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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18924937 No.18924937 [Reply] [Original]


I just bought 100k PNK with all my saving!
It's going to be back at 0.02 $ tomorrow THEN I AM RICH!!!!

>> No.18924961

They are at 0.015 now and will be back at 0.02 tomorrow (maybe on Saturday) I am 100% sure

>> No.18924982

Lol. Let it go, bro, it’s over

>> No.18925029

Why do you say that?
It allawys comes back!!!

>> No.18925074

Not this time it wont. Not even kidding you right now, might aswell buy ANJ right now, if you’re into this kind of thing. The 200m minting proposal killed the project

>> No.18925121

Are you fucking stupid? It was always planned to be 1B supply.

>> No.18925144

That's right goy, buy ANJ with its zero tokenomic setup and tiny circulating supply.

>> No.18925152

good you could do better if you were in the USA. We could offer you paperworks needed to reside or work in US or Canada

>> No.18925195

Yeah, just buy the cheap Swiss copy of PNK which is ANJ.

>> No.18925211

The annoucement happend a few days ago and since then it went up and down! No reason the same won't happen today!!!

>> No.18925225

I mean no offence but this investemnt is nothing for pussys! You need to be a real man!!!

>> No.18925355

They've made 10m+ from the january sale. You're telling me all that money's gone? It's a blatant crash grab. Not to be unexpected considering the bunch of autistc frogs running the show
Not advocating, but atleast it has some room to grow before it even reaches microcap status. Already more trading volume than PNK

>> No.18925435

It's not always about buying into a token that has potential of 10X growth!
PNK is solid and it's a perfect swing trade! Buy at 0.015 sell at 0.02 and then it goes back to 0.015 and you buy again! Simple!

>> No.18925462

They made $1.5m in the sale (in ETH) and sold out all their PNK (not the same thing).

It's really quite a simple proposal and makes complete sense in the context of the original 1b supply (which is never changing).

Classic 4chan noobs who never DTOR.

>> No.18925493

He's just mad he can't buy any because he's balls deep in ANJ!

>> No.18925820

I hold zero (0) AJN

>> No.18925859

What did you waste your money on then?

>> No.18925886

Onnly 1600 in life savings and dumps it on usless shitcoin TOPKEK

>> No.18925905


>> No.18925919
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1573663152874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean no offence but this investemnt is nothing for pussys! You need to be a real man!!!

Imagine saying this while you sweet over 1600$

>> No.18925929


>> No.18925948

WTF is this?

>> No.18925959
File: 196 KB, 1000x737, 1583605619877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 3500 of these things. i bought them in december when they were less than a penny iirc.
im waiting to see if the moon prophecy comes true. if it goes through the roof one day, i'll be laffin. if it goes to 0, i couldn't care less. its just a weird shitcoin that i bought because it had some funny memes.

>> No.18925977

Well actually it's 2k (tomorrow) you'll all see!!!

>> No.18925991

>im waiting to see if the moon prophecy comes true. if it goes through the roof one day, i'll be laffin. if it goes to 0, i couldn't care less. its just a weird shitcoin that i bought because it had some funny memes.

Even if it's a shitcoin it has enough people believing in it! 0.02$ in the next 48 hours! I am sure of it!

>> No.18926241


>> No.18926319

You did well OP

>> No.18926426


Yeah I purchased 15,000 at various dips over the last couple of months. Still at about 3/4th good trades, not that it really matters. Happy to hold my pinkies long term, if they hit a buck at some point I'll sell half, be happy and just let the rest sit forever.

>> No.18926452

Someone who gets it!

>> No.18926466

And use BitMax? LOL

>> No.18926795

Almost at 0.017$ now!!!
Lasdt chance!!!

>> No.18926900


Unironically, if you brought in at .018-.02 and don't mind waiting a little, it'll be easy to make your money back at the very least.

>> No.18926902

no it's not a good sign when the company mints 200 million pnk 5 months after they just minted 200m pnk to sell for ETH. even if the plan was always for 1b PNK to be minted it's alarming that they're doing it so quickly. use some of that ETH to pay for a listing and bounties or whatever, or use a quarter of it to buy more PNK on uniswap. why do they need to hoard all that ETH? perhaps because they know it's going to appreciate in value when ETH 2.0 launches.

no wonder so many people are selling.

>> No.18926951

Yeah like serious ANJ, is just a PNK copy. https://github.com/aragon/aragon-court/tree/e7a8e26a683884c9f0108d0f925d205fc4ff7b40
Actually it's not a exactly a PNK copy, it's a PNK copy with bugs, they can't even copy it correctly. https://blog.aragon.one/aragon-court-v1-upgrades/

>> No.18927168

Sorry but whats the point in just making your money back?
Isn't the point to EARN money???
Buy now I am telling you!!!

>> No.18927218

They don't even believe in their own token. The head dev even said it's not a store of value. It won't hit the .02 range even again.

>> No.18927307

I get that trolling is fun and all but please don't be THIS OBVIOUS about it!

>> No.18928378

do you have a FUD discord for kleros?

>> No.18929740
File: 15 KB, 271x186, PNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and pnkpilled

>PNK is solid and it's a perfect swing trade! Buy at 0.015 sell at 0.02 and then it goes back to 0.015 and you buy again! Simple!
i've noticed this too and am pretty much doing the same thing

>> No.18929773

PNK is brrr brrr

>> No.18929831

$1 eoy

>> No.18929945

They clearly stated they don't need the PNK for funding, check their transparency report, they have plenty of funds and don't need to make a sale.

The point is, they sold out of all PNK, it's used for certain things within the project.

Max supply was always 1b PNK. Getting to it quicker is bullish IMO.

How many LINK are out in the wild?