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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18930414 No.18930414 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18930422

why does his left leg look like that

>> No.18930426
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>> No.18930428

Very similar to the Steve Jobs train. You just don't try to get in the way. Or you portfolio will get hurt.

>> No.18930452

Sell sell sell

>> No.18930534

god damn he is autistic

>> No.18930578

the way he described NN - it is obvious he doesn't know shit, he just though of a fancy word like... backpropagation, which is not even a central concept

>> No.18930942
File: 157 KB, 528x321, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk not trolling and in engineer mode
Tesla short sellers on suicide watch

>> No.18931168

he looks swole how does he do it

>> No.18931250

there is a fine line between stupid and autistic. I think hes just stupid. Another anon gave me a qrd on his brother. Look him up hes been carrying his ass since day one

>> No.18931273

roids ofc

>> No.18931691
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wow he's retarded just like me

>> No.18931710

This is a comfy podcast

>> No.18932245

Lol. Back propagation is the most central concept to NN. It’s the way you train them and no other alternative has been found so far

>> No.18932269

thats a man

>> No.18932308

So funny !!! Top kek !!!

>> No.18932447

It is a man

>> No.18932489

Joe Rogan either has great pods or he goes full autistic meathead. There’s really no in between.

>> No.18932773

sativa days vs indica days

>> No.18932793

When does he smoke weed?

>> No.18932823

wrong podcast my dude

>> No.18933062

as a person who actually know how Æ is pronounced (norwegian), it's kinda cringy watching americans try to define the pronounciation. It is absolutely not pronounced "ash"


>> No.18933232

give it to me anon

>> No.18933241

>people trying to pronouncing semi dead language is cringy
Grow up you fucking Manley. Everything isn’t cringy

>> No.18933451

how would you feel if i redefined the pronunciation one of the most essential vowels of your language without knowing that language?

>> No.18933486

his brother carried his ass in all of his biz ventures.
Went to biz school. Started a company painting houses then invested in ellon they grew the company then sold it to paypal. Rinse and repeat

>> No.18933760

yes, hello my name is X Æ A-12 Musk. Why the fuck is this man worth so much money

>> No.18933782

This girl made an onlyfans the day she turned 18. She was 100% groomed

>> No.18933811

post pics simp

>> No.18933917

name pls

>> No.18933973

kalysta mallory

>> No.18934055

Why do you want to support the exploitation of a young girl? The money is going to go to the older man using her

>> No.18934063

Welcome to (((2020))) its only going to get worse.

>> No.18934118

Time to short (((them)))

>> No.18934140

fucking nigger. you are literally the blackest gorrila nigger monkey I've ever seen, kys

>> No.18934153

I'm not. I just don't believe you. She just seems like a gigathot. She doesn't have an OnlyFans also.

>> No.18934198

He's not an engineer you spaz

>> No.18934199

Youre in for an utterly miserable existence if you dont drop the moralfagging and realize you live in the era right before the fall.
Women are literally a resource. You either use them or get used by them. There is no in between

>> No.18934519

>act like a nigger because everyone else is a nigger

>> No.18934643

The only logical course of action when dealing with women. If youre not using your gf/fucktoy to harvest simpbux you are truly a retarded sap

>> No.18934675

Will /biz/ take the neuralink pill?

>> No.18934682

>chipping yourself voluntarily
Uh, what?

>> No.18934706

>If youre not using your gf/fucktoy to harvest simpbux you are truly a retarded sap
Why degrade yourself like that? There's plenty of other ways to get money.

Just treat them like children, but no reason to lower yourself and start prostituting them out.

>> No.18934709

Tsla crashes to $600 at close

>> No.18934719
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>> No.18934738

There are pro Tesla kikes monitoring this board. I got banned off Stocktwits yesterday cuz i memed too hard on the tsla bulls. This entire stock market is fake kikery it must die

>> No.18934906

>if I say the word kike enough I'll fit on 4chan mom

>> No.18935066


>> No.18935074

Enjoy getting BTFO by female nature

>> No.18935570

It's not about the females retard. Stupid coomer.

Coomo ergo sum.

>> No.18935754

ok rabbi schlomoberg go cut your dick now, it's getting stinky

>> No.18935921

are there any nudes or was that just bs?

>> No.18935963

Very scanty photos, but I didn't see any when I did a quick search