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File: 89 KB, 635x866, schwartz_on_religion_part_two.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18917469 No.18917469 [Reply] [Original]

plus he answered about 30 other different questions
What the fuck is wrong with him? Shouldnt he be doing work on XRP?

>> No.18917501

The only work being done on XRP is the monthly dump.

>> No.18918103

Yeah he's wrong though. Plenty of people know next to nothing about actual scientific methodology, yet will eagerly solicit their "scientific" opinions (usually just political ideology "backed up by science") so they can show everyone how knowledgeable and educated they are in virtue signalling for the status quo, essentially advertising their allegiance to their in-group. In this way, people do think about science in the same way schwartz claims they think about religious ideas.

>> No.18918116

Manic adderall use

>> No.18919398

he's not wrong, science has turned into a religion. and you are a heretic if you disagree with the priests of science.

>> No.18919422

>Shouldnt he be doing work on XRP?
realistically tho...how much "work" is it to press the sell button a few times a day?

>> No.18919431

Shouldn't you be yelling at Sirgay not to dump 700k on you every day?

>> No.18919590

What do you disagree about?

>> No.18919602

The answer to the question is a simple yes, he must be real insecure if he had to type all that crap out

>> No.18919751
File: 92 KB, 576x747, 20111010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He almost had something going there until he fell into the exact logical trap he was warning about

>Hurr durr kids so dumb and naive, they believe in science when they can't independently verify any good reason to believe in it
>Why do people believe in God if they can't independently verify a good reason to believe in it, only trusting in axioms they believe about the nature of the universe
>Believe in science that you can never have enough knowledge to independently verify yourself, trust in axioms you believe about the nature of the universe

>No one believes in science as a kind of group membership
Har-dee har-har,
Climate change
Nuclear power
Interpretations of quantum mechanics
The whole field of Sociology
Biology as it relates to human ethnicity

Modern western humans are basically like Dwarves, advanced in their attainment of craft and engineering, but lacking much of any real foundational understanding of the world/universe
Using their tools and machinery to build lesser gods

>> No.18919985 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1080x1440, billgates2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUDs you with the Bible

>> No.18920015

xrp ruined my life

>> No.18920191

>Typed this all out
25wpm typelet detected

>> No.18920234

Lol what a faggot imagine trying to reason if God exists instead of just accepting it.

>> No.18921278

This. I love taking Adderall and writing. I mostly end up shitposting on biz though. You guys absolutely need to know about Kleros desu n

>> No.18921603

>How dare he express his thoughts

>> No.18921737

someone post the fake joe rogan interview with shwartz

>> No.18921756
File: 19 KB, 499x263, zero doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple execs are very good at shitposting