat something you've been looking at for a while, sit down, talk to a family member you haven't seen in a while.. disccuss relations.. become chill. calm. are you calm and contentment with your surroundings?

lemme show you how to trade.
trading is flipping to make money right? now. thanks to the ((dudes)) theirs alot of stuff to make money on, now for now on we will refer to those as vehicles.

the vehicle you chose, i can't find.

imagine that.. your limiting your profits, because i can't make losing trades against your winners.

next step. find a vehicle others can find. a vehicle is simply a product you can trade to make paper that pays paper that you can cash in for real money. normies are angry right now.. but your someone who gets it.

i trade paper, on paper to make paper that i convert to dollars.

i prefer /es or es which is actually the futures market for the s&p 500 index in the united states. now you can trade the actual index, you just have to be a super rich jew.

so as someone who wanted to help a brother out, i couldn't pull up your chart.. and i use some shit that allows me access to even bitcoin shit.. but aex is not one of those products.

i posted on a thread making fun of TECHNICAL ANALYSIS YESTERDAY, and i put in 10 points. DIDN'T EVEN REACH MY TARGET. sooo

but you wanna trade options, and i kinda cut back on that... but look into US indexes for trading.
I use apex futures for my broker.. i use sierra i use TOS and i look for volume. i can't find your product? how are you gonna sell me your winner and leave me holding the bag if i can't find your ticker?

i look forward to meeting more non coin traders.. i trade coins.. but its a shitty racket.. zero margin.. i got s&p minis at 400 a contract and 130 a half? sup bros

>> No.1893465



Dude, you work for Goldman Sachs? If not, fuck off, you can't beat the big guys at analyzing stock picks, better off piggy backing the big guys

>> No.1893477
File: 45 KB, 728x410, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be new. or working for some kykes who told you what to think..

i have a .dll file for my sierrachart platform that shows every trade placed and removed wether it fills or not.. i can litterally see where the market is going on a per minute basis..

if you turn off cartoon network, mtv and cnn.. i'll help you.. but your probably not autistic enough to start winning.

>> No.1893839

Anyone more?