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18923182 No.18923182 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a serious discussion on this board before it descends even further into a bigger shit stain?

Let's all try to make money together rather than bitch at each other over who's holding the best bags, fuck your seething, have sex and cope comments (you all should like spoilt useless teenagers).

The BTC halving has been shilled since the start of 2020, I know semi-normies who were buying it in Jan. Crypto-focused media has been shilling it heavily for over a month.

Mass media has yet to cover much, not that I've seen anyway. I believe they'll only cover it if it pumps, they won't cover the event to cause a pump.

I personally have taken the position to sell the majority of my BTC prior to the event, the run up has done me well but my gut tells me when the majority are excited about a particular event, it's best to do the opposite of the crowd. I think there'll be an anticlimax followed by selloffs. By this point it might have pumped so far that the selloff price is still more than I sold for, but that's the risk I'm taking.

I've moved my position to ETH and will likely leave it there until significant staking news, then switch back a portion to BTC, people get more excited about the speculation during the run up to an event than they do the actual delivery.
This is just my opinion and position, I'm not shilling you to do anything.

What's your opinion and position for the BTC halving?

>> No.18923215

didnt the halvening occur in 2016, 2012, and the major pumps came a year later? i suggest a hold.

>> No.18923242
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>major pumps came a year later
I can't wait this fucking long

>> No.18923268


>> No.18923293

I opened a max 10x long futures position on BitMax with an average price of 9279. Can anyone explain to me what the fuck that means? How is a futures position different to a margin one?

>> No.18923369

Th major pump usually came a year later, but since more poeple know and have expectations about bitcoin tehre might actually be a pre 'pump-one-year-after-halving" FOMO pump before that as well. So it could start a hlaf year early.

Also I think that by this pont (unlike last time) nobody actually expects BTC to pump immediately after halving so the 'halving dump' is just a bobo attempt to make their wish a reality by telling people it will

>> No.18923411

stop this non sense mental gymnastic
it's 50/50

>> No.18923450

i wouldnt know man. id probably have to go to the library basement and dig out the old charts or something

>> No.18923469

Isn't mental gymnastics how you improve?

Everyone knows history, I'm just curious what your opinions and positions are.

On the year after aspect, I still think that'll happen, but I also believe there's opportunities between then given how different the crypto landscape is compared to the past.

>> No.18923570

I don't think mass media will cover it even if it pumps. They got a lot of shit for 2017 by retards accusing them of tricking said retards into buying late '17. There were even lawsuits over it (though they got thrown out)

>> No.18923574

>I personally have taken the position to sell the majority of my BTC prior to the event, the run up has done me well but my gut tells me when the majority are excited about a particular event, it's best to do the opposite of the crowd. I think there'll be an anticlimax followed by selloffs. By this point it might have pumped so far that the selloff price is still more than I sold for, but that's the risk I'm taking.
>I've moved my position to ETH and will likely leave it there until significant staking news, then switch back a portion to BTC, people get more excited about the speculation during the run up to an event than they do the actual delivery.
This is just my opinion and position, I'm not shilling you to do anything.
doing this kind of predictions is just stupid cause it's 50/50 at the end of the day
all you should do is balancing portfolio based on the risk/reward and use a very minimal TA with resistance/support levels, not trying to catch batterflies and short term 50/50 trends based on what "you think"
there is a much more accurate indicator to see people emotions and it's the BTC fear/greed index
if you want to make money, combine:
>fear/greed index (buy extreme fear and sell extreme greed, always works, because you are picking up the extreme points)
>basic TA resistance/support levels (20% importance, just to find moments where you should rebalance the portfolio)
>risk management, open an excel sheet and cap your risk/reward by allocating percentage of btc/eth/shitcoins

>> No.18923603

>muh year lag
Price increase will be faster this time because of the hype
NOT priced in

>> No.18923628

how high will the price go tho

>> No.18923644


>> No.18923650

This is good advice, I don't care about TA, but the risk management and fear/greed I like, cheers anon.

Maybe I'm asking the question wrong when saying opinions and positions.

How have you adjusted your holdings for risk/reward management and why? Are you saying your decisions off of the factors you mentioned? Just curious more than anything.

>> No.18923710

>Google search "btc halving" through the roof
>Google search "day trading" through the roof
>"Oh wow halving = big pump"
>"Karen let's put some money in Btc it will moon on monday!! hehe"
>Total long across exchange: 70%

>> No.18923723

>this time
aaaa this time the bubble won't pop! this time will be different!

>> No.18923772

yeh the difference is that after this halvening the difficulty of mining will make mining obsolete, so wheres the store value. Also, brainlet statement

>major pumps came a year after previous halvenings

The assumption that history will continue repeat itself cyclically is so fucking stupid I cant even express.

>> No.18923783

I‘m extremely bullish on BTC long term because of it‘s fundamentals and the upcoming financial crisis, halving and the start of the financial meltdown Is perfectly timed, it‘s almost to perfect like there is anyone behind it.

We‘ll face a major dump tho after the halving to shake normies out.

My semi normie friends know about the halving but don‘t understand bitcoin, they will sell immediately if it doesn‘t pump into oblivion, after this one dump it’ll start and we‘ll see BTC sooner or later pump into oblivion.

I don‘t know when the pump start, I‘m guessing around August/ September we‘ll see massive price action and BTC could reach highs we can‘t imagine because of the devaluation of the $.

One thing to note is that BTC will soon have less inflation than $, also the industry is now to big, major exchanges won‘t let bitcoin die, blockchain is here to stay and Bitcoin will be always the most important one like google.

But if there is anything which makes me doubt than it is all about the upcoming financial crisis, when it begins things will get interesting.

>> No.18923787 [DELETED] 
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The secret /biz/ server link is discord gg g2zqCW
We will interview Sergey Nazarov this week, join....

>> No.18923798

everyone expects moon or crash so it will crab.

>> No.18923840

some people really do stupid ting. I know this guy who put $1000 in BTC a fwe months ago because poeple told him it'd be good, and sold at a loss like 2 weeks later because "his money was getting less all the time while on there"

>> No.18923869

>I personally have taken the position to sell the majority of my BTC prior to the event

>I've moved my position to ETH

just lol

>> No.18923884

Yes they are called normies for a reason, the only thing I‘m buying this year with my crypto gains are new tits for wife lol

I‘ve made so much fucking money and the fuck I won‘t cash out

>> No.18923949

>How have you adjusted your holdings for risk/reward management and why? Are you saying your decisions off of the factors you mentioned? Just curious more than anything.
usually i have 75/80% in BTC because it's the safest choice
since ETH keeps bleeding I have some levels in which i will rebalance and buy some more ETH, e.g. if ETH hits 0.02 BTC and more if it will reach 0.017. If ETH-BTC pair will skyrocket I will sell ETH for BTC instead.
10% maximum for the latest and greatest pump and dump (so 10% for risky investments, but not holding, so BTC holding drops from 80 to 70 temporarily, i flip some sats, and then back immediately to 80)
ETH stable around 20/25%
works best for me, basically the less risky chunk is the biggest, ETH medium risk, pump and dumps like PNK 10% (and then switched back to BTC immediately for the next shitcoin scam)

>> No.18923976

My thinking is similar to you

the demos entering the market over the last few years are young ignorant bears IMO thats exactly who is filling up the 606 disclosures for robinhood and their ilk.

dumb money feeds 2sigma etc..

>> No.18923978
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based af

>> No.18923987

>who's holding the best bags, fuck your seething, have sex and cope comments (you all should like spoilt useless teenagers)
Your post is an example.

At least follow it up with an opinion that justifies your sentiment and not just a one sentence brain dead reply.

Also, let's not turn it entirely into an ETH thread, it's a BTC halving positions/opinions thread.

>> No.18924031

Then why did the governments of Iran and Ukraine just set up massive mining operations? Maybe mining is only becoming obsolete for a subsection of private mining corps...

>> No.18924047

there are institutions in place willing to take a loss with a big enough cushion to establish control

rockerfeller anyone?

>> No.18924090

Basically I'd be with you - everyone is waiting for BTC to explode after the halvening, which alone is a major factor why it isn't going to happen a 3rd time. The expectation is already priced in, normies already bought.

But: The massive drop in march probably caused gigantic fear, especially among normies who thought they'd lose it all again like back in 2017 when they bought at 20k. Now after the corona shakeout they're watching on the sidelines waiting for another shot to get in before the halvening, but realize that the corona shakeout would have been that golden opportunity. The fear/greed index is still neutral and there is quite some room left for serious Fomo. If we manage to get above 20k once again somehow, mass media will jump on the bandwagon again and the road to 100k is open. If we stay below 10k, things look pretty bleak imho.

>> No.18924093

>they will sell immediately if it doesn‘t pump into oblivion

and that will be end of the digital tulip mania

>> No.18924103


first a bubble, then crash. a classic pattern based on human psychology rather than abstract memelines

>> No.18924106

Ah right so it's usually a 20% ETH, 80% BTC portfolio, but if you see a pump opportunity for a quick risk/reward you take 10% to swing? Every time I try to swing short term trades I get very stressed and make stupid decisions.

Seems like a good approach for a portfolio strategy.

>> No.18924171
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Where do you get this meter from? I found one showing neutral right now. And considering that last moth it was extreme fear, shouldn't the momentum push the price up until it reaches extreme greed? maybe I'm reading it wrong.

>> No.18924179

>the road to 100k is open

lmao. how about tulips hitting 100k? the logic is exactly the same

even the guarantee that there will be only this many coins does not make it worth anything.

bitcoin is nothing but a ticker traded for tether on binance. just accept reality as it is.

the bounce from 3k back to 9k is solely because of binance. it should be called the binance bubble

now fuck off

>> No.18924195

The truth is, not many care about BTC. It's only a matter of time until ALTS decouple from its autism. You're seeing this with Link and Tezos. ARPA has done amazingly well. So, I'd accumulate ARPA before main net.

>> No.18924234


pre-mined shitcoins? poker chips have more "value" lmao

>> No.18924284

>shouldn't the momentum push the price up until it reaches extreme greed?
no, it can go up and down any time
it's a combination of lagging indicators, but it's pretty accurate, when BTC was at 6.3k everybody was screaming for the next big dump, bobos all over the place, but the indicator was on extreme fear already, so i bought 2 more BTC...
neutral means "let it run"
accumulate below 20, sell above 80

>> No.18924344

>Every time I try to swing short term trades I get very stressed and make stupid decisions
last time i did it with solana (50k tps on layer 1), bought the auction at 0.22 cents, sold at 0.70 during first day of binance listing
same for pnk (shilled from vitalik himself), bought the pre-sale, sold with some nice gain
i don't do this very often, maybe 2/3 times per year, only after studying the coin/team/docs and looking at a fair price evaluation
if you see posts shilling the next scam all over biz, it's already too late
be careful with obvious scams (hex, ghost, etc.). They might pump but they are 100% scam, so it's really too risky, i stay away from these ones

>> No.18924592

Lmao. Dump it.

>> No.18924698
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>> No.18925554

while I don't disagree, you have to keep in mind that in general it's mostly longs anyways

>> No.18925892

maybe they not mining BTC dum dum, many coins are PoW

>> No.18925999
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My 2 sats about the halving:

When the halving happens and the weeks that follow: not much, perhaps a bit of increased volatility due to the hype, but overall it will be just barts that overall don't move the price anywhere.

Then an exponential bull run, that will start very slowly at first, gradually picking up speed and culminate around 2 years from now.