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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 143 KB, 960x722, Honeyview_2fv3y0oe2xw41 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18930211 No.18930211 [Reply] [Original]

why don't you own HEX yet? Do you hate mad gains or something?

>> No.18930280

I'm waiting for a dip, I want in goddamnit

>> No.18930325

why not show BTC from start faggot

>> No.18930331
File: 29 KB, 608x237, hexdip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've already had the dip. get in before the next leg up

>> No.18930395

which year did BTC go up 93x in 120 days?

>> No.18930464

I hate obvious psychological tricks and price manipulation by a failure magician video game addict

>> No.18930469

It dipped today.

>> No.18930539

I'm hoping for a bigger one

>> No.18930552

Yeah I don't get it. People get excited at the possibility of BTC going up to 20K again? ....yay it's a 2x and you probably just broke even from 2017. This shit did a x100 moon mission and won't stop anytime soon due to unique hodl mechanics. This can literally change your life in a matter of a few months

>> No.18930584

Kind of feels like for the last few days that there's no more buyers left for this.

>> No.18930630

You'll know when there's no buyers when it crashes to 0. That's how ponzis work.

>> No.18930643
File: 28 KB, 405x397, hexprevath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz we haven't had a new ATH in 2 days?
People who bought on May 2nd had to wait two whole days for a new ATH too, but all those people are now up. AA gets new ATHs every day. This train's just getting moving.

>> No.18930663

it's not a ponzi, shit-for-brains

>> No.18930696


The AA is being pumped by Richard depending on what the going rate is on Uniswap for the day. He's doing this to prevent arbitrage from the AA to uniswap so that the market will find the price level, but don't fall in to the trap of thinking that the AA precedes the Uniswap; it's actually the other way around.

This is also the first time the volatility is sideways instead of pullback/breakout. It's done. The game theory might prevent dumps, but it doesn't prevent reaching a top.

>> No.18930776

we'll see. HEX has already gone up a lot so future price expectations may already be priced in and we go sideways for a while. no evidence RH is the one pumping the AA

>> No.18930801


This is just the start. Once the obvious censorship from metamask, uniswap, coinmarketcap, coingecko, WhaleAlert and others; we will accumulate enough economic energy for the next 100x pump. People waiting for a dip will miss out because HEX only goes UP UP and Up.

Buy low = buy now or miss out.

>> No.18930817

Even if it does go sideways for a bit those who are staked are still collecting inflation and bonuses so stack keeps growing no matter what.

>> No.18930836

Perhaps there's no evidence he's the one pumping it, but how likely is that every day the AA matches the price on Uniswap almost exactly. He has always been the one pumping it ever since the first few days when we used to see those 500 eth orders going in at 11:59pm.

>> No.18930846

>People waiting for a dip will miss out because HEX only goes UP UP and Up.
God it's gonna be hilarious watching the next bitconnect

>> No.18930874

this. The sooner you stake the more interest and BPD bonuses you can get. Right now interest is something like 20% APY, but goes down as more people stake. Interest is locked like with a CD so future stakers won't lower the interest on your stake.

>> No.18930880

Don't underestimate that censorship. It was a mistake to market this like a scam. Richard is right that it's how you get the normies in, but unfortunately it needs to also live on the mainstream platforms to be accessible for them.

>> No.18930895

wait, people don't actually buy this shit right?

How dumb do you have to be to buy into an obvious scam? I mean, 2 seconds looking at their website is enough.

have fun losing all your money instead of actually investing into good projects

>> No.18930907

you should read the book Loserthink by Scott Adams. You're engaging in it right now (failure of imagination. Believing that the only explanation you can think of is the only possible explanation)

>> No.18930933

Why do you think the % of staked hex has plummeted as price has increased? Early guys who own the majority of non-origin address hex are very aware now of how much room is beneath them.

>> No.18930938

it's not a scam. The website looks like a scam on purpose because it's effective marketing. RH talks about all this if you'd bother to take the time to listen.

>> No.18930962

>have fun losing all your money instead of actually investing into good projects
imagine telling the winning team what they're doing wrong

>> No.18930986

What’s the suicide stack boys?

>> No.18931002
File: 34 KB, 638x359, IMG_0810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, im screencapping this for future lols
just dont take up a mortgage for this shit

imagine falling for a scam perpetrated by a guy who looks like a fucking circus owner

>> No.18931010

I'm open to being proven wrong, but I've already mades close to 6 figures out of this, so at the moment I'm looking at risk v reward. Maybe if you're a dude getting in now with 1000 dollars, you don't mind if it bombs, but I've made a lot of money on it and my experience when I've made this much money we're near the top (2017 experience speaking). I'm on the side until I see a MAJOR dip.

I expect that major dip will come when we start bleeding out. What I'm looking for is a "big panic day" before the "big pay day" where the cycle can reset. I'm looking for a day with a large number of emergency unstakes in a downward day.

>> No.18931014


Your "research" consists of looking at a website for 2 seconds and concluding it a scam. Congrats for being apart of the majority instead of the minoruty and missing out on the greatest opportunity ever. Absolute retard. Don't you get how stupid you look saying that you looked at something for 2 seconds?

>> No.18931019

1m to make it. stake however long is necessary

>> No.18931042

I think there is dip coming today Hexers

>> No.18931091

any project guaranteeing returns is always a scam, you are deluded if you think this guy is competent. Talking about price action is the BIGGEST red flag in investing

>> No.18931114

using the past to predict the future is another example of Loserthink. You can't compare 2017 crypto to 2020 HEX because they aren't the same and all the variables are different.

why would people end stake before BPD? First it means no BPD bonus and second it means paying a penalty which can eat into your principle. Wouldn't make sense to do that. Staking later means getting less interest. Staking after BPD means no BPD bonus ever.

keep waiting for the dip if you want but know that it might never come or if it does you might decide then to wait for the bigger dip and not buy.

>> No.18931137


It doesn't guarantee returns you moron. Talking about design principles is literally just marketing. Does Redbull give you wings? No it doesn't, so why don't you look past the marketing tactics and try to learn instead?

>> No.18931153

there are no promises. The website talks about what HEX has done so far (facts) and shows comparisons to other cryptos which have gone up 10000x (possibilities). Hex is designed to appreciate in price but there are zero promises. The only promise is that you'll get more HEX if you stake, and that's guaranteed by the contract code.

>> No.18931255

"using the past to predict the future is another example of Loserthink"

Every pumpamental in Hex is an amalgamation of what has worked in the past for other cryptos. Sounds like predicting the future off of past performance if you ask me.

>> No.18931262
File: 299 KB, 1409x1143, dense motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how fucking dense are you? I'm starting to wonder if you are just paid shills, if not i feel very sorry for you

i mean
>Use a computer science breakthrough to disrupt the largest markets in the world with a product of nearly infinite profit margin

This is copy-paste from bitconnect you absolute neutron stars

cOmPuteR sCiEncE breAkThrOuGH

>> No.18931292

The reality is that the whale who bought 80x ago and was the main one driving the 3-4 pump/dumps no longer has enough capital or newcommers to spur another upward trend. You would clearly see this trying to be achieved 2 days ago when the price spiked up to .0062, but was beaten back down again. How long before that whale decides to pull all of his capital in one fell swoop?

>> No.18931300

HEX is smart human investment. Works similar to a bank CD and comes with a warranty for a period of time. There is literally no risk. The code is open and static. Your silence will slowly miss other great opportunities. The wise have already bought it, but the place of great profit is still in a hurry.

>> No.18931332

not really the same thing. You're talking about predicting the buying and selling decisions of thousands of people based on price changes in different assets at a different time, with no mechanism to explain the relationship. RH talks about the attributes of assets that cause them to go up in price, and explains the mechanism for how those attributes pump the price.

>> No.18931336


Monetize time by putting the CD on a blockchain? I'd say that's a breakthrough because nobody else has Fucking done that. You are so biased it's insane.

>> No.18931355

Hes staked retard
>dude just pull out and lose 2 million dollars

>> No.18931378

Are you going back on your claim now?

>It doesn't guarantee returns you moron

>> No.18931409

where on the website does it "guarantee" USD returns? all I see is talk about what's possible based on performance of other cryptos, and what the design intention is. Those aren't guarantees or even implied guarantees

>> No.18931414


Where does it say that HEX will pay back your USD capital investment? You have no clue what a ponzy means.

>> No.18931440


>Referred users get a 10% bonus minted and their referrer gets a 20% bonus minted.

how much more obvious can they make it?

>> No.18931471


If you look at the old Bitconnect website it literally said: 0.10% of capital per day, followed by "300 days and you get tour capital back". That's a fucking promise you dumb witt. HEX does none of that.

>> No.18931472

so using a proven marketing tactic (referrals) that are used by Amazon, Tesla, my bank, my employer, and thousands of other companies, make something a scam?

>> No.18931497


You get 10% more HEX. If HEX is $0 then you get fuckingn 0 for clicking a link. There is no promise that you'll get 10% more dollars.

>> No.18931526

ignore these shills. nobody sane is buying this scam

>> No.18931552


Enjoy missing out on the next 100x because you're too full of yourself.

>> No.18931581
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200507-132028_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you stake?

>> No.18931597



>> No.18931619


>> No.18931982

Been in it since January. Went all in as soon as I understood it. Hex is an absolutely amazing project.

>> No.18932099

Here's a video on how to get HEX


Also don't forget to go to getyourhex.win for 10 free HEX!

>> No.18932140

We can only hope, that shit went stratospheric

>> No.18932159

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18932263

Anyone try any games built on top of hex?

>> No.18932266

imagine putting your money in this shit at this point when you could have bought ESH/ghost dude only has 60k followers daddy has over 1m and hasn't even shilled yet

>> No.18932280

What's your biggest bag?

>> No.18932294


>> No.18932297

Hex is nothing compared to Ghost From Mcaffee

>> No.18932402

I asked you about your bag not for a fuckin reddit article.

>> No.18932460
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>> No.18932530

Noob here, how do I buy? I'll drop in $50 or $100 and see if it 10x's like you nignogs keep saying it will.

>> No.18932576

That's right goy buy the top of a 9300% run on a scammy ponzi that "mathematically can never go down"! Go all in now!

>> No.18932585

That's not even accurate. Hex you get with eth isn't locked up

>> No.18932607


>> No.18932626

Still no bag huh? Scared to let me see how much you've lost?

>> No.18932627


>> No.18932664


Same. I was gonna invest $500 into hex for the pump and dump it clearly is

>”””big payday”””

But I’d sooner invest in something fresh for a guy who has a built-in audience. McAfee is just as much of a clown but getting in on the ground floor is something you can’t really argue against.

Recognize the PnD for what it is and don’t get caught holding the bag being told to wait until a certain day. Do it 2-3 days beforehand. Buy back in at the dip with the profits.

>> No.18932735

Thank you. I'll plop in $100 USD in ETH. How do I get my money back though?

>> No.18932748

>How do I get my money back though?
You don't

>> No.18932769

Sell hex for eth on uniswap when you want.

>> No.18932804

HEX isn't even on here.

I guess you have a point.

>> No.18932880

I guess you're gonna miss out then.

>> No.18932912


Uniswap is censoring HEX by not adding it officially on the front-end. Hexdex.win will paste the HEX contract (the one that starts with 0xb59) automatically for you.

>> No.18932969


You can sell it for ETH at any time or stake it at go.hex.win

You can also watch people spoonfeeding you the information on Youtube. The community in HEX is fucking amazing and extremely helpful.

t.me/HEXCrypto is the biggest telegeam group with above 20k people.

>> No.18933009


Sorry for the typo, I am on phone.

>> No.18933085

>Uniswap is censoring HEX

>> No.18933144

thank you

>> No.18933305

Some people don't like something that helps them.

>> No.18933337

>Some people don't like something that helps them.
It takes their ethereum.

>> No.18933399

See, they only want to see a negative, untrue way.

It also gives when you sell.

>> No.18933426


>> No.18933473

>It takes their ethereum.
And gives them something better in return.

>> No.18933523

xfLobbyFlush() is the function that transfers all pending Ethereum into the Flush account—an Ethereum address that has no owner or accountability. Clearly, based on substantial speculative evidence, the owner or partial owner is Richard (Heart) Schueler.

>> No.18933584

I love capitalism. It's great to see someone getting rich off a product or service they've created.

>> No.18933612

Ok Richard, keep coercing people out of their etheruem, see what happens.

>> No.18933650

All participants get more of what they want. It's great :D

>> No.18933700

stop spamming biz

>> No.18933756

maybe English isn't your first language in you don't understand that you can't just legally substitute words and synonyms whenever you feel like it words have specific literal actual meanings

>> No.18934246

That's the beauty of hex. You stake and you're in it for the long haul collecting inflation. You're not really incentivized to dump at every opportunity like with other coins

>> No.18934274

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934300

stop spamming /biz

>> No.18934320
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1585840833746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put half my life savings in it.

>> No.18934327

I think you're confusing USD returns with HEX returns. If you stake your hex your hex returns are guaranteed by the smart contract. USD value will obviously fluctuate as with any crypto. It's a specualtive asset after all. It's impossible to make any kind of guarantees on USD returns, obviously. What is it that you're still confused about?

>> No.18934341

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934371
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, 1588596332846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went all in.

>> No.18934380

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934408

>why dont you buy at the top of something you already missed out on? Do you hate not being a faggot?

>> No.18934560

It looked like the top a week ago and two weeks ago, yet we continue making new highs.

>> No.18934575

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934584

i can buy my hex with eth and can sell this to eth back. where is the problem?

>> No.18934586

Not an argument

>> No.18934603

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934617

how much you life saving were ?? couple hundred bucks ??

>> No.18934637

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934659

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934673

Here's a video on how to get HEX


Also don't forget to go to getyourhex.win for 10 free HEX!

>> No.18934691

stfu nigga or tell how much Dough you put in HEX

>> No.18934724

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18934883

HEX is a year long ICO (like EOS). Although the game was to create a buzz by pumping it in the AA, I don't think it was intended to be traded until the year was up and the big reveal was complete. Unfortunately (and fortunately) a whale blew the whole thing up and now everyone's paying attention.

This helps to bring in more people but now they expect more. Was the whale intentionally trying to disrupt the flow of the ICO? Or just bring attention to it?. Either way, he did both.

>> No.18934897

Stop spamming biz